Pokémon Pinsir

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Yeah, I agree that Thrash under normal circumstances is a bad option, however for late game play, or with sticky web support, it has the potential to blast through walls that might otherwise end your sweep. +2 thrash can straight up OHKO Gliscor who might otherwise be relied on to ice fang Pinsir, which can end his run if Rocks are in play, or he has taken a priority hit. Obviously don't do this if Talonflame is on the scene, but with Jolly you will be outspeeding anything that doesn't have speed investment (ie. Most bulky mons) and anything below 105 base speed. It also presents more of a threat to Skarmory, able to 2HKO with rocks and hopefully end its rampage and switch. (this is from experience, not calculations, so I could be wrong.) In addition, those 18 points multiply out considerably when factoring in Aerialate and STAB, plus either a Moxie boost or SD. It's not downright better, but it's another option, particularly as a last ditch "screw you".

at least it's better than Giga Impact?
Yeah, I agree that Thrash under normal circumstances is a bad option, however for late game play, or with sticky web support, it has the potential to blast through walls that might otherwise end your sweep. +2 thrash can straight up OHKO Gliscor who might otherwise be relied on to ice fang Pinsir, which can end his run if Rocks are in play, or he has taken a priority hit. Obviously don't do this if Talonflame is on the scene, but with Jolly you will be outspeeding anything that doesn't have speed investment (ie. Most bulky mons) and anything below 105 base speed. It also presents more of a threat to Skarmory, able to 2HKO with rocks and hopefully end its rampage and switch. (this is from experience, not calculations, so I could be wrong.) In addition, those 18 points multiply out considerably when factoring in Aerialate and STAB, plus either a Moxie boost or SD. It's not downright better, but it's another option, particularly as a last ditch "screw you".

at least it's better than Giga Impact?
Well IMO thrash wouldn't be worth it is like being banded but without the boost its to me not a good move that any bulky attacker can switch into for example arcanine with rocky helmet (give me a chance) mild nature and invested in defense it can take one thrash I'm thinking use extremespeed and be done with it
Even a Choice Band doesn't keep you from switching. Leave the 2-3 turn moves to Dragons with their harder to resist STAB and ability to boost their Speed.
Unfortunately, Pinsir is pretty much a one-set pony with Quick Attack/Return/Earthquake/Swords Dance. Straying from the norm will only cause you to be running a an inferior Mega Pinsir.
Unfortunately, Pinsir is pretty much a one-set pony with Quick Attack/Return/Earthquake/Swords Dance. Straying from the norm will only cause you to be running a an inferior Mega Pinsir.
Well isn't that the reason this forum exists? To create different sets and analyze a Pokemon, so off the top of my head how about...
N: Jolly
A: Mold Breaker MA: Aerilate
I: Pinsirite
M1: Quick Attack
M2: X-Scissor
M3: Close Combat
M4: Thrash/Swords Dance
What counters this thing? I know Aegislash can switch in on it's STAB moves but he can't switch in on EQ or take 2 EQs. Rotom W takes a ton of damage from a +2 Close Combat and even return. Heatran fears EQ also. What can counter all of this thing's sets? I've managed to take this thing down with sandstorm and toxic damage but it severely damages my team almost always when I predict wrong or over predict. Revenge killing it is pretty much the only reliable way of dealing with this monster.
The safest counter is probably Skarmory, Pinsir cant do a thing against him. Physical defensiv rotom-w can take him down as well but u have to keep it healthy for that.
What counters this thing? I know Aegislash can switch in on it's STAB moves but he can't switch in on EQ or take 2 EQs. Rotom W takes a ton of damage from a +2 Close Combat and even return. Heatran fears EQ also. What can counter all of this thing's sets? I've managed to take this thing down with sandstorm and toxic damage but it severely damages my team almost always when I predict wrong or over predict. Revenge killing it is pretty much the only reliable way of dealing with this monster.

