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One of the main problems I have always had with the Choice sets is slashing Surf with Hydro Pump. Hydro Pump, both from my own experience and how it is played up in the actual Set Comments, is 100% irreplaceable. If you want accuracy, run Surf in the last slot. The last slot is useless almost all of the time, and using coverage moves is rare. The power drop to Surf is extremely significant. I think the Choice sets should be:

Specs -
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Hidden Power Grass / Surf

Scarf -
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Surf / Encore / Perish Song

Encore>Perish Song because it can give other Pokemon setup opportunities considering it has such increased Speed.
I am glad that SJCrew is working on this - the right man for the job.

Defensive -
move 1: Scald
move 2: Protect / Ice Beam
move 3: Perish Song / Encore
move 4: Toxic / Hypnosis

This should be the defensive set (what Colonel_M posted the 2nd time). Defensive Politoed really wants one of Perish Song or Encore or else it will be set-up bait. Protect is certainly beneficial for maintaining health, but not at all a necessity. Encore and Perish Song provide Politoed some useful utility that prevents it from becoming a sitting duck (frog) in the face of Lum / Sub set-up Sweepers or Baton Passers.

Specs -
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Surf / Scald
move 4: HP Grass / Focus Blast

Scarf -
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Surf
move 4: Focus Blast / Encore / Perish Song

I agree with pokemon0078 that Hydro Pump is indispensable for its raw power. Scarf Politoed cannot kill Tornadus without it iirc, and Specs Politoed has 0 chance of getting past Blissey / Chansey without it.

However, Hydro Pump costs games. 80% just sucks, and having that as your only main STAB offense really makes these choiced sets perform inconsistently. Since Politoed is most of the time spamming its STAB move or Ice Beam, it should make better use of its moveslot by devoting another slot for Surf. This provides reliable offense when Politoed does not need the extra power. Politoed hardly use HP Grass / Focus Blast anyways, so doubling up on its main offense is more productive.

Personally HP Grass > Focus Blast on Specs Toed, since Politoed can 3HKO Ferrothorn with Specs Pump, and because Gastrodon / Jellicent would wall Politoed for eternity otherwise. Other than Ferrothorn, Focus Blast is only really useful for Abomasnow and Kyurem.

I personally like Scald on even Specs Toed, since the 30% burn is a nice way to cripple Water-resist mons like Latias, Hydreigon, Ferrothorn, and Abomasnow.
Here is what i think about Toed...

The Specs set should definitely have a bulky spread in the main set, with a fast spread mentioned in AC. 28 Speed evs are fine for the Specs set, to outspeed max Speed Timid Wobbuffet and any uninvested base 70 that may be speed creeping.

There should definitely be a max HP / max SpA set with 3 attacks and Encore / Perish Song / Toxic in the last slot, and Lefties as the item, as it is a mix of bulk, power, and the ability to switch moves, all in one set, which is very nice.

Also in every set with max HP that doesn't have a choice item (meaning defensive and 3 attacks), Rest + Chesto Berry should be given a strong mention in AC, as it is veeeery helpful for winning weather wars, and Toed doesn't really have moveslot syndrome, as Scald, status move and Encore / Perish Song are the really necessary moves (Protect is good for defensive Toed, but is useless when you have ChestoRest). Everything else is luxury.

On the Scarf set, this is how the final slot should look, imo:

Encore / Perish Song / MAYBE Hypnosis

Everyone should know how awesome a fast Encore is, and Politoed is no exception. With this move, Politoed can check threats it would otherwise be unable to, such as SubDDnite, CM Keldeo, CM Latias and many others. Yeah Perish Song does the same, but it still gives to your oppoent 2 turns to wreck you with boosted moves, and hit your valuable rain inducer for huge damage. Perish Song is better against BP teams but that's it mainly. Hypnosis is an ok crippling move for emergency cases, but its unreliability makes me lean towards putting it in AC. 60% accuracy sucks balls, and defensive Toed can live with this because it is bulky and has Lefties, while also not getting locked into one shitty move. HP Grass is fine in AC.

Finally something important. The only really important moves that are absolutely necessary for defensive Politoed, are Scald and Encore / Perish Song. Scald is a strong STAB attack with an awesome side effect, and the other 2 moves prevent stat set-up. This means that aside from summoning rain, Toed will also have value as a wall, as double STAB Scald and Encore / Perish Song are awesome moves that cover most of the problems that other walls usually face (weak attacks, and being easy to set up on are the most important cons of walls, and the first 2 moves of Toed fix this). Yeah Toxic, Protect, Hypnosis and Ice Beam are great moves, but not necessary, which means that every combination of them, except from double status, is viable. So this is how the set should look, imo:

- Scald
- Perish Song / Encore
- Toxic / Hypnosis
- Protect / Ice Beam.

...with a mention in the AC that the last 2 slots can be tailored to your team's needs. For example if you want you can use both Protect and Ice Beam, and no status move at all, or put HP Grass / FB in the last slot, if your team has troubles with Gastrodon and Ferrothorn respectively. But Perish Song or Encore are absolute musts, and anyone not using them is doing something wrong (except from veeeery rare cases).
I'm happy with Surf being on the choice sets, even as the primary slash, but I'm not happy with it sitting in a slot on its own. It's not compulsory by any stretch of the imagination.
Honestly it's the best option - most players already do this anyways. An AC mention of replacing Surf for an extra coverage move if you REALLY want the coverage should be enough imo.
The accuracy issue is why I've always been a proponent of Surf over Hydro Pump for Drizzle teams, but it seems inconsistent to mention this as a problem for Scarf and not Specs. I understand the weight for revenge killing is higher than that of wallbreaking, but this is why I have both moves slashed together on both sets. People who want to hit Tyranitar harder or KO Tornadus-T at full health will go Hydro Pump. But people who just want the the consistent damage will go for Surf [for the record, it KOs Tornadus-T after SR and one round of LO guaranteed (66.2% - 78.3%)]. That's why they should have that option available to them.

If more of OU QC than just Pocket thinks his Scarf set is best, I'll add it without complaint.
Edit: I changed my mind a bit. Surf is a decent option but shouldn't be the primary option. This is what I think:

Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Focus Blast / Surf
Encore / Perish Song / Surf

I also object to Scald on the specs set, which I stress again should have a bulky spread 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe. Again I would like Focus Blast to be slashed alongside Surf. I use the move a lot when I have it, even if it's almost exclusively on Ferrothorn.

And finally, as people keep saying, add three attacks. I've been testing it and it's still good.

edit: is your computer trouble preventing you from editing the op?
Ehhh, I personally think Hydro Pump + Surf is lame on Scarf Toed. You have quite a few options, and I would rather run a coverage / utility move rather than double water moves that I prolly won't get much use out of anyway. I appear to be the only person posting here that thinks this way tho, since j104 and Pocket both like double water moves.

Personally, I would run Hydro (and slash Surf with it), Ice Beam, Focus Blast (taking a chunk of Ferrothorn is good since you can spam water moves easier later in the game now that its weakened), and the one of either Perish Song or Encore, to shutdown set up sweepers that might annoy me. I would only really use Surf + Hydro Pump on the same set, if I really didn't want to use Focus Blast (in which case Ferrothorn is more annoying), or if I didn't want to use Encore / Perish Song, in which case I feel like im not really using Politoeds main niche, and would use a better scarfer. Just my 2 cents
I also object to Scald on the specs set, which I stress again should have a bulky spread 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe. Again I would like Focus Blast to be slashed alongside Surf. I use the move a lot when I have it, even if it's almost exclusively on Ferrothorn.

