Resource OU Bazaar

Just dropping some teams i enjoyed ya

Hoopa Lop balance by Obliviate

Lopunny-Mega @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Return
- High Jump Kick
- Fake Out
- Ice Punch

Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 168 Def / 88 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

Hoopa @ Leftovers
Ability: Magician
EVs: 252 HP / 28 SpA / 40 SpD / 188 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Nasty Plot
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast

Tyranitar @ Chople Berry
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 248 HP / 92 Def / 12 SpA / 156 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Fire Blast
- Pursuit
- Stone Edge

Amoonguss @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 236 Def / 24 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Spore
- Giga Drain
- Clear Smog
- Sludge Bomb

Skarmory @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Spikes
- Roost
- Iron Head
- Whirlwind
Hoopa Diancie balance by Obliviate

Diancie-Mega @ Diancite
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Diamond Storm
- Moonblast
- Protect
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Hippowdon @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 240 HP / 244 Def / 24 SpD
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Slack Off
- Whirlwind
- Stealth Rock

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 248 HP / 88 Def / 172 SpD
Impish Nature
- Leech Seed
- Spikes
- Iron Head
- Thunder Wave

Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 168 Def / 88 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

Hoopa @ Leftovers
Ability: Magician
EVs: 252 HP / 28 SpA / 40 SpD / 188 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Nasty Plot
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast

Tornadus-Therian @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 208 HP / 48 SpD / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Hurricane
- Knock Off
- Heat Wave
- U-turn
Celebi bulky offense by njnp

Garchomp @ Life Orb
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge
- Draco Meteor
- Earthquake

Lopunny-Mega @ Lopunnite
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- High Jump Kick
- Return
- Iron Tail

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 128 SpD / 128 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Toxic
- Taunt
- Earth Power

Celebi @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 240 HP / 24 Def / 210 SpD / 36 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Recover
- Energy Ball
- Baton Pass

Skarmory @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 244 Def / 12 Spe
Impish Nature
- Spikes
- Roost
- Whirlwind
- Counter

Latios @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Trick
- Roost
drag+vinccune by njnp

Dragalge @ Black Sludge
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 224 HP / 252 SpA / 32 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Focus Blast
- Toxic Spikes
- Sludge Bomb
- Draco Meteor

Bisharp @ Assault Vest
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 232 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Pursuit
- Sucker Punch

Landorus-Therian @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Toxic
- Substitute
- Earthquake
- Smack down

Manectric-Mega @ Manectite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Flamethrower
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 24 Def / 232 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Protect
- Substitute
- Calm Mind

Garchomp @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Dragon Claw
- Outrage

Venu+reuni+duggy stall by me and njnp

Venusaur-Mega @ Venusaurite
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 248 HP / 96 Def / 144 SpD / 20 Spe
Bold Nature
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Knock Off / Hidden power fire
- Synthesis

Dugtrio @ Focus Sash
Ability: Arena Trap
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
IVs: 0 Def
- Earthquake
- Screech
- Reversal
- Rock Slide

Chansey @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Soft-Boiled
- Heal Bell
- Seismic Toss

Zapdos @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 72 Def / 172 SpD / 16 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Discharge
- Heat Wave / Hidden power ice
- Defog

Skarmory @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Impish Nature
- Counter
- Roost
- Defog
- Toxic

Reuniclus @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Psyshock
- Focus Blast
- Recover
Beedrill bulky offense

Keldeo-Resolute @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 1 Atk / 30 SpA
- Scald
- Hydro Pump
- Hidden Power [Electric]
- Secret Sword

Magnezone @ Choice Specs
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 80 HP / 252 SpA / 176 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Flash Cannon

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Knock Off
- Moonblast
- Soft-Boiled
- Calm Mind

Landorus-Therian @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Impish Nature
- U-turn
- Stone Edge
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake

Beedrill-Mega @ Beedrillite
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Poison Jab
- U-turn
- Pursuit/Knock Off
- Protect

Latios @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 29 HP / 0 Atk
- Defog
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Roost
heal bell lop bd azu bulky offense

haruhi suzumiya (Lopunny-Mega) (F) @ Lopunnite
Ability: Scrappy
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Heal Bell
- High Jump Kick
- Return
- Fake Out

Mikuru Asahina (Azumarill) (F) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Belly Drum
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough
- Knock Off

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 180 SpD / 80 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Earth Power
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock

