Past Gen RNG Research


Dies, died, will die.
there is 1 main breeding routine in b/w and(in white), it's at 21C390C:

021C390C B5F8     push    {r3-r7,r14}                        ;1N+1ND+5SD
021C390E B0A6     add     sp,-#0x98                          ;1S
021C3910 1C05     mov     r5,r0                              ;1S
021C3912 982C     ldr     r0,[sp,#0xB0]                      ;1S+1ND+1I
021C3914 AF01     add     r7,sp,#0x4                         ;1S
021C3916 9002     str     r0,[sp,#0x8]                       ;1N+1ND
021C3918 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C391A 1C0C     mov     r4,r1                              ;1S
021C391C 1C16     mov     r6,r2                              ;1S
021C391E 9301     str     r3,[sp,#0x4]                       ;1N+1ND
021C3920 F000F87A bl      #0x21C3A18                         ;1N+3S
021C3924 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C3926 F000F899 bl      #0x21C3A5C                         ;1N+3S
021C392A A803     add     r0,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C392C F000F8B2 bl      #0x21C3A94                         ;1N+3S
021C3930 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C3932 A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C3934 F000F8B8 bl      #0x21C3AA8                         ;1N+3S
021C3938 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C393A A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C393C F000F8C2 bl      #0x21C3AC4                         ;1N+3S
021C3940 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C3942 A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C3944 F000F8D6 bl      #0x21C3AF4                         ;1N+3S
021C3948 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C394A A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C394C F000F8EA bl      #0x21C3B24                         ;1N+3S
021C3950 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C3952 A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C3954 F000F8F6 bl      #0x21C3B44                         ;1N+3S
021C3958 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C395A A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C395C F000F942 bl      #0x21C3BE4                         ;1N+3S
021C3960 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C3962 A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C3964 F000F942 bl      #0x21C3BEC                         ;1N+3S
021C3968 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C396A A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C396C F000F956 bl      #0x21C3C1C                         ;1N+3S
021C3970 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C3972 A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C3974 F000F968 bl      #0x21C3C48                         ;1N+3S
021C3978 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C397A A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C397C F000F988 bl      #0x21C3C90                         ;1N+3S
021C3980 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C3982 A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C3984 F000F98C bl      #0x21C3CA0                         ;1N+3S
021C3988 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C398A A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C398C 1C2A     mov     r2,r5                              ;1S
021C398E F000F9D1 bl      #0x21C3D34                         ;1N+3S
021C3992 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C3994 A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C3996 F000FA13 bl      #0x21C3DC0                         ;1N+3S
021C399A 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C399C A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C399E 1C2A     mov     r2,r5                              ;1S
021C39A0 F000FA2C bl      #0x21C3DFC                         ;1N+3S
021C39A4 A803     add     r0,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C39A6 1C29     mov     r1,r5                              ;1S
021C39A8 F000FA52 bl      #0x21C3E50                         ;1N+3S
021C39AC 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C39AE A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C39B0 F000FA64 bl      #0x21C3E7C                         ;1N+3S
021C39B4 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C39B6 A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C39B8 F000FADE bl      #0x21C3F78                         ;1N+3S
021C39BC 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C39BE A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C39C0 F000FB0A bl      #0x21C3FD8                         ;1N+3S
021C39C4 1C20     mov     r0,r4                              ;1S
021C39C6 A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C39C8 F000FB32 bl      #0x21C4030                         ;1N+3S
021C39CC 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C39CE A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C39D0 F000FB34 bl      #0x21C403C                         ;1N+3S
021C39D4 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C39D6 A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C39D8 F000FB36 bl      #0x21C4048                         ;1N+3S
021C39DC A803     add     r0,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C39DE F000FB5D bl      #0x21C409C                         ;1N+3S
021C39E2 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C39E4 A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C39E6 1C2A     mov     r2,r5                              ;1S
021C39E8 F000FB92 bl      #0x21C4110                         ;1N+3S
021C39EC 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C39EE A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C39F0 F000FBC2 bl      #0x21C4178                         ;1N+3S
021C39F4 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C39F6 A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C39F8 1C2A     mov     r2,r5                              ;1S
021C39FA F000FC29 bl      #0x21C4250                         ;1N+3S
021C39FE 1C38     mov     r0,r7                              ;1S
021C3A00 A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C3A02 F000FC67 bl      #0x21C42D4                         ;1N+3S
021C3A06 982D     ldr     r0,[sp,#0xB4]                      ;1S+1ND+1I
021C3A08 A903     add     r1,sp,#0xC                         ;1S
021C3A0A 1C22     mov     r2,r4                              ;1S
021C3A0C 1C33     mov     r3,r6                              ;1S
021C3A0E 9500     str     r5,[sp]                            ;1N+1ND
021C3A10 F000FCA2 bl      #0x21C4358                         ;1N+3S
021C3A14 B026     add     sp,#0x98                           ;1S
021C3A16 BDF8     pop     {r3-r7,r15}                        ;1N+2S+1ND+5SD+1I

anything anyone could ever want to know is in there. it includes international breeding (a for-loop that runs 6 times with 6 rng advancements and 6 shiny pid checks, etc) and all quirks of the system.


Dies, died, will die.
something i've been thinking about for awhile: i'm pretty sure that keypresses don't affect timer0 at all in gen 5, and i just wanted to demonstrate why i think so.

first, let's start with the code:

RAM:02088180 ; S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
RAM:02088180 getParams__                             ; CODE XREF: Seed.Create__+14p
RAM:02088180                                         ; sub_20595A0+14p
RAM:02088180                 STMFD   SP!, {R4-R6,LR}
RAM:02088184                 LDR     R1, VCOUNT      ; VCOUNT @ =0x4000006
RAM:02088188                 MOV     R5, R0
RAM:0208818C                 LDRH    R6, [R1]           ; *VCOUNT into R6
RAM:02088190                 LDR     R4, =0x2FFFC00 ; base value used for grabbing loads of values
RAM:02088194                 BL      getTimer0__
RAM:02088198                 ORR     R0, R0, R6,LSL#16 ;(*VCOUNT << 16) | *timer0
RAM:0208819C                 STR     R0, [R5]
RAM:020881A0                 LDR     R0, =0x2151358
RAM:020881A4                 LDRH    R1, [R4,#0xF8]
RAM:020881A8                 LDR     R2, [R0]
RAM:020881AC                 LDR     R3, [R0,#4]
RAM:020881B0                 EOR     R1, R2, R1,LSL#16
RAM:020881B4                 STR     R1, [R5,#4]
RAM:020881B8                 LDR     R2, [R0]
RAM:020881BC                 LDR     R2, GxStat           ; GxStat @ =0x4000600
RAM:020881C0                 LDR     R1, [R0,#4]
RAM:020881C4                 LDR     R0, [R4,#0xF4]
RAM:020881C8                 LDR     R3, [R4,#0x3C]
RAM:020881CC                 EOR     R0, R1, R0
RAM:020881D0                 EOR     R3, R3, R0
RAM:020881D4                 STR     R3, [R5,#8]
RAM:020881D8                 LDR     R1, [R2]
RAM:020881DC                 ADD     R0, R4, #0x300
RAM:020881E0                 EOR     R1, R3, R1
RAM:020881E4                 STR     R1, [R5,#8]
RAM:020881E8                 LDR     R1, [R4,#0x1E8] ; grab the date
RAM:020881EC                 SUB     R2, R2, #0x4D0  ; gxstat(4000600)-4D0 = 4000130(gba-compatible controller input)
RAM:020881F0                 STR     R1, [R5,#0xC]
RAM:020881F4                 LDR     R3, [R4,#0x1EC] ; grab the time
RAM:020881F8                 ADD     R1, R4, #0x3A8  ; 2FFFFA8 - nds-compatible input
RAM:020881FC                 STR     R3, [R5,#0x10]
RAM:02088200                 LDRH    R12, [R0,#0x94]
RAM:02088204                 LDR     R3, [R4,#0x390]
RAM:02088208                 EOR     R3, R3, R12,LSL#16
RAM:0208820C                 STR     R3, [R5,#0x14]
RAM:02088210                 LDRH    R4, [R0,#0xAA]
RAM:02088214                 LDRH    R3, [R0,#0xAC]
RAM:02088218                 ORR     R3, R3, R4,LSL#16
RAM:0208821C                 STR     R3, [R5,#0x18]
RAM:02088220                 LDRH    R2, [R2]        ; get gba-compatible input
RAM:02088224                 LDRH    R1, [R1]        ; get nds-only input
RAM:02088228                 LDRH    R3, [R0,#0x98]
RAM:0208822C                 ORR     R0, R2, R1      ; OR the inputs together to make 1 number: (3FF | 2C00) = 2FFF, etc
RAM:02088230                 ORR     R0, R0, R3,LSL#16
RAM:02088234                 STR     R0, [R5,#0x1C]
RAM:02088238                 LDMFD   SP!, {R4-R6,PC}
RAM:02088238 ; End of function getParams__
RAM:02088238 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
RAM:0208823C dword_208823C   DCD                     ; DATA XREF: getParams__+4r
RAM:02088240 dword_2088240   DCD 0x2FFFC00           ; DATA XREF: getParams__+10r
RAM:02088244 dword_2088244   DCD 0x2151358           ; DATA XREF: getParams__+20r
RAM:02088248 dword_2088248   DCD                     ; DATA XREF: getParams__+3Cr
ok, now have a look up at the top.