And finally, as people keep saying, add three attacks. I've been testing it and it's still good.

edit: is your computer trouble preventing you from editing the op?
No, this is being updated in a word document, which will be added to the OP. No one's suggestions are being ignored.
After having used ginjaninja's team for a bit, I'm completely sold on refresh Politoed. Pretty much guarantees that it will beat stuff like jellicent, heatean, gastrodon and opposing Politoed. They quite often let you do it for free by using protect. It needs to be slashed with protect.
Ehhh, I personally think Hydro Pump + Surf is lame on Scarf Toed


Hpump / Ibeam / Surf / Hypnosis or Psong or even Encore, focus blast is useless.
first, on the scarf toed set, running both hydro pump and surf at the same time is a good idea, and i think pocket's set should be the generally accepted scarftoed variant. make sure, of course, to mention potentially running a hidden power / focus blast over either surf or hpump, as some players don't like two water stabs on the same set and will feel inclined to change one or the other to something more suitable for their team or playstyle.

next, on the defensive toed set, refresh should be slashed in somewhere. it's a really great option, and an easy way to beat jellicent - you both toxic, then you refresh before it taunts you. i've used it before and it's way better than it might seem at first glance.

finally, on the special attacker politoed set, i know it's still a work in progress, but i've been using a similar set with moves of hpump/ice beam/focus blast/encore and a water gem, and i've found that this item is absolutely invaluable in bluffing your way through opposing weather teams. tricking ninetales into thinking you're scarfed is the best part; switch in, ice beam as it scouts you with protect, then hit it with a gem-boosted hydro pump as they stay in expecting you to be locked into ice beam. this can work against other weather starters as well, in similar fashion. if you're going to be using the special attacker toed set, i feel water gem at least deserves a mention, but probably should be listed as the primary item for the set.
Sorry to bombard you guys with beautiful writing instead of an easy-to-read skeleton first, but that's the way I've always done it in school. :[

Can I get my checks anyway? :]
Although max Speed Wobbuffet is rare, I'd like to see 24 Speed EVs on the Defensive set and the Special Attacker set so you don't get locked into moves that you don't want to get locked into.



<p>Drizzle had been long overdue to test the waters of a standard metagame, and it was a wise decision to release the ability in a generation where OU is more powerful than ever. The weather has a phenomenal effect on OU, with various offensive and defensive perks that any OU team can take advantage of. Rain's dominance is undeniable; the stormy weather singlehandedly accounts for the viability of Pokemon such as Gastrodon, who is seemingly designed to defend against rain teams, and Tornadus, whose signature Hurricane saves it from obscurity. The potency of rain stall must also be recognized; the rain turns previously turning annoying support Pokemon, such as Tentacruel, Ferrothorn, and Jirachi, into defensive stalwarts.</p>

<p>But who's the lucky winner in our Dream World lotto? None other than the Pokemon from GSC that everyone forgot about: Politoed. With such lackluster stats and a strictly average movepool, it's easy to see why our froggy friend has remained NU in every competitive metagame since it was introduced. However, with former greats such as Suicune and Empoleon bumming in the depths of UU while Politoed maintains higher usage than ever, Drizzle's influence says more than enough about Politoed's role in OU.</p>

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Hidden Power Grass / Surf
item: Choice Specs
ability: Drizzle
nature: Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe


<p>Being able to deal with this set is a requirement for OU teams. Politoed might not have the most dangerous stats or movepool, but the viability of this set is determined by its ability to summon rain upon entry, which makes its STAB attacks considerably more dangerous. The boost from Choice Specs and rain more than doubles the power of Hydro Pump, which allows it to 2HKO some of the most specially bulky Pokemon in OU, including Jirachi, Latios, and Mew. It is not easy to switch in a Pokemon that simply resists Water-type attacks due to its massive damage output. To illustrate the might of its Drizzle-enhanced power, here is a small list of common Politoed checks that should almost never switch into Hydro Pump:</p>

<ul class="damage_calculation">
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Salamence: 68.3% - 80.7%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Naive Salamence: 75.8% - 89.4%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Haxorus: 95.6% - 112.6%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Hydreigon: 63.1% - 74.5%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Naive Hydreigon: 70.2% - 82.8%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 252/252+ Deoxys-D: 63.5% - 75%</li>

<p>Even without coverage, only the bulkiest of resists are capable of tangoing with the walking flood that is Politoed. One of the few things stopping Politoed from drowning everything in its path is Hydro Pump's imperfect accuracy, as a 20% deduction has a proven side effect of costing games. In case you want to play it on the safe side, Surf is a viable option in lieu of or alongside Hydro Pump to ensure that an untimely miss doesn't come into play during the simple act of revenge killing a target.</p>

<p>Ice Beam, Hidden Power Grass, and Focus Blast all serve a similar function in tripping up Politoed's usual checks, provided you can predict their switch in. Ice Beam prevents the likes of Latias and Dragonite from switching in and setting up freely, while also warding off Celebi and Virizion, who can take a Hydro Pump better than most. Hidden Power Grass is Politoed's best option against both Gastrodon and Jellicent, who make most of Politoed's offensive options useless. Focus Blast will probably see the least use of the three coverage options, as its only notable targets are Ferrothorn and the odd Abomasnow; however, Ferrothorn's omnipresence and Politoed's lack of convincing other options makes it the optimal choice for the fourth slot. Do keep in mind that it's usually safest to open up with a STAB attack, as its coverage moves are much weaker and easy to punish.</p>


<p>Specs Politoed is a perfect fit for offensive rain teams. The front-runner of its teammates is Tornadus-T, whose commanding speed, powerful Hurricane, and Regenerator help it break down and outlast the common enemies of rain teams, such as Ferrothorn, Latios, and Latias. Following behind it is Keldeo, whose 129 base Special Attack and secondary Fighting typing allows it to threaten both Ferrothorn and Chansey, making it a valuable asset to rain teams. Ironically enough, Thundurus-T is as dangerous a teammate as it is an enemy; its Volt Absorb negates the Electric attacks used against Politoed and its teammates while the rain increases its Thunder's accuracy to perfection, allowing it to deal major damage even to the Pokemon that resist it. Starmie is also a powerhouse under the rain, sporting a souped-up Hydro Pump and powerful Electric-type coverage with Thunder.</p>

<p>Politoed really shouldn't be using anything other than the moves listed above, but as a passing recommendation, Psychic can be useful over Focus Blast for preventing easy setup from Venusaur, Toxicroak, and Tentacruel. Perish Song is also a good last-ditch attempt to defeat Calm Mind users and especially bulky walls during the end-game.</p>

name: Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Protect / Ice Beam / Refresh
move 3: Perish Song / Encore
move 4: Toxic / Hypnosis
item: Leftovers
ability: Drizzle
nature: Bold

evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


<p>Politoed is a competent special attacker thanks to Drizzle, but the only thing it needs to do in order to support its team is survive. To this end, a defensive Politoed can be a valuable asset, with access to some of the most infuriating support moves in the game. Scald is the worst of them all; someone at Game Freak apparently decided Water-types weren't good enough, so they were granted the ability to deal decent damage and burn opposing switch-ins with one move. The threat of a burn is enough to keep Ferrothorn at bay, as a burned Ferrothorn is easy prey for Substitute users such as Gyarados, Landorus, and Gliscor.</p>

<p>Protect further aids Politoed's stalling capabilities by scouting the opponent's moves while residual damage slowly withers away their HP. In addition, it garners free Leftovers recovery from its guaranteed safety, giving it further survivability despite of its lack of reliable recovery moves. Perish Song works brilliantly in tandem with Protect by discouraging the opponent from staying in and attacking as the count goes down. An alternative approach to warding off set up sweepers is the use of Encore and Ice Beam; Ice Beam is the one thing standing between Dragonite and several Dragon Dances, while other set up sweepers are thwarted by Encore, which forces them to set up futilely as a check switches in. Last but not least are Politoed's status attacks of choice, Toxic and Hypnosis. Toxic is preferred alongside Protect and Perish Song, allowing Politoed to force switches, spread poison, and wither away the HP of Pokemon it is normally helpless against, including enemy bulky Water-types such as Slowbro and Vaporeon. Hypnosis does not require a specific combination of moves in order to work, making it useful in nearly any situation. Its only real limitations are its low accuracy and Sleep Clause, but it's a welcome balance for the ability to disable one Pokemon on the opposing team nigh permanently.</p>


