Hi! I created a tool to automatically track your Pokemon Showdown ratings daily for a PS user. This will allow you to automatically track interesting information like ladder peaks or trends in performance. Might not be super interesting in the short term, but it could be interesting to look back at months down the line.
How to start tracking your rating
All you need to do to start tracking your rating is hop on PS, sign in and message ".subscribe" to my bot "im tofas bot" on PS. It doesn't matter if the bot is offline; just message ".subscribe" again and it will be sent as an offline message. The bot will register you once it is online. See the below Hide-tag for what happens when bot is offline.
Once your registration has been processed by the bot, another service will then automatically start tracking your rating once a day (ELO, GXE etc). If you want to stop your subscription and delete all of your historical ratings, message ".unsubscribe" to the same bot you subscribed to.
How to view your historical rating
To view your historical ratings, I have also created a simple public REST API that provides the historical ratings for a given user, as well as a very simple visualization tool to view ELO trends (mainly intended for demonstration purposes as of now).
Simply enter the PS username of a tracked user and optionally the particular format (e.g gen9ou, gen7ou, etcetc) you want to visualize, and then click submit! If you don't provide a format, you will visualize all formats you have played, and have the option to hide a particular format by clicking its respective box above the chart. See Hide-tag for example.
Link to the visualization tool: https://im-tofa.github.io/ (the visualization website is very ugly but I don't feel like designing something pretty right now)
I currently have no plans to discontinue this service in the near future, but if I do, I will take a snapshot of the database and/or encourage users to export their rating data using the API if they want to.
Feel free to check it out, and of course, improvement suggestions are appreciated!
How to start tracking your rating
All you need to do to start tracking your rating is hop on PS, sign in and message ".subscribe" to my bot "im tofas bot" on PS. It doesn't matter if the bot is offline; just message ".subscribe" again and it will be sent as an offline message. The bot will register you once it is online. See the below Hide-tag for what happens when bot is offline.
Once your registration has been processed by the bot, another service will then automatically start tracking your rating once a day (ELO, GXE etc). If you want to stop your subscription and delete all of your historical ratings, message ".unsubscribe" to the same bot you subscribed to.
To view your historical ratings, I have also created a simple public REST API that provides the historical ratings for a given user, as well as a very simple visualization tool to view ELO trends (mainly intended for demonstration purposes as of now).
Simply enter the PS username of a tracked user and optionally the particular format (e.g gen9ou, gen7ou, etcetc) you want to visualize, and then click submit! If you don't provide a format, you will visualize all formats you have played, and have the option to hide a particular format by clicking its respective box above the chart. See Hide-tag for example.
Link to the visualization tool: https://im-tofa.github.io/ (the visualization website is very ugly but I don't feel like designing something pretty right now)
Feel free to check it out, and of course, improvement suggestions are appreciated!
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