timer0 is grabbed at 2088194. keypress data isn't retrieved until 2088220 and 2088224. when it is retrieved, there is no reading of hardware involved. it simply grabs the values at 4000130 and 2FFFFA8, ORs them, and continues.

i could see making an argument for it being affected if the arm9 processor(that is running this routine) was the same one reading the scankeys() data in and setting those registers. maybe having keys pressed would slow it down then. however, the data retrieved from scankeys() is read/interpreted by the arm7 processor and then set up in the i/o registers for the arm9 cpu to read. it's just grabbing the value and running with it, not doing any interpretation of the data from the hardware.

i know people have said that they seem to be affected by certain keypresses or whatever, but it just doesn't seem like it's possible.


Dies, died, will die.
the chance of a random battle with no modifier in play is 8%. it becomes a 16% chance with illuminate. now, if you get into a battle on one square and step into an adjacent square where you can also get into a battle,(i.e. get into a fight on grass, take a step into a patch of grass) you will have a 1% chance of a fight, regardless of the modifiers involved. they are all ignored. apparently they were trying to be nice and keep step-battle, step-battle, step-battle rpg annoyance out of it.

might as well show what i was seeing:

021AA438 2401     mov     r4,#0x1                            ;1S              // compare value for battle test(1 here because i just got out of another battle)
021AA43A F000F961 bl      #0x21AA700                         ;1N+3S

(not gonna bother pasting the rng advancement or divmod in here again)
021AA700 B508     push    {r3,r14}                           ;1N+1ND+1SD
021AA702 4804     ldr     r0,=#0xFFFF                        ;1S+1ND+1I  // this event value gives you (u32 >> 16) -1
021AA704 F65AFFF2 bl      #0x20056EC                         ;1N+3S     // u32_t rng.event(u32_t event)
021AA708 2129     mov     r1,#0x29                           ;1S             // set up the divmod
021AA70A 0109     lsl     r1,r1,#0x4                         ;1S               // here too, same calc as ESV
021AA70C F6F1EDDC blx     #0x209C2C8                         ;1N+3S   // unsigned divmod
021AA710 BD08     pop     {r3,r15}                           ;1N+2S+1ND+1SD+1I  // done and heading back

021AA43E 42A0     cmp     r0,r4                              ;1S                result of ((u32 * FFFF) >> 32) / 0x290 compared against the percent chance of an encounter.  8 normally, 0x10 for iluminate, 1 for a post-battle step
021AA440 D801     bhi     #0x21AA446                         ;1N+2S
021AA442 2001     mov     r0,#0x1                            ;1S // return 1 if a battle is set
021AA444 BD10     pop     {r4,r15}                           ;1N+2S+1ND+1SD+1I
021AA446 2000     mov     r0,#0x0                            ;1S
021AA448 BD10     pop     {r4,r15}                           ;1N+2S+1ND+1SD+1I


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Emerald Eggs

I used a vblank removed version, so there may be a blank in between the Initial and Decision as I had one in my R/S Egg PID post. For this post, UpperLower is the format of the egg PID.

No Everstone Used
[U]The lower half is generated just like RS[/U]

0 - Initial
1 - Decision (same as RS), if (((SEED) & 0xFFFF) * 0x64) / 0xFFFF < Ratio
2 - LowerPID (same as RS), ((SEED) & 0xFFFF) + 0x1)
[U]The Upper half is is actually set in Emerald[/U] 

using 0x030022E4, a 16bit delay/frame counter/timer whatever.

Game needs an upper half of egg PID?
  -> Grab Value (Initial +1, having it frozen to initial) 
  -> Advanced once with PRNG to get "magic number"
  -> MagicNumber &0xFFFF (get u16)
  -> Set result as Upper16 of the EggPID.
  -> Put magic number next to the PRNG magic number for whatever reason.

Eggs generated with Everstones
PRNG[0]   -   Initial
PRNG[1]   -   Decision
PRNG[2]   -   Everstone
PRNG[3]   -   LPID#1, (SEED & 0xFFFF), there isn't a +1 here.

Take the timer, +1, advance it once, and get that value.
tRNG[0]   -   Timer Value, +1
tRNG[1]   -   UPID#1

For our first iteration we have TempPID#1, (N=1)

TempPID#N % 0x19 == nature of female Pokemon holding Everstone. 
     Else, generate a new TempPID (N=N+1)

Repeat TempPID and check until the % 0x19 matches the Everstone Nature.

Simple Formula for calculating TempPIDs
TempPID#N: tRNG[N] and PRNG[2+N]

Test Case (Example)

Everstone Nature: Impish
PRNG[0] =   0xCFB8227E
  PRNG[1] Pass Decision  -- set up timer
tRNG[0] =    0x0001 +1
  PRNG[2] Pass Everstone -- enable loop until true.

TempPID#1 : tRNG[1]  and PRNG[2+1] -- fail
................... more fails
TempPID#39: tRNG[39] and PRNG[2+39]
    tRNG[39] =  0x[U]362C[/U][size=1]C473[/size]
    PRNG[41] =  0x[U]DFC5[/U][size=1]56E1[/size]
        TempPID#39 = 0x362CDFC5, % 0x19 = 8 (Impish), pass
      set TempPID as the FinalPID
EverstoneCalc = leftmost bit
If the calc fails, I assume it just generates the first TempPID and sets it as the final as there is no loop enabled.
0 Hardy
1 Lonely
2 Brave
3 Adamant
4 Naughty
5 Bold
6 Docile
7 Relaxed
8 Impish
9 Lax
10 Timid
11 Hasty
12 Serious
13 Jolly
14 Naive
15 Modest
16 Mild
17 Quiet
18 Bashful
19 Rash
20 Calm
21 Gentle
22 Sassy
23 Careful
24 Quirky


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Somewhat separate thought, but the Emerald PID creation was the cause of the Spinda PID craze. Japanese RNGers would have a Spinda breed (70% chance) to find the offset of PRNG frames relative to the Timer, so that they could estimate and predict frames to aim for for shiny egg PIDs. According to a few posts, the difference between the frame and timer value was ~28 (29 and 30 sparsely, caused by vblanks).

