OU Team Building

Conkeldurr's got the wrong EV spread (252 SpA/4 SpD/252 Spd). The description gets it right though.
Its ability has been mentioned as magic Guard. I don't know if this has been noted, but it hasn't been corrected in the main section (roles).
I'm SHOCKED this hasn't been done yet (if it has, it isn't in the OP).


Latios (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Hidden Power [Fire] / Surf / Thunderbolt
- Trick

Role: Revenge Killer

What it does: Latios is the fastest common scarfer in the game. The only things that outspeed Latios with a Choice Scarf are the extremely rare Scarf Starmie, and I suppose Scarf Gengar speed ties you if it is also carrying HP Fire. If it isn't, then it outspeeds you. But almost no one carries either of those sets, so if you're packing Scarf Latios, you've elected to use the fastest Pokémon in OU without any form of setup. This high speed tier allows Latios to become a prime revenge killer, able to outspeed and KO Keldeo and Terrakion (the other two most common Scarfers) with Psyshock, as well as Scarf Garchomp and Salamence with Draco Meteor. Hidden Power Fire gives you a nice way to deal with Scizor, Ferrothorn, and Forretress outside of the rain, though for other things, like Celebi or Breloom, Draco Meteor and Psyshock, respectfully, hit harder. Trick allows you to cripple your opponents walls that might otherwise be troublesome for Latios to handle, like Blissey or Chansey (she especially hates being tricked) as well as Ferrothorn, Jellicent, Specially Defensive Celebi, etc. Surf and Thunderbolt can be good options as well to hit things if you're playing on a rain team, though Thunder woud be preferred in that case.

Good teammates: Latios usually does well on and against hyper offensive teams. Anything that benefits from Terrakion and/or Keldeo being taken out will love being paired with Latios. Lucario makes a great partner for Latios, as Latios can take out things that threaten Lucario like Gliscor, Terrakion, and Keldeo, while Lucario can take out things liek Chansey, Blissey, Jellicent, and other things that can be a major pain for Latios to take care of. Heatran also makes a good partner for Latios, as they cover each others weaknesses well, though Tyranitar can be a problem for this core, so something with Fighting type moves like Breloom, Terrakion, Conkeldurr, etc. can also be beneficial for this core. Focus Sash Alakazam is also a problem that Latios and its teammates face, but Alakazam gives most hyper offensive teams trouble anyway, and can be taken out by something common like Scarf Jirachi (another good partner with Latios).

What counters it: Strong special walls can come in on anything that isn't Psyshock, and even then, it can't 2HKO Chansey, Blissey, or Standard Jellicent, though all of these Pokémon need to be careful about switching in on a trick. Ferrothron is in much of the same boat, especially in rain, where he can survive HP Fire and Thunder Wave Latios back, effectively crippling him. Tyranitar is probably the best counter to Scarf Latios, because it can come in on pretty much any move and trap him with Pursuit. This is part of what makes Lucario and Terrakion such valuable teammates for Latios, as they can set up all over Tyranitar, and cause quite a bit of trouble for the opposing teams. If Latios has been weakened, Mamoswine can revenge kill with Ice Shard, which does 74.83 - 88.74%. Weavile is in the same boat, sort of a mixture between Tyranitar and Mamoswine. It can Pursuit trap him if he's locked into Psyshock, or he can KO a considerably weakened Latios with Ice Shard which does 65.56 - 77.48%. Though honestly your best bet is with Tyranitar.

Other notes: None.
I was reading through the list of special walls when I noticed Tyranitar. However, the list of physical walls lacks Hippowdon. I've used this set to great effect walling tons of physical threats left and right:


Hippowdon @ Leftovers
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Slack Off
- Whirlwind / Ice Fang / Toxic
- Stealth Rock / Ice Fang / Toxic

Role: Physical Wall

What it does: The cornerstone of sand stall, Hippowdon walls many physical threats with ease. Notable examples include Scizor, Terrakion, Dragonite, and Lucario. Earthquake is the main STAB move, hitting many threats for super effective damage. Slack Off is your standard healing move. Whirlwind is a useful phazing move against set-up sweepers and Stealth Rock is Stealth Rock. However, if you have another dedicated phazer or Stealth Rock setter on your team, Ice Fang enable Hippowdon to actually do something to Air Balloon Pokemon and Dragonite / Salamence. Toxic can be used to catch Rotom-W on the switch-in and still enable Hippowdon to beat Air Ballon Terrakion 1-v-1.

