Other Metagames Phoenix


Zangooser's 1st RMT.
Anything Goes
Peaked 1990
1st Place

Welcome to my first RMT! I was going to do a fair amount of storytelling but it all sounded bad and I'll probably write enough on the team. So I wanted to incorporate top aspects of Transcendent God Champion 's RMT with thelinearcurve 's RMT and make the best RMT I could. But with lack of time and effort, I settled for this:

Teambuilding Process

The Finished Product

The team was initially a combination of Pokémon that were common in the Anything Goes metagame. The initial plan was to make a new team because my other one wasn't performing too well. I had arrived on multiple Arceus, Xerneas, Primal Groudon and a Mega Rayquaza.


It was a pretty standard AG team. It involved three Arceus, being the main premise on which most teams were built. I noticed that other Arceus were giving this team trouble, hence I switched one ExtremeKiller Arceus to a Bulky Yveltal set, to alleviate the pressure on the rest of the team.


This just didn't work. I wasn't exactly going for a playstyle in particular, but slotting a bulky spread Yveltal onto a fairly offensive team wasn't the brightest idea. I decided that rather I would make it an offensive Yveltal and change an Arceus spread to standard support. I replaced my previous rock setter, Primal Groudon (now somewhat unnecessary due to Support Arceus) with a Ho-Oh which was extremely rare at the time.
Edit; 29th March 2016: Ho-Oh is now one of the dominant threats in the Anything Goes metagame.



The Ho-Oh was the recommended set. The standard tank set on Smogon capable of taking all the special hits I had needed. However, much to my dismay my team was extremely rocks weak. It got to the point where I would need to put defog on both Arceus. Most of the time I was defogging to keep half of my team alive. As much as I liked my team and admired Yveltal most of the time I knew there had to be a change with one of my flying types. I thought about it carefully. I had:
- A special wall capable of tanking nearly any neutral damage special attack.
- An Arceus counter which also happened to counter Mewtwo but I never saw any.
- My mega and main sweeper.

It was here the legend was born:


Terrakion could take nothing on the switch in from rocks and demolished ExtremeKiller Arceus. A scarf ensured that I could OHKO any Arceus without worrying about a premature earthquake taking it out. It was perfect, the beast. Every match I went in from that point someone commented on my Terrakion. "How cool, a Terrakion!". I was admired, I'd defeat everyone in style.

So at that point my team stayed the same for a while.


I played at least 500 or so matches with my team that way. I got to first place with ease. But there was still a problem. If I ever got locked into a close combat, the opponent would switch in their mega rayquaza or something similar to start setting up. I would be forced to switch. It wasn't that I would do this with the ignorance to forget about the Rayquaza. No. I would do this to take out a troublesome Arc who would sweep my team otherwise. Bulkceus was very good at absorbing these hits. It would take a hit from a +6 Arceus and still survive. However, I would be required to let something die prior to this being sent in.

I still scraped by. When you play so many matches with the same team at that rank everyone learns your team. I decided I was to change something. I tried different teams and different playstyles (Hyper Offensive, Offensive and then just terrible ideas like Toxic Spikes Roaring and then Venoshock-ing the whole opposing team). I decided I was more of a balanced player, but a bit of stall could help my team obtain perfection. That's when I implemented Skarmory.


Skarmory took care of every single weakness Bulkceus had. It was simply better in every way except for the inability to burn. I found with the Skarmory however that attack damage was never a problem. Its rocky helmet ensured i could outstall a +6 Arceus which would continually ESpeed. If I wanted to, I could toxic to ensure maximal residual damage per turn.


This is what I labelled as perfection. It defeated all the top teams in the meta due to its versatility and ability to hurt anything with ease.

My team featured 3 excessively used pokemon and 3 rarely used pokemon. I have started a Terrakion revolution and contributed to Skarmory's popularity to which many had used before me (most notably Mega Freak and Flowre).

In Depth
Here's the team, you probably scrolled down here impatiently, if so pls read, i put a lot of effort into it..
I don't really care honestly, just look at the team..