Breed Spindas, find two halves of PID, find the seeds you hit and the difference between them! So with that it shouldn't be hard to predict egg PIDs once you calibrate for it.


Emerald Egg Calibration

  1. Deposit Spinda and Ditto. Use different IDs if you can. Walk 254 steps by counting with repels.
  2. Save.
  3. Soft reset, enter game (quickly) and walk steps to trigger the 255 stepcounter Egg Decision.
  4. See if an egg has been generated.
    • If there is an egg, go get it and hatch it.
    • If not, soft reset and go back to step 3.
  5. Deduce Spinda PID with Spinda Painter.
  6. Using eepid.exe, enter the Decimal PID from the previous step, using a Min/Max of 400-2000.
  7. Observe results.
    • You can repeat by just going back to step 3.
  8. Exit eepid.exe when you are done.

Test Results (English Emerald):

Zari:      0xBF1ED064 (497/521)   = 24 (English & Red GBA)
Zari:      0x3CA4525B (503/527)   = 24 (English & Onyx GBA)
Zari:      0x01F71C18 (506/530)   = 24 (English & Onyx GBA)
Supe:      0x0014BA75 (541/561)   = 20 (Emulator)
Supe:      0x88D62D18 (582/602)   = 20 (Emulator)
Supe:      0xBA878D50 (610/630)   = 20 (Emulator)
Supe:      0x3E133CBD (612/632)   = 20 (Emulator)
Nexus:     0xE4AAA5DF (778/797)   = 19 (NDS)
Kaphotics: 0x962101D5 (878/897)   = 19 (Emulator)
Supe:      0x8ACD923E (1088/1108) = 20 (Emulator)
Nexus:     0xD3ADCEAE (1093/1112) = 19 (NDS)
Discrepancies can be caused by Roaming Pokemon still roaming (the game has to determine where they are so it chews a frame at the start, +1), so it's best to calibrate yourself.


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Emerald Egg PID Prediction

Use EmeraldEggPID.xlsm (spreadsheet)

Calibrate and put in your Calibration. The spreadsheet is tuned to use the Calibration so that you can actually see your calibrations on the frame you were told! (use the lower "Test" result). ID/SID optional, only if you want to see where you have shinies.

Bam, spits out the Frame, PID, Nature, Ability, GV, PID%6, Hittability, and Shiny depending on the Decision. You can filter everything you'd want in an egg.

The spreadsheet is for the first ~2.7 minutes.

Zari:      0x3CA4525B (503/527)   = 24 (English & Onyx GBA)
Zari:      0x01F71C18 (506/530)   = 24 (English & Onyx GBA)

Everstone prediction is essentially impossible in Excel due to large number rounding, however using an Everstone would be the best way for someone to use existing IDs for a shiny PID.

If you want more than 2.7 minutes of prediction, output more PRNG from researcher and extend the hidden columns to your desired frame count.


Dies, died, will die.


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
XD PKM Structure

So I was digging through Dolphin's RAM to try to find my Pokemon, and managed to find this structure. I had Cheat Engine attach to Dolphin's process, and just copypasted with the XX byte view. This might be problematic because of endianness.

This may not look like typical Research, but the structure is how the game uses the data. It will help us understand how the game gets the data to begin with.

Basing off of these 5 Pokemon in my party, here's the HEX structure of XDPKM. There are missing things like obedience flag etc, which I obviously can't check.

0x00 - 0x01:   Species
0x02 - 0x03:   Unused
0x04 - 0x05:   Current HP
0x06 - 0x07:   Happiness (2 bytes)
0x08 - 0x09:   ??? (00 or 0B)
0x0A - 0x0B:   Unused
0x0C - 0x0D:   Unused
0x0E - 0x0F:   Level Obtained & Pokeball Type(?)
0x10 - 0x11:   Current Level
0x12 - 0x13:   Unused
0x14 - 0x15:   Intro Data Closer (00 and FF)
0x16 - 0x17:   Unused
0x18 - 0x19:   Unused
0x1A - 0x1B:   ??? (00 and X8) [gender?]
0x1C - 0x1D:   ???
0x1E - 0x1F:   ???
0x20 - 0x21:   Unused
0x22 - 0x23:   ???
0x24 - 0x25:   Secret ID
0x26 - 0x27:   Trainer ID
0x28 - 0x2B:   PID.... Vaporeon is Jolly! (0D)
0x2C - 0x2F:   Unused
0x30 - 0x38:   ????????????
0x39 - 0x4D:   OT Namefield
0x4E - 0x79:   2x Name Field (22 bytes *2)
0x7A - 0x7B:    ???
0x7C - 0x7D:   Ribbons (Bitflags)
0x7E - 0x7F:   ???
0x80 - 0x81:   Move 1
0x82 - 0x83:   Move 1 PP
0x84 - 0x85:   Move 2
0x86 - 0x87:   Move 2 PP
0x88 - 0x89:   Move 3
0x8A - 0x8B:   Move 3 PP
0x8C - 0x8D:   Move 4
0x8E - 0x8F:   Move 4 PP
0x90 - 0x91:   HP Stat
0x92 - 0x93:   Atk Stat
0x94 - 0x95:   Def Stat
0x96 - 0x97:   SpA Stat
0x98 - 0x99:   SpD Stat
0x9A - 0x9B:   SpE Stat
0x9C - 0x9D:   HP EV
0x9E - 0x9F:   Atk EV
0xA0 - 0xA1:   Def EV
0xA2 - 0xA3:   SpA EV   <--not sure on the ordering 
0xA4 - 0xA5:   SpD EV        of these, didnt keep track
0xA6 - 0xA7:   SpE EV
0xA8           HP IV
0xA9           Atk IV
0xAA           Def IV
0xAB           SpA IV   <--not sure on the ordering
0xAC           SpD IV        of these, didnt keep track
0xAD           SpE IV
0xAE - 0xAF:   Unused
0xB0 - 0xB9:   Unused
0xBA - 0xBB:   ???
0xBC - 0xBD:   ???
0xBE - 0xBF:   ???
0xC0 - 0xC1:   Unused
0xC2 - 0xC3:   Party Identify (2 leads 00, Backup 01)
A total of 194 bytes for a Party XDPKM.

Implications: IVs may be generated as single numbers one at a time, not using a chunk of hex like in Gens 3/4.