Tangrowth @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 244 HP / 216 Def / 48 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Sleep Powder
- Giga Drain
- Knock Off
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Latios @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 29 HP / 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Surf
- Roost
- Defog

Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 24 Def / 232 Spe
Naive Nature
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Hi. I'd like to say that i loved your Mega Venusaur stall, it's the only team from your post that i've used, nice to see stall teams even with Sableye-Mega being banned and i currently use your team quite a lot but something i did was changing Focus Blast from Reuniclus into Acid Armor, i've never clicked Focus Blast and since i have Dugtrio to trap Bisharp and Tyranitar it seems better, you can beat those physical attackers that have a fine matchup against Reuniclus and can boost their atk, it seems a better win condition like that. I've seen a team with that Reuniclus set and it had Rocky Helmet + some speed EVs that can help against Amoonguss so i implemented it on your team and definitely seems better than Focus.

Reuniclus (F) @ Rocky Helmet/Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psyshock
- Acid Armor
- Recover
- Calm Mind

Also, why do you have Deslize de pedras (that's how we say Rock Slide in portuguese) on your Dugtrio? I thought that Rock Tomb was the better rock coverage move because it reduces DD Charizard X's speed and puts it in the range of Earthquake so please change that too.

252 Atk Dugtrio Rock Tomb vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mega Charizard X: 88-104 (29.6 - 35%) -- 8.6% chance to 3HKO
252 Atk Dugtrio Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mega Charizard X: 218-258 (73.4 - 86.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Again, cool team and is one of the bazaar teams that i've been actually enjoying and using as one of my main teams now, good stall build now that we don't have Sableye and Mega Venusaur is overall underrated and fun to use ^^
Made a RMT for this but I might as well post here too for visibility. I'm new to competitive and created my first team. Any feedback is appreciated.

Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 12 HP / 244 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Seed Bomb
- Spore

Jolly Nature for maximum speed Spores. The idea of using Breloom with volt-turn is so that I can get it in safer to Spore targets and safer Poison Heal setups. Focus Punch and Seed Bomb as STABs. Set is good surprise factor but I switch to the Technician set?

Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 44 Atk / 16 Def / 200 SpD
Impish Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Roost
- Swords Dance

Scizor was picked to resist/take down the fairy and psychic types that give Breloom trouble. Also acts as half of my Volt-Turn core. Roost along with M-Scizor bulk makes it a reliable and safe 'mon to use.

Volcarona @ Lum Berry
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Fire Blast
- Giga Drain
- Bug Buzz

With Breloom and Scizor on the team I have a big weakness to fire, so i decided to use Volcarona. Volcarona also helps against bulky grass types that give my team problems. Quiver Dance + 3 attacks seems to be the best combo of coverage and power. Lum Berry over lefties to ignore one instance of status in hopes of scratching out a KO or Quiver Dance.

Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

Not entirely confident with Volcarona patching up my fire weakness and in need of a Volt Switcher, I picked Rotom-W. Also checks Talonflame and a few others that give my offense core trouble. Burn helps wear down walls and cripple offensive threats.

Tyranitar @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 248 HP / 80 Def / 180 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge
- Pursuit
- Crunch

I decided to have a Pursuit trapper to make further use of VoltTurn. Sporting Stealth Rock plus being another check to Talonflame and psychics makes Tyranitar even more useful in the team. Being able to set hazards and KO common defoggers (lati twins) with the same 'mon is convenient.

Latias @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 72 HP / 184 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Healing Wish
- Defog

My Mega Venusaur, Amoongus, and Keldeo check. Helps Volcarona do its job by getting rid of rocks. Otherwise fires off Draco Meteors to put dents into teams. Healing Wish for after Latias has done it's job. Thinking about replacing it for more coverage though.
Some teams i built in 5 minutes or so, most of them are standard and solid but since i didn't take much time with them, they may show some flaws so suggestions would be appreciated. EDIT: Posted even more teams and may put even more in the future.


Some Mega Venu bulky offense i built with Mistt, overall pretty standard having VenuTran + Keldeo for a FWG core and then the rest is just as standard, originally had defensive venu and resttalk keld but it seems better like this.

