Status: Open
Welcome to my trade thread. I used to be fairly active back in 2015 during ORAS before taking a long hiatus from Pokemon for real-life things. Pokemon Scarlet & Violet has reinvigorated my interest in Pokemon with easier access to Apricorn Balls, guaranteed catches with Tera Raid Dens, improvements to breeding mechanics, and more, so I have returned, but as a more casual collector with my primary goal (for now) being to create a Living Dex with matching balls in Pokemon Home.
Please have a look at what I have to offer - I hope you find something to your liking! :)
- Trainer Information -
Switch FC: SW-6244-4010-2938
Switch FC: SW-6244-4010-2938
Pokémon Home IGN: Derek | Pokémon Scarlet IGN: Derek | Pokémon Legends: Arceus IGN: Derek |
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond IGN: Derek | Pokémon Sword IGN: Derek | Pokémon Let's Go Eevee IGN: |
3DS FC: 2509-3708-5125
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire IGN: Hikari TSV: 0022 | Pokémon Ultra Sun IGN: | Pokémon Ultra Moon IGN: |
Pokémon X IGN: Magnus TSV: 3197 | Pokémon Sun IGN: | Pokémon |
Pokémon Gold (VC) IGN: | Pokémon Silver (VC) IGN: | Pokémon Crystal (VC) IGN: |
Pokémon Red (VC) IGN: | Pokémon Blue (VC) IGN: | Pokémon Yellow (VC) IGN: |
- General Rules -
- Follow Smogon Rules & be courteous.
- No hacks, all the usual rules you see on other trade threads - I shouldn't have to say this.
- Explicitly state what you are offering and what you are looking to get (Pokemon, ball, nature, IVs, EMs, etc if there are options).
- My Pokemon on non-redistributable.
- Currently only trading in Gen IX Scarlet & Violet.
- Sample Format -
#0635 - Hydreigon the Rampaging (♀)
Mark: Ferocious Mark | Tera Type: Poison
Nature: Timid | Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31.0.31.HT.HT.HT
Moves: Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Heat Wave, Snarl
OT: Derek ID: 240703
Notes: Minted from Bold.

#0635 - Hydreigon the Rampaging (♀)
Mark: Ferocious Mark | Tera Type: Poison
Nature: Timid | Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31.0.31.HT.HT.HT
Moves: Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Heat Wave, Snarl
OT: Derek ID: 240703
Notes: Minted from Bold.
- Table of Contents -
- Introduction, Trainer Information, & General Rules - FC, OT/TID, Availability, etc.
- Collection Goals, Wants, & Trade Log
- Generation I: Kanto #0001 - #0151
- Generation I: Kanto #0001 - #0151 - Shinies, Events, & Legendaries
- Generation II: Johto #0152 - #0251
- Generation II: Johto #0152 - #0251 - Shinies, Events, & Legendaries
- Generation III: Hoenn #0252 - #0386
- Generation III: Hoenn #0252 - #0386 - Shinies, Events, & Legendaries
- Generation IV: Sinnoh #0387 - #0493
- Generation IV: Sinnoh #0387 - #0493 - Shinies, Events, & Legendaries
- Generation V: Unova #0494 - #0649
- Generation V: Unova #0494 - #0649 - Shinies, Events, & Legendaries
- Generation VI: Kalos #0650 - #0721
- Generation VI: Kalos #0650 - #0721 - Shinies, Events, & Legendaries
- Generation VII: Alola #0722 - #0809
- Generation VII: Alola #0722 - #0809 - Shinies, Events, & Legendaries
- Generation VIII: Galar/Hisui #0810 - #0905
- Generation VIII: Galar/Hisui #0810 - #0905 - Shinies, Events, & Legendaries
- Generation IX: Paldea #0906 - #1025
- Generation IX: Paldea #0906 - #1025 - Shinies, Events, & Legendaries
- Generation X: *** #1026 - #1***
- Generation X: *** #1026 - #1*** - Shinies, Events, & Legendaries
- Reserved
- Reserved
- Past Giveaways
-For Reference-

