VGC Pawmot

Sole Survivor

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* Pawmot has a strong niche in being one of only two Pokemon with a potentially game-winning tool in Revival Blessing. It is preferred over Rabsca thanks to its high Speed and better offensive typing, hitting Pokemon such as Murkrow, Meowscarada, and Hydreigon for OHKOs or near OHKOs. This, combined with its access to Fake Out, makes Pawmot useful offensively in addition to bringing Revival Blessing.

* Powerful teammates such as Dondozo, when paired with Tatsugiri's Commander, and Meowscarada particularly appreciate Pawmot's Revival Blessing, as it gives them another opportunity at denting opposing teams. Choice Band Meowscarada pairs particularly well with Pawmot, as it can hit the only relevant Ground-type in Garchomp with both Flower Trick and Play Rough. Pawmot, in return, covers the few Pokemon that can handle Meowscarada's STAB moves, such as Hydreigon—even when it Terastallizes into a typing such as Steel.

* Such Pawmot teams can, however, be vulnerable to well-played dual screens teams, which nullify most of the offensive presence from Pawmot's allies, even after it revives one of them. In particular, Pawmot teams must bring Pokemon and moves that can beat Amoonguss, which can be used on these teams.

name: Revival Blessing Support
move 1: Double Shock
move 2: Revival Blessing
move 3: Close Combat
move 4: Fake Out
item: Focus Sash
ability: Volt Absorb / Natural Cure
nature: Jolly
tera type: Electric / Fighting
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


* Revival Blessing is an extremely invaluable tool that lets Pawmot revive crucial teammates such as Dondozo and Meowscarada, very likely turning the battle in the user's favor. It is Pawmot's most important move, but an attack is slotted first in case the timer forces Pawmot to use its first move. Double Shock is better here if Pawmot Terastallizes into the Electric typing, which lets it repeatedly use the move without drawback or failure. If running the Fighting Tera type or not Terastallized, Close Combat is better in this moveslot.

* Focus Sash, in tandem with Pawmot's high Speed, ensures it gets at least two moves off if it is not double targeted.

* Volt Absorb synergizes with Electric-weak teammates such as Dondozo, while Natural Cure allows Pawmot to brush off status moves such as Amoonguss's Spore.

* Both the Electric and Fighting Tera types provide offensive benefits to Pawmot, turning an attack into a reliable source of damage against a plethora of common Pokemon such as Murkrow, Dondozo, and/or Hydreigon. The Electric Tera type lets it use Double Shock repeatedly, which avoids the drawback of Close Combat lowering its defenses, turning it into a potent cleaner.

- Written by: [[Sole Survivor, 518634]]
- Quality checked by: [[yuki, 294287]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
Last edited:


* Pawmot has a strong niche in being one of only two Pokemon which have access to a potentially game-winning tool in Revival Blessing. It has a good offensive typing, hitting Pokemon Murkrow, Meowscarada, and Hydreigon for OHKOs or near OHKOs. This combined with its access to Fake Out makes it a Pokemon capable of both immensely supporting its team defensively while also serving as a useful tool offensively.

* Teammates such as Dondozo, when paired with Tatsugiri's Commander, and Meowscarada particularly appreciate Pawmot's Revival Blessing as they are given another opportunity at denting opposing teams with their Commander-boosted stats and Choice Band Flower Tricks, respectively. Choice Band Meowscarada pairs particularly well with Pawmot as it can hit the only relevant Ground-type in Garchomp with both Flower Trick and Play Rough while Pawmot, in return, covers for the few Pokemon that can handle Meowscarada's STABs such as Hydreigon, even when it is Terastallized to a type such as Steel. (Maybe a touch wordy here, if there's anything we can trim that would be great) These Pawmot compositions can, however, be vulnerable to well-played dual screens teams which include Amoonguss, so one must be careful in their choice of Pokemon and moves. (Would consider making this its own point)

name: Revival Blessing Support
move 1: Double Shock
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Fake Out
move 4: Revival Blessing
item: Focus Sash
ability: Volt Absorb / Natural Cure
nature: Jolly
tera type: Fighting / Electric (Feel like I prefer Electric first, but it's honestly not a big deal at all)
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


* Revival Blessing is an extremely invaluable tool which lets Pawmot revive crucial teammates such as Dondozo and Meowscarada, very likely turning the battle in the user's favor.

