SV OU [peaked top 40 ~ 1884] OKIDOGI NATION (CM Darkrai + Okidogi Bulky Offense)

:sv/darkrai: :sv/ogerpon-wellspring: :sv/landorus-therian: :sv/okidogi: :sv/dragonite: :sv/kingambit:
Table of Contents


Teambuilding Process

Team Description

Threat List



Hello good people here in Pokemon Showdown. I am here to bring the goods. This team has gotten me good results. I peaked at 1879 on my main, and 1880s on my alts.




I intended to go higher, but Showdown servers are kinda fucked rn. Alot of top players are sharing their rmts, so I’ll follow the bandwagon with my latest craft. The team features unorthodox EV spreads and sets. The main star is Okidogi, an underrated mon in SV OU I touched on in this post.

Teambuilding Process


Believe it or not, this team didn’t have Okidogi in mind at first. The main star was supposed to be Bulky Calm Mind Wisp Darkrai, which can spread burns and snowball unexpectedly. I paired it with the classic Lando/Wogre core to break some holes and get up rocks.


Since Rai + Wogre cover defense, Zama and Dnite were added as anti-offense measures. To cap the build off, Gambit was added to compress the role of a bulky Steel and extra cleaner/breaker with Black Glasses.


Okidogi was eventually added for two reasons. Half of my mons were vulnerable to Toxic Spikes. Though I could add Glimm/Moth to the team, I didn’t have room for them. So Okidogi was added to absorb them in case they ever went up. Dogi also had better match-ups into Fairies and Ghosts thanks to Pjab/Knock Off, Knock in general was helpful since the team lacks it. Thanks to this, Wogre can run Encore over Knock here, helping with most of the bs the tier throws at you. As mentioned in my post, it’s the hardest Zama check in the tier and pairs really nicely with 3 of my physically offensive behemoths.

Team Description


2PacRai (Darkrai) @ Leftovers
Ability: Bad Dreams
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 196 HP / 104 Def / 208 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Dark Pulse
- Sludge Bomb
- Will-O-Wisp

EV Spread: This bulky spread allows Darkrai to comfortably take U-Turns and other physical hits. It lives CB Darts from Pult, Deo-S’ Superpower, +1 Speed Booster Tusk Headlong Rush, and Rilla’s Tera Grass Glide. 208 Speed lets me outpace Roaring Moon and Cinderace.

Set Details: Wisp Darkrai is potent due to most of Darkrai’s checks like Ting-Lu, Zama, Gambit, and Clodsire being prime Wisp targets. Calm Mind is neat tech over Nasty Plot that to be more difficult to rkill on the special side. The bulk investment makes up for the power loss of Nasty Plot since you can get up at least 2 Calm Minds a game.

Usage Tips:
-Bring Darkrai in early game to spread burns, especially vs offense.

-Preserve Darkrai for the Stall matchup since it can cripple resting Dozos with Bad Dreams while inviting Blissey/Clod for the team’s physical attackers.

-Vs Balance, get up as many Calm Minds as possible to break and spread burns on checks. Don’t be afraid to fish for Dpulse flinches.


Ogerwayne (Ogerpon-Wellspring) (F) @ Wellspring Mask
Ability: Water Absorb
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 136 Atk / 120 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Ivy Cudgel
- Trailblaze
- Encore

EV Spread: 136 Atk EVs with an Adamant nature hits 341 Attack which exceeds Jolly max Atk. It still outspeeds Kyurem and Lando while the added bulk lets it eat physical hits more comfortably from stuff like Tusk, Dnite, or Gambit. You even eat a hit from Moon after you click Tera Water to outright OHKO it.

Set Details: Ivy Cudgel is a broken goo goo gah gah ahh move that has no penalty for clicking it, thus I was free to run Trailblaze to flabbergast offensive teams and punish players for sacking in front of Waterpon. Encore as the final slot which punishes Zama for clicking Iron Defense and is just a great move to have. Waterpon will be this team’s main way to force progress.

Usage Tips:
-Preserve Waterpon for the Balance/Stall matchup. (this should be common knowledge)

-Waterpon will be your Prima switch in, but keep in mind it only comes in once, so limit its switch ins.

-Just click Cudgel. There’s no risk to clicking it, even if Dragons like Pult/Bolt/Kyu come in, they eat some nice chip.

-Unless you see a Darkrai, lead with Waterpon and click Trailblaze or Cudgel vs offense.

-Vs Webs, lead Waterpon and click Trailblaze. Even if Webs go up, they have a + speed Waterpon to deal with.

-Don’t be afraid of Dnite if it comes in. Waterpon can actually beat this if it switches in. 2 Tera Water Cudgels after a boost can 2HKO Dnite while the 120 def EVs let you tank 2 E-Speeds after rocks.

-Just click Cudgel.


Notorious Therian (Landorus-Therian) (M) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 32 Def / 224 Spe
Timid Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earth Power
- U-turn
- Taunt

EV Spread: The standard Smogon Dex Lando spread, letting us outspeed Tusk and potentially underspeed opposing Fast Landos.

Set Details: Lando is very self-explanatory. It gets up rocks and clicks U-Turn. Since the team doesn’t have removal, it’ll be used to deny hazards with Taunt.

Usage Tips:
-If you see Raging Bolt, preserve it.

-Swap to Lando vs Dragon Dancers like Moon and U-Turn into Dnite or Gambit to rkill. (Don’t try this with Kyurem lol)

-With Darkrai and Okidogi helping with physical attackers, you don’t have to throw Lando in on them all the time, thus you can preserve its HP.