<p>There are a few other options worth considering to keep Politoed healthy. Chesto Berry + Rest is a tried and true combination for defensive Pokemon with no recovery, and Politoed can make good use of it as a one-time full heal. The downside to this, aside from only being useful once, is that Politoed can't make use of Leftovers to heal throughout the battle. Refresh allows Politoed to heal status ailments at no cost, which can be extremely useful in the war of attrition versus Pokemon such as Ninetales and Heatran, who often employ the use of status attacks to wear Politoed down.</p>

<p>Concerning teammates, this Politoed is often seen on more defensive teams, or as a glue for offensive teams. Its defensive partners include Jirachi, who takes no scuff from Grass-type attacks, or the likes of Latios and Hydreigon under rain, Tentacruel, who uses its increased longevity from Rain Dish to set up Toxic Spikes and stall out the opposition with Protect, and Ferrothorn, whose reduced Fire weakness allows it to shrug off the damage from a stray Hidden Power Fire and set up hazards with further impunity. Ferrothorn also counters Electric-types who would otherwise give rain teams problems.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Surf
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Perish Song / Hypnosis / Encore
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Drizzle
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Politoed is a far cry from the best revenge killer, but a Choice Scarf gives it a chance to flex its power on much faster foes. With a Choice Scarf equipped, Politoed can outpace any Pokemon under 130 base Speed and assail it with the corresponding attack. Hydro Pump gives it just enough power to KO Tornadus-T reliably with as little as one round of Life Orb recoil, and 2HKO the likes of Starmie, Rotom-W, and Salamence with the help of Stealth Rock. Surf is a reliable secondary STAB attack whose reliability is crucial in the face of dangerous setup sweepers, such as Terrakion and Thundurus-T, that can use a missed opportunity to turn the game around. Ice Beam is also a vital move for this set, revenge KOing not only the likes of an unboosted Haxorus, Salamence, or Hydreigon, but even an Adamant Dragonite with a Dragon Dance under its belt (Multiscale notwithstanding).</p>

<p>The fourth moveslot is Politoed's last resort, useful in situations where simply attacking will not get the job done. A quick Perish Song can really ruin a Calm Mind Jirachi's or Reuniclus's day, and is Politoed's only chance at forcing either foe to switch. This is especially useful against pesky Substitute users, such as Gliscor, who are forced to forfeit their momentum before the timer runs down. A fast Hypnosis is also useful in allowing Politoed to disable a threatening sweeper or punish a switch. With precise prediction, Encore can lock a supporting Pokemon into a harmless attack, and give defensively lacking sweepers such as Lucario an easy chance to switch in and set up.</p>


<p>The primary function of this set is revenge killing, but a Choice Scarf opens Politoed up to issues it wouldn't have to address with the commanding power of a Choice Specs or the ability to switch moves with Leftovers. For example, Gastrodon is nigh impossible to wear down under normal circumstances. To address this issue, one can add to the ranks a considerably bulky Grass-type that can absorb status attacks (Celebi and Lum Berry Virizion come to mind) or set up hazards and predict with Hidden Power Grass. Overall, this set is completely useless against defensive playstyles, so especially potent stallbreakers such as Bulk Up Breloom and Toxicroak can exploit the presence of an enemy Chansey or Blissey for easy switch-ins and setup.</p>

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Hidden Power Grass / Focus Blast
move 4: Hypnosis / Encore / Perish Song
item: Leftovers
ability: Drizzle
nature: Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe


<p>A common criticism for Choice item-wielding Politoed sets is that being locked into any move other than its STABs leaves it vulnerable to opposing setup. This set has virtually no problem with setup sweepers, as it has just the right moves to foil their every attempt. The power of Hydro Pump is necessary for allowing Politoed to 3HKO specially defensive Tyranitar under sand and 2HKO Ninetales under sun. Ice Beam punishes any Dragonite or Hydreigon attempting to set up on Politoed and deals major damage to Breloom and Latios on the way in. The third move slot is a bit trickier, as both moves provide important coverage: Ferrothorn will not want to switch in on Focus Blast, and both Gastrodon and Rotom-W loathe Hidden Power Grass. Tyranitar also fears Focus Blast, suffering a 2HKO even with a specially defensive set in sand.</p>

<p>The final moveslot allows Politoed to aggravate any Pokemon it cannot outright KO. Hypnosis can cripple any Pokemon that switches in, save for Natural Cure users such as Chansey, Blissey, and Celebi. Predictable setup sweepers such as Latias are foiled with Encore, which locks them into their boosting move while a threatening teammate comes in to finish the job. Finally, there's Perish Song. While this Politoed set lacks any real methods of stalling, the function of the move remains useful in forcing any defending Pokemon to switch before the third turn expires. Ferrothorn makes a good switch-in to most Pokemon under rain, and can use its own Protect to stall out the Perish Song turns in place of Politoed while setting up Spikes as the opponent switches.</p>


<p>This Politoed is best for offensive teams that cannot sacrifice even an ounce of their momentum. In place of Hydro Pump, Surf or Scald are usable alternatives, each for different reasons: the burn rate of Scald helps defeat Ferrothorn when not using Focus Blast, while Surf is a reliable all-purpose attack with perfect accuracy and the power to KO many Pokemon that don't resist it. A Water Gem makes a shockingly useful tool for this set, allowing Politoed to bluff a Choice item when using a coverage move, and save its STAB attack as a trump card. Wobbuffet might be a rare sight in OU these days, but at max Speed, it can outpace any Politoed at minimum Speed and lock it into an undesirable move with Encore. A Politoed player can cover for this contingency by sparing at least 24 EVs for Speed, which allows it to switch to a safer attack to use against Wobbuffet, such as Hypnosis.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Politoed has a physical movepool consisting of Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice Punch, and Payback; moves that can be used to hit the likes of Tyranitar and Latias harder than the rest of its options. Belly Drum increases its Attack stat to sky-high levels, which is surprising for a Pokemon with only 75 base Attack—all at the cost of 50% of its HP. Difficulty of setup aside, Politoed will never be able to pull off a sweep after a Belly Drum boost, even with a Salac Berry. Haze is a good move, but Politoed doesn't have the defenses to stop setup sweepers in their tracks. The best it can do is wipe away their boosts while taking a major blow, and then switch out to a better check. Rest and Sleep Talk are fairly useful options for a defensive Politoed, giving it some means of recovery outside of Leftovers to survive weather wars. It is recommended to carry a teammate with Heal Bell or Aromatherapy to relieve Politoed of it sleep status, as the new sleep mechanics of Black and White force the defending Pokemon to wait out its sleep turns all in one sitting in order to cure. Much to any rain player's chagrin, Politoed is unlikely to survive those turns under the heat of offensive pressure.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Politoed is helpless outside of rain, so it stands to reason that its mortal enemies are not only Pokemon that can switch in and KO it, but Pokemon that can change the weather. The mere presence of an enemy weather setter is enough to change any rain team's gameplan in favor of keeping Politoed alive. Eternal sun is simply a nightmare for rain, lowering the accuracy of Thunder and Hurricane, while also weakening Water-type moves. The battle is all but won once the weather war is in a Drought team's favor. However, Ninetales is a Pokemon that requires a dedicated crew as well, even more so than Politoed due to its common weaknesses, so slapping it on one's team is usually not the best solution for combating rain. On a dedicated sun team, Ninetales can use Sunny Day as Politoed switches in to reverse the rain team's momentum and threaten Politoed with SolarBeam, or eliminate Politoed with a +2 Energy Ball. Tyranitar can easily trap a Politoed locked into Ice Beam with Pursuit. Abomasnow laughs at all of Politoed's attacks, save for Focus Blast.</p>