Good Teammates: It's worth noting that Hippowdon can reliably set up Sandstorm over and over again with his bulk. Any Sand Stall team can use him to cover physical threats, as well as set up sandstorm. As a result, when planning a sand stall team, he is often a first-pick pokemon.

As for teammates, anything that can sponge special attacks is golden. Hippowdon also fares poorly against mixed sweepers so a mixed wall is valuable too on a dedicated stall team. Jirachi and Celebii are prime candidates for these roles with Jirachi being able to wish-pass and possessing an immunity to Sandstorm. Celebii can tackle mixed-Keldeo and Latios, big, big problems for Hippowdon, as well as Heal Bell. Hippowdon also can't stomach physical attacks that are super-effective. So something like Ferrothorn which resists Grass and Water (and is neutral to Ice) is a good partner.

Other Notes: Blissey is preferred over Chansey due to Blissey's ability to hold Leftovers to negate sandstorm damage. This is also the reason why including Eviolite pokemon on your team will require Wish-passing, even if they can heal themselves.

Including Tyranitar with Hippowdon on a Sand Stall team enables you to have two weather setters (giving you a missive lead in weather wars), but I'm still experimenting with this idea.
What to use:

Yanmega @ Life Orb
Trait: Speed Boost
Modest Nature (+SpA, -Atk)
Evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Air Slash
-Bug Buzz
-Hidden Power [Ground / Ice]

Role: Special Sweeper, Late-game Cleaner,

What It Does: Yanmega is a really underrated pokemon that has to compete with the likes of Volcorona. However this doesn't mean it's not good anymore. Yanmega have access to a ability known as speed boost. Each and every turn, it get's +1 speed making it a very threatening sweeper as eventually, it can outspeed everything on your team and if you're not prepared, gg. Air Slash is a great stab move, hitting a lot of things for at least netural damage if not super effective. Bug Buzz is a stronger stab move to use in situation where you're not hitting hard enough. Hidden Power Ground destroys Heatran's (if they don't have a air balloon) and Magnezone's. Hidden Power Ice kills dragons like Salamence, and Dragonite. It also can be used to kill Landorus. It's up to what you want to hit. Choose wisely. Protect gives you a free speed boost to outspeed things you normally can't. Choice Scarfers? At +2 Yanmega outspeeds scarf Latios with Modest. It basically doesn't need timid so no need to worry.

Good Teammates: Steel types like Ferrothorn are Yanmega's archenemy. You would want a Magnezone to trap these fuckers that prevent you from doing major damage to the opponents team. Special walls such as Chansey, Blissey, and Jellicent also stops Yanmega. A Weavile makes a good partner as it traps Jellicent, and kills the fat blobs with Low kick. Not to mention Mamoswine makes a great check to Yanmega as it can just hit it with Ice Shard. Weavile fits this role greatly as well.

What Counters It: Chansey, Blissey, Jellicent, Ferrothorn can all take hits from it for days and cripple Yanmega from doing it's job. Rotom-W can take one hit from it and dispatch it with Volt Switch. Priority like Bullet Punch and Ice Shard easily brings Yanmega down.

Any Additional Info: Use this thing before saying it's bad. It's not. It's actually great at doing it's job. Try it

What not to use:

Alomomola @ Leftovers
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)
Trait: Regenerator
Evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
-Waterfall / Soak / Scald

Role: Physical Wall

What It Does: Why the hell would you want to use this thing? Seriously? All it got that's useful is the moves that are listed above. It's movepool is so bad that it's almost always the same. The only time when it's different is when people use Scald instead of Waterfall. In fact I actually heard some people said this thing kicks ass in OU and it's underrated. No it's not. What you're going to do with this thing? Take physical hits? Out of all the bad ones you pick this piece of shit. The only thing going for it is it's massive hp and good def. You can use Slowbro. There are a lot of better bulky water types that are so much better. Don't tell me you're going to spam Shadow Ball with it. Or even maybe Return with a fucking choice band. Does nothing but bored your opponent to death with Wish + Protect while it does like 5-10% damage.