Venusaur-Mega @ Venusaurite
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 232 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 20 Spe
Modest Nature
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Synthesis

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic

Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Stone Edge
- Explosion

Keldeo @ Choice Specs
Ability: Justified
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Secret Sword
- Hydro Pump
- Focus Blast

Latios @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 29 HP / 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Roost
- Surf

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Calm Mind
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave


Saw p2's starboy RMT and saw that he was originally planning on using specs hydra + megalop there and since i love that core and vincune, i tried to make a team like that, similar to the RMT team but i put cm > sr on clef because without mega sab it's not super necessary and let me use spD jirachi and have healing wish support (even tho i'm super bad at using that move) to cure vincune incase it loses hp from using too many subs or somehow gets statused.

Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 40 SpD / 216 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Protect

Lopunny-Mega (F) @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Return
- High Jump Kick
- Ice Punch

Hydreigon (F) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dark Pulse
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- Flash Cannon

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 224 SpD / 32 Spe
Careful Nature
- Iron Head
- Stealth Rock
- U-turn
- Healing Wish

Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Stone Edge
- Knock Off

Clefable (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave


The least standard of the teams, i wanted to use SubTox Zapdos because Martin talked alot about it and seemed interesting because it can pp stall some moves with sub and cure itself with Roost, paired with Suicune because it was the featured core and i decided to use VinCune because i love that set. Wanted to make a FWG core so i put Heatran because it sets rocks and then Tangrowth to check physical attackers. Didn't find a better hazard remover or anything else to use the mega slot so i randomly thought about Defog Mega Latias and i put on the team because she has a cool type synergy with the other members and needed something for Specs Keldeo. The last mon was Gliscor and i'm not too sure about it tho, thought about CM Clefable or Reuniclus but put Gliscor as it's another win condition, checks threats like Diancie, Gengar, can set up on Clefable and most importantly, it is a nice switch in to Heatran since my Suicune is currently not using a bulky Rest set and you can't let Heatran burn it or poison it since it totally screws vincune and that can lose you the game.

Zapdos @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 140 Def / 116 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Roost
- Substitute
- Toxic

Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 40 SpD / 216 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Protect

Tangrowth @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 244 HP / 216 Def / 48 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Sleep Powder
- Giga Drain
- Knock Off
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Latias-Mega @ Latiasite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Roost
- Surf
- Psyshock
- Defog

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Toxic
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 244 HP / 8 Def / 200 SpD / 56 Spe
Careful Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Roost


I told ambipom unviable (DivaDivante on PS) that i was posting teams i built in 5 minutes in the bazaar so she did the same and let me post the team here, it's just another basic team, super standard except that it has Togekiss, who is known for being a threat to stall. Unfortunately, Zapdos is rising in usage, especially on bulkier teams but Togekiss still has a fine defensive typing, for example walling those Garchomps that use Dragon + Ground move as their only coverage or if they have extra coverage, it's Fire Blast/Fire Fang but this mon has overall cool utility, reliable recovery in Roost plus the combination of NP + Serene Grace Air Slash not just sweeps stall teams but can also be threatening for some bulky offenses or balances as it sets up on slow bulky mons and checks for example Latios and Mega Lopunny too.

Lopunny @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Ice Punch
- Fake Out
- High Jump Kick

Togekiss @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 248 HP / 84 Def / 176 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Air Slash
- Roost
- Heal Bell

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Lava Plume
- Toxic
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock

Latios @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Recover
- Defog

Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Stone Edge
- Knock Off

Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split


Immediately put Slowking + Heatran + Tangrowth because it's a cool defensive FWG core, making a regen core with King + Tang and after that i thought on the rest of the team members and started by putting CB Weavile, i know it's kinda bad and i don't really like it but it's a dedicated Pursuiter on balance so it's fine, it gets rid of Gengar and defensive Starmie for example and while it sucks to be locked, especially on Ice Shard or Pursuit, it can still be annoying for offense and the rest of the team is bulky anyway. Needed a hazard removal to combat hazard stacking and fix Weavile's SR weakness so i put Zapdos and is a nice addition since it deals with Tornadus-T and Mega Pinsir. Lastly, Mega Scizor was chosen because the mega slot wasn't taken yet and it seemed good to have a bulky physically attacking setup sweeper that walls Weavile and Mega Diancie, Bug Bite because this isn't a voltturn offense team to run U-Turn and still wanted something to hit opposing Slowbro or Tangrowth.