<p>Even under ideal weather conditions, many OU Pokemon can exploit Politoed's mediocre stats. Defensively, Ferrothorn, Gastrodon, and Jellicent have little trouble switching into Politoed unless it predicts with a Specs Focus Blast or Hidden Power Grass, respectively. Ferrothorn uses its free turns to set up a minefield of hazards for its teammates, while Gastrodon can use the +1 boost from Storm Drain to threaten Politoed's teammates. Keldeo freely sets up Calm Minds on Politoed lacking Encore, as do Latios, Latias, and Virizion. Celebi has no trouble switching into a non-Specs Ice Beam and can recover the damage as Politoed switches, or even leech HP from Politoed with its STAB Giga Drain and Leech Seed. Rotom-W, Jolteon, Zapdos, and Raikou keep both Politoed and its teammates in check with STAB Electric-type attacks. They can Volt Switch away from incoming counters and Rotom-W can burn Ferrothorn with Will-O-Wisp, making Ferrothorn much easier to handle.</p>

<p>Most prominent offensive Pokemon in OU carrying a Choice Band or Choice Specs can simply KO Politoed without much prior damage. For example, a Choice Band Terrakion can KO a defensive Politoed with up to 77% of its health left. Specs Latios and Hydreigon both OHKO Politoed most of the time with Draco Meteor, requiring no prior damage whatsoever. Haxorus, Dragonite, and Lucario can also KO a relatively healthy Politoed using their STAB attacks and a Choice Band. A special mention goes to Gothitelle and Dugtrio for being able to trap and KO a weakened Politoed. With the help of Choice Specs, Gothitelle can KO even a healthy Politoed with Thunderbolt.</p>

This was really well written, good job SJ

Just note that weather like rain and sun aren't capitalized unless you're using the names of the actual moves like Sunny Day or Rain Dance.

Ferrothorn's omnipresence and Politoed's lack of convincing other options makes it the optimal choice for the fourth slot.
Very very minor mistake, but you have Focus Blast listed as the third slot, not fourth.

Toxic is preferable alongside Protect and Perish Song, allowing Politoed to force switches, spread poison, and wither away the HP of Pokemon it is normally helpless against, including enemy bulky Water-types such as Slowbro and Vaporeon.
Also I would mention that only Vaporeon without Hydration are useful to toxic against, since the rain will almost certainly be up when Politoed is out.
I don't know how I missed some of those typos. I swear spellcheck is messing with me.

The only change of yours I didn't make was the hyphenation of endgame. It's not strictly Pokemon or video game jargon like lategame or earlygame are, but rather a term used to describe the state of a chess game in which only a few pieces remain. It's been adopted into more conventional uses as well, such as the stages of planning. ("I don't understand why you've set up a company for manufacturing shoelace aglets amidst your political campaign. What's your endgame, Harry?") Several online sources confirm that this is the correct way to write it:

http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/endgame?s=t (the non-spaced version is used as an alternate spelling here)

Most Google page results also have it listed with neither space nor hyphen. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that the two commonly accepted spellings are 'endgame' and 'end game'. No hyphens.
Just a few minor amateur GP suggestions. Take any you think are useful. I agree with Oglemi that you did a really good job with this, and the writing here is very solid.
Additions in Blue
Subtractions in Red
Comments in Purple


Old analysis


<p>Drizzle had been long overdue to test the waters of a standard metagame, and it was a wise decision to release the ability in a generation where OU is more powerful than ever. The weather has a phenomenal effect on OU, with various offensive and defensive perks that any OU team can take advantage of. Rain's dominance is undeniable; the stormy weather singlehandedly accounts for the viability of Pokemon such as Gastrodon, who is seemingly designed to defend against rain teams, and Tornadus, whose signature Hurricane saves it from obscurity. The potency of rain stall must also be recognized; the rain turns previously annoying support Pokemon, such as Tentacruel, Ferrothorn, and Jirachi, into defensive stalwarts.</p>

<p>But who's the lucky winner in our Dream World lotto? None other than the Pokemon from GSC that everyone forgot about: Politoed. With such lackluster stats and a strictly average movepool, it's easy to see why our froggy friend has remained NU in every competitive metagame since it was introduced (actually it was UU in GSC (before NU existed) and surprisingly ADV, before there were enough better Water-types I guess). However, with former greats such as Suicune and Empoleon bumming in the depths of UU while Politoed maintains higher usage than ever, Drizzle's influence says more than enough about Politoed's role in OU.</p>

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Hidden Power Grass / Surf
item: Choice Specs
ability: Drizzle
nature: Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe


<p>Being able to deal with this set is a requirement for OU teams. Politoed might not have the most dangerous stats or movepool, but the viability of this set is determined by its ability to summon rain upon entry, making its STAB attacks considerably more dangerous. The boost from Choice Specs and rain more than doubles the power of Hydro Pump, which allows it to 2HKO some of the most specially bulky Pokemon in OU, including Jirachi, Latios, and Mew. It is not easy enough to switch in a Pokemon that simply resists Water-type attacks due to its massive damage output. To illustrate the might of its Drizzle-enhanced power, here is a small list of common Politoed checks that should almost never switch into Hydro Pump:</p>

<ul class="damage_calculation">
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Salamence: 68.3% - 80.7%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Naive Salamence: 75.8% - 89.4%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Haxorus: 95.6% - 112.6%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Hydreigon: 63.1% - 74.5%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Naive Hydreigon: 70.2% - 82.8%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 252/252+ Deoxys-D: 63.5% - 75%</li>

<p>Even without coverage, only the bulkiest of resists are capable of tangoing with the walking flood that is Politoed. One of the few things stopping Politoed from drowning everything in its path is Hydro Pump's imperfect accuracy, as a 20% deduction has a proven side effect of costing games. In case you want to play it on the safe side, Surf is a viable option in lieu of or alongside Hydro Pump to ensure that an untimely miss doesn't come into play during the simple act of revenge killing a target.</p>

<p>Ice Beam, Hidden Power Grass, and Focus Blast all serve a similar function in tripping up Politoed's usual checks, provided you can predict their switch-in. Ice Beam prevents the likes of Latias and Dragonite from switching in and setting up freely, while also warding off Celebi and Virizion, who can take a Hydro Pump better than most. Hidden Power Grass is Politoed's best option against both Gastrodon and Jellicent, who make most of Politoed's offensive options useless. Focus Blast will probably see the least use of the three coverage options, as its only notable targets are Ferrothorn and the odd Abomasnow; however, Ferrothorn's omnipresence and Politoed's lack of convincing other options makes it the optimal choice for the third slot. Do keep in mind that it's usually safest to open up with a STAB attack, as its coverage moves are much weaker and easy to punish.</p>


<p>Specs Politoed is a perfect fit for offensive rain teams. The front-runner of its teammates is Tornadus-T, whose commanding speed, powerful Hurricane, and Regenerator help it break down and outlast the common enemies of rain teams, such as Ferrothorn, Latios, and Latias. Following behind it is Keldeo, whose 129 base Special Attack and secondary Fighting typing allows it to threaten both Ferrothorn and Chansey, making it a valuable asset to rain teams. Ironically enough, Thundurus-T is as dangerous a teammate as it is an enemy; its Volt Absorb negates the Electric attacks used against Politoed and its teammates while the rain increases its Thunder's accuracy to perfection, allowing it to deal major damage even to the Pokemon that resist it. Starmie is also a powerhouse under the rain, sporting a souped-up Hydro Pump and powerful Electric-type coverage with Thunder.</p>

<p>Politoed really shouldn't be using anything other than the moves listed above, but as a passing recommendation, Psychic can be useful over Focus Blast for preventing easy setup from Venusaur, Toxicroak, and Tentacruel. Perish Song is also a good last-ditch attempt to defeat Calm Mind users and especially bulky walls during the endgame.</p>

name: Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Protect / Ice Beam / Refresh
move 3: Perish Song / Encore
move 4: Toxic / Hypnosis
item: Leftovers
ability: Drizzle
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


