Genesect's high base Special Attack, coupled with Download and a plethora of strong coverage options such as Flash Cannon, Flamethrower, and Thunderbolt, makes it a terrifying threat that handles top-tier Pokemon like Kyurem-B, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Metagross, and Mega Gyarados. Genesect's decent Speed tier allows it to run a Choice Scarf set, meaning it can beat faster Pokemon like Greninja and Garchomp with Fire-type coverage. It struggles to pick between its many coverage options, though, and Genesect's severe Fire weakness gives it popular counters like Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Heatran, and Victini. Pokemon with equal base defenses such as Manaphy threaten it, as they can invest a mere 4 EVs in Special Defense to deny Download a Special Attack boost. Moreover, Genesect faces stiff competition from other Steel-types like Mega Mawile and Mega Metagross, as they have more bulk and cover even more threats.
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Bug Buzz
move 2: Flash Cannon
move 3: Thunderbolt / Ice Beam
move 4: Ice Beam / Flamethrower
item: Choice Specs
ability: Download
nature: Modest
evs: 40 HP / 208 Def / 100 SpA / 160 Spe
Set Description
With Download and a Modest nature, Genesect can deal with many foes such as Kyurem-B, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Slowbro, and Mega Metagross. Thunderbolt is Genesect’s preferred coverage move, letting it handle Mega Gyarados. Ice Beam hits Garchomp and Landorus-T, which otherwise wall this set. Flamethrower can be run for opposing Steel-types like Mega Metagross and Registeel.
40 HP and 208 Defense EVs provide Genesect with good physical bulk, with it surviving a Close Combat from Choice Band Terrakion. 160 Speed EVs allow Genesect to outspeed Gyarados and Smeargle. Alternatively, Genesect can run 44 HP / 136 SpA / 144 SpD / 184 Spe with a Timid nature to survive a Hyper Beam from Choice Specs Porygon-Z, outspeed it, and 2HKO it.
Strategy and Support
Avoid sending Genesect in against stall Pokemon like Mega Sableye, special walls like Chansey, and faster powerhouses like Greninja, as it lacks the tools to deal with them. It's best to not send Genesect into Mega Mawile in case it's running Metal Burst. Use Genesect against other wallbreakers like Kyurem-B, Mega Gyarados, and Hoopa-U, as it can use its bulk to survive a hit and at least 2HKO them. There are many Pokemon that can lure Genesect in and hit it with Fire-type coverage, like Hidden Power Fire Porygon-Z or Meloetta and Fire Blast Togekiss, so Genesect should be cautious about these Pokemon. Taunt Mega Gyarados is an excellent partner to beat roadblocks to Genesect, including stall Pokemon like Chansey and Fire-types like Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y. In return, Genesect can handle offensive Pokemon like Mega Gardevoir, Choice Specs Hoopa-U, Serperior, and Mega Diancie. Mega Charizard X complements Genesect, dealing with opposing Steel-types like Mega Mawile and Magnezone. In return, Genesect can deal with Pokemon like Mega Gyarados and Mega Tyranitar. Mega Diancie can take on some of Genesect's biggest counters: Mega Sableye and Fire-types like Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, and Victini. In return, Genesect can handle Ground-types like Garchomp and Landorus-T.
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Flash Cannon
move 2: Bug Buzz
move 3: Flamethrower / Ice Beam
move 4: Ice Beam / Thunderbolt
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Download
nature: Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Set Description
Use Genesect's wide coverage and boosted Speed to KO and outspeed foes like Kyurem-B and Greninja. Bug Buzz notably handles Substitute users like Whimsicott and Deoxys-S. The slashed coverage moves cover different threats, like Flamethrower for Mega Metagross and Ferrothorn, Ice Beam for Garchomp and Landorus, and Thunderbolt for offensive Mega Gyarados and Talonflame.
Maximum Speed EVs let Genesect outspeed Pokemon like Greninja. Maximum Special Attack EVs with a Modest nature let Genesect 2HKO Mega Slowbro with Bug Buzz more often.
