OU 4th Gen Team

Welcome to my first RMT, and first post on this forums. I am pretty new to the etagame, just started battling competitively about an year ago, so my teams tend to lack sinergy and a concretly defined strategy. That being said I hope you help me correct my weaknesses and balance my team more.


In Detail


Bronzong @ Light Clay
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 152 Atk / 8 Def / 96 SDef
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Stealth Rock
- Gyro Ball

The idea is to set up SR and then the Screens, thus raising my defences, and allowing me to set up my sweepers. The biggest treats to this strategy are taunt leads, DynamicPunch Machamps and common firetypes, like Infernape, who can Justino obliterate my team. Used to have Explosion but changed it to GyroBall, as it makes Brozong more usable in mid/late-game and I am not dependent on it anymore to stall break. Taunt leads like Azelf aren't such a threat now.


Heatran (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 Spe / 4 SpD / 252 SAtk
Timid Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Substitute
- Toxic

Comletely changed the set, from MagmaStorm trapper to SubToxic. As Boondocker said, it is much easier breaking stall now.


Tyranitar (M) @ Choice Band Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 180 HP / 252 Atk / 76 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Stone Edge
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Aqua Tail

Used to run DDtar, but CB is a better set for sweeping, as it doesn't need seting up. Pursuit can just pretty much take care of most pokémon who switch out on him.


Flygon (M) @ Choice Scarf Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- U-turn
- Fire Blast

I used to have SwordsDance Weavile as a revenge killer, but this guy does the job better. It is pretty hard to outspeed him, but even if it happens, it's likely to survive the hit. Can switch in on a lot of common treats like other Dragon types or Steel/Grass types. Scizors, Jirachis and Celebis are easy to take care of.


Gyarados (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Waterfall
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance

Also a great sweeper, specially when I'm able to set up DD.


Jirachi @ Leftovers Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 224 Def / 32 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Wish
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic

Probabily one of the hardest pokémon to take down on my team because of it's typing. Boosting it's status is relatively easier than on Gyarados, so I try to get one or two Calm Minds before sweeping. I used to have a slightly modified Superachi set, but my team was overly offensive, so it's better to have it as a supporting sweeper than just a regular sweeper.

Biggest Threats

DynamicPunch Machamp leads can easily beat my team. I also find it hard to take care of Substitute leads.
Bronzong needs an attack move hit taunters. So put gyro ball over a screen or explosion. It hits aero and azelf hard. I'd change heatran to a life orb set to help break stall better and so you dont have to rely on magma storms crappy accuracy. Or you can use the sub toxic set and change ttar to a cb set to pursuit blissey. If it doesnt switch it dies to toxic, if it does it takes a bunch from pursuit. If you manage to hit porygon2 with toxic it could help gyrados sweep. SD weavile isnt to good but if it works for you keep it. If not try a scarf rotom or flygon over him. Flygon is the better revenge killer but rotom can help against machamp, curselax, gliscor etc. They both provide the electric restance you lack and can help against jolteon. Jirachi wants a wish cm set to help restore the hp or your sweepers, most notabely the sr weak gyrados. Nice team

Summary of changes:

~Gyro ball on bronzong
~Heatran to life orb or sub toxic
~Ttar to cb (use with sub toxic heatran)
~Weavile to scarf rotom or flygon
~Give jirachi wish, cm, tbolt, flash cannon/psychic
I will try and change what you told me. I'll post how it goes then.

Just on a side note, I gave Heatran the WideLens so that it increases MagmaStorm accuracy by 10%
i'd expand on your descriptions as soon as possible. some are 1 sentence. also how in the hell can flygon switch in on other dragons lol. and why do u use so much atk on bronzong. really counter productive if you ask me. you have a really really bad mixape weakness. flygon is the only thing that can take it 1 on 1 but if that ape is scarfed as well it can continue to come in and pick apart your team 1 by 1 with a super effective stab or 4x effective move. a simple set of fire blast close combat thunderpunch and hidden power ice is too much for your ENTIRE team to take care of
First off, almost no Infernape runs that set. Thunderpunch ones a very, very rare and are generally outclassed by Stone Edge ape. If ape really scares you that much, you could make Gyarados a bulky DD version.