Arceus @ Lum Berry
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Earthquake
- Perish Song
- Swords Dance
Not quite standard ExtremeKiller Arceus set. Adamant was used due to my terrible luck with Speed Ties, but more importantly guaranteeing an OHKO on offensive threats Darkrai and Mewtwo. ExtremeSpeed is of course the premier attacking option, harnessing 120 BP after STAB at +2 Priority. Earthquake is the best coverage for ExtremeKiller formes, as it hits Steel and Rock types super effectively, as well as hitting Primal Groudon for maximal damage. Perish Song because it can auto-win against Baton Pass teams assuming Taunt Pokemon or Mr. Mime aren't used. If this is however the case, it is important to make an opposing Baton Pass user think that you do not have Perish Song. Giving it away can be the difference between a win and a loss. Swords Dance is a standard boosting option for Arceus, and therefore doesn't require much description.


Rayquaza @ Lum Berry
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Ascent
- Earthquake
- Extreme Speed
- Dragon Dance
The most standard Mega Rayquaza you will see in your lifetime. Lum Berry enables status absorption to allow an easy 1v1 win against Darkrai and Klefki. I opted for Earthquake, as I have such a heavy hitting fire type in the back which doesn't need further support due to its extensive recovery options. Overall, Rayquaza is an extremely hard hitter with the ability to set up against a plethora of teams.


Xerneas @ Power Herb
Ability: Fairy Aura
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Aromatherapy
- Ingrain
- Geomancy
Xerneas is honestly under-used against a lot of teams but if you can get it set up it does major damage to the opposing team. Against most opponents an ingrained GeoXern is perfect as a late game sweeper. Ingrain ensures no Roar or Whirlwinding out by Multiscale Lugia and other passive threats. Aromatherapy is important because my team is easily stopped by status, however it also provides nice setup opportunities for Xerneas when faced against Lugia and Skarmory. Moonblast is the hardest hitting move Xerneas learns. The speed ensures win 1v1 against other Xerneas, which I found to be more useful at this current stage of the metagame.


Ho-Oh @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 196 Atk / 52 SpD / 12 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Brave Bird
- Earthquake
- Sleep Talk
Ho-Oh is a great special tank that just covers the majority of my teams flaws. Sacred Fire does heaps and burns, through the use of a well-typed decent accuracy move. Brave Bird is for maximal damage, as well as providing a nice offensive typing against the likes of Rayquaza and other offensive threats. Earthquake is nice coverage for Primal Groudon and Mega Diancie (pre-mega). Sleep Talk provides a potential Darkrai counter if needed. The Speed is to outspeed Diancie pre-mega, the bulk is to live a +2 Thunder from Geomancy Xerneas and the rest is invested into attack.


Terrakion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Justified
EVs: 144 HP / 252 Atk / 112 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Iron Head
- Earthquake
I made the set myself although I'm 99.99% sure that people ran Scarf Terrakion before me, I just popularised it. Close Combat OHKOs Arceus the majority of the time. Stone Edge is perfect for Yveltal as it gets a +1 on the switch in from Justified. Iron Head OHKOs Mega Diancie. Earthquake is for Primal Groudon. The EVs have been chosen to ensure maximum efficiency. Speedy enough to outspeed Scarf Ogre while bulky enough to survive an Arceus EQ at +0.


Skarmory @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
- Defog
- Toxic
- Roost
- Whirlwind
This is basically a support mon which walls Arceus and non-V-create Ray. Whirlwind when necessary. Rocky Helmet helps outstall espeeders and actually takes ~50% from a +6 Shadow Claw. However, if the opposing EKiller has Stone Edge it is important to whirlwind them out before they boost up past +4.

How to check..

Depending on the set of the Arceus (You may have to scout this out a bit) most often than not it wont have anything harmful to your Skarmory so that's what you send in. Terrakion is another option but only on a switch in if the opponent is not smart enough to EQ predict or +2 or above already. Remember that Terrakion has a 75% chance to OHKO so you have to ensure the foe is partially damaged to ensure a clean kill with Terrak. Skarmory is often the better option. If your opponent leads with their Arceus and you lead with your Mega Ray, you can dance and then ascent. This will provide the death of the Arceus.