0000 - No Move 
0001 - Pound 
0002 - Karate Chop 
0003 - Double Slap 
0004 - Comet Punch 
0005 - Mega Punch 
0006 - Payday 
0007 - Fire Punch 
0008 - Ice Punch 
0009 - Thunder Punch 
000A - Scratch 
000B - Vice Grip 
000C - Guillotine 
000D - Razor Wind 
000E - Swords Dance 
000F - Cut 
0010 - Gust 
0011 - Wing Attack 
0012 - Whirlwind 
0013 - Fly 
0014 - Bind 
0015 - Slam 
0016 - Vine Whip 
0017 - Stomp 
0018 - Double Kick 
0019 - Mega Kick 
001A - Jump Kick 
001B - Rolling Kick 
001C - Sand Attack 
001D - Headbutt 
001E - Horn Attack 
001F - Fury Attack 
0020 - Horn Drill 
0021 - Tackle 
0022 - Body Slam 
0023 - Wrap 
0024 - Take Down 
0025 - Thrash 
0026 - Double Edge 
0027 - Tail Whip 
0028 - Poison Sting 
0029 - Twineedle 
002A - Pin Missile 
002B - Leer 
002C - Bite 
002D - Growl 
002E - Roar 
002F - Sing 
0030 - Super Sonic 
0031 - Sonicboom 
0032 - Disable 
0033 - Acid 
0034 - Ember 
0035 - Flamethrower 
0036 - Mist 
0037 - Water Gun 
0038 - Hydro Pump 
0039 - Surf 
003A - Ice Beam 
003B - Blizzard 
003C - Psybeam 
003D - BubbleBeam 
003E - Aurora Beam 
003F - Hyper Beam 
0040 - Peck 
0041 - Drill Peck 
0042 - Submission 
0043 - Low Kick 
0044 - Counter 
0045 - Seismic Toss 
0046 - Strength 
0047 - Absorb 
0048 - Mega Drain 
0049 - Leech Seed 
004A - Growth 
004B - Razor Leaf 
004C - Solarbeam 
004D - Poisonpowder 
004E - Stun Spore 
004F - Sleep Powder 
0050 - Petal Dance 
0051 - String Shot 
0052 - Dragon Rage 
0053 - Fire Spin 
0054 - Thunder Shock 
0055 - Thunder Bolt 
0056 - Thunder Wave 
0057 - Thunder 
0058 - Rock Throw 
0059 - Earthquake 
005A - Fissure 
005B - Dig 
005C - Toxic 
005D - Confusion 
005E - Psychic 
005F - Hypnosis 
0060 - Meditate 
0061 - Agillity 
0062 - Quick Attack 
0063 - Rage 
0064 - Teleport 
0065 - Night Shade 
0066 - Mimic 
0067 - Screech 
0068 - Double Team 
0069 - Recover 
006A - Harden 
006B - Minimize 
006C - Smokescreen 
006D - Confuse Ray 
006E - Withdraw 
006F - Defense Curl 
0070 - Barrier 
0071 - Light Screen 
0072 - Haze 
0073 - Reflect 
0074 - Focus Energy 
0075 - Bide 
0076 - Metronome 
0077 - Mirror Move 
0078 - Selfdestruct 
0079 - Egg Bomb 
007A - Lick 
007B - Smog 
007C - Sludge 
007D - Bone Club 
007E - Fire Blast 
007F - Waterfall 
0080 - Clamp 
0081 - Swift 
0082 - Skull Bash 
0083 - Spike Cannon 
0084 - Constrict 
0085 - Amnesia 
0086 - Kinesis 
0087 - Softboiled 
0088 - Hi Jump Kick 
0089 - Glare 
008A - Dream Eater 
008B - Poison Gas 
008C - Barrage 
008D - Leech Life 
008E - Lovely Kiss 
008F - Sky Attack 
0090 - Transform 
0091 - Bubble 
0092 - Dizzy Punch 
0093 - Spore 
0094 - Flash 
0095 - Psywave 
0096 - Splash 
0097 - Acid Armour 
0098 - Crabhammer 
0099 - Explosion 
009A - Fury Swipes 
009B - Bonemerang 
009C - Rest 
009D - Rock Slide 
009E - Hyper Fang 
009F - Sharpen 
00A0 - Conversion 
00A1 - Tri Attack 
00A2 - Super Fang 
00A3 - Slash 
00A4 - Substitute 
00A5 - Struggle 
00A6 - Sketch 
00A7 - Triple Kick 
00A8 - Theif 
00A9 - Spider Web 
00AA - Mind Reader 
00AB - Nightmare 
00AC - Flame Wheel 
00AD - Snore 
00AE - Curse 
00AF - Flail 
00B0 - Conversion 2 
00B1 - Arrowblast 
00B2 - Cotton Spore 
00B3 - Reversal 
00B4 - Spite 
00B5 - Power Snow 
00B6 - Protect 
00B7 - Mock Punch 
00B8 - Scary Face 
00B9 - Faint Attack 
00BA - Sweet Kiss 
00BB - Belly Drum 
00BC - Sludge Bomb 
00BD - Mud-Slap 
00BE - Octazooka 
00BF - Spikes 
00C0 - Zap Cannon 
00C1 - Foresight 
00C2 - Destiny Bond 
00C3 - Perish Song 
00C4 - Icy Wind 
00C5 - Detect 
00C6 - Bone Rush 
00C7 - Lock-On 
00C8 - Outrage 
00C9 - Sandstorm 
00CA - Giga Drain 
00CB - Indure 
00CC - Charm 
00CD - Rollout 
00CE - False Swipe 
00CF - Swagger 
00D0 - Mild Drink 
00D1 - Spark 
00D2 - Fury Cutter 
00D3 - Steel Wing 
00D4 - Mean Look 
00D5 - Attract 
00D6 - Sleep Talk 
00D7 - Heal Bell 
00D8 - Return 
00D9 - Present 
00DA - Frustration 
00DB - Safeguard 
00DC - Pain Split 
00DD - Sacred Fire 
00DE - Magnitude 
00DF - Dynamicpunch 
00E0 - Megahorn 
00E1 - Dragonbreath 
00E2 - Baton Pass 
00E3 - Encore 
00E4 - Persuit 
00E5 - Rapid Spin 
00E6 - Sweet Scent 
00E7 - Iron Tail 
00E8 - Metal Claw 
00E9 - Vital Throw 
00EA - Morning Sun 
00EB - Synthesis 
00EC - Moonlight 
00ED - Hidden Power 
00EE - Cross Chop 
00EF - Twister 
00F0 - Rain Dance 
00F1 - Sunny Day 
00F2 - Crunch 
00F3 - Mirror Coat 
00F4 - Psych Up 
00F5 - Extremespeed 
00F6 - Ancientpower 
00F7 - Shadow Ball 
00F8 - Future Sight 
00F9 - Rock Smash 
00FA - Whirlpool 
00FB - Beat Up 
00FC - Fake Out 
00FD - Uproar 
00FE - Stockpile 
00FF - Spit Up 
0100 - Swallow 
0101 - Heat Wave 
0102 - Hail 
0103 - Torment 
0104 - Flatter 
0105 - Will-O-Wisp 
0106 - Memento 
0107 - Facade 
0108 - Focus Punch 
0109 - Smellingsalt 
010A - Follow Me 
010B - Nature Power 
010C - Charge 
010D - Taunt 
010E - Helping Hand 
010F - Trick 
0110 - Role Play 
0111 - Wish 
0112 - Assist 
0113 - Ingrain 
0114 - Superpower 
0115 - Magic Coat 
0116 - Recycle 
0117 - Revenge 
0118 - Brick Break 
0119 - Yawn 
011A - Knock Off 
011B - Endeavor 
011C - Eruption 
011D - Skill Swap 
011E - Imprison 
011F - Refresh 
0120 - Grudge 
0121 - Snatch 
0122 - Secret Power 
0123 - Dive 
0124 - Arm Thrust 
0125 - Camoflage 
0126 - Tail Glow 
0127 - Luster Purge 
0128 - Mist Ball 
0129 - Featherdance 
012A - Teeter Dance 
012B - Blaze Kick 
012C - Mud Sport 
012D - Ice Ball 
012E - Needle Arm 
012F - Slack Off 
0130 - Hyper Voice 
0131 - Poison Fang 
0132 - Crush Claw 
0133 - Blast Burn 
0134 - Hydro Cannon 
0135 - Meteor Mash 
0136 - Astonish 
0137 - Weather Ball 
0138 - Aromatherepy 
0139 - Fake Tears 
013A - Aur Cutter 
013B - Overheat 
013C - Odor Sleuth 
013D - Rock Tomb 
013E - Silver Wind 
013F - Metal Sound 
0140 - Grasswhistle 
0141 - Tickle 
0142 - Cosmic Power 
0143 - Water Spout 
0144 - Signal Beam 
0145 - Shadow Punch 
0146 - Extrasensory 
0147 - Sky Uppercut 
0148 - Sand Tomb 
0149 - Sheer Cold 
014A - Muddy Water 
014B - Bullet Seed 
014C - Aerial Ace 
014D - Icicle Spear 
014E - Iron Defence 
014F - Block 
0150 - Howl 
0151 - Dragon Claw 
0152 - Frenzy Plant 
0153 - Bulk Up 
0154 - Bounce 
0155 - Mud Shot 
0156 - Poison Tail 
0157 - Covet 
0158 - Volt Tackle 
0159 - Magical Leaf 
015A - Water Sport 
015B - Calm Mind 
015C - Leaf Blade 
015D - Dragon Dance 
015E - Rock Blast 
015F - Shock Wave 
0160 - Water Pulse 
0161 - Doom Desire 
0162 - Psycho Boost 
0163 - No Move 