Scarfed Rotom-H totally wrecks it.
What counters this thing? I know Aegislash can switch in on it's STAB moves but he can't switch in on EQ or take 2 EQs. Rotom W takes a ton of damage from a +2 Close Combat and even return. Heatran fears EQ also. What can counter all of this thing's sets? I've managed to take this thing down with sandstorm and toxic damage but it severely damages my team almost always when I predict wrong or over predict. Revenge killing it is pretty much the only reliable way of dealing with this monster.
IMO Cofagrigus is a good counter or at least check. It can switch in on a M-Pinsir and the pinsir of course uses a physical move gets mummified and burned which causes it to switch out and with the right predictions they get hexed and taken out
IMO Cofagrigus is a good counter or at least check. It can switch in on a M-Pinsir and the pinsir of course uses a physical move gets mummified and burned which causes it to switch out and with the right predictions they get hexed and taken out
It's been already stated that Cofagrigus is not a counter to Pinsir:

+2 252 Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Cofagrigus: 274-324 (85.6 - 101.2%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

With an adamant nature, Pinsir doesn't even need SR to have a guaranteed kill. And that's against the bulkiest possible Cofagrigus. All Cofagrigus can do is force Pinsir out after passing mummy onto it, dying in the process...
Just saying,
+6 252+ Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Giga Impact vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Aggron: 378-446 (109.8 - 129.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Ok, but really, it is seriously an instant win, so freaking powerful o.o
IMO Cofagrigus is a good counter or at least check. It can switch in on a M-Pinsir and the pinsir of course uses a physical move gets mummified and burned which causes it to switch out and with the right predictions they get hexed and taken out
What about air balloon Heatran? I'm sure maybe on a predicted EQ he can maybe force him out?
What about air balloon Heatran? I'm sure maybe on a predicted EQ he can maybe force him out?

Except for the fact that Air Balloon Heatran is bad.
I can't think of anything that truly counters it bar Mega Aggron, of all things:
+2 252 Atk Mega Pinsir Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Filter Mega Aggron: 144-169 (41.8 - 49.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
4 Atk Mega Aggron Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Pinsir: 332-392 (122.5 - 144.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Of course it won't be very powerful, but it can switch in on an Earthquake, and avoid being OHKOed. Except for hazards, however.
Is there a chance of this thing being tested? I won't jump to conclusions but only one counter is weird. I'm sure there are more out. I know he has checks but all Pokemon have checks :/
Is there a chance of this thing being tested? I won't jump to conclusions but only one counter is weird. I'm sure there are more out. I know he has checks but all Pokemon have checks :/

There are a few counters out there so i doubt he will get tested. I already mentioned two of them above but they arent the only ones. In fact most physical walls switch into him and kill him, Mandibuzz and Hippowdon for example can stop him as well. Though Mandi needs hazards gone.
Is there a chance of this thing being tested? I won't jump to conclusions but only one counter is weird. I'm sure there are more out. I know he has checks but all Pokemon have checks :/
I personally think arcanine would be good against a M-Pinsir with this set

N:Mild (+def -sp.atk)
I: Rocky Helmet
M1:Morning Sun
M2:Flare Blitz/Flame Charge
M3:Extreme Speed
M4:Wild Charge/???
EVs: 252 Def 252 HP 4 atk

This set allows arcanine to switch in get damage off because rocky helmet, use morning sun gain health live an attack and extreme speed it out after rocks and helmet damage that damage should take it out unless it out speeds you but that's what flame charge is for
I personally think arcanine would be good against a M-Pinsir with this set

N:Mild (+def -sp.atk)
I: Rocky Helmet
M1:Morning Sun
M2:Flare Blitz/Flame Charge
M3:Extreme Speed
M4:Wild Charge/???
EVs: 252 Def 252 HP 4 atk

