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Appeals + PS Admin

Art by IoSonoNeon
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Playoffs | Finals
Information Thread | Roster | Schedule | Standings | Replays
There are 8 teams this year. Each team will have have 8 players and at least 4 subs. The players are bought using the 100k credits that managers receive during the auction. Managers and co-managers will be allowed to purchase themselves as players for their team at a fixed price of 13.5k. The managers must inform the hosts (berry, UT, and Vertigo) of all self purchases before the beginning of the auction. Teams can win their matchup every week by winning 5 of the 8 matches that their players have to play.
The tier lineup this year is as follows:​
  • SV Almost Any Ability
  • SV Balanced Hackmons
  • SV STABmons
  • SV Mix and Mega
  • SV Godly Gift
  • SV Partners in Crime
  • SV Inheritance
  • Best of Three (AAA / STAB / MnM)
It is recommended to play all games on SmogTours in the most current version of the format corresponding to those listed above. Games can be played on the Pokemon Showdown main server, but run higher risk of interference from server restarts/crashes. The result between players may be decided in a best-of-one or best-of-three at the discretion of both players involved. If there is no agreement, the result will decided in a Bo1 by default.​
Winning a round rewards a team with 2 points, drawing 1 point, and losing zero points. In addition, the manner in which the round has been won will also be recorded i.e. the difference between a team's wins and losses in a specific week's round (referred to as "Win Differential").​
Each team will play one another for seven weeks. Based on the final standings, the top 4 teams will enter a Playoffs Round to determine the teams appearing in the finals.​

In the event of two teams being tied for a spot in the finals based on points and win differential, or a tie in the final round itself, we will have a tiebreaker round(s).​

Tiebreaker Rules: Both teams submit four strike choices, ranked. The hosts process both lists at the same time until we end up with three metas (if both of them strike the same meta at some point) or more likely, four unstruck metas. If there are four, the hosts randomly pick three of the four for tiebreaker.​

Substitutes are to be used in the case of extenuating circumstances, whether on the first day of the week, or the last. At the same time, players should be relatively well-aware of who all are available to play in the opponent's camp. If last minute substitutes are being frequently used or abused and the hosts find explanations unsatisfactory, the hosts still reserve the right to veto them. In order to further prevent this being the case teams are only granted a maximum of two substitutes per week. Any substitutions after the second will be vetoed.​

The hosts have decided to not include trades this year due to reasons outlined in this thread - all roster decisions will be final, so draft carefully!​

Scheduling should be done on Smogon Profile walls, plain and simple:​
  • If there is communication on only one user's behalf, the win will go to them. Feel free to call activity in this thread beforehand
  • If there is a very healthy back and forth regarding potential times and one user is a no-show, a manager may take the opportunity to sub out the no-show competitor; if this is not done, the user that showed up responsibly will be awarded the win.
TL;DR: Post on your opponent's Smogon wall, schedule your matches, and be reliable. If you can't play for any reason, let your manager know so they can sub you out ASAP.​

Exhibitions of unsportsmanlike conduct with regards to the Other Metagame Premier League will be met with an infraction at the discretion of the OMPL host/OM mods. This is unlikely to include interactions within a team's private chat unless there is reason found to make an exception. This rule is meant to protect other users from being publicly flamed/bashed/provoked by another competitor for the duration of and following the tournament.​
All players must complete their matches by the given deadline. Any incomplete matches by that time will be subject to an activity decision (MAKE SURE YOU POST ON YOUR OPPONENT'S WALL); otherwise, it will be a deadgame. All matches should ideally be done on your most notable alt (the one you registered for OMPL with) to avoid confusion and all match replays must be saved and posted in this thread.​

Substitutions & Lineups
Managers, if you wish to make any substitutions, you must post here tagging both the player you're subbing out, the player you're subbing in, the manager and assistant manager of the opposing team, the substitute's opponent, and all of the hosts. This is to assure that everyone is in-the-loop and that the OP is updated accordingly to reflect the new match-up.​
Managers, when you send in lineups, please send it in with the tier and Smogon username of each player fully written out for ease of transcription, following these guidelines exactly.​

:walking-wake:Walking Wokes [5] - [2] Soul-Stealing Seven-Star Solgaleos :solgaleo:
AAA: Kinetic vs Lana
BH: Chessking345 vs aerobee
GG: Stories vs tier
Inh: pannu vs Dr. Phd. BJ
MnM: Redflix vs Icemaster
PiC: Evie vs DeepFriedMagikarp
STAB: Fissure vs Fc
Bo3: Jrdn vs xavgb

First meta in Bo3 is STAB!

11:00 PM (GMT -4) on Sunday, July 28th

:walking-wake:Walking Wokes [0] - [0] Soul-Stealing Seven-Star Solgaleos :solgaleo:
AAA: Kinetic vs Lana
BH: Chessking345 vs aerobee
GG: Stories vs tier
Inh: pannu vs Dr. Phd. BJ
MnM: Redflix vs Icemaster
PiC: Evie vs DeepFriedMagikarp
STAB: Fissure vs Fc
Bo3: Jrdn vs xavgb
Last edited:
:walking-wake:Walking Wokes [7] - [1] Soul-Stealing Seven-Star Solgaleos :solgaleo:
AAA: Kinetic vs Lana
BH: Chessking345 vs aerobee
GG: Stories vs tier
Inh: pannu vs Dr. Phd. BJ
MnM: Redflix vs Icemaster
PiC: Evie vs DeepFriedMagikarp
STAB: Fissure vs Fc
Bo3: Jrdn vs xavgb
:walking-wake:Walking Wokes [4] - [4] Soul-Stealing Seven-Star Solgaleos :solgaleo:
AAA: Kinetic vs Lana
BH: Chessking345 vs aerobee
GG: Stories vs tier
Inh: pannu vs Dr. Phd. BJ
MnM: Redflix vs Icemaster
PiC: Evie vs DeepFriedMagikarp
STAB: Fissure vs Fc
Bo3: Jrdn vs xavgb