* Focus Sash in tandem with Pawmot's high Speed ensures it gets at least two moves off if it is not double targeted. The two moves can include any combination of Fake Out and the other three moves, usually Revival Blessing. (The two moves you can click are two moves on this set. Nice!)

* Volt Absorb synergizes well with Electric-weak teammates such as Dondozo, while Natural Cure allows Pawmot to brush off status such as Amoonguss's Spore.

* Both the Electric and Fighting Tera Types provide offensive benefits to Pawmot, turning its attacks into a reliable source of damage against a plethora of common Pokemon such as Murkrow, Dondozo, and Hydreigon. The Electric Tera Type lets it use Double Shock repeatedly without the drawback of lowering its defenses that Close Combat has, turning it into a potent cleaner.

- Written by: [[Sole Survivor, 518634]]
- Quality checked by: [[yuki, 294287]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username, user ID]]

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* Pawmot has a strong niche in being one of only two Pokemon which have access to with a potentially game-winning tool in Revival Blessing. (made this its own bullet. i'd really like it to include the context of Rabsca. i assume pawmot is better because it got an analysis first–assuming that's right, how much better is it? also, what is the most important reason or couple of reasons why?)

* It has a good offensive typing, hitting Pokemon such as Murkrow, Meowscarada, and Hydreigon for OHKOs or near OHKOs. This, (AC) combined with its access to Fake Out, (AC) makes it a Pokemon capable of both immensely supporting its team defensively while also serving as a useful tool offensively. Pawmot useful offensively in addition to bringing Revival Blessing.

* Powerful teammates (if you have a better replacement for "powerful", go ahead) such as Dondozo, when paired with Tatsugiri's Commander, and Meowscarada particularly appreciate Pawmot's Revival Blessing as they are given Blessing, as it gives them another opportunity at denting opposing teams with their Commander-boosted stats and Choice Band Flower Tricks, respectively. Choice Band Meowscarada pairs particularly well with Pawmot, (AC) as it can hit the only relevant Ground-type in Garchomp with both Flower Trick and Play Rough. Pawmot, in return, covers for the few Pokemon that can handle Meowscarada's STABs such as Hydreigon, even when it is Terastallized to a type STAB moves, such as Hydreigon—even when it Terastallizes into a typing such as Steel.

* These Pawmot compositions Such Pawmot teams can, however, be vulnerable to well-played dual screens teams which include Amoonguss, so one must be careful in their choice of Pokemon and moves. teams, which (fill in why these teams are an obstacle. eg, if this was true, "can use screens to handle attackers even after Pawmot revives them") . In particular, Pawmot teams must bring Pokemon and moves that can beat Amoonguss, which is used on these teams. (as long as this makes sense? if it doesn't, change it as appropriate)

name: Revival Blessing Support
move 1: Double Shock
move 2: Close Combat Revival Blessing (reordering dependent on parts of SC paragraph 1 addition)
move 3: Fake Out Close Combat
move 4: Revival Blessing Fake Out
item: Focus Sash
ability: Volt Absorb / Natural Cure
nature: Jolly
tera type: Electric / Fighting
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


* Revival Blessing is an extremely invaluable tool which that lets Pawmot revive crucial teammates such as Dondozo and Meowscarada, very likely turning the battle in the user's favor. It is Pawmot's most important move, but an attack is slotted first in case the timer forces Pawmot to use its first move. Double Shock is better here if Pawmot Terastallizes into the Electric typing, which lets it repeatedly use the move without drawback or failure. If running Tera Fighting or not Terastallized, Close Combat is better in this moveslot. (I imagine i'm generally on the right track? of course change this as desired, and check to make sure I didn't mess anything up / change mistakes as needed)

* Focus Sash, (AC) in tandem with Pawmot's high Speed, (AC) ensures it gets at least two moves off if it is not double targeted.

* Volt Absorb synergizes well with Electric-weak teammates such as Dondozo, while Natural Cure allows Pawmot to brush off status moves such as Amoonguss's Spore.

