Other Metagames Analysis Reservations Index [CLOSED]

Reserving [STABmons] Mega Venusaur

go for it -scp

we dont do stabmons analyses anymore. - wishes

sorry... :(
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ok so after talking with josh and mzard a bit, the ag reservation index is now available. none of the analyses are restricted to qc but high priority analyses are meant to be of higher quality/standard than middle and low priority analyses (that doesn't mean u can do a shit analysis for low priority ones) etc etc, direct any questions to me bout the index and them bout the grouping. happy analysis writing n stuff
reserving rotom-w [monotype/electric] (approved by eien)

not sure if i even have to do this but yeah sure - bacon

Thnx :]
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The following Monotype analyses are up for grabs again!

Empoleon (Water)
Yanmega (Bug)
Houndoom-Mega (Dark)
Could I do [Monotype] Deoxys Speed?

Help this isn't a Steel analysis I'm lost :P

You got it :) -scp
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Reservations are closed. Special exceptions may be made, but they are unlikely. We have 41 analyses currently in progress. We have 68 days until Sun & Moon is out. Therefore, we will not be accepting more. We have to finish all of these before November, hopefully, or early into November so we can start anew as Sun & Moon comes out. I'd rather us focus on Sun & Moon entirely than have to worry about finishing old analyses. This is 100% not a wrap up to OM C&C for this generation, but a wrap to new analyses. Much work is still to be done. Thank you for understanding!

If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me or one of the OM C&C Mods.