Ubers Palkia [Ubers]


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Palkia @ Lustrous Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Spacial Rend
- Hydro Pump
- Thunder
- Fire Blast

Palkia's base 150 Special Attack and variety of coverage moves allow it to be a powerful all-out attacker. Lustrous Orb lets Spacial Rend and Hydro Pump blast through defensive Pokemon like Necrozma-DM and Yveltal much easily! Thunder hits Water- and Flying-types like Kyogre and Lugia. Kyogre makes a great teammate because of Drizzle improving the power of Hydro Pump and accuracy of Thunder. Palkia's typing allows it to be one of the best checks to Water Spout Kyogre, and Thunder 2HKOes it in return. Fire Blast is meant to deal with Ferrothorn in particular, as Hydro Pump already does more to other Steel-types. Physical attackers like Zacian and Marshadow are other good teammates to KO Blissey, since it can sponge of all of Palkia's attacks. 252 Speed EVs with a Timid nature allow Palkia to outspeed Pokemon like Kyogre, Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zekrom.

I went through ubers most wanted and every ssnl round and couldn't find a replay of it winning :(. 966 characters.
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i feel the teammates you mentioned apart from ferro and ogre arent really useful because they don't add any synergy with what palkia provides. i'd mention marshadow, because it beats blissey, which you havent mentioned at all (and you should, it's an important part of why palkia has a limited potential). maybe talk about palkia's speed tier as well? 328 is correct for being faster than yvel, xern & ogre but not enough for eternatus, and it's slower than caly, zacian, etc. also, thunder is used because ogre (whether its yours or opp's) provides rain, not really because it has more paralysis chance (even if its always cool), so you should remove the part about the explanation of thunder > tbolt and just mention this in why ogre is a good teammate for palkia. otherwise that looks correct

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Palkia @ Lustrous Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Spacial Rend
- Hydro Pump
- Thunder
- Fire Blast

Palkia's base 150 Special Attack and access to a variety of coverage moves (RC) allows it to be a powerful all-out attacker. Lustrous Orb boosts its STAB attacks to allow it to lets Spacial Rend and Hydro Pump blast through defensive Pokemon like Necrozma-DM and Yveltal much easier more easily! Thunder hits Water- and Flying-types like Kyogre and Lugia and it's used to utilize Kyogre's rain for 100% accuracy. Kyogre also makes a great teammate because of Drizzle improving the power of Hydro Pump and accuracy of Thunder. It's Water/Dragon typing Palkia's typing allows it to be one of the best checks to Water Spout Kyogre, (AC) and Thunder 2HKOes it back in return. Fire Blasts is meant to deal with Ferrothorn in particular, (AC) as Hydro Pump already does more to other Steel-types. Physical attackers like Zacian and Marshadow also are other good teammates to KO Blissey, (AC) since it can sponge of all of Palkia's attacks. 252 Speed EVs with a Timid Nature allows Palkia to hit 328 Speed to be faster than nature allow Palkia to outspeed Pokemon like Kyogre, Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zekrom.