Primal GDon can be a real pain to kill, But you do have a few options. Your main option is to send in Arceus or Mega Ray depending on what you deem to be the more appropriate action. With Mega Ray, don't boost just EQ twice. With Arc at full health, boost and then EQ, they could be going for rocks. If your Arc is damaged, just EQ or Defog. This team allows for a lot of error so don't worry if you make a mistake. Xerneas can also come in when Primal GDon is under 30% or so.

Here's a bit tricky, you want to send your Skarmory in with no damage. Whirlwind. If your opponent shows no V-create you want to send in your Skarm from then on, however, if they are carrying the V-create, send in your Arc SD once and then ESpeed post V-create if not Dragon Danced Up. If your Arceus is full health, you can afford to boost along with their boost.

Ho-Oh is a great wall for many Xerneas. As long as the Xerneas isn't carrying an Electric move, you'll be sweet.
Thunder 23.162%
Thunderbolt 22.552%
According to these stats (the 1760 stats, only including the best) 45% of players carry electric moves on their Xerneas. At full health Ho-Oh can take a Geomancy Thunder. If you are able to send out your Xerneas at the same time as theirs, you will most likely have the advantage. Due to the non-existent speed investment that other Xerneas do not have. Geo at the same time, Moonblast, recieve a moonblast, Moonblast. If Xerneas gets under 40% or so, you can Arceus ESpeed.

Ho-Oh and Lum mons. Lum spam loves Darkrai.

Klefki never presents a threat to this team due to the Lum Berry spam. Each Lum berry mon can take out 2 Klefkis, or 1 if your luck is that terrible.. Ho-Oh and Ray OHKO Klefki with Sacred and EQ but Arceus can only take a Key down to 80% at +0. This may require you to EQ for the 80% and ES for the 20%. If you are fearful of a Foul Play switch, Skarmory and Terrakion love getting Foul Played due to Skarm's Rocky Helmet and Terra's Justified. Screens are easy to remove due to Arceus and Skarm both having Defog access.

Hmm. This is one of the strongest threats against this team only being beaten by Scarf Ogre and Zekrom which both sweep my team if not prepared for it. Rayquaza and Arceus are your best friend. They can come in remove the usefulness of the situation. Ray can Dragon Ascent for like 70-90% iirc and it can't get OHKO'd by an Ice Beam. Arceus can Espeed for useful damage before a pulse or just assisting in the takedown.

Kyogre (Scarf Variants)
You will need 2 of 3 alive: Arceus, Terrakion, Rayquaza. Terrakion outspeeds, Arceus's Espeed will take it down a lot reducing Water Spout power, Rayquaza will survive a Water Spout and ES to survive another.

Banded can actually OHKO the whole team lol. You need to prevent this by killing it with your EQ and MB users. No one runs banded due to it being outsped. Priority might be needed if it's scarfed however it never really presents so much of a threat.

Not really that much of a threat due to the presence of EQ and Iron Head on Terrakion. If you have something other than Ho-Oh or Terrakion out you want to switch into Ho-Oh to Absorb a moonblast and then into Terrak to absorb a Diamond Storm. Then Iron Heading.

There are so many people to thank so if I forget someone I apologise. I've played the second most amount of games on the ladder. So without further ado, here it is in chronological order of when I met them on the ladder (I had no other way):

D1CKH3AD , Jsd7 , lucario756
for welcoming me into a very interesting and enjoyable metagame.

hexandwhy , The Complication , Mega Freak , White Lion18
for giving me all your Elo >:D

flowre , Gunner Rohan , Ahuehuehue , HunterStorm , thelinearcurve
for making the journey beyond challenging.

EvilCelebi , Shwetabh , SWAGGSSDGRAS
for sharing the experience with me.

Joshz , Nessuno-Kun , Catniss Everdeen , al3xmar5 , Fripouille
for being there in times of dead ladder.
If you have any suggestions, they would be appreciated. Merci!

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Hey Zangooser,
Your team looks pretty great, especially your Terrakion.
The only thing that I personally think could be improved is your Xerneas. One of the most reliable counters for Xerneas is Ditto, which can come in and steal the Geomancy buffs and KO Xerneas. The most reliable way to prevent this is to run a high Special Defense stat on it. It doesn't have to hit the full 252, but 150+ prevents a Ditto KO. As to where these EVs come from, try taking them from speed, since Xerneas doesn't require an awful amount of it, I don't think.

