Old Monsters in a New World. An OU Rain Dance team.

Ok I would firstly like to start with introducing myslef and my competetive history. I always like to be quirky in everything I do and do it my way unless convinced otherwise, and I think being different is important to add a bit of colour to an otherwise bland world (BTW. I cannot add pictures as I'm on an IPad). This thought process has transcended to my teams which I have made with an OU trick room sand team peaking at the low 1500's which was very impressive and more recently an OU team centred around dragon dance scrafty reaching the high 1200's. however being sporadic means I get bored easily, so this is my new team.

Having experience with trick room I learnt about timing when to twist the dimensions at the right time and being unpredictable. So I thought, why not try rain dance? Not only is it similar in the sense I have to do it manually but I also benefit from all those damn toads in OU on PO. so without further a due this is my team.


Dragonite @ Choice Band
Trait: MultiScale
EV's: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Nature : Adamant
Fire punch

If the opponent has a weather inducer that isn't toed this is my lead. Superpower destroys tyranitar. Earthquake destroys ninetales but if it has air ballon then it could be annoying but if that's the case outrage, and fire punch destroys the snowman, and with mulitscale he can survive and ice type attack. However I'm tempted to run a mixed set to get passed the hippowdon.


Tornados @ Damp Rock
Triat: Prankster
Ev's: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4HP
Nature: Timid
Rain dance
Focus Blast
U Turn

Here is my first inducer and abuser. With the rain I can fire off hurricanes with no remorse and having decent coverage alongside focus blast he can dent the opposing teams fairly well. And u turn is to get one of my swift swimmers in and keep momentum which I do lose when having to set up rain dance. Although with my practice with trick room this shouldn't be much of a problem.


Raikou @ Air Ballon
Trait: Pressure
EV's: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Nature: Rash
Rain Dance
Aura Sphere
Weather ball

Ok I have replaced bronzong for a decent thunder abuser and a back up mon if dragonite cannot take down the opposing weather inducers, thunder is to abuse the rain and to smash up opposing rain teams HP ice is to round of the great coverage and aura sphere is to smash pokemon weak to it like TTar however with t he addition of this beast I Ming t consider using salamenace as a lead as he has a higher special attack and could pack hydro pump to take down hippowdon. I have gotten rid of HP Ice for weather ball to abuse rain even further and as his main role is take down ninetales the hippo and the trex all of which won't want to take a rain boosted 100 BP water move and the snowman won't take arua sphere lightly either and rounding it all of is th powerful thunder abuse.


Espeon @ Leftovers
Trait: Magic Bounce
EV's: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Nature: Bold
Calm Mind
Baton Pass
Stored Power

Ok this may need some explaining but the idea is to switch in on an obvious hazard mon like tentacruel of ferrothron and set up set up a sub to scout. From their I either baton pass my sub or set up calm mind. If the later is possible I set up a few calm minds and then hopefully with my sub still in tact at the time I baton pass to kingdra and go for the sweep.


Kingdra @ Damp Rock
Triat: Swift Swim
Nature: Timid
EV's: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Rain Dance
Hidden Power Fire
Dragon Pulse

With hopefully an intact sub this set will hurt like no tomorrow. His two STABs alone has great synergy both offensively and defensively. But the idea is to get a few boosts from espeon then fire of rain dance and then sweep. He has above average bulk for a sweeper and with a few boosts and huge speed should be able to just plow through weakened teams. Surf and dragon pulse is chosen for reliability and HP fire is to decimate ferrothron, which with a few boosts even in rain should fry the thing, and it is the one common pokemon in ou which resists his STAB combination.


Kabutops @ Life Orb
Trait: Swift Swim
Nature : Adamant
EV's: 252 Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
Stone edge
X Scissor

The beast is my second abuser with great coverage and huge amounts of power and brilliant speed he should be able to damage a fair few things before going down. Although despite having a great coverage and speed priority does hurt him especially mach punch and bullet punch waterfall if the general go to move because of STAB plus rain plus life orb plus huge attack stat.

Thank you for taking your time to read this RMT it is far from perfect but the whole idea is to showcase that rain is still viable even with drizzle politoed, and I don't have much experience with rain, this is where I need help to iron out the flaws and make this whole team run smoothier.

I feel like I should use thunder somewhere, perhaps replacing dragonite with Riakou? It is ok at being an anti weather inducer with aura sphere and the bolt beam combo and weather ball. He also has decent speed.

Lastly I play competitively on PO so item clause is no problem.
Hello Rosez66 Nice Team you got There.I would Add Pictures to this.It helps Pull people to you RMT.First of all on Dnite i would recommend Taking of Fire Punch For Extremespeed.You also have Superpower and it KO Abomasnow.Also a Blizzard from Choice Scarf Abomasnow has a 75% to KO your Dnite Set.By Running 140 Special Defense and 112 Speed you can live a blizzard and K0 abomasnow Back.Although you will die from hail you will get there Abomasnow out the way.At the same time you OutRun all of the TTar can can KO them with Superpower.

