Other M Mafia - Galactic Fed, Pyrosphere, vonFiedler, and S Call win!



Shut up the game isn't over yet ;)
Congratulations to the Pyrosphere for beating the other Spheres.
Congratulations to the Galactic Federation for eliminating their threats.
Congratulations to Staraptor Call and vonFiedler for eliminating their threats as well.
what did i tell you RETARDS
only one sphere could win
thanks a lot kharozz for proving you are a clueless degenerate

nvm ginga was just making up crap
(o 6:44:09 pm o) <+ginganinja> they never aid it
(o 6:44:13 pm o) <+ginganinja> we asked
(o 6:44:20 pm o) <+ginganinja> that was it
(o 6:45:10 pm o) <@firefly> whoa
(o 6:45:11 pm o) <@firefly> you lied
(o 6:45:16 pm o) <@firefly> you said they were giving it to you
(o 6:45:20 pm o) <+ginganinja> yeah
(o 6:45:21 pm o) <+ginganinja> well
(o 6:45:22 pm o) <@firefly> isn't there a no lying about host decisions rule
imo his faction should lose because he lied about a host decision, godkill him at once and let the game continue or give it to us strong Cryos

ginga lucked out that kharozz was stupid enough to believe his obvious rubbish about two spheres winning or even considering allowing the Bios a chance to win
ONLY REASON why the Pyros won

i don't get why we died when Nachos was BPV and I still had my LPV/BPV for new power ?? we would have survived long enough to get Kharozz to kill a Pyro had he actually begun paying attention

everyone who believed two Spheres could win is a retard, Kharozz is a retard for listening to ginganinja who needed him DEAD
the concept of going with a faction who killed one of your members and needs to kill you is just

feds sucked dick too this game needed work

also never allow elections in ununited factions again, faction leader elections are gay enough already imo but this was a cut above other failed mechanics

despite the generally high level of mental diseases displayed itg, thanks for hosting jiggly/EP
hopefully your next game has less crippled elements jigs
yeti kharozz was pretty much the kingmaker in that scenario, he had no chance of winning if he had voted with you either. ;(

I do agree that galactic fed + staraptor call + vonfielder was wayyyyyyyyy too strong in comparison to mb + phantoon + deleter. MB and Phantoon should've had at least a bpv each and I shouldn't have been able to redirect converts lol :(

But gg pyrosphere and my allies :3

edit: also what was ag's third wc
this game was like terminator on the NES for me

as the game went on i kept discovering new things where you're like "why did they bother to put that in, is the game not difficult enough for me to win?"

also what was snipped out of bergman's pm?
also what was snipped out of bergman's pm?

What Staraptor Call claimed to me/Altair:
jigglypuffers42 said:
Dear Staraptor Call,
You are Madeline Bergman

After MB rampaged and took over the Bottle Ship, you were forced into hiding. You must survive as long as possible.

At Night, you may PM Jigglypuffers42 and Engineer Pikachu with “Night X – Look up USER in the database”. You will find out USER’s entire role PM.

You know all of the factions in the game. There’s the Cryosphere, the Biosphere, the Pyrosphere, the Bottleship, and the Galactic Federation. In addition, Samus Aran is on the ship. MB is in charge of the Bottleship, but should she die, Phantoon will lead. MB gains members of her alliance by converting members of the 3 spheres. The deleter is in charge of killing all survivors or the investigation. Then there’s you. Lastly, there’s Ridley. Currently in the form of Little Birdie, he will eventually become his full self.

Lastly, you are not mentioned in anyone other than The Deleter’s win condition. That means that Phantoon and MB don’t know that they need to you dead, and there’s no one that needs you dead that you don’t know about. So you can make friends with anyone not mentioned in your win condition. Also, should you be inspected, the paragraph above this and the paragraph below this will be snipped.

One more thing—the Bottle Ship, even though they don’t need you dead, won’t be friendly to you. MB is their leader, and, if she dies, Phantoon is. And they are your enemies.

You win if you are alive when MB, Phantoon, and The Deleter are all dead.
Not sure if that is his real role PM or not though, he might have cut something out.

Thanks to Accent/Altair/coolking. I wish billy would be a little less antagonistic towards me since I don't have a problem with him but I've come to expect it I guess.

Also I have rethought my position of "Fed isn't quite overpowered they were just the best faction" because I initially failed to notice Samus had two lives and that we could redirect converts (even if we never did). My oversight, I was wrong there, Fed was overpowered.