Strategy & Support
Try to avoid bulky and stall Pokemon like Mega Sableye, Mega Venusaur, and Chansey, as Choice Scarf Genesect's damage output is lacking against them. Choice Scarf Genesect mainly relies on luring in faster Pokemon that would normally beat Choice Specs sets, like Greninja and Garchomp, beating them with Fire-type coverage. Sturdy Pokemon like Magnezone, Sawk, and Golem, alongside Mega Mawile if it runs Metal Burst, can survive a hit and KO Genesect, so avoid them. Additionally, there are many Pokemon that carry Fire-type coverage like Hidden Power Fire Porygon-Z and Meloetta, Fire Blast Mega Altaria, so be wary with them. Ground- and Rock-types like Choice Band Garchomp, Mega Diancie, and Mega Tyranitar are great partners for this set, as they handle Fire-types like Mega Charizard X, which are extremely common and detrimental for Genesect. In return, Genesect can assist them against some Water-types like Mega Gyarados and Greninja. Taunt Mega Gyarados creates a potent core with Genesect. Mega Gyarados adds additional offensive pressure against Dragonite, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Charizard X, and Mega Charizard Y. Additionally, it can also punish several checks to Genesect, including Sturdy Pokemon and special walls like Magnezone, Sawk, and Golem. In return, Genesect can deal with Fairy-types like Mega Gardevoir and Mega Diancie and Grass-types like Ferrothorn and Serperior. Victini has very good synergy with Genesect because it can deal with opposing Steel-types and Psychic-types like Mega Mawile, Registeel, Meloetta, and Jirachi. In return, Genesect hits Ground-types like Garchomp and Landorus-T.
Other Options
Genesect can run Psychic to surprise Mega Lopunny. Energy Ball can be run for dealing with certain Water-types like Mega Swampert and Gastrodon, which aren't weak to any standard option. Iron Head improves Genesect's matchup against specially bulky Fairy-types like Hidden Power Fire Mega Gardevoir.
Checks and Counters
**Fire-types**: Fire-types such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Victini, and Heatran are the biggest threats to Genesect, as they can survive its attacks and OHKO Genesect.
**Stall Pokemon**: Mega Sableye, Chansey, and Registeel can easily take Genesect’s attacks and stall or KO it.
**Sturdy**: Pokemon like Magnezone, Aggron, and Sawk can survive a hit thanks to Sturdy and use powerful attacks to KO Genesect.
**Bulky Pokemon with Fire-type Coverage**: Some Pokemon like Porygon-Z, Meloetta, and Mega Altaria can afford to run defensive EVs for Genesect and OHKO it back with either Hidden Power Fire or Fire Blast. Meanwhile, other checks like Fire Punch Jirachi can outspeed and OHKO it.
- Written by: [[PA, 430787], [DezShizzels, 449859]]
- Quality checked by: [[Alakazam, 276708], [DEG, 234355], [crucify, 437679]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429], [Sulo, 528036]]
Genesect's high base Special Attack, coupled with Download and a plethora of strong coverage options such as Flash Cannon, Flamethrower, and Thunderbolt, makes it a terrifying threat that handles top-tier Pokemon like Kyurem-B, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Metagross, and Mega Gyarados. Genesect's decent Speed tier allows it to run a Choice Scarf set, meaning it can beat faster Pokemon like Greninja and Garchomp with Fire-type coverage. It struggles to pick between its many coverage options, though, and Genesect's severe Fire weakness gives it popular counters like Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Heatran, and Victini. Pokemon with equal base defenses such as Manaphy threaten it, as they can invest a mere 4 EVs in Special Defense to deny Download a Special Attack boost. Moreover, Genesect faces stiff competition from other Steel-types like Mega Mawile and Mega Metagross, as they have more bulk and cover even more threats.
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Bug Buzz
move 2: Flash Cannon
move 3: Thunderbolt / Ice Beam
move 4: Ice Beam / Flamethrower
item: Choice Specs
ability: Download
nature: Modest
evs: 40 HP / 208 Def / 100 SpA / 160 Spe
Set Description
With Download and a Modest nature, Genesect can deal with many foes such as Kyurem-B, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Slowbro, and Mega Metagross. Thunderbolt is Genesect’s preferred coverage move, letting it handle Mega Gyarados. Ice Beam hits Garchomp and Landorus-T, which otherwise wall this set. Flamethrower can be run for opposing Steel-types like Mega Metagross and Registeel.
40 HP and 208 Defense EVs provide Genesect with good physical bulk, with it surviving a Close Combat from Choice Band Terrakion. 160 Speed EVs allow Genesect to outspeed Gyarados and Smeargle. Alternatively, Genesect can run 44 HP / 136 SpA / 144 SpD / 184 Spe with a Timid nature to survive a Hyper Beam from Choice Specs Porygon-Z, outspeed it, and 2HKO it.