On Kingdra i will take out HP Fire and change it to Ice Beam.I can see you use HP Fire to kill Ferrothorn ,but in rain it just weakens them.Its your choice though because if rain is not up its a great surprise at.

Well thats all i got. Good luck With your Team (=
My comments in bold. :)

Dragonite @ Choice Band
Trait: MultiScale
EV's: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Nature : Adamant
Fire punch

If you want to run a mixed set, you could always go expert belt because it increases damage while maintain multiscale (unlike life orb) and you can perhaps even fake a choice item. E/Q will still OHKO Ninetales, and of course, fire punch will still OHKO Abomasnow. Additionally, Life Orb won't get you to a guaranteed OHKO on tyranitar if it's holding a Chople berry, but it will break your multiscale, meaning he'll easily OHKO you with stone edge at -1 defense.

Also keep in mind that Dragonite is not really fast, especially without running jolly nature, so Ninetales could probably outspeed and burn you before you get a chance to E/Q.

If you do go mixed, you might want to just go Draco Meteor over outrage. That way, it'll be your only special move meaning the SAtk drop won't affect anything but that move. Unfortunately, it has virtually no chance to OHKO bulky Hippowdon, even at 252 SAtk EVs with +SAtk nature and life orb.

But honestly, there's probably nothing you can really do to cover all the bases. I wouldn't really worry about Hippo, since it's so much less common than Tar, plus Kingdra should be able to deal with it and it has rain dance anyway. So maybe keep choice band.

Tornados @ Damp Rock
Triat: Prankster
Ev's: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4HP
Nature: Timid
Rain dance
Focus Blast
U Turn

This looks good

Bronzong @ Damp Rock
Trait: Levitate
Ev's: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 Def
IV's: 0 Spe
Nature: Brave
Rain dance
Gyro Ball
Stealth Rock

I've never liked attacking Bronzong mainly because he's setup fodder regardless of what he does, and especially here because you're on a timer with the temporary rain. Thus, Bronzong's job should be very specialized to get in, pull his shenanigans, and get out. He can't even abuse the rain except to mitigate his fire weakness so attacking is better left to others so you can give him more of a specialized role, such as stealth rock and dual screens or toxic-ing stuff. Even more than that, he wants to be as bulky as possible especially considering he doesn't have leftovers, because he wants to be able to tank as many hits as possible so he can come in to set up rain as many times as possible.

Espeon @ Leftovers
Trait: Magic Bounce
EV's: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Nature: Bold
Calm Mind
Baton Pass
Stored Power

This looks good.

Kingdra @ Damp Rock
Triat: Swift Swim
Nature: Timid
EV's: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Rain Dance
Hidden Power Fire
Dragon Pulse

Honestly, get rid of HP Fire. Even at +6 special attack, it's not even a guaranteed KO on specially defensive ferro in the rain, so by using it you're just asking get t-waved. Speed from swift swim is Kingdra's biggest selling point so if it gets t-waved it loses most of its usefulness. I'd just go life orb with Hydro Pump, Draco Meteor, Ice Beam, and either surf or dragon pulse. It needs the coverage and power especially, again, considering you're on a timer, so you want to deal as much damage in as little time as possible. Leave the rain dancing to others so Kingdra doesn't have to waste a turn, since it's not exactly bulky defensively, and leave Ferro-killing to Tornadus which doesn't mind t-wave thanks to prankster and can deal tons of damage to Ferro with focus blast. If you give Tornadus a positive nature, it's focus blast has a pretty good chance to OHKO even the most specially bulky Ferros.

Kabutops @ Life Orb
Trait: Swift Swim
Nature : Adamant
EV's: 252 Atk/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
Stone edge
X Scissor

You might consider Swords dance on there somewhere, since it only uses up one of your eight turns of rain and instantly doubles this guy's attack. Also, go low kick or brick break over superpower. You'll appreciate not needing to switch after the attack drop from it, and as a bonus he gets to break any screens that the opponent has up that would otherwise waste turns. Or you could go low kick. You might also consider throwing Aqua Jet over X scissor since it only really covers you against Slowbro who will be tanking the hit either way until you get +2, and with aqua jet, you have something to do after rain ends. In the rain, you can outspeed opposing priority users and hit them before they hit you, maybe even foiling a sucker punch in the process.

You should definitely look for a place to put thunder since you're walled to a great extent by bulky waters, and actually Dnite can learn it if you choose to make him mixed.

Also, if you agree with my thoughts about Kingdra but you want three rain dancers, you can always give Espeon rain dance over, say, stored power, since he doesn't have to worry about taunt thanks to magic bounce.