Hope this helps!
you mention scarf ogre under primal section lol

1 very important side note: you really need to fix the nick on Terrakion to Steaklion, it lowers its self esteem being your bae and prevents it from performing its best.

Good team ty for s/o :)
Oh yea, thank you for that

Hey Zangooser,
Your team looks pretty great, especially your Terrakion.
The only thing that I personally think could be improved is your Xerneas. One of the most reliable counters for Xerneas is Ditto, which can come in and steal the Geomancy buffs and KO Xerneas. The most reliable way to prevent this is to run a high Special Defense stat on it. It doesn't have to hit the full 252, but 150+ prevents a Ditto KO. As to where these EVs come from, try taking them from speed, since Xerneas doesn't require an awful amount of it, I don't think.

Hope this helps!
The Xerneas speed EVs are a difficult topic. I remember choosing 294 for a specific reason but I forget why. I would actually probably change to 280 or 298. The speed is important in outdoing other Xerneases and also as a primal killer if need be.

The ditto thing I'm unsure about, Ditto usually doesn't present a great deal of trouble to my team since boosting is not required to succeed. However, that is a great point and I'll probably try it out anyway.
Great team...

Wrecked me.

Just curious, what do you do against a team that has Hazards, Ho-Oh, and Scarf Ogre? I've had major trouble dealing with this type of team when using teams like yours (eg: Skarmory as a defogger)

For me at least, if my Skarmory gets hit by Ho-Oh, it's pretty much over if they're relying on hazards.
Great team...

Wrecked me.

Just curious, what do you do against a team that has Hazards, Ho-Oh, and Scarf Ogre? I've had major trouble dealing with this type of team when using teams like yours (eg: Skarmory as a defogger)

For me at least, if my Skarmory gets hit by Ho-Oh, it's pretty much over if they're relying on hazards.
Thank You for the comment. I don't have experience with the exact team you were against, but what I would usually do is try to contain the hazard setter, either through a means of destroying it or statusing it. Ho-Oh and Scarf Ogre both have a relatively low physical defense count, so hammering physical attacks would probably be a bright idea. A great way to counter your opponents hazards is to set up hazards yourself, forcing them to either remove hazards or live with them. When playing you earlier I noticed your priority was to toxic my Ho-oh over setting your own hazards with your Ariados. Was this due to the knowledge of how much defog I had on my team or was it what you did every game?

Also if what I said sounded like it wouldn't work or whatever, I didn't really understand what you said because I'm half asleep. Just message back and I'll explain if so.
Thank You for the comment. I don't have experience with the exact team you were against, but what I would usually do is try to contain the hazard setter, either through a means of destroying it or statusing it. Ho-Oh and Scarf Ogre both have a relatively low physical defense count, so hammering physical attacks would probably be a bright idea. A great way to counter your opponents hazards is to set up hazards yourself, forcing them to either remove hazards or live with them. When playing you earlier I noticed your priority was to toxic my Ho-oh over setting your own hazards with your Ariados. Was this due to the knowledge of how much defog I had on my team or was it what you did every game?

Also if what I said sounded like it wouldn't work or whatever, I didn't really understand what you said because I'm half asleep. Just message back and I'll explain if so.

My priority was to Toxic your Ho-Oh for 2 reasons:

1. I know you defog a lot.
2. Sticky Web has almost no affect on your team, bar Terrakion. Not worth. Toxic Spikes is slightly better, but still doesn't affect half your team.

You pretty much answered my question, giving me 2 options: Set up more hazards, or bombard them with physical attacks. I just hate getting outstalled lol. Luckily, MegaGar easily gets rid of enemy Toxic Spikes.
The issue with adamant ekiller is that you auto lose to other ekillers, which is a huge problem. I'd recommend fixing that.

Good team otherwise! Although you pretty much get 6-0'd by v-create ray.
Great team...

I still think that you should put Curve's G-Don set in for the Terrakion

Otherwise, thanks for everything you have done for me, and thanks for the shootout.