Gyarados @ Leftovers
Nature: Adamant
EV's: 156 Hp / 72 Att / 96 Def / 184 Spe

- Waterfall
- Dragon Dance
- Taunt
- Stone Edge

It will also help you out agianst stall if you really need it, but I do not see Stall as too much of a problem.

Secondly for the subtoxic set on Heatran you might want to try a bulkier spread. Here's the EV's that I recommend. 244 HP / 32 SpA / 12 SpD / 220 Spe with a calm nature greatly add to your bulk and stall breaking pontential.
Yeah definitely expand your descriptions of Pokemon, if you're looking for things to talk about, try saying why you put the Pokemon on the team, why you chose that set specifically, and various ways he synergizes (be it offensively or defensively) for the rest of the team.

But beyond lacking descriptions, this is a pretty cool team. In terms of very simple, Marriland team builder-type synergy, you look great, but some concrete threats give you problems. Fighting types, such as Lead Machamp, SD Infernape or SD Lucario can be extremely annoying to play around, and oftentimes will sweep you given the chance (or break down your defensive core, in the case of Machamp). I'd also watch out for offensive water types, which, in our metagame come in many forms- Suicune and Starmie are very hard to play around, again potentially sweeping you with some prior damage to things like Flygon. Physical water types like Gyarados or Kingdra are also annoying, but to a lesser extent. Fortunately, most of these problems can be fixed by some relatively simple changes.

First, I'd like you to consider changing Gyarados. If you'll notice- Gyarados has a weakness to SR, as well as a succeptability to sandstorm. Combining this with LO recoil creates a sweeper that is very difficult to set up, and one that doesn't last more than 5-6 turns once he gets this opportunity. I think changing him to a standard bulky spread would be excellent! Firstly, this aids his sweeping potential, giving him the capacity to set up on weaker attacks and heal off SS damage, making his timer infinite. Secondly, this Gyarados set has the potential to solve most of your problems. Firstly, he checks most fighting types- he can simply abuse Intimidate to weaken physical attackers over and over. He aids in handling lead Machamp- switch to Gyarados on the DynamicPunch, lowering his attack, go to Jirachi on the Stone Edge and go for the Psychic 2HKO. He can also switch into Infernape and Lucario to either eliminate them himself or to soften them up for Flygon. Considering stall is a small issue for the team as well, he softens up stall for you too. Here's the set:

@ Leftovers
156 HP / 72 Atk / 96 Def / 184 Spe
-Dragon Dance

As far as Jirachi goes, you may also consider speeding him up a bit. Keeping the same moves, try bumping his speed up to 176 EVs and give him a timid nature, taking the EVs out of defense. This speed mark is extremely useful. Firstly, you can get the jump on Lucario so that you can counter him with a resistance to Extremespeed.

That's all the advice I have, I hope this helps. Good Luck!
Have you ever thought about using an infernape over heatran? Im not sure how well he does under duel screens but hes a much better stallbreaker and sweeper then heatran. You already have 2 steel types so you wont miss the resistences. Personally i'd run something with mach punch to check empoleon and hit lucario/scarftar before they hit you, but you can run any set you want (not lead ape). Infernape also helps with your slight gliscor weakness (gyra is easily worn down and screwed if it switches into taunt/stone edge/boosting move).

And after thinking about it i think a scarf rotom would do you better then flygon would....you have absolutely no way of beating suicune (cm wars are never cool), curselax, or agiligross (bronzong cant touch it and it will eventually get a MM boost). You lose the electric immunity flygon povides but ttar can handle most electrics.

I would hate to see this get locked ill help you with the desciptions...

Ttar-Talk about how you can pursuit rotom to help gyrados sweep, what the eves are for, how sandstorm helps/hurts your team. CB tar also doesnt sweep its job is to support and punch holes.
Gyra-Does it usually come in right after bronzong or is it a late game sweeper? How does intimidate help your team? Why arent you using bounce?