<p>Politoed is a competent special attacker thanks to Drizzle, but the only thing it needs to do in order to support its team is survive. To this end, a defensive Politoed can be a valuable asset, with access to some of the most infuriating support moves in the game. Scald is the worst of them all; someone at Gamefreak apparently decided Water-types weren't good enough, so they were granted the ability to deal decent damage and burn opposing switch-ins with one move. The threat of a burn is enough to keep Ferrothorn at bay, as a burned Ferrothorn is easy prey for Substitute users such as Gyarados, Landorus, and Gliscor.</p>

<p>Protect further aids Politoed's stalling capabilities by scouting the opponent's moves while residual damage slowly withers away their HP. In addition, it garners free Leftovers recovery from its guaranteed safety, giving it Politoed (I'm suggesting this because 'it' refers to Protect earlier in the sentence, and Politoed isn't mentioned between then and where you use 'it' here) further survivability despite of its lack of reliable recovery moves. Perish Song works brilliantly in tandem with Protect by discouraging the opponent from staying in and attacking as the count goes down. An alternative approach to warding off set up sweepers is the use of Encore and Ice Beam; Ice Beam is the one thing standing between Dragonite and several Dragon Dances, while other set up sweepers are thwarted by Encore, which forces them to set up futilely as a check switches in. Last but not least are Politoed's status attacks of choice, Toxic and Hypnosis. Toxic is preferred alongside Protect and Perish Song, allowing Politoed to force switches, spread poison, and wither away the HP of Pokemon it is normally helpless against, including enemy bulky Water-types such as Slowbro and Water Absorb Vaporeon. Hypnosis does not require a specific combination of moves in order to work, making it useful in nearly any situation. Its only real limitations are its low accuracy and Sleep clause, but it's a welcome balance for the ability to disable one Pokemon on the opposing team nigh permanently.</p>


<p>There are a few other options worth considering to keep Politoed healthy. Chesto Berry + Rest is a tried and true combination for defensive Pokemon with no recovery, and Politoed can make good use of it as a one-time full heal restore (also, I'm not 100% positive, but I think this should be capitalized since it's an item). The downside to this, aside from only being useful once, is that Politoed can't make use of Leftovers to heal throughout the battle. Refresh allows Politoed to heal status ailments at no cost, which can be extremely useful in the war of attrition versus Pokemon such as Ninetales and Heatran, who often employ the use of status attacks to wear Politoed down.</p>

<p>Concerning teammates, this Politoed is often seen on more defensive teams, or as a glue for offensive teams. Its defensive partners include Jirachi, who takes no scuff from Grass-type attacks, or the likes of Latios and Hydreigon under rain, Tentacruel, who uses its increased longevity from Rain Dish to set up Toxic Spikes and stall out the opposition with Protect, and Ferrothorn, whose reduced Fire weakness allows it to shrug off the damage from a stray Hidden Power Fire and set up hazards with further impunity. Ferrothorn also counters Electric-types who would otherwise give rain teams problems.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Surf
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Perish Song / Hypnosis / Encore
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Drizzle
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Politoed is a far cry from the best revenge killer, but a Choice Scarf gives it a chance to flex (I think 'unleash' (or something similar) might be better, but I don't think it's an entirely necessary change, and I'll leave it up to you to agree or disagree) its power on much faster foes. With a Choice Scarf equipped, Politoed can outpace any Pokemon under 130 base Speed and assail it with the corresponding attack. Hydro Pump gives it just enough power to KO Tornadus-T reliably with as little as one round of Life Orb recoil, and 2HKO the likes of Starmie, Rotom-W, and Salamence with the help of Stealth Rock. Surf is a reliable secondary STAB attack whose reliability is crucial in the face of dangerous setup sweepers, such as Terrakion and Thundurus-T, that can use a missed opportunity to turn the game around. Ice Beam is also a vital move for this set, revenge KOing not only the likes of an unboosted Haxorus, Salamence, or Hydreigon, but even an Adamant Dragonite with a Dragon Dance under its belt (Multiscale notwithstanding).</p>

<p>The fourth moveslot is Politoed's last resort, useful in situations where simply attacking will not get the job done. A quick Perish Song can really ruin a Calm Mind Jirachi's or Reuniclus's day, and is Politoed's only chance at forcing either foe to switch. This is especially useful against pesky Substitute users, such as Gliscor, who are forced to forfeit their momentum before the timer runs down. A fast Hypnosis is also useful in allowing Politoed to disable a threatening sweeper or punish a switch. With precise prediction, Encore can lock a supporting Pokemon into a harmless attack, and give defensively lacking sweepers such as Lucario an easy chance to switch in and set up.</p>


<p>The primary function of this set is revenge killing, but a Choice Scarf opens Politoed up to issues it wouldn't have to address with the commanding power of a Choice Specs or the ability to switch moves with Leftovers. For example, Gastrodon is nigh impossible to wear down under normal circumstances. To address this issue, one can add to the ranks a considerably bulky Grass-type that can absorb status attacks (Celebi and Lum Berry Virizion come to mind) or set up hazards and predict with Hidden Power Grass. Overall, this set is completely useless against defensive playstyles, so especially potent stallbreakers such as Bulk Up Breloom and Toxicroak are useful, especially as they can exploit the presence of an enemy Chansey or Blissey for easy switch-ins and setup (I'm suggesting this change to this sentence because in my mind it seemed to be saying that the ability of stallbreakers to set up on the blobs naturally followed from Politoed's inability to do anything against defensive playstyles). </p>

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Hidden Power Grass / Focus Blast
move 4: Hypnosis / Encore / Perish Song
item: Leftovers
ability: Drizzle
nature: Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe


<p>A common criticism for of Choice-item wielding Politoed sets is that being locked into any move other than its their STABs leaves it them vulnerable to opposing setup. This set has virtually no problem with setup sweepers, as it has just the right moves to foil their every attempt. The power of Hydro Pump is necessary for allowing Politoed to 3HKO specially defensive Tyranitar under sand and 2HKO Ninetales under sun. Ice Beam punishes any Dragonite or Hydreigon attempting to set up on Politoed and deals major damage to Breloom and Latios on the way in. The third move slot is a bit trickier, as both moves provide important coverage: Ferrothorn will not want to switch in on Focus Blast, and both Gastrodon and Rotom-W loathe Hidden Power Grass. Tyranitar also fears Focus Blast, suffering a 2HKO even with a specially defensive set in sand.</p>

<p>The final move slot allows Politoed to aggravate any Pokemon it cannot outright KO. Hypnosis can cripple any Pokemon that switches in, save for Natural Cure users such as Chansey, Blissey, and Celebi. Predictable setup sweepers such as Latias are foiled with Encore, which locks them into their boosting move while a threatening teammate comes in to finish the job take them out (probably not the most necessary change, but the partner switching in would be dealing all the damage, and I'm not sure whether that would be considered finishing the job). Finally, there's Perish Song. While this set lacks any real methods of stalling, the function of the move remains useful in forcing any defending Pokemon to switch before the third turn expires. Ferrothorn makes a good switch-in to most Pokemon under rain, and can use its own Protect to stall out the Perish Song turns in place of Politoed while setting up Spikes as the opponent switches.</p>


<p>This Politoed is best for offensive teams that cannot sacrifice even an ounce of their momentum. In place of Hydro Pump, Surf or Scald are usable alternatives, each for different reasons: the burn rate of Scald helps defeat Ferrothorn when not using Focus Blast, while Surf is a reliable all-purpose attack with perfect accuracy and the power to KO many Pokemon that don't resist it. A Water Gem makes a shockingly useful tool for this set, allowing Politoed to bluff a Choice item when using a coverage move, and save its STAB attack as a trump card. Wobbuffet might be a rare sight in OU these days, but at max Speed, it can outpace any Politoed at minimum Speed and lock it into an undesirable move with Encore. A Politoed player can cover for this contingency by sparing at least 24 EVs for Speed, which allows it to switch to a safer attack to use against Wobbuffet, such as Hypnosis.<p>