Good Teammates: If you're going to insist on using this thing, get out of my face. I have no reason to argue with you if you're this ignorant. But I'll list the good teammates anyway. Pick something that forms a good core with this thing. Celebi, Amoonguss, Heatran and stuff like that. If you want, you can use it as death fodder for pokemon's that locks themselves into a Electric move so you can get a free Nasty Plot / Agility with Thunderus-T.

What Counters It: Anything that outstall and wall it. All the good grass types like Celebi, Amoonguss, Virizon makes it cry. All the other bulky water outstall it. Rotom-W does a fuckton to this thing with Volt Switch. Used as setup fodder for a lot of pokemon: Thunderus-t, Salamence, Dragonite, Garchomp, Jirachi, Virizion, Celebi, Terrakion, Gyarados, Keldeo, Kyruem-B, Latias, Lucario, Reuniclus, Toxicroak, Venusaur, Volcorona, Haxorus, Conkeldurr, Cloyster, Breloom. That's literally almost the whole entire OU metagame, expect that Virizon is in UU. I just putted there because I feel like I should mention it.

Any Additional Info: Don't use this thing EVER. If someone tells you this thing is good in Ou, just ignore them.
What to use:

Weavile @ Expert Belt
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 32 HP / 252 Atk/ 224 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ice Shard
- Pursuit
- Night Slash
- Low Kick

Role: Revenge Killer

What It Does: In theroy, you might look at it and think that it's just the same as the other Weavile sets. But actually, it's not. This Weavile functions as a revenger killer like the other sets you know, but it works differently. The Expert Belt works really nicely to bluff the choice set. I did use it before and it actually works like a charm. People assume it's Choice Band, and when I use Ice Shard they send out their Jellicent to go for the WoW just to get hit by a Night Slash. If they survive, I can use go for the pursuit to finish them off. Low Kick 2hko Heatran that stays in when they see me use moves like Pursuit.

Good Teammates: You should use things that that stuff this thing kills. For example, Keldeo is a great partner as Latios, Latias, Celebi, Jellicent and things like this stops it. Anything that appreciates things like that trapped makes a great partner.

What Counters It: Anything that outspeeds or can take a hit from this thing can easily take it out. Scarf Terrakion, Keldeo, Skarmory, Conkeldurr are all things that aren't scard of this thing and can easily beat it/wall it. Forrestress is another one that walls it. Ferrothorn can take a Low Kick and kill this thing with a Gyro Ball.

Any Additional Info: If you want something that bluffs a choice set and revenge kills things, use this Weavile set!
Speaking of bluffing choiced sets, here's something different.


Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Sp Defense
Adamant nature

Ice Shard
Icicle Crash
Stealth Rock / Superpower

What it does: For the most part, this Mamoswine set is pretty standard. Icicle Crash and Earthquake are for slower opponents, Ice shard is for revenge killing, Stealth Rock is for hazard support. Standard stuff. However, a Muscle Band allows it to bluff a Choice Band, allowing for some surprise kills, or a laying of Stealth Rock. For example, if you were to Ice Shard a Landorus, the opponent would see no recoil damage and would assume it was a Banded Mamoswine, and thus would switch in their Heatran, thinking it was safe to do so. You could then easily OHKO the Heatran, giving your HP Fire Latios a free run.

Good Teammates: There are two kinds of teammates for this set; the kind that enjoy Mamoswine's revenging capabilities, and the ones who love the surprise kills. Pair it up with Terrakion and eliminate Landorus-T and Gliscor for it. Get rid of Heatran, and Latios and Latias will have a much easier time.

Counters: Rotom-W will pretty much always beat Mamoswine, as can easily tank its attacks thanks to its typing and ability. Bronzong is in the same boat. Faster things that aren't weak to Ice Shard will always give Mamoswine some trouble, since they can attack before Mamoswine can hit them with an Earthquake.

