Just as an update, ralfdude90 hasn't responded to my VM and hasn't been online since April 11th. This is a preliminary activity call, though I'll be continuing to try to reach out to him.
I already answered your message. I was in São Paulo since Wednesday. I apologize for not answering before but I hope you understand.
Contacted Felipe Ide, but he hasn't responded. I'm assuming he was at the Brazil IC, however time is running short.
Won 2-0 vs Raikoo in one good game and one haxfest. GGs regardless. Honor to play with one of my favorite VGC competitors. We in top boys!
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blarajan I'd like to apologize for the late notice, but it may be best for me and LJDarkrai to have an extension.

If you look at my profile, LJDarkrai mentioned that he's working for in IC in Sao Paulo, so April 24th was his only chance. He hasn't been on since Tuesday, so I imagine he's been super busy, doing something a lot more important than me at least!
Felipe Ide still hasn't responded to my post on his wall, I'm going to have to ask for an activity call, as I have things I need to do tonight, and he's had ample time since sao paulo to post.


I would like an extension. I was busy last week working at the Brazilian's International and i still did not have the chance to find a better time to schedule with theorymon.
My opponent has been really inconsistent with responding to my messages. We were supposed to play tonight, but they didn't show up.

EDIT: I can provide PM's if needed.
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Felipe Ide v. Xloudman
Player One1 v. FlamingVictini
Theorymon v. LJDarkrai

you guys get extensions until 4/29 @ 11:59PM est

i'm going to put up team submission for top cut soon (don't worry, first round of cut will not lock you for rest of tournament, i'll explain how we're doing it)

unfortunately we're going to have 65 people so two of the x-2s will have to play another set

thanks for lasting with me this long, and congrats to everybody who made cut! hope you have enjoyed the tournament so far

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