*put 2 zero's in front of 2 digits and 1 zero in front of 3 digits*

01 - Bulbasaur
02 - Ivysaur
03 - Venusaur
04 - Charmander
05 - Charmeleon
06 - Charizard
07 - Squirtle
08 - Wartortle
09 - Blastoise
0A - Caterpie
0B - Metapod
0C - Butterfree
0D - Weedle
0E - Kakuna
0F - Beedrill
10 - Pidgey
11 - Pidgeotto
12 - Pidgeot
13 - Rattata
14 - Raticate
15 - Spearow
16 - Fearow
17 - Ekans
18 - Arbok
19 - Pikachu
1A - Raichu
1B - Sandshrew
1C - Sandslash
1D - Nidoran (F)
1E - Nidorina
1F - Nidoqueen
20 - Nidoran male
21 - Nidorino
22 - Nidoking
23 - Clefairy
24 - Clefable
25 - Vulpix
26 - Ninetails
27 - Jigglypuff
28 - Wigglytuff
29 - Zubat
2A - Golbat
2B - Oddish
2C - Gloom
2D - Vileplume
2E - Paras
2F - Parasect
30 - Venonat
31 - Venomoth
32 - Diglett
33 - Dugtrio
34 - Meowth
35 - Persian
36 - Psyduck
37 - Golduck
38 - Mankey
39 - Primeape
3A - Growlithe
3B - Arcanine
3C - Poliwag
3D - Poliwhirl
3E - Poliwrath
3F - Abra
40 - Kadabra
41 - Alakazam
42 - Machop
43 - Machoke
44 - Machamp
45 - Bellsprout
46 - Weepinbell
47 - Victreebell
48 - Ventacool
49 - Tentacruel
4A - Geodude
4B - Graveler
4C - Golem
4D - Ponyta
4E - Rapidash
4F - Slowpoke
50 - Slowbro
51 - Magnemite
52 - Magneton
53 - Farfetch'd
54 - Doduo
55 - Dodrio
56 - Seel
57 - Dewgong
58 - Grimer
59 - Muk
5A - Shellder
5B - Cloyster
5C - Gastly
5D - Haunter
5E - Gengar
5F - Onix
60 - Drowzee
61 - Hypno
62 - Krabby
63 - Kingler
64 - Voltorb
65 - Electrode
66 - Exeggcute
67 - Exeggcutor
68 - Cubone
69 - Marowak
6A - Hitmonlee
6B - Hitmonchan
6C - Lickitung
6D - Koffing
6E - Weezing
6F - Rhyhorn
70 - Rhydon
71 - Chansey
72 - Tangela
73 - Kangaskhan
74 - Horsea
75 - Seadra
76 - Goldeen
77 - Seaking
78 - Staryu
79 - Starmie
7A - Mr. Mime
7B - Scyther
7C - Jynx
7D - Electabuzz
7E - Magmar
7F - Pinsir
80 - Tauros
81 - Magikarp
82 - Gyarados
83 - Lapras
84 - Ditto
85 - Eevee
86 - Vaporeon
87 - Jolteon
88 - Flareon
89 - Porygon
8A - Omanyte
8B - Omastar
8C - Kabuto
8D - Kabutops
8E - Aerodactyl
8F - Snorlax
90 - Articunno
91 - Zapdos
92 - Moltres
93 - Dratini
94 - Dragonair
95 - Dragonite
96 - Mewtwo
97 - Mew

98 - Chikorita
99 - Bayleef
9A - Meganium
9B - Cyndaquil
9C - Quilava
9D - Typhlosion
9E - Totodile
9F - Croconaw
A0 - Feraligatr
A1 - Sentret
A2 - Furret
A3 - Hoothoot
A4 - Noctowl
A5 - Ledyba
A6 - Ledian
A7 - Spinarak
A8 - Ariados
A9 - Crobat
AA - Chinchou
AB - Lanturn
AC - Pichu
AD - Cleffa
AE - Igglybuff
AF - Togepi
B0 - Togetic
B1 - Natu
B2 - Xatu
B3 - Mareep
B4 - Flaaffy
B5 - Ampharos
B6 - Bellossom
B7 - Marill
B8 - Azumarill
B9 - Sudowoodo
BA - Politoed
BB - Hoppip
BC - Skiploom
BD - Jumpluff
BE - Aipom
BF - Sunkern
C0 - Sunflora
C1 - Yanma
C2 - Wooper
C3 - Quagsire
C4 - Espeon
C5 - Umbreon
C6 - Murkrow
C7 - Slowking
C8 - Misdreavus
C9 - Unown
CA - Wobbuffet
CB - Girafarig
CC - Pineco
CD - Forretress
CE - Dunsparce
CF - Gligar
D0 - Steelix
D1 - Snubbull
D2 - Granbull
D3 - Qwilfish
D4 - Scizor
D5 - Shuckle
D6 - Heracross
D7 - Sneasel
D8 - Teddiursa
D9 - Ursaring
DA - Slugma
DB - Magcargo
DC - Swinub
DD - Piloswine
DE - Corsola
DF - Remoraid
E0 - Octillery
E1 - Delibird
E2 - Mantine
E3 - Skarmory
E4 - Houndour
E5 - Houndoom
E6 - Kingdra
E7 - Phanpy
E8 - Donphan
E9 - Porygon2
EA - Stantler
EB - Smeargle
EC - Tyrogue
ED - Hitmontop
EE - Smoochum
EF - Elekid
F0 - Magby
F1 - Miltank
F2 - Blissey
F3 - Raikou
F4 - Entei
F5 - Suicune
F6 - Larvitar
F7 - Pupitar
F8 - Tyranitar
F9 - Lugia
FA - Ho-oh
FB - Celebi