Slowking @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 188 Def / 68 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Psyshock
- Slack Off

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 188 SpD / 68 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Toxic
- Earth Power
- Stealth Rock

Tangrowth @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 244 HP / 216 Def / 48 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Sleep Powder
- Giga Drain
- Knock Off
- Leech Seed

Weavile @ Choice Band
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash
- Knock Off
- Pursuit

Zapdos @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Discharge
- Roost
- Defog
- Heat Wave

Scizor-Mega @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 244 HP / 32 Atk / 52 Def / 124 SpD / 56 Spe
Impish Nature
- Swords Dance
- Roost
- Bug Bite
- Bullet Punch


Probably the worst team in this post, i wanted to use CB Kyurem-B because it's a massive wallbreaker but it loses to ferro so i put HP Fire Manaphy to lure it, Shadow Ball is there so i can hit Latis and Slowbro. Wanted a mon with hazard removal to compensate for Kyurem's SR weakness and a faster attacker so i added Scarf Excadrill, then needed a SR setter and something to check foes like Breloom and Specs Keldeo in one slot so i thought that Celebi would be good here. Next i put Mega Alakazam because TestingSomeTeams swept me with it in a portuguese room tournament and lastly, Rotom-W because my team needed a bulkier mon in the last slot and Rotom is a nice switch-in to pokemon that can be annoying, such as Talonflame, Landorus-T and Mega Pinsir and it has T-Wave to have a chance against DD Mega Charizard X.

Kyurem-Black @ Choice Band
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Outrage
- Fusion Bolt
- Iron Head
- Dragon Claw

Manaphy @ Leftovers
Ability: Hydration
EVs: 92 HP / 252 SpA / 164 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Tail Glow
- Scald
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Shadow Ball

Excadrill @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide
- Rapid Spin

Celebi @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 156 Def / 84 SpD / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Giga Drain
- Recover
- Baton Pass
- Stealth Rock

Alakazam-Mega @ Alakazite
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Substitute

Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 132 Def / 128 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Thunder Wave


Built this team in like 1 minute, paired Mega Manectric with AV Tornadus and defensive Landorus-t for voltturn, Latios because it's Latios honestly and then Specs Keld + Band Ttar because it's a strong wallbreaker core, this building process was just that simple because i built it super quickly.

Manectric-Mega @ Manectite
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Flamethrower

Tornadus-Therian @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hurricane
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Heat Wave

Landorus-Therian @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 244 Def / 8 SpD / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- U-turn
- Stone Edge

Latios @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Psychic
- Roost
- Defog

Tyranitar @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 100 HP / 252 Atk / 156 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stone Edge
- Crunch
- Superpower
- Pursuit

Keldeo @ Choice Specs
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Hydro Pump
- Secret Sword
- Focus Blast


Wanted to make a Charizard X offense so ended up with this Darkspam team, SD Bisha + SD Weav are a good offensive core that overwhelm the checks of eachother and with DD Zard X, you can end up destroying the opposing team with one of them. Starmie is there as a wallbreaker that gives the mandatory spin support with Zard and Weavile, Lando-T + Ferrothorn is the best defensive/hazard core on this kind of team, Lando-T being so invested in spe to pass Adamant Bisharp and assure it outspeeds other Landorus so it uses HP Ice on it to the point it's so weakened that you can sweep with Mega Charizard X much more easily or use Rapid Spin from Starmie without Lando having the chance to SR again.

Charizard-Mega-X @ Charizardite X
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 72 HP / 252 Atk / 184 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Flare Blitz
- Dragon Claw
- Roost

Bisharp @ Lum Berry
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch

Landorus-Therian @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 160 Def / 8 SpD / 92 Spe
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Stealth Rock

Starmie @ Life Orb
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rapid Spin
- Hydro Pump
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Spikes
- Leech Seed
- Gyro Ball
- Power Whip

Weavile @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Knock Off
- Icicle Crash
- Ice Shard


All credit goes to daddy's kisses for this one. I told him that i was planning on using Specs Hydra paired with Mega Metagross but that i didn't have a team so he built this one. Next three mons are all used for voltturn support since it helps that core alot: Scarf Lando for speed control, Torn-T to switch into special attacks and provide utility, also remember that even without LO, it can pressure some teams alot and then Rotom-W as a bulky Volt Switch user, which the team was lacking, having T-Wave to try to remedy the bad matchup against DD Charizard X. Final member is Clefable and is there to provide Stealth Rock support, absorb status and check Mega Lopunny, it has Fire Blast for Scizor/Ferrothorn but you can just put Flamethrower if accuracy is a concern. Daddy's kisses put Hidden Power Rock on Tornadus-T for Mega Charizard Y but HP Rock only deals like 50% hp to hit whereas Fire Blast 1HKOes AV Tornadus after Stealth Rock damage and since Zard Y isn't very common anyway, i simply changed it into Heat Wave.

