ORAS General Discussion - Mark 2 - Spoilers Inside

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I recall reading there were some spaces alongside the new Mega Stones. They could have taken the megas off in case of datamining, but that's the most optimistic outcome.


Eventide (art by @kzhjp)
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Slashmolder said that there's a lot of data missing from the demo since it's only 150 MB in size.

There might be more in the actual game.
Alright, concluding that 3.08 is tailwind. Talonflame gets 6 tutor moves. 3.02, 3.05, 3.08, 3.13, 4.12, 4.14. It's not one of the 4's because pangoro gets both 4.12 and 4.14. It's not 3.05 since zekrom gets tailwind and not 3.05. It's not 3.13 because tornadus gets tailwind and not 3.13. And finally, it's not 3.02 because virizion gets 3.02 and not tailwind.

inb4 pangoro gets tailwind

Nvm, heatmor can't learn tailwind but gets 4.12 and 4.14. 3.08 is tailwind.
if you mean the xy megas will probably be in, sure


I would be incredibly surprised if there were more megas in the full game.
Take a step back and look at everything that is in here that they did not bother to hide.
There could very well be more megas they didn't code into it. They did not give much data towards Hoopa's form, and they could have just cut it off there. Why they would do that, I don't know, but as of now there could be more megas. We just don't know.
Index: 825 - Beedrill-M Stats: 65/150/40/15/80/145 Type: Bug/Poison Catchrate: 45 Stage: 3

I am a hundred percent impressed they did that.

Congrats, Game Freak. Now fix MegaHoopa.
Remember, "Mega" Hoopa is probably not a Mega. Unique level up movepool. The fact that it can hold a Choice Scarf probably fixed it by itself.
Slashmolder said that there's a lot of data missing from the demo since it's only 150 MB in size.

There might be more in the actual game.
If they scrubbed anything, presumably it's all the actual models and stuff for things not in the demo

but the fact all of the data for pokemon, moves, most of the trainers, megas...
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