115 - Treecko
116 - Grovyle
117 - Sceptile
118 - Torchic
119 - Combusken
11A - Blaziken
11B - Mudkip
11C - Marshtomp
11D - Swampert
11E - Poochyena
11F - Mightyena
120 - Zigzagoon
121 - Linoone 
122 - Wurmple
123 - Silcoon
124 - Beautifly
125 - Cascoon
126 - Dustox
127 - Lotad
128 - Lombre
129 - Ludicolo
12A - Seedot
12B - Nuzleaf
12C - Shiftry
12D - Nincada
12E - Ninjask
12F - Shedinja
130 - Taillow
131 - Swellow
132 - Shroomish
133 - Breloom
134 - Spinda
135 - Wingull
136 - Pelipper
137 - Surskit
138 - Masquerain
139 - Wailmer
13A - Wailord
13B - Skitty
13C - Delcatty
13D - Kecleon
13E - Baltoy
13F - Claydol
140 - Nosepass
141 - Torkoal
142 - Sableye
143 - Barboach
144 - Whiscash
145 - Luvdisc
146 - Corphish
147 - Crawdaunt
148 - Feebas
149 - Milotic
14A - Carvanha
14B - Sharpedo
14C - Trapinch
14D - Vibrava
14E - Flygon
14F - Makuhita
150 - Hariyama
151 - Electrike
152 - Manectric
153 - Numel
154 - Camerupt
155 - Spheal
156 - Sealeo
157 - Walrein
158 - Cacnea
159 - Cacturne
15A - Snorunt
15B - Glalie
15C - Lunatone
15D - Solrock
15E - Azuril
15F - Spoink
160 - Grumpig
161 - Plusle
162 - Minun
163 - Mawile
164 - Meditite
165 - Medicham
166 - Swablu
167 - Altaria
168 - Wynaut
169 - Duskull
16A - Dusclops
16B - Roselia
16C - Slakoth
16D - Vigoroth
16E - Slaking
16F - Gulpin
170 - Swalot
171 - Tropius
172 - Whismur
173 - Loudred
174 - Exploud
175 - Clamperl
176 - Huntail
177 - Gorebyss
178 - Absol
179 - Shuppet
17A - Banette
17B - Seviper
17C - Zangoose
17D - Relicanth
17E - Aron
17F - Lairon
180 - Aggron
181 - Castform
182 - Volbeat
183 - Illumise
184 - Lileep
185 - Cradily
186 - Anorith
187 - Armaldo
188 - Ralts 
189 - Kirlia
18A - Gardevoir
18B - Bagon
18C - Shellgon
18D - Salamence
18E - Beldum
18F - Metang
190 - Metagross
191 - Regirock
192 - Regice
193 - Registeel
194 - Kyogre 
195 - Groudon 
196 - Rayquaza 
197 - Latias 
198 - Latios 
199 - Jirachi 
19A - Deoxys 
19B - Chimecho
19D - Bonsly

000D - Potion
000E - Antidote
000F - Burn Heal
0010 - Ice Heal
0011 - Awakening
0012 - Parlyz Heal
0013 - Full Restor
0014 - Max Potion
0015 - Hyper Potio
0016 - Super Potio
0017 - Full Heal
0018 - Revive
0019 - Max Revive
001A - Fresh Water
001B - Soda Pop
001C - Lemonade
001D - MooMoo Milk
001E - Energy Powd
001F - Energy Root
0020 - Heal Powder
0021 - Revival Her
0022 - Ether
0023 - Max Ether
0024 - Elixer
0025 - Max Elixer
0026 - Lava Cookie
0027 - Blue Flute
0028 - Yellow Flut
0029 - Red Flute
002A - Black Flute
002B - White Flute
002C - Berry Juice
002D - Sacred Ash
002E - Shoal Salt
002F - Shoal Shell
0030 - Red Shard
0031 - Blue Shard
0032 - Yellow Shard
0033 - Green Shard
003F - HP Up
0040 - Protein
0041 - Iron
0042 - Carbos
0043 - Calcium
0044 - Rare Candy
0045 - PP Up
0046 - Zinc
0047 - PP Max
0049 - Guard Spe
004A - Dire Hit
004B - X Attack
004C - X Defend
004D - X Speedy
004E - X Accurac
004F - X Special
0050 - Poke Doll
0051 - Fluffy Tail
0052 - None
0053 - Super Repel
0054 - Max Repel
0055 - Escape Rope
0056 - Repel
005D - Sun Stone
005E - Moon Stone
005F - Fire Stone
0060 - Thunder Stone
0061 - Water Stone
0062 - Leaf Stone
0067 - Tiny Mushroom
0068 - Big Mushroom
006A - Pearl
006B - Big Pearl
006C - Stardust
006D - Star Piece
006E - Nugget
006F - Heart Scale
00B3 - Bright Powder
00B4 - White Herb
00B5 - Macho Brace
00B6 - Exp Share
00B7 - Quick Claw
00B8 - Soothe Bell
00B9 - Mental Herb
00BA - Choice Band
00BB - King's Rock
00BC - Silver Powder
00BD - Amulet Coin
00BE - Cleanse Tag
00BF - Soul Dew
00C0 - Deep Sea Tooth
00C1 - Deep Sea Scale
00C2 - Smoke Ball
00C3 - Everstone
00C4 - Focus Band
00C5 - Lucky Egg
00C6 - Scope Lens
00C7 - Metal Coat
00C8 - Leftovers
00C9 - Dragon Scale
00CA - Light Ball
00CB - Soft Sand
00CC - Hard Stone
00CD - Miracle Seed
00CE - Black Glasses
00CF - Black Belt
00D0 - Magnet
00D1 - Mystic Water
00D2 - Sharp Beak
00D3 - Poison Barb
00D4 - Nevermelt Ice
00D5 - Spell Tag
00D6 - Twisted Spoon
00D7 - Charcoal
00D8 - Dragon Fang
00D9 - Silk Scarf
00DA - Up-Grade
00DB - Shell Bell
00DC - Sea Incense
00DD - Lax Incense
00DE - Lucky Punch
00DF - Metal Powder
00E0 - Thick Club
00E1 - Stick
00FE - Red Scarf
00FF - Blue Scarf
0100 - Pink Scarf
0101 - Green Scarf
0102 - Yellow Scarf
01F4 - Safe Key
01F5 - Elevator Key
01F6 - Bonsly Card
01F7 - Machine Card?
01F8 - Gonzap Key
01F9 - Data Rom
01FA - ID Card
01FB - Music CD
01FC - Lever
01FD - Mayor Letter
01FE - Miror Radar
01FF - Pokesnack
0200 - Cologne Case
0201 - Joy Scent
0202 - Excite Scent
0203 - Vivid Scent
0204 - Sun Shard
0205 - Moon Shard
0206 - Bonsly Photo
0207 - Decoding Machine?
020B - Krane Memo 1
020C - Krane Memo 2
020D - Krane Memo 3
020E - Krane Memo 4
020F - Krane Memo 5
0210 - Voice Capsule 1?
0211 - Voice Capsule 2?
0212 - Voice Capsule 3?
0213 - Voice Capsule 4?
0214 - Voice Capsule 5?
0215 - Disc Case

*doesn't activate events. only gives items.
113 - Eon Ticket
172 - Mystery Ticket
173 - Aurora Ticket
178 - Old Sea Chart
from GS Central



Dies, died, will die.
Implications: IVs generated as single numbers one at a time, not using bitbands to determine.
considering gen 5 makes the ivs separately and yet still stores them as a single dword, it's more than a stretch to say that implies anything about how the game generates the ivs. (and you're confusing a lua operation( with a binary string of numbers)


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Pokemon XD (GoD) Memory Locations

They may be different depending on pointers of your current setup.
0x004E8610	PRNG State

0x00478EB8	Party PID#1
0x00478F7C	Party PID#2
0x00479040	Party PID#3
0x00479104	Party PID#4
0x004791C8	Party PID#5
0x0047928C	Party PID#6

