ZU Palossand


aka Ho3nConfirm3d
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Palossand @ Colbur Berry / Rocky Helmet
Ability: Water Compaction
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Stealth Rock / Toxic
- Shadow Ball
- Earth Power
- Shore Up

I shore hope you like a good physical wall, since that's just what Palossand provides for the ZU metagame! Common physical attackers like Klinklang, Sawk, and Lycanroc-D are unable to break past Palossand, so Palossand uses these matchups as opportunities to recover health and set up Stealth Rock. Alternatively, Toxic works for punishing switch-ins like Tangela and Articuno. Colbur Berry lets Palossand check Skuntank and Morpeko better, as well as deafening the blow from Sawk and Gurdurr's Knock Off. Rocky Helmet punishes contact-based attackers like Klinklang and Kangaskhan. Palossand's status vulnerability means it needs help from teammates like Silvally-Poison, Clefairy, and Heal Bell Miltank to combat opposing Toxic attempts. Dark-types like Silvally-Dark and Alolan Persian work well to punish the Ghost-types that Palossand is forced out by, like Rotom and Gourgeist-S. Articuno is a great teammate for checking Grass-types and special wallbreakers while Palossand functions as a switch-in to Klinklang, Rapidash, and Lycanroc-D.
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Palossand @ Rocky Helmet / Colbur Berry Items should be switched, Colbur is more relevant
Ability: Water Compaction
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Stealth Rock / Toxic
- Shadow Ball
- Earth Power
- Shore Up

I shore hope you like a good physical wall, cause that’s just what Palossand provides for the ZU metagame! Common physical attackers like Klinklang, Sawk, and Alolan Dugtrio Lycdog, SubTox AloDuggy is annoying and lures these kind of walls are unable to break past Palossand, using these matchups for recovery and Stealth Rock opportunities. Alternatively, Toxic works for punishing switch-ins like Tangela and Articuno. Rocky Helmet hurts contact-based attackers like Klinklang and Kangaskhan, although Colbur Berry also works to check Skuntank and Morpeko better as well as to deafen the blow from Sawk and Gurdurr’s Knock Off. Would probably change the order since we say colbur before helmet Palossand’s status vulnerability means it needs help from teammates like Silvally-Poison, Clefairy, and Heal Bell Miltank to combat opposing Toxic attempts. Dark-types like Silvally-Dark and Alolan Persian work well to punish the Ghost-types that Palossand is forced out by like Rotom and Gourgeist-S. Articuno is a great teammate for checking Grass-types and special wallbreakers while Palossand functions as a switch-in to Klinklang, Rapidash, and Lycanroc-Dusk.

Scary Sandcastle booo

EDIT: This is the qc

I shore hope you like a good physical wall, cause that’since that's just what Palossand provides for the ZU metagame! Common physical attackers like Klinklang, Sawk, and Lycanroc-Dusk are unable to break past Palossand, using these matchups for recovery and Stealth Rock opportunitiesso Palossand uses these matchups as opportunities to recover health and set up Stealth Rock. Alternatively, Toxic works for punishing switch-ins like Tangela and Articuno. Colbur Berry works tolets Palossand check Skuntank and Morpeko better, as well as to deafening the blow from Sawk and Gurdurr's Knock Off. Rocky Helmet instead punishes contact-based attackers like Klinklang and Kangaskhan. Palossand's status vulnerability means it needs help from teammates like Silvally-Poison, Clefairy, and Heal Bell Miltank to combat opposing Toxic attempts. Dark-types like Silvally-Dark and Alolan Persian work well to punish the Ghost-types that Palossand is forced out by, like Rotom and Gourgeist-S. Articuno is a great teammate for checking Grass-types and special wallbreakers while Palossand functions as a switch-in to Klinklang, Rapidash, and Lycanroc-Dusk.

GP 1/1

GP Team done