Additional info: There aren't many different options for Mamoswine. Stealth Rock could be removed for a coverage move, as Superpower could be used to nail Ferrothorn, who seems to switch into Mamoswine more than one would expect. You might think that Muscle Band is outclassed by Expert Belt, but Mamoswine hits everything it would bring in with Muscle Band hard enough, and Mamoswine's super effective coverage is somewhat lacking.
Speaking of bluffing choiced sets, here's something different.


Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Sp Defense
Adamant nature

Ice Shard
Icicle Crash
Stealth Rock

What it does: For the most part, this Mamoswine set is pretty standard. Icicle Crash and Earthquake are for slower opponents, Ice shard is for revenge killing, Stealth Rock is for hazard support. Standard stuff. However, a Muscle Band allows it to bluff a Choice Band, allowing for some surprise kills, or a laying of Stealth Rock. For example, if you were to Ice Shard a Landorus, the opponent would see no recoil damage and would assume it was a Banded Mamoswine, and thus would switch in their Heatran, thinking it was safe to do so. You could then easily OHKO the Heatran, giving your HP Fire Latios a free run.

Good Teammates: There are two kinds of teammates for this set; the kind that enjoy Mamoswine's revenging capabilities, and the ones who love the surprise kills. Pair it up with Terrakion and eliminate Landorus-T and Gliscor for it. Get rid of Heatran, and Latios and Latias will have a much easier time.

Counters: Rotom-W will pretty much always beat Mamoswine, as can easily tank its attacks thanks to its typing and ability. Bronzong is in the same boat. Faster things that aren't weak to Ice Shard will always give Mamoswine some trouble, since they can attack before Mamoswine can hit them with an Earthquake.

Additional info: There aren't many different options for Mamoswine. Stealth Rock could be removed for a coverage move, as Superpower could be used to nail Ferrothorn, who seems to switch into Mamoswine more than one would expect. You might think that Muscle Band is outclassed by Expert Belt, but Mamoswine hits everything it would bring in with Muscle Band hard enough, and Mamoswine's super effective coverage is somewhat lacking.

Why not use a -Sp nature w/ 0 Speed IVs instead?
Speaking of bluffing choiced sets, here's something different.


Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Sp Defense
Adamant nature

Ice Shard
Icicle Crash
Stealth Rock

What it does: For the most part, this Mamoswine set is pretty standard. Icicle Crash and Earthquake are for slower opponents, Ice shard is for revenge killing, Stealth Rock is for hazard support. Standard stuff. However, a Muscle Band allows it to bluff a Choice Band, allowing for some surprise kills, or a laying of Stealth Rock. For example, if you were to Ice Shard a Landorus, the opponent would see no recoil damage and would assume it was a Banded Mamoswine, and thus would switch in their Heatran, thinking it was safe to do so. You could then easily OHKO the Heatran, giving your HP Fire Latios a free run.

Good Teammates: There are two kinds of teammates for this set; the kind that enjoy Mamoswine's revenging capabilities, and the ones who love the surprise kills. Pair it up with Terrakion and eliminate Landorus-T and Gliscor for it. Get rid of Heatran, and Latios and Latias will have a much easier time.

Counters: Rotom-W will pretty much always beat Mamoswine, as can easily tank its attacks thanks to its typing and ability. Bronzong is in the same boat. Faster things that aren't weak to Ice Shard will always give Mamoswine some trouble, since they can attack before Mamoswine can hit them with an Earthquake.

Additional info: There aren't many different options for Mamoswine. Stealth Rock could be removed for a coverage move, as Superpower could be used to nail Ferrothorn, who seems to switch into Mamoswine more than one would expect. You might think that Muscle Band is outclassed by Expert Belt, but Mamoswine hits everything it would bring in with Muscle Band hard enough, and Mamoswine's super effective coverage is somewhat lacking.

Wouldn't it be better to remove Stealth rock and give it something like superpower? Honestly, people might just think that it's the lead set and they won't fall for the bluff.

