OU Pelipper


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name: Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Roost
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Hurricane / Knock Off
item: Damp Rock
ability: Drizzle
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Pelipper acts as a rain setter to aid common rain threats such as Gyarados, Dracovish, and Barraskewda without them needing to prematurely Dynamax. In addition, Pelipper's Water / Flying typing with Roost allows it to serve as a soft check to threatening Pokemon such as Barraskewda and Rapid Spin Excadrill. U-turn allows Pelipper to bring in rain sweepers without them taking an unnecessary hit. Hurricane deals heavy damage to threats such as Hawlucha and Conkeldurr, but Knock Off is also useful for removing items from Pokemon such as Galarian Corsola, Rotom-W, and Toxapex on the switch. The given EV spread is used to allow Pelipper to sponge hits from physical attackers like Barraskewda and Excadrill more easily, which it is meant to check on rain teams.

Gyarados, Barraskewda, and Dracovish are capable of taking advantage of the rain Pelipper sets to become stronger wallbreakers without needing to Dynamax earlier than one would like. Barraskewda in particular benefits a lot from rain, outspeeding everything in the game under rain thanks to Swift Swim, allowing it to easily punch holes in teams. Dracovish also benefits a lot from rain, as rain allows it to threaten Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Ferrothorn much more. Ferrothorn is a great partner because it can take pressure off of Pelipper to check Water-types and can also set entry hazards against Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Toxapex, both of which Pelipper often gains momentum against. Seismitoad is also a good teammate because it provides an Electric immunity and has Stealth Rock to free up a moveslot for Ferrothorn.

- Written by: [[Nuked, 382658]]
- Quality checked by: [[Mannat, 144451], [lyd, 303291]]
- Grammar checked by: [[deetah, 297659]]
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move 4: Knock Off / Hurricane
I'd probably swap this order just because while knock is nice other shit like ferro is gonna be knocking shit + hitting lucha is absurdly important for rain especially
Pelipper acts as a rain setter to aid common rain threats such as Gyarados and Barraskewda
probably advisable to mention dracovish in this first line as it comes up later and is used just as much as those two rn

Good work, QC 1/2
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I was gonna QC check this but Galarian Mannat sniped me so I'm just gonna leave some comments and maybe 2/2 this after.

  • Definitely mention U-turn as a big part of its niche in the opening line. Helps brings these rain sweepers in with ease.
  • Mention Seismitoad as one of the possible teammates, electric immune and sets up rocks, which frees up a slot on Ferrothorn.
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Looks great! Should be good to go for GP!
QC 2/2
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This is very good, not much is necessary to add here

GP 1/1


name: Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Roost
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Hurricane / Knock Off
item: Damp Rock
ability: Drizzle
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Pelipper acts as a rain setter to aid common rain threats such as Gyarados, Dracovish, and Barraskewda without them needing to prematurely Dynamax. In addition, Pelipper's Water / Flying typing with Roost allows it to serve as a soft check to threatening Pokemon such as Barraskewda and Rapid Spin Excadrill. U-turn allows Pelipper to bring in rain sweepers without them taking an unnecessary hit. Hurricane deals heavy damage to threats such as Hawlucha and Conkeldurr, but Knock Off is also useful for removing items from Pokemon such as Galarian Corsola, Rotom-W, and Toxapex on the switch. The given EV spread is used to allow Pelipper to sponge hits from physical attackers like Barraskewda and Excadrill more easily, which it is meant to check on rain teams.

Gyarados, Barraskewda, and Dracovish are capable of taking advantage of the rain Pelipper sets to become stronger wallbreakers without needing to Dynamax earlier than one would like. Barraskewda in particular benefits a lot from rain, outspeeding everything in the game under rain thanks to Swift Swim, allowing it to easily punch holes in teams. Dracovish also benefits a lot from rain, as rain allows Dracovish it to threaten Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Ferrothorn much more. Ferrothorn is a great partner because it can take pressure off of Pelipper to check Water-types and can also set entry hazards against Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Toxapex, both of which Pelipper often gains momentum against. Seismitoad is also a good teammate because it provides an Electric immunity and has Stealth Rock to free up a moveslot for Ferrothorn.

- Written by: [[Nuked, 382658]]
- Quality checked by: [[Mannat, 144451], [lyd, 303291]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ]]