Metagross-Mega @ Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Hammer Arm
- Ice Punch
- Thunder Punch

Hydreigon (F) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dark Pulse
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- Flash Cannon

Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 72 HP / 240 Atk / 196 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Knock Off
- U-turn

Tornadus-Therian @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hurricane
- Heat Wave
- Knock Off
- U-turn

Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 240 Def / 20 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 29 Spe
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Will-O-Wisp
- Thunder Wave

Clefable (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 248 HP / 196 Def / 64 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 18 Spe
- Moonblast
- Fire Blast
- Soft-Boiled
- Stealth Rock


Some user from the portuguese room (KiritaKageyama) told me to post their team here so i am doing it, it is a basic team so there isn't much to explain but basically is an offensive team with Mega Lopunny (fast cleaner) and Bisharp (setup sweeper), having the core of Rotom-W and Clefable (mandatory SR setter) as the defensive backone, Tornadus-T as a fast special wallbreaker who beats bulky grasses like Tangrowth and makes voltturn with Rotom. Scarf Excadrill is there as a revenge killer and another speedy cleaner, i could see Scarf Lando-T being used here but Kirita prefers Excadrill as it has Rapid Spin to get rid of hazards, especially to help Tornadus-T and it also breaks offensive teams that rely on Rotom to check offensive grounds.

Clefable (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Stealth Rock
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave

Bisharp (M) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Swords Dance

Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 132 Def / 128 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

Lopunny (F) @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Return
- High Jump Kick
- Ice Punch

Excadrill (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Iron Head

Tornadus-Therian @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Hurricane
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Heat Wave


Team built in 1 minute so don't complain if you want to use and it's bad.Wanted to use Serperior because i haven't used it in a while so i paired with BD Azumarill, another dangerous sweeper and they both have good type synergy, for example Azumarill lures in Amoonguss, one of the best counters to Serperior who is defeated by a Knock Off after a Belly Drum. Heatran to complete a FWG core, provide Stealth Rock and keep a part of the metagame in check, Pinsir since it sweeps many teams nowadays and the team seemed to give enough support for it, that's why Latias is there, gets rid of hazards and can Healing Wish if needed plus it has Tbolt to lure Skarmory. Lastly, Scarf Landorus-T for speed and to have a better matchup versus Excadrill.

Serperior @ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Leaf Storm
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Dragon Pulse
- Glare

Azumarill @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Belly Drum
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough
- Knock Off

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Lava Plume
- Toxic
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock

Pinsir-Mega @ Pinsirite
Ability: Hyper Cutter
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Return
- Close Combat
- Quick Attack

Latias @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 72 HP / 184 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Thunderbolt
- Healing Wish
- Defog

Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Stone Edge
- Knock Off


Never built rain before so i decided to give it a go, Politoed is the obvious rain setter, Kabutops and Kingdra as the pair of swift swim sweepers, Kabutops having SD + Low Kick as suggested by tigers jaw since it boosts itself and lures Ferrothorn. Tornadus-T is a great option on rain since it has 100% accurate Hurricanes and beats grass types, decided to use Specs so i don't have LO recoil as i lack Rapid Spin on Kabutops but you can use the standard Life Orb set if you want. Ferrothorn is there to set stealth rock and Heracross since i lacked a mega and it seemed a nice wallbreaker on this kind of team.

Politoed @ Damp Rock
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 248 HP / 164 SpD / 96 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Hypnosis
- Encore
- Rest

Kabutops @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Waterfall
- Stone Edge
- Swords Dance
- Low Kick

Kingdra @ Choice Specs
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Draco Meteor
- Scald
- Dragon Pulse

Ferrothorn (F) @ Chople Berry
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 248 HP / 128 Def / 132 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Leech Seed
- Gyro Ball
- Power Whip

Tornadus-Therian @ Choice Specs
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hurricane
- Focus Blast
- U-turn
- Sleep Talk

Heracross-Mega @ Heracronite
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 240 HP / 136 Atk / 132 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Pin Missile
- Rock Blast
- Substitute
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I was unaware such a thread existed up until today. I'll be doing a team dump of some of my better teams used in Tournament play and just great for me overall:

Team 1 -

This was a team I used OLT round 3 vs Nelson and although its only purpose was to counter style a specific build, it works really well still outside of this. This features Band tar + Specs Keld used to punish balance with offensive Mega Scizor. Has had mild success on ladder and is good in tournament play.