This set allows arcanine to switch in get damage off because rocky helmet, use morning sun gain health live an attack and extreme speed it out after rocks and helmet damage that damage should take it out unless it out speeds you but that's what flame charge is for
+1 252 Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Arcanine: 309-364 (80.4 - 94.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
-1 252 Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Arcanine: 136-162 (35.4 - 42.1%) -- 81.3% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
(first calc is assuming the pinsir uses sword dance)
Yeah, I am not sold on arcanine being a counter to mega pinsir...
+1 252 Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Arcanine: 309-364 (80.4 - 94.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
-1 252 Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Arcanine: 136-162 (35.4 - 42.1%) -- 81.3% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
(first calc is assuming the pinsir uses sword dance)
Yeah, I am not sold on arcanine being a counter to mega pinsir...
I'm honestly just trying to think of a different counter then skarmory
Yeah I'm not debating the mechanics of Thrash, but I don't see why Outrage is any better. To resist Flying, people will usually send in Steel, Rock or Electric. Electric is a solid defensive typing, but the most common mons to actually take advantage of that are Rotom. +2 thrash 2HKOs most variants with a little wear and tear. Now Rocks are a different story, but EQ takes care of them. Not to mention the most common Rocks are Terrakion and T-tars, and Terra takes neutral from it so it will have to revenge. Steels are a common counter to Dragon, and Pinsir wins out in raw power to even the beastliest of Outrages, boosts nonwithstanding (haxorus sitting at 147 attack.) Charizard X can give it a run for its money, but that's about it. Now, Outrage used to be more unresisted, but if something gets killed with outrage, the opponent can switch in a fairy and get a free turn. AFAIK, Pinsir has the most viable "outrage" in the game, sitting at a great speed stat, having no immunities, and chances are, with a boost under its belt, and I feel that it's a legitimate option. Sticky Web will help it considerably in taking out frail things that are faster, though with an impressive defensive stat, Pinsir can often trade blows and come out on top.

I'm mostly just discussing this because there's only so long that you can 'discuss' a single set. :p

EDIT: also, cofagrigus can really screw with Pinsir, losing Aerialate hurts. Dunno if i would consider it a counter though as it's gonna probably kill it anyway, but it makes Pinsir more manageable. Mandibuzz is my counter of choice though, that bird would be 2HKOed by a nuclear bomb.
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Is there a chance of this thing being tested? I won't jump to conclusions but only one counter is weird. I'm sure there are more out. I know he has checks but all Pokemon have checks :/
Mega Pinsir's check list is sizable due to his plethora of weaknesses. He also has standard OU counters, and a huge stealth rock weakness, so I doubt we'll see him up for suspect. He's literally this gen's haxorus.
Close Combat or Earthquake? Hypper Cutter or Moxie? And looks like DE can't be paired with CC or QA at all...
While Moxie MAY get you a free +1, HC can save you from a -1 IF the opponent has someone with intimidate in his/her team. CC provides good coverage to certain pokes and gives you a small chance against Skarm while EQ has good coverage to and gies you some chance against Aegi... also, Stone Edge helps, but IMO it has less coverage than CC or EQ and prankster Thundurus can still mess with you even if you have SE.
Quick Attack is a must, priority is very important this gen, and it is a waste not to give a flying QA to the only pokemon that can use it that way.
Finally, Return has less power than Double Edge, but if DE can't be paired with QA or CC then it is just useless unless you run DE, EQ, SD and something more like SE.
KBUTERIMON (Pinsir) @ Pinsirite
Ability: Moxie/Hypper Cutter
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Double Edge
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Sir Pin (Pinsir) @ Pinsirite
Ability: Hypper Cutter/Moxie
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Quick Attack
- Return
- Earthquake/Close Combat
this is a totally dorky point but you dont really need 252 speed EVs on mega pinsir if you're jolly, 232 EVs gets you past jolly max garchomp and everything beneath him, so you can put 24 into HP. the only thing even remotely relevant that you outspeed with these extra 5 speed points is delphox and meowstic.

then again it might be beneficial for the turn where you mega evolve at 85 base. there are way to many mons in that speed tier to work it out tho
this is a totally dorky point but you dont really need 252 speed EVs on mega pinsir if you're jolly, 232 EVs gets you past jolly max garchomp and everything beneath him, so you can put 24 into HP. the only thing even remotely relevant that you outspeed with these extra 5 speed points is delphox and meowstic.

then again it might be beneficial for the turn where you mega evolve at 85 base. there are way to many mons in that speed tier to work it out tho

Doesn't 24 HP Evs = Even number HP? I can't check right now, but we want an odd number of HP so 100% -> 51% -> 1% for switching into Stealth Rock as Mega Pinsir. But you probably already knew that.
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