[Other Options]

<p>Politoed has a physical movepool consisting of Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice Punch, and Payback; moves that can be used to hit the likes of Tyranitar and Latias harder than the rest of its options. Belly Drum increases its Attack stat to sky-high levels, which is surprising for a Pokemon with only75 only 75 base Attack—all at the cost of 50% of its HP. Difficulty of setup aside, Politoed will almost never be able to pull off a sweep after a Belly Drum boost, even with a Salac Berry. Haze is a good move, but Politoed doesn't have the defenses to stop setup sweepers in their tracks. The best it can do is wipe away their boosts while taking a major blow, and then switch out to a better check. Rest and Sleep Talk are fairly useful options for a defensive Politoed, giving it some means of recovery outside of Leftovers to survive weather wars. It is recommended to carry a teammate with Heal Bell or Aromatherapy to relieve Politoed of it sleep status, as the new sleep mechanics of Black and White force the defending Pokemon to wait out its sleep turns all in one sitting in order to cure. Much to any rain player's chagrin, Politoed is unlikely to survive those turns under the heat of offensive pressure.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Politoed is helpless outside of rain, so it stands to reason that its mortal enemies are not only Pokemon that can switch in and KO it, but Pokemon that can change the weather. The mere presence of an enemy weather setter is enough to change any rain team's gameplan in favor of keeping Politoed alive. Eternal sun is simply a nightmare for rain, lowering the accuracy of Thunder and Hurricane, while also weakening Water-type moves. The battle is all but won once the weather war is in a Drought team's favor. However, Ninetales is a Pokemon that requires a dedicated crew as well, even moreso than Politoed due to its common weaknesses, so slapping it on one's team is usually not the best solution for combating rain. On a dedicated Sun team, Ninetales can use Sunny Day as Politoed switches in to reverse the rain team's momentum and threaten Politoed with SolarBeam, or eliminate Politoed with a +2 Energy Ball. Tyranitar can easily trap a Politoed locked into Ice Beam with Pursuit. Abomasnow laughs at all of Politoed's attacks, save for Focus Blast.</p>

<p>Even under ideal weather conditions, many OU Pokemon can exploit Politoed's mediocre stats. Defensively, Ferrothorn, Gastrodon, and Jellicent have little trouble switching into Politoed unless it predicts with a Specs Focus Blast or Hidden Power Grass, respectively. Ferrothorn uses its free turns to set up a minefield of hazards for its teammates, while Gastrodon can use the +1 boost from Storm Drain to threaten Politoed's teammates. Keldeo freely sets up Calm Minds on Politoed lacking Encore, as do Latios, Latias, and Virizion. Celebi has no trouble switching into a non-Specs Ice Beam and can recover the damage as Politoed switches, or even leech HP from Politoed with its STAB Giga Drain and Leech Seed. Rotom-W, Jolteon, Zapdos, and Raikou keep both Politoed and its teammates in check with STAB Electric-type attacks. They can Volt Switch away from incoming counters and Rotom-W can burn Ferrothorn with Will-O-Wisp, making Ferrothorn much easier to handle.</p>

<p>Most prominent offensive Pokemon in OU carrying a Choice Band or Choice Specs can simply KO Politoed without much prior damage. For example, a Choice Band Terrakion can KO a defensive Politoed with up to 77% of its health left. Specs Latios and Hydreigon both OHKO Politoed most of the time with Draco Meteor, requiring no prior damage whatsoever. Haxorus, Dragonite, and Lucario can also KO a relatively healthy Politoed using their STAB attacks and a Choice Band. A special mention goes to Gothitelle and Dugtrio for being able to trap and KO a weakened Politoed. With the help of Choice Specs, Gothitelle can KO even a healthy Politoed with Thunderbolt. </p>
Although max Speed Wobbuffet is rare, I'd like to see 24 Speed EVs on the Defensive set and the Special Attacker set so you don't get locked into moves that you don't want to get locked into.


Can we get this implemented, please, SJCrew?
I had it mentioned in Special Attacker AC, but I don't know what happened to it. The best I can do is suggest it as an alternative spread, as Politoed is barely taking hits even with 252 HP and Wobbuffet is currently struggling to get even 1% usage.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I did add it after all.

<p>Drizzle had been long overdue to test the waters of a standard metagame, and it was a wise decision to release the ability in a generation where OU is more powerful than ever. The weather has a phenomenal effect on OU, with various offensive and defensive perks that any OU team can take advantage of. Rain's dominance is undeniable; the stormy weather singlehandedly accounts for the viability of Pokemon such as Gastrodon, who is seemingly designed to defend against rain teams, and Tornadus, whose signature Hurricane saves it from obscurity. The potency of rain stall must also be recognized; the rain turns previously annoying support Pokemon, such as Tentacruel, Ferrothorn, and Jirachi, into defensive stalwarts.</p>

<p>But who's the lucky winner in our Dream World lotto? None other than the Pokemon from GSC that everyone forgot about: Politoed. With such lackluster stats and a strictly average movepool, it's easy to see why our froggy friend has remained NU in every competitive metagame since it was introduced. However, with former greats such as Suicune and Empoleon bumming in the depths of UU while Politoed maintains higher usage than ever, Drizzle's influence says more than enough about Politoed's role in OU.</p>

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Hidden Power Grass / Surf
item: Choice Specs
ability: Drizzle
nature: Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe


<p>Being able to deal with this set is a requirement for OU teams. Politoed might not have the most dangerous stats or movepool, but the viability of this set is determined by its ability to summon rain upon entry, making its STAB attacks considerably more dangerous. The boost from Choice Specs and rain more than doubles the power of Hydro Pump, which allows it to 2HKO some of the most specially bulky Pokemon in OU, including Jirachi, Latios, and Mew. It is not easy to switch in a Pokemon that simply resists Water-type attacks due to its massive damage output. To illustrate the might of its Drizzle-enhanced power, here is a small list of common Politoed checks that should almost never switch into Hydro Pump:</p>

<ul class="damage_calculation">
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Salamence: 68.3% - 80.7%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Naive Salamence: 75.8% - 89.4%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Haxorus: 95.6% - 112.6%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Hydreigon: 63.1% - 74.5%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Naive Hydreigon: 70.2% - 82.8%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 252/252+ Deoxys-D: 63.5% - 75%</li>

<p>Even without coverage, only the bulkiest of resists are capable of tangoing with the walking flood that is Politoed. One of the few things stopping Politoed from drowning everything in its path is Hydro Pump's imperfect accuracy, as a 20% deduction has a proven side effect of costing games. In case you want to play it on the safe side, Surf is a viable option in lieu of or alongside Hydro Pump to ensure that an untimely miss doesn't come into play during the simple act of revenge KOing a target.</p>

<p>Ice Beam, Hidden Power Grass, and Focus Blast all serve a similar function in tripping up Politoed's usual checks, provided you can predict their switch-in. Ice Beam prevents the likes of Latias and Dragonite from switching in and setting up freely, while also warding off Celebi and Virizion, who can take a Hydro Pump better than most. Hidden Power Grass is Politoed's best option against both Gastrodon and Jellicent, who make most of Politoed's offensive options useless. Focus Blast will probably see the least use of the three coverage options, as its only notable targets are Ferrothorn and the odd Abomasnow; however, Ferrothorn's omnipresence and Politoed's lack of convincing other options makes it the optimal choice for the third slot. Do keep in mind that it's usually safest to open up with a STAB attack, as its coverage moves are much weaker and easy to punish.</p>