Strategy and Support
Avoid sending Genesect in against stall Pokemon like Mega Sableye, special walls like Chansey, and faster powerhouses like Greninja, as it lacks the tools to deal with them. It's best to not send Genesect into Mega Mawile in case it's running Metal Burst. Use Genesect against other wallbreakers like Kyurem-B, Mega Gyarados, and Hoopa-U, as it can use its bulk to survive a hit and at least 2HKO them. There are many Pokemon that can lure Genesect in and hit it with Fire-type coverage, like Hidden Power Fire Porygon-Z or Meloetta and Fire Blast Togekiss, so Genesect should be cautious about these Pokemon. Taunt Mega Gyarados is an excellent partner to beat roadblocks to Genesect, including stall Pokemon like Chansey and Fire-types like Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y. In return, Genesect can handle offensive Pokemon like Mega Gardevoir, Choice Specs Hoopa-U, Serperior, and Mega Diancie. Mega Charizard X complements Genesect, dealing with opposing Steel-types like Mega Mawile and Magnezone. In return, Genesect can deal with Pokemon like Mega Gyarados and Mega Tyranitar. Mega Diancie can take on some of Genesect's biggest counters: Mega Sableye and Fire-types like Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, and Victini. In return, Genesect can handle Ground-types like Garchomp and Landorus-T.
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Flash Cannon
move 2: Bug Buzz
move 3: Flamethrower / Ice Beam
move 4: Ice Beam / Thunderbolt
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Download
nature: Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Set Description
Use Genesect's wide coverage and boosted Speed to KO and outspeed foes like Kyurem-B and Greninja. Bug Buzz notably handles Substitute users like Whimsicott and Deoxys-S. The slashed coverage moves cover different threats, like Flamethrower for Mega Metagross and Ferrothorn, Ice Beam for Garchomp and Landorus, and Thunderbolt for offensive Mega Gyarados and Talonflame.
Maximum Speed EVs let Genesect outspeed Pokemon like Greninja. Maximum Special Attack EVs with a Modest nature let Genesect 2HKO Mega Slowbro with Bug Buzz more often.
Strategy & Support
Try to avoid bulky and stall Pokemon like Mega Sableye, Mega Venusaur, and Chansey, as Choice Scarf Genesect's damage output is lacking against them. Choice Scarf Genesect mainly relies on luring in faster Pokemon that would normally beat Choice Specs sets, like Greninja and Garchomp, beating them with Fire-type coverage. Sturdy Pokemon like Magnezone, Sawk, and Golem, alongside Mega Mawile if it runs Metal Burst, can survive a hit and KO Genesect, so avoid them. Additionally, there are many Pokemon that carry Fire-type coverage like Hidden Power Fire Porygon-Z and Meloetta, Fire Blast Mega Altaria, so be wary with them. Ground- and Rock-types like Choice Band Garchomp, Mega Diancie, and Mega Tyranitar are great partners for this set, as they handle Fire-types like Mega Charizard X, which are extremely common and detrimental for Genesect. In return, Genesect can assist them against some Water-types like Mega Gyarados and Greninja. Taunt Mega Gyarados creates a potent core with Genesect. Mega Gyarados adds additional offensive pressure against Dragonite, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Charizard X, and Mega Charizard Y. Additionally, it can also punish several checks to Genesect, including Sturdy Pokemon and special walls like Magnezone, Sawk, and Golem. In return, Genesect can deal with Fairy-types like Mega Gardevoir and Mega Diancie and Grass-types like Ferrothorn and Serperior. Victini has very good synergy with Genesect because it can deal with opposing Steel-types and Psychic-types like Mega Mawile, Registeel, Meloetta, and Jirachi. In return, Genesect hits Ground-types like Garchomp and Landorus-T.
Other Options
Genesect can run Psychic to surprise Mega Lopunny. Energy Ball can be run for dealing with certain Water-types like Mega Swampert and Gastrodon, which aren't weak to any standard option. Iron Head improves Genesect's matchup against specially bulky Fairy-types like Hidden Power Fire Mega Gardevoir.
Checks and Counters
**Fire-types**: Fire-types such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Victini, and Heatran are the biggest threats to Genesect, as they can survive its attacks and OHKO Genesect.
**Stall Pokemon**: Mega Sableye, Chansey, and Registeel can easily take Genesect’s attacks and stall or KO it.
**Sturdy**: Pokemon like Magnezone, Aggron, and Sawk can survive a hit thanks to Sturdy and use powerful attacks to KO Genesect.
**Bulky Pokemon with Fire-type Coverage**: Some Pokemon like Porygon-Z, Meloetta, and Mega Altaria can afford to run defensive EVs for Genesect and OHKO it back with either Hidden Power Fire or Fire Blast. Meanwhile, other checks like Fire Punch Jirachi can outspeed and OHKO it.
- Written by: [[PA, 430787], [DezShizzels, 449859]]
- Quality checked by: [[Alakazam, 276708], [DEG, 234355], [crucify, 437679]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429], [Sulo, 528036]]
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