Scizor-Mega (F) @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 100 Atk / 60 Def / 96 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bug Bite
- Roost
- Bullet Punch

Heatran (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Earth Power
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt

Sh0ka (Tyranitar) @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 100 HP / 252 Atk / 156 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stone Edge
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Ice Punch

Shoka (Landorus-Therian) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Stone Edge

Siren Sword (Keldeo-Resolute) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Scald
- Focus Blast
- Secret Sword

Amoonguss @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 168 Def / 92 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Giga Drain
- Spore
- Clear Smog
- Stun Spore

Team 2 -

A cool team I made during cycle 6 of my OLT ladder phase. This features a sand build with mega Latias and Defensive Lando as a defensive backbone, paired with an offensive back bone of specs Keldeo and Volcarona. Has great ladder success and is overall fun

Relax (Tyranitar) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
- Pursuit
- Superpower

Digging for Gold (Excadrill) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Toxic
- Rapid Spin

Her Name (Latias-Mega) @ Latiasite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 20 SpA / 240 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Roost
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Reflect Type

Secret Sword (Keldeo-Resolute) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Focus Blast
- Hydro Pump
- Scald
- Secret Sword

(ABM) Hammer (Landorus-Therian) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Toxic
- U-turn

Watch You Burn (Volcarona) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def
- Quiver Dance
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Fiery Dance
- Giga Drain

Team 3 -

This suspect I wanted to be annoying as possible, and what's more annoying then Mew + Vincecune? Used this to the aid of achieving my Sableye suspect reqs.

Mew @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 224 Def / 32 Spe
Impish Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt
- Soft-Boiled
- Knock Off

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Earth Power
- Lava Plume
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock

Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 24 HP / 252 Atk / 232 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Knock Off
- U-turn

Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 64 Def / 192 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Protect
- Scald

Tangrowth @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Knock Off
- Leaf Storm

Scizor-Mega @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 44 Atk / 116 Def / 96 Spe
Impish Nature
- U-turn
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Roost

Team 4 -

This was used in my OLT Preliminary game vs Ox the Fox and features a very cool set: Sub zard Y! The goal is to punish Balance/bulky offensive teams whose Charizard checks are Heatran/Scarf tar. I have a volt turn core of Rachi+Lando to bring it in safely, and Latias as healing wish support.

Charizard-Mega-Y @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
EVs: 16 HP / 240 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Substitute
- Roost
- Focus Blast

Cleo (Weavile) (F) @ Choice Band
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pursuit
- Knock Off
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 248 HP / 4 Atk / 220 SpD / 36 Spe
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Iron Head
- U-turn
- Toxic

Lunar (Keldeo-Resolute) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Focus Blast
- Scald
- Secret Sword

Sad as fuck (Landorus-Therian) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 24 HP / 252 Atk / 232 Spe
Jolly Nature
- U-turn
- Knock Off
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

Latias @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 72 HP / 184 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Healing Wish
- Psyshock
- Defog

Team 5 -

Someone told me I never could use Skarmory if my life counted on it. This friendly joke resulted in this team, my mega Zam spike stack. Skarm and Clef get Hazards up while Zam And Keldeo provide offensive pressure with Tyranitar trapping common Hazard removal in Starmie/Lati twins.

Alakazam-Mega @ Alakazite
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Keldeo-Resolute @ Choice Specs
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Hydro Pump
- Focus Blast
- Secret Sword

Skarmory @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 36 Def / 224 SpD
Impish Nature
- Spikes
- Roost
- Iron Head
- Counter

Tyranitar @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 100 HP / 252 Atk / 156 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stone Edge
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Ice Punch

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Moonblast
- Flamethrower
- Soft-Boiled

Tornadus-Therian @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Knock Off
- Hurricane
- Heat Wave
- U-turn

I may add more a bit later! I hope you all enjoy my stuff :heart:

What are those scizor ev's needed for? any specific cause?
What are those scizor ev's needed for? any specific cause?
The scizor is used to counter style Neslons ditto stall in a hard fashion. Since his Scizor "Counter" I'd Scalding with Suicune the 96 speed suicune running 12 speed evs. Ada 100 Atk ensures the 2HKO with bug bite On standard suicune, and the rest is dumped into defense and HP so I don't get reverse swept by his ditto.