<p>Specs Politoed is a perfect fit for offensive rain teams. The front-runner of its teammates is Tornadus-T, whose commanding speed, powerful Hurricane, and Regenerator help it break down and outlast the common enemies of rain teams, such as Ferrothorn, Latios, and Latias. Following behind it is Keldeo, whose 129 base Special Attack and secondary Fighting typing allows it to threaten both Ferrothorn and Chansey, making it a valuable asset to rain teams. Ironically enough, Thundurus-T is as dangerous a teammate as it is an enemy; its Volt Absorb negates the Electric attacks used against Politoed and its teammates while the rain increases its Thunder's accuracy to perfection, allowing it to deal major damage even to the Pokemon that resist it. Starmie is also a powerhouse under the rain, sporting a souped-up Hydro Pump and powerful Electric-type coverage with Thunder.</p>

<p>Politoed really shouldn't be using anything other than the moves listed above, but as a passing recommendation, Psychic can be useful over Focus Blast for preventing easy setup from Venusaur, Toxicroak, and Tentacruel. Perish Song is also a good last-ditch attempt to defeat Calm Mind users and especially bulky walls during the endgame.</p>

name: Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Protect / Ice Beam / Refresh
move 3: Perish Song / Encore
move 4: Toxic / Hypnosis
item: Leftovers
ability: Drizzle
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


<p>Politoed is a competent special attacker thanks to Drizzle, but the only thing it needs to do in order to support its team is survive. To this end, a defensive Politoed can be a valuable asset, with access to some of the most infuriating support moves in the game. Scald is the worst of them all; someone at Gamefreak apparently decided Water-types weren't good enough, so they were granted the ability to deal decent damage and burn opposing switch-ins with one move. The threat of a burn is enough to keep Ferrothorn at bay, as a burned Ferrothorn is easy prey for Substitute users such as Gyarados, Landorus, and Gliscor.</p>

<p>Protect further aids Politoed's stalling capabilities by scouting the opponent's moves while residual damage slowly withers away their HP. In addition, it garners free Leftovers recovery from its guaranteed safety, giving it further survivability despite of its lack of reliable recovery moves. Perish Song works brilliantly in tandem with Protect by discouraging the opponent from staying in and attacking as the count goes down. An alternative approach to warding off set up sweepers is the use of Encore and Ice Beam; Ice Beam is the one thing standing between Dragonite and several Dragon Dances, while other set up sweepers are thwarted by Encore, which forces them to set up futilely as a check switches in. Last but not least are Politoed's status attacks of choice, Toxic and Hypnosis. Toxic is preferred alongside Protect and Perish Song, allowing Politoed to force switches, spread poison, and wither away the HP of Pokemon it is normally helpless against, including enemy bulky Water-types such as Slowbro and Water Absorb Vaporeon. Hypnosis does not require a specific combination of moves in order to work, making it useful in nearly any situation. Its only real limitations are its low accuracy and Sleep clause, but it's a welcome balance for the ability to disable one Pokemon on the opposing team nigh permanently.</p>


<p>There are a few other options worth considering to keep Politoed healthy. Chesto Berry + Rest is a tried and true combination for defensive Pokemon with no recovery, and Politoed can make good use of it as a one-time full heal. The downside to this, aside from only being useful once, is that Politoed can't make use of Leftovers to heal throughout the battle. Refresh allows Politoed to heal status ailments at no cost, which can be extremely useful in the war of attrition versus Pokemon such as Ninetales and Heatran, who often employ the use of status attacks to wear Politoed down.</p>

<p>Concerning teammates, this Politoed is often seen on more defensive teams, or as a glue for offensive teams. Its defensive partners include Jirachi, who takes no scuff from Grass-type attacks, or the likes of Latios and Hydreigon under rain, Tentacruel, who uses its increased longevity from Rain Dish to set up Toxic Spikes and stall out the opposition with Protect, and Ferrothorn, whose reduced Fire weakness allows it to shrug off the damage from a stray Hidden Power Fire and set up hazards with further impunity. Ferrothorn also counters Electric-types who would otherwise give rain teams problems.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Surf
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Perish Song / Hypnosis / Encore
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Drizzle
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Politoed is a far cry from the best revenge killer, but a Choice Scarf gives it a chance to flex its power on much faster foes. With a Choice Scarf equipped, Politoed can outpace any Pokemon under 130 base Speed and assail it with the corresponding attack. Hydro Pump gives it just enough power to KO Tornadus-T reliably with as little as one round of Life Orb recoil, and 2HKO the likes of Starmie, Rotom-W, and Salamence with the help of Stealth Rock. Surf is a reliable secondary STAB attack whose reliability is crucial in the face of dangerous setup sweepers, such as Terrakion and Thundurus-T, that can use a missed opportunity to turn the game around. Ice Beam is also a vital move for this set, revenge KOing not only the likes of an unboosted Haxorus, Salamence, or Hydreigon, but even an Adamant Dragonite with a Dragon Dance under its belt (Multiscale notwithstanding).</p>

<p>The fourth moveslot is Politoed's last resort, useful in situations where simply attacking will not get the job done. A quick Perish Song can really ruin a Calm Mind Jirachi's or Reuniclus's day, and is Politoed's only chance at forcing either foe to switch. This is especially useful against pesky Substitute users, such as Gliscor, who are forced to forfeit their momentum before the timer runs down. A fast Hypnosis is also useful in allowing Politoed to disable a threatening sweeper or punish a switch. With precise prediction, Encore can lock a supporting Pokemon into a harmless attack, and give defensively lacking sweepers such as Lucario an easy chance to switch in and set up.</p>


<p>The primary function of this set is revenge killing, but a Choice Scarf opens Politoed up to issues it wouldn't have to address with the commanding power of a Choice Specs or the ability to switch moves with Leftovers. For example, Gastrodon is nigh impossible to wear under normal circumstances. To address this issue, one can add to the ranks a considerably bulky Grass-type that can absorb status attacks (Celebi and Lum Berry Virizion come to mind) or set up hazards and predict with Hidden Power Grass. Overall, this set is completely useless against defensive playstyles, so especially potent stallbreakers such as Bulk Up Breloom and Toxicroak can exploit the presence of an enemy Chansey or Blissey for easy switch-ins and setup. </p>

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Hidden Power Grass / Focus Blast
move 4: Hypnosis / Encore / Perish Song
item: Leftovers
ability: Drizzle
nature: Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe


<p>A common criticism for Choice-item wielding Politoed sets is that being locked into any move other than its STABs leaves it vulnerable to opposing setup. This set has virtually no problem with setup sweepers, as it has just the right moves to foil their every attempt. The power of Hydro Pump is necessary for allowing Politoed to 3HKO specially defensive Tyranitar under sand and 2HKO Ninetales under sun. Ice Beam punishes any Dragonite or Hydreigon attempting to set up on Politoed and deals major damage to Breloom and Latios on the way in. The third move slot is a bit trickier, as both moves provide important coverage: Ferrothorn will not want to switch in on Focus Blast, and both Gastrodon and Rotom-W loathe Hidden Power Grass. Tyranitar also fears Focus Blast, suffering a 2HKO even with a specially defensive set in sand.</p>

<p>The final move slot allows Politoed to aggravate any Pokemon it cannot outright KO. Hypnosis can cripple any Pokemon that switches in, save for Natural Cure users such as Chansey, Blissey, and Celebi. Predictable setup sweepers such as Latias are foiled with Encore, which locks them into their boosting move while a threatening teammate comes in to finish the job. Finally, there's Perish Song. While this set lacks any real methods of stalling, the function of the move remains useful in forcing any defending Pokemon to switch before the third turn expires. Ferrothorn makes a good switch-in to most Pokemon under rain, and can use its own Protect to stall out the Perish Song turns in place of Politoed while setting up Spikes as the opponent switches.</p>


<p>This Politoed is best for offensive teams that cannot sacrifice even an ounce of their momentum. In place of Hydro Pump, Surf or Scald are usable alternatives, each for different reasons: the burn rate of Scald helps defeat Ferrothorn when not using Focus Blast, while Surf is a reliable all-purpose attack with perfect accuracy and the power to KO many Pokemon that don't resist it. A Water Gem makes a shockingly useful tool for this set, allowing Politoed to bluff a Choice item when using a coverage move, and save its STAB attack as a trump card. Wobbuffet might be a rare sight in OU these days, but at max Speed, it can outpace any Politoed at minimum Speed and lock it into an undesirable move with Encore. A Politoed player can cover for this contingency by sparing at least 24 EVs for Speed, which allows it to switch to a safer attack to use against Wobbuffet, such as Hypnosis.<p>