0x004A86F4	OppPID#1 (Battle)
0x004A8774	OppIVs#1 (Battle)
Others are nearby.
0	02570640
146	311AF64A
281	490C46FB
406	74A78F2E
552	FA20CC28
687	74C1FB71
812	86A6B26C
958	0A9F92D6
1093	AEF8CEF7
10822	3611B3DE	The Bwooooommmm sound plays: Battle Scene Starts Swirling

+9746 (wat)

0	2C21B3D8
9600	2C21B3D8 for some reason I get the same seed. It should be 842D1558
19200	251576D8
28800	14DAD858
38400	597D39D8
48000	F8FC9B58
57600	F958FCD8
67200	60925E58
76800	34A8BFD8
86400	34A8BFD8 for some reason I get the same seed. It should be 7B9C2158
96000	3B6C82D8
105600	7A19E458
115200	3DA445D8
124800	8C0BA758
134400	6B5008D8
144000	E1716A58
153600	F46FCBD8
163200	AA4B2D58
172800	09038ED8
182400	1698F058
192000	D90B51D8
201600	565AB358
211200	948714D8
220800	99907658
230400	6B76D7D8
240000	103A3958
249600	8DDA9AD8
259200	EA57FC58
268800	2BB25DD8
278400	57E9BF58
288000	74FE20D8
297600	88EF8258
307200	99BDE3D8

+9606 now, to get the next..

0	1C430CF6    area before the oPID is getting data, it is primed with 02000000 00FFFFFF
9600	A3B4B276
19200	567B57F6
28800	4A96FD76
38400	9607A2F6
48000	4ECD4876		Still not set
57600	8AE7EDF6		[previously typo'd as 8EA7EDF6, why we thought seed modding was going on]

57608	C7512C7E		C751 becomes upper PID half
57609	BF7E9149		BF7E becomes lower PID half

57600+9609 [IVs are probably generated now, as we can see for PID]

0	E242D0C9
9600	04A81049		Tested here, PID/IV is already set.
19200	A4AE4FC9
28800	40558F49
38400	559DCEC9
48000	62870E49		[previously typo'd as 68270E49]


0	D2F71968	PID is set in oPID location, IVs as well.
9600	ABD35AE8
19200	F3CC9C68
28800	30E2DDE8
38400	E9161F68
48000	A26660E8
57600	E2D3A268
67200	305DE3E8
76800	11052568
86400	0AC966E8

+9606, no modification

0	9309A586	
9600	DC262B06	
19200	42D7B086	
28800	5D1E3606	
38401	459B0431	I can start to see the trainer through the swirl
48002	683647B0	
57603	44FB7333	
67204	4E830EAA	Music starts playing
76805	2192E245	
86406	23EB7574	
96007	A2D591E7	
105608	2297BA8E	
115209	9ABBC699	
124810	BD4C1078	
134411	B8F1E8DB	
144012	87183DB2	
153613	3009A52D	
163214	AF043CBC	
172815	80B40C0F	
182416	63A1DC16	
192017	7F4CB201	
201618	B1AB5E40	
211219	6A3DCF83	
220820	AA1719BA	
230421	BC056115	
240022	9F481904	
249623	D9E34737	
259224	6643BA9E	
268825	E8786669	intro music ends (bah dah dah dah dah, dah dah)
268826	752C4F88	hay, it's +1 now instead of 9601!
268827	5459D02B	
268828	4EE59A42
Excel Formulae to get the 9601's from CSV output
The 7 lowest bits repeat because that's how LCRNGs work if running in intervals of 9600 frames.


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Pokemon XD: GoD - Call Structure for PID/IV Generation

1	Opponent TID
2	Opponent SID
3	1st ???
4	2nd ???
5	IV Block 1 (Def/Atk/HP)
6	IV Block 2 (SpD/SpA/SpE)
7	3rd ???
8	Upper Half of PID
9	Lower Half of PID
See OmegaDonut's post (2 down) for the information. This post was updated after the fact to consolidate information into concise posts.


don't glaze me bro
is a Programmer Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
This just in: Pokémon caught in XD are never shiny. The game will continue to reroll for a new PID until it is not shiny.

Test results:

Frame	RNG Value
1	BFB03DDD  <- frames 1 and 2 form a PID that should be shiny (BFB04B1B) 
2	4B1B992C  <- but we know it rerolls to frames 3 and 4
3	3F07833F  <- frames 3 and 4 also form a PID that should also be shiny with our ID\SID (3F07CBA9).  
4	CBA9D106  <- we want to know if it only rerolls once, or if it keeps rerolling until not shiny
5	2BC0C3B1  <- the PID was 2BC0FBF2, so it rerolled until a non-shiny PID occurred on frame 5 and 6.
6	FBF257B0
This debunks the previous belief held by Gold Ursaring and yamipoli that XD Pokémon simply have really low odds of shininess because you'd have to get two shiny PIDs in a row (a 1-in-67108864 chance). However, this is clearly not the case.

EDIT: We also tried manipulating the opposing trainers' ID\SID to make their Pokemon shiny. This also failed; it rerolled for their ID\SID when the PID\TID combination was found to make the Pokemon shiny.


don't glaze me bro
is a Programmer Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
IV\PID generation in XD is basically like Method 2 (described here), in reverse. Five RNG calls are made. The first two are used for IVs, the third is unused, and the last two form the PID.

A quick recap of IV generation in Method 2, from X-Act's article:

The six IVs of the Pokemon are also created from just two RNG calls. Since each IV consists of 5 bits (because the binary number 11111 is equal to 31 in decimal), the first random number would contain 3 of these IVs (5 × 3 = 15), with one redundant bit, while the second random number would contain the other 3.

The IVs would be extracted from the two random numbers as follows:

First Random Number:  x|xxxxx|xxxxx|xxxxx
                      -|DefIV|AtkIV|HP IV
Second Random Number: x|xxxxx|xxxxx|xxxxx
For example, given the subsequent two random numbers [5233] and [E470] as above, we would have:

First Random Number = [5233] = 0|10100|10001|10011. Hence, the Defense IV would be 10100 = 20, the Attack IV would be 10001 = 17 and the HP IV would be 10011 = 19.

Second Random Number = [E470] = 1|11001|00011|10000. Hence, the Special Defense IV would be 11001 = 25, the Special Attack IV would be 00011 = 3 and the Speed IV would be 10000 = 16.

Thus, our Pokemon would have the IVs 19/17/20/3/25/16, written in the usual format of HP IV/Atk IV/Def IV/SpA IV/SpD IV/Spe IV.
The only difference in XD is that the first two calls form the IVs, and the last two the PID, rather than the other way around.

Frame	RNG Value
1	[B]171E[/B]A3F5	171E in binary: 0|00101|11000|11110 (Defense 5, Attack 24, HP 30)
2	[B]CA36[/B]C6E4	CA36 in binary: 1|10010|10001|10110 (SpDef 18, SpAtk 17, Speed 22)
3	8302DA17	ignored
4	[B]C751[/B]2C7E	C751 forms the upper half of the PID
5	[B]BF7E[/B]9149	BF7E forms the lower half of the PID
There is a possibility that there are Method 1 equivalents (four RNG calls with none skipped), but we haven't seen this yet.


Nexus is literally the worst.
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I did some research a while ago and just realized that I never made it available here. This is all PIDRNG and NPC related. If I get the time, I'll translate it into an actual post. For now, here is a link to the document I used to record my findings.

Edit: Any notes about leading 0's has since been proven to be only mostly true. It is rarely possible for other low values to have the same effect.


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Abilities in XD (and Colo?)