Haxorus @ Choice Band
Ability: Mold Breaker
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Nature: Jolly (+Spe,-SpA)
Moves: Outrage / Superpower / Earthquake / Dual Chop

Description: Using a Jolly nature on a Haxorus might seem a waste, especially considering most of the prominent Dragons in OU all have 100+ speeds. But the role of this set is NOT to take on those threats. Jolly nature allows Haxorus to take on many other threats. Even without an Adamant nature, Outrage backed by 147 attack and Choice Band hits mighty hard. Most, if not all, non-Steel types will be OHKO'd. Hydreigon and Dragonite in particular are easily checked. Hydreigon does have higher base speed, but in practice very few people use a speed positive nature on Hydreigon even they invest full EV's in it.

Earthquake offers amazing coverage; Rotom-A, Jirachi, Toxicroak, Tentacruel, Bronzong, Lucario, Ninetales and Heatran are a few pokemon who are OHKO'd. Jolly allows Haxorus to outspeed almost all Heatran and Rotom-A except for Scarf variants. Jirachi, Ninetales and Tentacruel have higher base speed, but very few people invest enough EV's to outspeed Jolly Haxorus.
Superpower offers SE coverage over Ferrothorn and can OHKO after little prior damage, also does decent damage to most Steel types that resist / neutral to Earthquake.

Dual Chop offers a safe STAB option, with decent 80 BP effectively. The double hit allows Haxorus to break substitutes of many pokemon, especially SubPunch Breloom.

Mold Breaker is a fantastic ability on Haxorus. It is due to Mold Breaker that Haxorus becomes an excellent check to Levitate users, particularly Rotom-A. Mold Breaker also lets it OHKO Dragonite at full health, as it negates Multiscale.

Team-mates : To work successfully, you need to ensure that faster opposing dragons and physically defensive steel types are removed. For this purpose, Choice Scarf Latios and any Heatran work amazingly well. Scarf Latios can OHKO all dragons 100% of the time, except for opposing Scarf Latios. Heatran makes short work of Ferrothorn, Skarmory and Forretress, paving the way for Haxorus. Also Scizor or Breloom make good partners, being able to beat opposing Mamoswine and Weavile. Entry hazards are very helpful, turning many 2HKO's into OHKO's such as on Ferrothorn with Superpower.

Counters & Checks : If alive and healthy, Ferrothorn, Forretress and Skarmory can switch in with impunity on any move except for Superpower in case of Ferrothorn and proceed to setup. Sash pokemon who carry moves which can KO back are good checks, such as Alakazam. Mamoswine can OHKO with Ice Shard after a little prior damage. Faster dragon types can all easily revenge kill Haxorus, becoming good checks. Physically defensive Hippowdon can take an Outrage and recover off the damage, but cannot switch in on it. Gliscor is pretty much in the same boat, but can usually check better than Hippowdon because of Protect and Substitute.


Cobalion @ Expert Belt
Trait: Justice
EVs: 28 Atk / 228 SpA / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Atk, -SDef)
- Close Combact
- Stealth Rock
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Volt Switch

Role: Physical Wall, Bulky Attacker, Tank, Mixed Attacker, Hazard Setter.

What It Does:
Cobalion is a good pokémon for the simple fact that enters in the frequent Outrage thanks to great defense (129 base) and so it can place the Stealth Rock, useful in today's metagame.
Then, his good speed (108 base) combined with its discrete attacks (both 90 base) and a vast movepool make it a valuable Tank.
Its type also, Steel and Fight offer many strengths but also a good STAB that it can be used in peace to hit various treath.
His movepool includes a wide range of moves including Rock Polish, Close Combact, Volt Switch, Calm Mind, Swords Dance, Taunt, Reflect, Stealth Rock and the various Hidden Power.

Good Teammates:

Thanks to Volt Switch, Cobalion can form various core with very nice pokémon like RotomW, Scizor, Landorus-T, Thundurus-T etc, able to do a lot of damage to your opponent.
Dragon-types are very good as partners: Dragonite, Salamence, Lati@s, especially with Latias, they form a very good core.
A valid choice are also the Rain since, with this, at Cobalion is removed the annoying weakness to Fire.

What Counters It:
Fire-types are very annoying for Cobalion, such as Volcarona. Also fight-resistor such as Gengar, Reuniclus and Latios, able to resist the STAB and kill him.
Water-type with good defenses as Politoed, Tentacruel, Jellicent are very annoying for the star or the most robust Hippowdon.

