Welcome to the simple questions and answers thread! You're free to ask any kind of questions here, but please keep the following in mind...
- Please don't ask any questions that can be answered with a simple Google or Smogon search.
- Try and quote the post you're answering to make it clear who you're talking to. If you're newer here, this can be done by clicking "Reply" in the bottom right hand corner of the post you're quoting.
- Make sure you stay on topic! Whatever you're asking about here should be related to Pet Mods. It's worth noting that if you're unsure if an idea you have counts as a Pet Mod, Other Metagame, or Solomod, this would be a good place to ask!
- Please be civil when posting. Make sure you're following the rules mentioned in this thread, as well as all of Smogon's rules.