Congratulations Pyrosphere.

And sorry Cryos, as I said before, it was my full intention to lead you guys to victory when I stepped up.
Also I have rethought my position of "Fed isn't quite overpowered they were just the best faction" because I initially failed to notice Samus had two lives and that we could redirect converts (even if we never did). My oversight, I was wrong there, Fed was overpowered.

I could scrap half of the powers and knowledge the feds had and they'd still be overpowered, especially compared to me and Ridley. The fact Ridley and MB were enemies didn't help either =/
I could scrap half of the powers and knowledge the feds had and they'd still be overpowered, especially compared to me and Ridley. The fact Ridley and MB were enemies didn't help either =/

Well Ridley was rendered largely meaningless because Samus had two lives.

If Samus had only had one life then one early kill or kill on the Fed BG meant the Fed couldn't kill and only had five votes (including Staraptor Call) and were sitting ducks for the Bottle Ship. If you combine that with if the redirect couldn't change conversions (meaning the Bottle Ship would have a fairly easy time gaining members) I feel the Feds would have been merely "best" rather than "overpowered", especially when combined with how the Bottle Ship would presumably know every one of our roles thanks to the Deleter.

With that being said, those two things were not the case, and things snowballed quickly once we were able to get enough Sphere claims to narrow down the neutrals, which turned into an unwinnable position for the Feds' enemies based on one semi-rand on MB. Neither MB nor Phantoon having second lives while Samus had a second life also hurt. And any overpowered faction could always hypothetically be nerfed down to a reasonable level, so I guess saying that "if we hadn't had X or Y power we wouldn't have been overpowered" doesn't mean much at all.

Also quite frankly I think the hosts screwed you over more on the fake PM than anything else Mekkah...the period after your role name was what made us suspicious of you over anything else, which you obviously couldn't help as that claim was given to you by the hosts. If that period hadn't been there and we had continued trusting you as Fed, who knows what would have happened (well, Fed probably still would've won thanks to von having two lives...but again, if von had one life Fed could have been neutered pretty easily).
Not trusting me because of a single period is dumb anyway. The reason I shouldn't have been told anything was because I didn't actually claim a role other than "back up bro" which should have tipped you off.
Well that didn't help obviously, but billy didn't claim/have a real role either.

On the other hand, literally every PM other than yours lacked a period after the role name.
The complete role PM UncleSam posted is correct. The game was highly imbalanced (Samus was stronger than most games' wolves), but almost as annoying was the fact that the two main conflicts were almost completely independent. The Galactic Federation and its enemies weren't included in any Sphere's win condition, and the Spheres weren't in any non-sphere win condition. The only crossover between the two conflicts was that MB and Phantoon could recruit Spheres.

But I won, so who am I to complain?
Glad the cryos lost. Cocky mofos.

Also fuck


Yeah when the game started I legitimately thought I was pyrosphere. I completely misunderstood the WCs (my flavor certainly didn't help matters) and it wasn't until jiggly thought my claim was "interesting" that it occured to me. Her follow up post to mine was because of my foolishness, which could very well have foiled my cover. ginga and I had the same ability, and on top of that the WC of my PM had a typo, jumpluff being the only one to notice it (or only one to tell me anyhow). My claim was pretty shaky for those reasons, so I don't think any of the remaining pyros truly believed my claim. I couldn't be a total d-bag to the pyros though, and there was no public bio for me to collaborate with, so I ultimately led them in the right direction. I never did anything malacious with the pyro's info even though I could have. I gave ginga control of the first kill (which was used on a cryo; truth of the matter is that I had no bio info to give even if I was pyro), and before I was "outted" I gave ginga leader and revealed zorbees to him. Then they tried to lynch me -.- (BAN ME PLEASE)s.

Relationship with the feds went downhill after Accent left. However the Neutral battalion was backing the cryos so it wasn't in my interests to go against the feds. But frankly it was pretty lame that the spheres had very little killing power and couldn't control the lynch either (even if two teamed up, feds could damn near outnumber them).

Frankly my (real) lynch was complete BS and everyone knows it; I'm never playing in another game from jigglypuffers again.
Veed, as engineer Pikachu can attest, I told him your lynch was bs too, particularly in a game where, supposedly, lynches were meant to be "democratic not stealth-based". It was entirely obvious nachos was going to be lynched if the bios/pyros weren't totally Inactive.