* Both the Electric and Fighting Tera Types types provide offensive benefits to Pawmot, turning its attacks an attack into a reliable source of damage against a plethora of common Pokemon such as Murkrow, Dondozo, and/or Hydreigon. The Electric Tera Type type lets it use Double Shock repeatedly, (AC) without the drawback of lowering its defenses that Close Combat has, which avoids the drawback of Close Combat lowering its defenses, turning it into a potent cleaner.

- Written by: [[Sole Survivor, 518634]]
- Quality checked by: [[yuki, 294287]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
briefly waiting on the stamp because I had some content-y comments and i want to quickly check any new info you add
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* Pawmot has a strong niche in being one of only two Pokemon which have access to with a potentially game-winning tool in Revival Blessing. (made this its own bullet. i'd really like it to include the context of Rabsca. i assume pawmot is better because it got an analysis first–assuming that's right, how much better is it? also, what is the most important reason or couple of reasons why?)

* It has a good offensive typing, hitting Pokemon such as Murkrow, Meowscarada, and Hydreigon for OHKOs or near OHKOs. This, (AC) combined with its access to Fake Out, (AC) makes it a Pokemon capable of both immensely supporting its team defensively while also serving as a useful tool offensively. Pawmot useful offensively in addition to bringing Revival Blessing.

* Powerful teammates (if you have a better replacement for "powerful", go ahead) such as Dondozo, when paired with Tatsugiri's Commander, and Meowscarada particularly appreciate Pawmot's Revival Blessing as they are given Blessing, as it gives them another opportunity at denting opposing teams with their Commander-boosted stats and Choice Band Flower Tricks, respectively. Choice Band Meowscarada pairs particularly well with Pawmot, (AC) as it can hit the only relevant Ground-type in Garchomp with both Flower Trick and Play Rough. Pawmot, in return, covers for the few Pokemon that can handle Meowscarada's STABs such as Hydreigon, even when it is Terastallized to a type STAB moves, such as Hydreigon—even when it Terastallizes into a typing such as Steel.

* These Pawmot compositions Such Pawmot teams can, however, be vulnerable to well-played dual screens teams which include Amoonguss, so one must be careful in their choice of Pokemon and moves. teams, which (fill in why these teams are an obstacle. eg, if this was true, "can use screens to handle attackers even after Pawmot revives them") . In particular, Pawmot teams must bring Pokemon and moves that can beat Amoonguss, which is used on these teams. (as long as this makes sense? if it doesn't, change it as appropriate)

name: Revival Blessing Support
move 1: Double Shock
move 2: Close Combat Revival Blessing (reordering dependent on parts of SC paragraph 1 addition)
move 3: Fake Out Close Combat
move 4: Revival Blessing Fake Out
item: Focus Sash
ability: Volt Absorb / Natural Cure
nature: Jolly
tera type: Electric / Fighting
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


* Revival Blessing is an extremely invaluable tool which that lets Pawmot revive crucial teammates such as Dondozo and Meowscarada, very likely turning the battle in the user's favor. It is Pawmot's most important move, but an attack is slotted first in case the timer forces Pawmot to use its first move. Double Shock is better here if Pawmot Terastallizes into the Electric typing, which lets it repeatedly use the move without drawback or failure. If running Tera Fighting or not Terastallized, Close Combat is better in this moveslot. (I imagine i'm generally on the right track? of course change this as desired, and check to make sure I didn't mess anything up / change mistakes as needed)

* Focus Sash, (AC) in tandem with Pawmot's high Speed, (AC) ensures it gets at least two moves off if it is not double targeted.

* Volt Absorb synergizes well with Electric-weak teammates such as Dondozo, while Natural Cure allows Pawmot to brush off status moves such as Amoonguss's Spore.

* Both the Electric and Fighting Tera Types types provide offensive benefits to Pawmot, turning its attacks an attack into a reliable source of damage against a plethora of common Pokemon such as Murkrow, Dondozo, and/or Hydreigon. The Electric Tera Type type lets it use Double Shock repeatedly, (AC) without the drawback of lowering its defenses that Close Combat has, which avoids the drawback of Close Combat lowering its defenses, turning it into a potent cleaner.

- Written by: [[Sole Survivor, 518634]]
- Quality checked by: [[yuki, 294287]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
briefly waiting on the stamp because I had some content-y comments and i want to quickly check any new info you add