-Taunt vs Defensive Hazard Leads like Ting-Lu or Gliscor.


Snoop Dogi (Okidogi) @ Leftovers
Ability: Guard Dog
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 248 HP / 40 Def / 220 Spe
Impish Nature
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Knock Off
- Poison Jab

EV Spread: 220 Speed EVs outpaces everything hitting 250. Basically the “outspeed Raging Bolt” tier.

Set Details: Now we have the DOG. Okidogi functions as a check to Zama, Darkrai, and Rillaboom that provides utility with Knock + absorbs Toxic Spikes. Okidogi is also a threatening wincon for the team that can snowball past physically offensive threats with Bulk Up + Drain Punch. Even Tusk can outright lose to this since Dogi is just that bulky after a boost. With Guard Dog, you cannot be phazed out or pivoted around by Intimidate Lando. All these traits make Okidogi affective at crippling or outright beating physical walls that give half my team trouble.

Usage Tips:
-Okidogi in the early game will be clicking Knock and switching into Darkrai.

-Don’t be afraid of hard switching to Zama. It checks every common set.

-If they click a move like Roar and see that it doesn’t work, go for an attacking move to read the incoming switch. Most people won’t stay in on it.

-If you see an opportunity to clean in the mid or lategame, don’t be afraid to take it.

-Always click Bulk Up in front of Gambit.

-Vs Stall, Okidogi can hold its own, being able to click Bulk Up and possibly 1v1 Gliscor. If they switch, you cripple a physical wall that comes in via Knock.

-Vs Zapdos and Moltres, prioritize clicking Knock on them, especially the latter.

-If you see Darkrai in team preview, Okidogi is usually the best lead here.


Drakenite (Dragonite) (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Multiscale
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Extreme Speed
- Earthquake
- Ice Spinner

EV Spread: Its a regular Dragonite.

Set Details: Dnite is a cleaner and the strong priority that helps round this team together. It’s also important for emergency checking a bunch of shit.

Usage Tips:
-Preserve Dnite’s Multiscale as much as you can. (obvious tip)

-You don’t have to click DD all the time. Icequake off 134 Attack is enough of a damage dealer in certain instances.

-Don’t start beef with Kendrick.


Kingendrick (Kingambit) (F) @ Black Glasses/Leftovers
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 248 HP / 44 Atk / 216 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Kowtow Cleave
- Sucker Punch
- Iron Head

EV Spread: Behold the wackiest Gambit spread. This allows Gambit to eat special hits like random Moonblasts or Earth Powers more reliably, but the main selling point of this spread is eating a +1 Booster Bolt hit after a layer of Spikes so you don’t have to play Thunderclap/Sucker mindgames as often.

Set Details: Kingambit is Kingambit. It is the team’s dedicated Steel type and secondary Speed Control. As stated by the above, the spread lets Gambit tank special hits like Prima’s Moonblast or Raging Bolt’s Tbolt. Black Glasses and Tera Dark make up for trading Attack EVs for extra bulk. Lefties are also an option I’ve tested that helps Gambit in the long term if you don’t mind the power loss.

Usage Tips:
-Like with Dnite, you don’t have to click the setup move, Kowtow and Iron Head deal great damage without a boost.

-This is your main response to Zapdos since it’s the only Hurricane resist, can tank Volt Switch, and doesn’t mind Para as much.

-Before you start clicking buttons, make sure Helmets are removed with Okidogi’s Knock.

-Use Wogre, Darkrai, and Okidogi to cripple its checks to enable a lategame sweep.

-Preserve it and Dnite vs offensive builds.

-If you see Trick Room which I’ve been seeing a bit of lately, lead Gambit, always.

-Gambit’s bulk lets you tank more hits, so Sucker mindgames aren’t needed as much. Keep this in mind.

-If you need Dnite’s Multiscale for another mon, U-Turn into Gambit on Moon.

-Make a diss track about Drake.

Threat List
This is less of a threat list and more of a “Mons to Be Wary of” list. With that said…

: These two aren’t threats, but the Spikes they lay are annoying, especially since only two of our mons are immune to Spikes. Limit their hazard placements with Taunt Lando and fast-paced aggression.

: Regular Darkrai isn’t much of a problem, but Wisp annoys everything here and Okidogi. Do as much chip dmg to this as possible and put in range of E-Speed.

: Like Darkrai, Fast Wispers are annoying for the team since they threaten Lando/Darkrai. Pult can be chipped with Waterpon or crippled by Okidogi’s Knock, so it eats SR chip now.

: Moltres is manageable with Knock + Rocks, but Zapdos annoys the shit out of us, being OHKOd by nothing on the team. Gambit is your friend in this matchup. Chip it with rocks + Knock.

Replay Dump
Vs Balance (service service) (N-Zoroark stan) (Justius) (Real name Rover)

Vs HO (DCT1 Iaoth) (qways) (storm zone) (broke phi broke)

Vs BO (Toxicr0akIsCool)

Vs Stall (mathismathin)

Vs Sand (d18l)

Now go spread the word of Okidogi with this team!
I was gonna like this post until I saw that Darkrai spread, u sir are a corrupted and insane individual.

Nah but Fr congrats on the peak man!
I think it's too difficult, for this team to beat hazard stacking gliscor + unaware/toxapex stall / semistall.

Especially when it's semistall with 1 mon that's exerting offensive pressure, and makes it hard to keep using taunt from lando and keeping waterpon / darkrai healthy for like dondozo.

*That being said*, this team has like a fantastic MU into like almost everything else, so I still recommend this team very much!

Well done and great RMT