Any Additional Info:
Expert Belt over Life Orb because Cobalion is a pokemon that must remain for a long time in the field, but in the same time it must also attack so with Expert Belt can make very important kills.

@ Choice Scarf
Trait: Victory Star
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- V-create
- U-turn
- Bolt Strike
- Zen Headbutt

Role: Revenge Killer

What It Does:

Okay, Victini is one of the best Revenge Killer on Sun and Hail in the actual metagame.
First of all the type, Fire-Psychic has both good weaknesses that good resistance, but it is weak to the important Stealth Rock; his statistics (100 base all) allow him to be decent in attack and at the same time it isn't very weak.
Also, Its movepool includes a wide range of moves, one of the strongest move is V-Create (the strongest in the metagame), that it combined with his type and attack create a strong STAB; still, It has the all-important U-Turn, a strong Bolt Strike and various moves high level as Final Gambit, Zen Headbutt (this is useful for Terrakion, for example), Brick Breack etc.

Good Teammates:
With U-Turn, it creates a beautiful core with other volturn abuser, for example Jirachi or Rotom-W but his best teammates are the Dragon-types.
The Sunny for Victini is very important because it enhances greatly its potentessima STAB that can be used without problems if you won the weatherwar. Even Dugtrio and Gothitelle are good companions for the star because it attracts the opponent summoner and U-Turn can be smoothly enter the trapper.

What Counters It:

Dragon-types like Dragonite, Salamence can come out of all his moves and it can respond with Outrage or Earthquake; bulky Ground as Hippowdon and Landorus-T take discrete damage from STAB, while a little less the water-types thanks to the powerful Bolt Strike though Politoed is one of the best switch-in on it.
Fire-Absorber as Heatran and Chandelure or Terrakion and Keldeo resist at his moves most used (V-Create and U-Turn) and they may respond with Earth Power, Stone Edge, Surf or Shadow Ball (depending on the Pokémon).
While Tyranitar is a good check because it have a good resistance to V-Create even if it takes discrete damage from U-Turn.
Other cases are Revenge Killer-like Landorus, Latios, etc.

Any Additional Info:
It is very important that in the field there aren't the Entry Hazard to exploit it.
Oh lol, it's true! Sorry for the unexpected, I'll be more careful next time.
Shuckle @ Custap Berry/ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Sticky Web
- Stealth Rock
- Power Split/ Toxic
- Stone Edge/ Acupressure

Role: Hazard Setter

What It Does: Nothing. If it wasn't for this pokemon's horrible 10 HP, he may last a bit longer. Not only that, but Shuckle cannot learn Spikes or Toxic Spikes, 2 out of 3 of the hazards. I've seen a few people use this set, and I mean few, but they were really not that hard to get rid of. Although the Custap Berry may allow for a hit, and acupressure can raise your HP (maybe), 1 move may not immediately kill any pokemon. Also, this set has no healing moves, which allows for a 2HKO. If you seriously want to try this, consider a different pokemon, such as Ferrothorn, Forretress, Deoxys-D, or Landorus-T.

Good Teammates: Really? Okay...
A pokemon to Volt-turn into Shuckle will be helpful, as hitting without priority will not work. A Baton Passer could also work, passing even higher defense and HP stats to Shuckle. AnEncore-user may be helpful, to lock an opponent into a setup attack. A stall may work well. Some good pokemon for this may be Magnezone, Togekiss, Skarmory, or Darmanitan. Good luck if you are still thinking about it.

What Counters It: Oh, gosh, let me think..
Rock types, Steel types, and Water types attacks. In more specific, light hits that take you to about 50%, causing you to not use your Berry. Moves that hit more than once an take you out. Pressure can keep you from eating the berry. Sucker Punch can block an attack after hitting you once. Status moves, such as sleep or parylsis, could injure you greatly. Power Split is at best gimmicky and has no point other than weakening them. If you're planning to wall it could work, but you're setting hazards. He is very slow, meaning that it can easily be put to Sleep or Taunted by common leads. Defog can ruin suiciders.

Any Additional Info:
Sorry Shuckle. It still doesn't look like you are a top tier threat despite being adorable. However, in lower tiers your usage may rise.