-For Reference-
Breedable balls listed at the top (Master & Cherish not breedable, just listed in sample above to have sprites available). Specific Pokemon I have bred, caught, and/or trained of the evolution line are listed underneath. Details listed: Ball Sprite, Mark/Ribbon Sprites, Pokemon & Title Conferred (Mark/Ribbon Name) | Ability (HA italicized) | Nature (Minted with *) | IVs | EVs (if applicable) | [Moves - EMs/event moves italicized] | Notes (e.g. raid event, Mystery Gift, code, etc)
Breedables are categorized by generation/region the base evolution is from (e.g. Pichu is listed under Johto), with the exception of Baby Pokemon that require Incense (e.g. Snorlax will be listed under Kanto, not Munchlax in Sinnoh). Default nature and IVs will be listed next to the corresponding ball if I have bred a perfect parent. Any other balls I have for the Pokemon that I do not have a perfect parent for will be listed at the bottom.
If you would prefer a different nature, just ask. I have Dittos to change the nature.
Adamant | Bold | Brave | Calm | Careful | Hasty | Impish | Jolly | Lonely | Mild | Modest | Naïve | Naughty | Rash | Quiet | Relaxed | Sassy | Timid
Breedables are categorized by generation/region the base evolution is from (e.g. Pichu is listed under Johto), with the exception of Baby Pokemon that require Incense (e.g. Snorlax will be listed under Kanto, not Munchlax in Sinnoh). Default nature and IVs will be listed next to the corresponding ball if I have bred a perfect parent. Any other balls I have for the Pokemon that I do not have a perfect parent for will be listed at the bottom.
If you would prefer a different nature, just ask. I have Dittos to change the nature.
Adamant | Bold | Brave | Calm | Careful | Hasty | Impish | Jolly | Lonely | Mild | Modest | Naïve | Naughty | Rash | Quiet | Relaxed | Sassy | Timid
- Breedable Format -
#656 Froakie - #657 Frogadier - #658 Greninja
Poké Ball & Ability Options
HA Available:
HA Unavailable
Recommended Nature Options
Jolly, Naive, Timid
Hidden Power Options
HP Fire
[SIZE=3][B][U]Poké Ball & Ability Options[/B][/U]
HA Available:
HA Unavailable
[B][U]Recommended Nature Options[/B][/U]
[B][U]Hidden Power Options[/B][/U]
- Shiny Format -
#656 Froakie - #657 Frogadier - #658 Greninja
) | OT: Trainer | ID: #####
Ability: Protean* | Nature: Naive | IVs:
Egg Moves: Toxic Spikes
Notes: Hatch Location, Hatch Method, etc
[SIZE=3] | [B]OT[/B]: | [B]ID[/B]:
[B]Ability[/B]: | [B]Nature[/B]: | [B]IVs[/B]:
[B]Egg Moves[/B]:
[B]Notes[/B]: [/SIZE]
- Battle-Ready Format -
#658 Greninja
) | OT: Trainer | ID: #####
Ability: Protean* | Nature: Naive | IVs:
Moves: Ice Beam, Dark Pulse, Low Kick, Gunk Shot | EVs:
Egg Moves: Toxic Spikes
Notes: Battle Format, EV notes, Hatching Information
[SIZE=3] | [B]OT[/B]: | [B]ID[/B]:
[B]Ability[/B]: | [B]Nature[/B]: | [B]IVs[/B]:
[B]Moves[/B]: | [B]EVs[/B]: x.x.x.x.x.x
[B]Egg Moves[/B]:
[B]Notes[/B]: [/SIZE]
#656 Froakie - #657 Frogadier - #658 Greninja
Poké Ball & Ability Options
HA Available:

HA Unavailable
Recommended Nature Options
Jolly, Naive, Timid
Hidden Power Options
HP Fire
[SIZE=3][B][U]Poké Ball & Ability Options[/B][/U]
HA Available:
HA Unavailable
[B][U]Recommended Nature Options[/B][/U]
[B][U]Hidden Power Options[/B][/U]
- Shiny Format -

#656 Froakie - #657 Frogadier - #658 Greninja

Ability: Protean* | Nature: Naive | IVs:
Egg Moves: Toxic Spikes
Notes: Hatch Location, Hatch Method, etc
[SIZE=3] | [B]OT[/B]: | [B]ID[/B]:
[B]Ability[/B]: | [B]Nature[/B]: | [B]IVs[/B]:
[B]Egg Moves[/B]:
[B]Notes[/B]: [/SIZE]

#658 Greninja

Ability: Protean* | Nature: Naive | IVs:
Moves: Ice Beam, Dark Pulse, Low Kick, Gunk Shot | EVs:
Egg Moves: Toxic Spikes
Notes: Battle Format, EV notes, Hatching Information
[SIZE=3] | [B]OT[/B]: | [B]ID[/B]:
[B]Ability[/B]: | [B]Nature[/B]: | [B]IVs[/B]:
[B]Moves[/B]: | [B]EVs[/B]: x.x.x.x.x.x
[B]Egg Moves[/B]:
[B]Notes[/B]: [/SIZE]
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