Since the game generates the IVs before the PID (compared to the regular NDS/GBA method which does PID first), ability is determined differently.

PID		IV		Low Bit (IV)
19B6E8AF	140109DE	0 (Natural Cure)	Roselia
D69C5CFF	1C4571D4	0 (Immunity)		Snorlax
A752AF5C	14959F84	0 (Natural Cure)	Chansey
CE78165A	94E2F24D	1 (Illuminate)		Starmie
6AAD7B68	29D51C14	0 (Synchronize)		Ralts
6DAE2D91	09798D98	0 (Lightningrod)	Rhydon
8D73B8EA	85625197	1 (Lightningrod)	Manectric
edit: see next page for the actual determination


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Colosseum PKM Structure and offsets

004088FC	Trainer SID_TID

00408900	Species (half word)
00408904	PID#1
00408914	PKM TID/SID

004089A4	IVs (half word each)

00408A3C	PID#2

408A3C-408904 = 312 bytes of data
XD had 194.

There is some shifting based on how you start up, but it would be nearby if not there.
As WildEep pointed out, these guys are locked into male only. I CHANGED THE PID TO WHATEVER I WANTED OK?



Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Colosseum PID/IV Relationship

Pre-Generation Seed: A6A0DF7D

277	81559C60	8155	IV Block 1	1 00000 01010 10101
278	0ECF49A3	0ECF	IV Block 2	0 00011 10110 01111
279	C0310DDA	C031	????
280	F0CF5D35	F0CF	UpperPID
281	5A199B24	5A19	LowerPID

IVs:	0015	000A	0000	0016	0003	000F
Binary	10101	01010	00000	10110	00011	01111
It's the same as in XD. Yay for a universal method!

It probably has the same Trainer TID/SID Generation.
This just in: Pokémon caught in XD are never shiny. The game will continue to reroll for a new PID until it is not shiny.

Test results:

Frame	RNG Value
1	BFB03DDD  <- frames 1 and 2 form a PID that should be shiny (BFB04B1B) 
2	4B1B992C  <- but we know it rerolls to frames 3 and 4
3	3F07833F  <- frames 3 and 4 also form a PID that should also be shiny with our ID\SID (3F07CBA9).  
4	CBA9D106  <- we want to know if it only rerolls once, or if it keeps rerolling until not shiny
5	2BC0C3B1  <- the PID was 2BC0FBF2, so it rerolled until a non-shiny PID occurred on frame 5 and 6.
6	FBF257B0
This debunks the previous belief held by Gold Ursaring and yamipoli that XD Pokémon simply have really low odds of shininess because you'd have to get two shiny PIDs in a row (a 1-in-67108864 chance). However, this is clearly not the case.

EDIT: We also tried manipulating the opposing trainers' ID\SID to make their Pokemon shiny. This also failed; it rerolled for their ID\SID when the PID\TID combination was found to make the Pokemon shiny.
Does this apply to just the Shadow Pokémon, or are the Poké Spot Pokémon also set to not be shiny?


don't glaze me bro
is a Programmer Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Does this apply to just the Shadow Pokémon, or are the Poké Spot Pokémon also set to not be shiny?
We haven't tested Pokéspots, but frankly, they are not a high priority at all since there is nothing special about them. We'd only research them if we get really, really bored.


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Paralleling XD's antishiny to Colosseum's blunder:

I've taken the time to figure out why Colosseum has shiny shadow Pokemon that lose shininess upon capture, and why it's possible to actually become shiny after capturing. The answer is simple: Opponent TID/SID.

As we've seen in XD, if the PID is shiny with your TID/SID or the (randomly generated) Opponent's TID/SID, it is re-rolled. In Colosseum, the game only uses the Opponent TID/SID with the PID when determining shininess. Consider it like an egg. It may be shiny with Trainer A, but with Trainer B, it may not! Conversely, if it's nonshiny with A, it might be shiny with B. This is why the glitch occurs, and I've updated Bulbapedia's entries according to this.

Like all the games in the main series, Pokémon Colosseum has a 1/8192 chance of a Shadow Pokémon being Shiny. When a Shiny Shadow Pokémon is captured, it is highly improbable that the Pokemon will retain shininess. Conversely, when an ordinary Shadow Pokémon is captured, there is still the 1/8192 chance of that Pokémon becoming Shiny when it is sent to the player's party or the Pokémon storage system. Shininess is retained through purification.

This bug is caused by the game not considering your IDs until it is captured. The game instead uses the Opponent's ID to determine if the Shadow Pokémon will be Shiny based on the personality value it generates at the start of the battle. Upon capture, the IDs of the capturing trainer will then be applied and shininess will be determined from the previously generated personality value. However, in Pokémon XD, this glitch was corrected. When the game calculates a personality value, it checks against your IDs and the Opponent IDs. If the game were to generate a Shiny personality value, it would then recalculate the personality value until it would not be Shiny with your IDs and the Opponent's IDs. As a consequence of fixing this glitch from Pokémon Colosseum in Pokémon XD, the game unfortunately ensures that all Shadow Pokémon are never Shiny.


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
XD Togepi:

0	AC3F2930
19	43908A15	4390	0 10000 11100 10000	(0x10 0x1C 0x10)
20	38619484	3861	0 01110 00011 00001	(0x0E 0x03 0x01)
21	0000F137	0
22	13DB671E	13DB	UpperPID
23	41526169	4152	LowerPID

10 1C 10 03 0E 01
Even though it is a gift, same method. It has a shiny check on it as well, it uses 1 after the old PID for ???, and then generates the new Upper->Lower PIDs.


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
yeah, ageto celebi to the GC sav file conforms to the XD/Colosseum method
Same struct.

That Shiny Lax Ageto Celebi that's been trading for a long time? Hacked.


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Uploaded a YouTube Video recording me RNGing the Shadow Togepi from HORDEL in Outskirt Stand in XD.

With audio narration!

Here's the video!


I used Camtasia Studio to record my computer screen. It recorded the mouse, and it let me do some cool stuff to help accentuate what I was doing via cursor size and click effects. It stabilized the audio and removed background noise, and I lowered the volume of the narration so it wasn't loud like most of those narrated videos online.

The Togepi generation framespan was really nice; the game doesn't go through the swirling animation so the frame difference is really low (thus not as hard to find what frame the PID halves came from)!

Use XDC-Legal or any other IV checker to see that these correspond to 31/6/31/31/31/31 Timid.

I ended up recording twice with two different programs, because the first program failed to record properly. I used the states from that run instead just so I wouldn't have to do as much work. It's a good practice to export Researcher's results when looking for the PID halves, as you usually won't know where they are.

The whole Excel searching part I skipped (because the PID halves were within the first 100 frames from my initial), in addition to target spread/seed selection (the tool remains private:pimp:).

Memory changing the seed is obviously required, because there's no seed hitting (nanosecond timing? waiting forever? no thanks)


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Japanese Bonus Disc PRNG

You have to select the Colosseum portion of the bonus disc (first one), then the seed is set. Then another menu pops up. Passing this menu screen advances it ~1018 times.

It's for sure the PRNG state ;)

finished editing the disc so it will give to english saves.... but I can't get the link going.


Abilities in XD/C (99% sure)

Come from the top bit of the second set of IVs.
iv1   xHHHHH[b]AAAAADDDDD[/b] (binary)
iv2   a[s]AAAAADDDDD[/s]SSSSS (binary)
upid  BEEF
lpid  CAFE
The whole ability changing in XD/C is probably because the game doesn't store the ability (it instead stores PID/IV) and thus re-generates it if you re-encounter (with that blank call?). Just a theory.

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