Heatran's key to success in 1v1 is its great Fire / Steel typing, which makes it a premier check for popular Steel- and Fairy-type Pokemon. Flash Fire gives Heatran the upper hand against other Fire-types, most notably Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y. However, its typing does make it weak to popular Water- and Fighting-type Pokemon, such as Mega Gyarados, Manaphy, Terrakion, Mega Heracross, and Mega Lopunny. It also has lackluster offensive stats, so it has trouble against some Pokemon it can't hit super effectively like Hoopa-U and Dragonite. Finally, it's pretty slow compared to the rest of the metagame, leaving it vulnerable to faster threats like Greninja, Garchomp, and Mega Medicham.
name: Air Balloon
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Flash Cannon / Endure / Taunt
move 3: Rock Tomb
move 4: Earth Power
item: Air Balloon
ability: Flash Fire
nature: Modest
evs: 224 SpA / 168 SpD / 116 Spe
Set Description
Overheat defeats Steel-types such as Mega Metagross and Mega Mawile. Flash Cannon is specifically for Fairy-type Pokemon like Mega Diancie and Mega Gardevoir. Alternatively, Heatran can run Endure to force Rock Wrecker Crustle and Choice Specs + Hydro Cannon Greninja to recharge, or Taunt, which eases matchups against some bulky Pokemon like Registeel, Mew, Mega Venusaur, and Porygon2. Rock Tomb helps in various matchups, most importantly slowing down Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y, as well as breaking Magnezone's Sturdy without activating Mirror Coat. Earth Power gives Heatran an easier time against opposing Heatran and Mega Charizard X. Air Balloon makes it immune to Ground-type moves such as Earthquake from Donphan and Earth Power from Kyurem-B.
168 Special Defense EVs allow Heatran to survive Modest Mega Charizard Y's Focus Blast and avoid the 2HKO from Timid Choice Specs Greninja's Dark Pulse. Therefore, using Endure turn 1 is safe regardless of which move Greninja uses. 124 Speed EVs allow Heatran to outspeed Charizard after a Rock Tomb.
Strategy & Support
You should always use Rock Tomb turn 1 against any Charizard to scout their Mega Evolution. Next, use Earth Power versus Mega Charizard X or Rock Tomb again versus Mega Charizard Y. Note that Heatran is not reliable versus Mega Charizard X, since Counter variants KO back after Rock Tomb and Dragon Dance variants can use Brick Break. You should also use Rock Tomb against Magnezone turn 1 to avoid being OHKOed by Mirror Coat. If you're running Taunt, always use it against Registeel and Mega Venusaur on the first turn. Use Endure against Greninja turn 1, since Dark Pulse won't 2HKO anyway and Hydro Cannon will force a recharge. If Greninja locks into Dark Pulse, OHKO it with Overheat turn 2. Keep using Endure every other turn if it picks Hydro Cannon.
Stall Pokemon such as Mega Sableye and Mega Slowbro are problematic for Heatran, so a stallbreaker such as Mega Gardevoir is a great teammate. Mega Gardevoir also helps it against bulkier offensive Pokemon such as Mega Gyarados, Mega Heracross, and Choice Band Dragonite. Another great partner is Mega Sableye, as it covers offensive Pokemon that can either outspeed Heatran and OHKO it such as Garchomp, Mega Gyarados, and Terrakion, as well as some that survive its attacks like Hoopa-U. Mega Venusaur also works well with Heatran, as it can also pressure and defeat offensive Pokemon such as Terrakion, Mega Gyarados, Manaphy, and Dragonite thanks to its typing and Charm's Attack reduction.
Other Options
Choice Scarf Heatran maintains many of Heatran's positive matchups, and it also gains favorable matchups versus Victini and Mew with Dark Pulse, in addition to the likes of Mega Medicham with the extra Speed.
Rocky Helmet + Taunt Heatran defeats Seismic Toss Chansey and Brick Break Mega Charizard X, two fairly common checks to Heatran.
Choice Specs Heatran with Eruption is more reliable against bulky Pokemon, notably Mega Venusaur, Mega Sableye, and Nasty Plot Porygon-Z, while keeping a positive matchup against Steel-type Pokemon like Mega Mawile and Genesect. If extra Speed is desired, Overheat and Fire Blast don't require a Quiet nature, but neither is very reliable versus Mega Venusaur.
However, without Air Balloon, Heatran struggles with Ground-type coverage moves from the likes of Mega Charizard X and Mirror Coat users like Magnezone. Therefore, these options can make many matchups more risky.
Checks and Counters
**Super Effective STAB Moves**: Many Water- and Fighting-types such as Mega Gyarados, Manaphy, Mega Medicham, and Mega Heracross can easily OHKO Heatran. Further, most Water-types do not take much damage from its attacks. Some Ground-types like Mega Garchomp and Landorus-T circumvent Heatran's Air Balloon with Rock Tomb + Earthquake, surviving any attack in the meantime.
**Stall Pokemon**: Air Balloon Heatran cannot take on some bulky Pokemon, even if it runs Taunt, such as Mega Sableye, Chansey, and Mega Slowbro. Mega Sableye should be wary of Choice Specs Heatran, and Rocky Helmet + Taunt beats Seismic Toss Chansey.
**Bulky Offensive Pokemon**: Heatran loses to offensive bulky Pokemon, such as Dragonite and Hoopa-U, as they can easily sponge its hits and deal back heavy damage.
- Written by: [[DEG , 234355], [Itchy, 518399]]
- Quality checked by: [[magicarpe_lvl100, 370838], [OM, 241400], [DezShizzels, 449859], [crucify, 437679]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
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