The Wokes agree to the bo7 ghosting tiebreaker, while the SSSSS reject it again, and in a corrupt fit of rage at their cowardice I declare the Wokes the winners of OMPL XII
Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between, the oracle has spoken with unwavering certainty: the :Solgaleo: SSSSS shall secure a decisive 8-0 victory. The outcome is set, as the rules are immutable. Congratulations to :Solgaleo: SSSSS, and heartfelt thanks to all for participating. GGs to everyone!

:walking-wake:Walking Wokes [0] - [8] Soul-Stealing Seven-Star Solgaleos :solgaleo:
AAA: Kinetic vs Lana Lana's unparalleled skill in Pokémon arises from her profound tactical insight, vast experience, relentless dedication, analytical brilliance, and vibrant community involvement.
BH: Chessking345 vs aerobee Aerobeeeee prevails over Cheeseking due to his superior mastery in Pure Hackmons, which outshines the strategies of Balanced Hackmons.
GG: Stories vs tier Tier the GOAT triumphs over Stories, leveraging his unparalleled expertise in Anything Goes and benefiting from the top-tier team I provided him this time.
Inh: pannu vs Dr. Phd. BJ Dr. PhD BJ prevails over Pannu, leveraging his scholarly discipline and well-rounded life, while Pannu's Genshin Impact focus lacks competitive edge.
MnM: Redflix vs Icemaster Ricemaster triumphs over Redflix, his victory assured by an extraordinary streak of luck that consistently tilts the scales in his favor.
PiC: Evie vs DeepFriedMagikarp DFM triumphs over Evie, skillfully securing victory with a delicious strategy by deep frying a Magikarp, showcasing both uniqueness and decisiveness.
STAB: Fissure vs FC clinches victory over Fissure by technicality, as Fissure's OHKO status renders it illegal in STABmons, securing the win for FC.
Bo3: Jrdn vs xavgb Stresh's victory over Jrdn is assured due to his status as an old-school GOAT, bringing unmatched expertise, timeless strategy, and seasoned experience.

Note: this was created by AI so don't be mad at me :p
:walking-wake:Walking Wokes [5] - [3] Soul-Stealing Seven-Star Solgaleos :solgaleo:
AAA: Kinetic vs Lana - I am the biggest Lana believer but kinetic has had a better tour and the wokes have a stronger AAA lineup
BH: Chessking345 vs aerobee - please give me custom team...
GG: Stories vs tier - stronger gg slot
Inh: pannu vs Dr. Phd. BJ - Mainer vs Clicker round idk how many. Unfortunately pannu is good at the game and I must bold them
MnM: Redflix vs Icemaster - this will be an exciting watch, both are extremely talented players but gut says ice has the edge
PiC: Evie vs DeepFriedMagikarp - on gut I think she is the stronger player
STAB: Fissure vs Fc - fissure will get fisshed
Bo3: Jrdn vs xavgb - stresh
:walking-wake: Walking Wokes [4] - [4] Soul-Stealing Seven-Star Solgaleos :solgaleo:
AAA: Kinetic vs Lana
BH: Chessking345 vs aerobee: Yknow wouldve loved if chess played in w7 vs aero so id have a easier time picking between the two of them but unfortunately didnt, but i think im confident enough in saying i think chessking will win this and heres why, while Aero does have the better record at 5-3 that is mostly because of chess not playing in week 5 and week 7. Another thing is that Chess has beaten both players who Aero lost to (TTTech and Ivar) while aero only beat Sevag who Chess lost to, but the main thing i think will be the main reason aero will lost is due to their teams and frequentely using a specific pokemon/core which gives chess a lot more valuable information in scouting, Chess also has been pretty versatile throughout, using almost completely different pokemon bar a couple of similarities ofc. in my heart cheering for the fellow ultra necro enjoyer tho
GG: Stories vs tier
Inh: pannu vs Dr. Phd. BJ: Greatest Inh Player.
MnM: Redflix vs Icemaster
PiC: Evie vs DeepFriedMagikarp
STAB: Fissure vs Fc
Bo3: Jrdn vs xavgb
If it does go to tiebreaks i think the tiers chosen would be Mnm, Stab, bo3/bh and SSSSS would win.

:walking-wake:Walking Wokes [0] - [8] Soul-Stealing Seven-Star Solgaleos :solgaleo:
AAA: Kinetic vs Lana
BH: Chessking345 vs aerobee ph person is gonna pull it off again with unwallable unec set the 739th
GG: Stories vs tier
Inh: pannu vs Dr. Phd. BJ
MnM: Redflix vs Icemaster
PiC: Evie vs DeepFriedMagikarp
STAB: Fissure vs Fc
Bo3: Jrdn vs xavgb (this is never getting played but might as well)

one hundred percent unbiased predicts (source: trust me bro)
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