[Other Options]

<p>Politoed has a physical movepool consisting of Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice Punch, and Payback; moves that can be used to hit the likes of Tyranitar and Latias harder than the rest of its options. Belly Drum increases its Attack stat to sky-high levels, which is surprising for a Pokemon with only(space)75 base Attack—all at the cost of 50% of its HP. Difficulty of setup aside, Politoed will almost never be able to pull off a sweep after a Belly Drum boost, even with a Salac Berry. Haze is a good move, but Politoed doesn't have the defenses to stop setup sweepers in their tracks. The best it can do is wipe away their boosts while taking a major blow, and then switch out to a better check. Rest and Sleep Talk are fairly useful options for a defensive Politoed, giving it some means of recovery outside of Leftovers to survive weather wars. It is recommended to carry a teammate with Heal Bell or Aromatherapy to relieve Politoed of its sleep status, as the new sleep mechanics of Black and White force the defending Pokemon to wait out its sleep turns all in one sitting in order to cure. Much to any rain player's chagrin, Politoed is unlikely to survive those turns under the heat of offensive pressure.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Politoed is helpless outside of rain, so it stands to reason that its mortal enemies are not only Pokemon that can switch in and KO it, but Pokemon that can change the weather. The mere presence of an enemy weather setter is enough to change any rain team's gameplan game plan in favor of keeping Politoed alive. Eternal sun is simply a nightmare for rain, lowering the accuracy of Thunder and Hurricane, while also weakening Water-type moves. The battle is all but won once the weather war is in a Drought team's favor. However, Ninetales is a Pokemon that requires a dedicated crew as well, even moreso than Politoed due to its common weaknesses, so slapping it on one's team is usually not the best solution for combating rain. On a dedicated Sun team, Ninetales can use Sunny Day as Politoed switches in to reverse the rain team's momentum and threaten Politoed with SolarBeam, or eliminate Politoed with a +2 Energy Ball. Tyranitar can easily trap a Politoed locked into Ice Beam with Pursuit. Abomasnow laughs at all of Politoed's attacks, save for Focus Blast.</p>

<p>Even under ideal weather conditions, many OU Pokemon can exploit Politoed's mediocre stats. Defensively, Ferrothorn, Gastrodon, and Jellicent have little trouble switching into Politoed unless it predicts with a Specs Focus Blast or Hidden Power Grass, respectively. Ferrothorn uses its free turns to set up a minefield of hazards for its teammates, while Gastrodon can use the +1 boost from Storm Drain to threaten Politoed's teammates. Keldeo freely sets up Calm Minds on Politoed lacking Encore, as do Latios, Latias, and Virizion. Celebi has no trouble switching into a non-Specs Ice Beam and can recover the damage as Politoed switches, or even leech HP from Politoed with its STAB Giga Drain and Leech Seed. Rotom-W, Jolteon, Zapdos, and Raikou keep both Politoed and its teammates in check with STAB Electric-type attacks. They can Volt Switch away from incoming counters and Rotom-W can burn Ferrothorn with Will-O-Wisp, making Ferrothorn much easier to handle.</p>

<p>Most prominent offensive Pokemon in OU carrying a Choice Band or Choice Specs can simply KO Politoed without much prior damage. For example, a Choice Band Terrakion can KO a defensive Politoed with up to 77% of its health left. Specs Latios and Hydreigon both OHKO Politoed most of the time with Draco Meteor, requiring no prior damage whatsoever. Haxorus, Dragonite, and Lucario can also KO a relatively healthy Politoed using their STAB attacks and a Choice Band. A special mention goes to Gothitelle and Dugtrio for being able to trap and KO a weakened Politoed. With the help of Choice Specs, Gothitelle can KO even a healthy Politoed with Thunderbolt.(no space)</p>

You man want to mention Dugtrio as a partner since Tyranitar and Ninetales are both weak to Earthquake and Abomasnow doesn't appreciate Stone Edge or even Reversal (if you're lucky). Other than that...


Old analysis


<p>Drizzle had been long overdue to test the waters of a standard metagame, and it was a wise decision to release the ability in a generation where OU is more powerful than ever. The Weather has a phenomenal effect on OU, with various offensive and defensive perks that any OU team can take advantage of. Rain's dominance is undeniable; the stormy weather singlehandedly accounts for the viability of Pokemon such as Gastrodon, who is seemingly designed to defend against rain teams, and Tornadus, whose signature Hurricane saves it from obscurity. The potency of rain stall must also be recognized; the rain turns previously annoying support Pokemon, such as Tentacruel, Ferrothorn, and Jirachi, into defensive stalwarts.</p>

<p>But who's the lucky winner in our Dream World lotteryo? None other than the Pokemon from GSC that everyone forgot about: Politoed. With such lackluster stats and a strictly average movepool, it's easy to see why our froggy friend has remained NU in every competitive metagame since it was introduced. However, with former greats such as Suicune and Empoleon bumming in the depths of UU while Politoed maintains higher usage than ever, Drizzle's influence says more than enough about Politoed's role in OU.</p>

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Hidden Power Grass / Surf
item: Choice Specs
ability: Drizzle
nature: Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe


<p>Being able to deal with this set is a requirement for OU teams. Politoed might not have the most dangerous stats or movepool, but the viability of this set is determined by its ability to summon rain upon entry, making its STAB attacks considerably more dangerous. The boost from Choice Specs and rain more than doubles the power of Hydro Pump, which allows it to 2HKO some of the most specially bulky Pokemon in OU, including Jirachi, Latios, and Mew. It is not easy to switch in a Pokemon that simply resists Water-type attacks due to its massive damage output. To illustrate the might of its Drizzle-enhanced power, here is a small list of common Politoed checks that should almost never switch into Hydro Pump:</p>

<ul class="damage_calculation">
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Salamence: 68.3% - 80.7%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Naive Salamence: 75.8% - 89.4%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Haxorus: 95.6% - 112.6%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Hydreigon: 63.1% - 74.5%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 0/0 Naive Hydreigon: 70.2% - 82.8%</li>
<li>Hydro Pump vs. 252/252+ Deoxys-D: 63.5% - 75%</li>

<p>Even without coverage, only the bulkiest of resists are capable of tangoing with the walking flood that is Politoed. One of the few things stopping Politoed from drowning everything in its path is Hydro Pump's imperfect accuracy, as a 20% deduction has a proven side effect of costing games. In case you want to play it on the safe side, Surf is a viable option in lieu of or alongside Hydro Pump to ensure that an untimely miss doesn't come into play during the simple act of revenge KOing a target.</p>

<p>Ice Beam, Hidden Power Grass, and Focus Blast all serve a similar function in tripping up Politoed's usual checks, provided you can predict their switch-in. Ice Beam prevents the likes of Latias and Dragonite from switching in and setting up freely, while also warding off Celebi and Virizion, who can take a Hydro Pump better than most. Hidden Power Grass is Politoed's best option against both Gastrodon and Jellicent, who make most of Politoed's offensive options useless. Focus Blast will probably see the least use of the three coverage options, as its only notable targets are Ferrothorn and the odd Abomasnow; however, Ferrothorn's omnipresence and Politoed's lack of convincing other options makes it the optimal choice for the third slot. Do keep in mind that it's usually safest to open up with a STAB attack, as its coverage moves are much weaker and easy to punish.</p>


<p>Specs Politoed is a perfect fit for offensive rain teams. The front-runner of its teammates is Tornadus-T, whose commanding speed, powerful Hurricane, and Regenerator help it break down and outlast the common enemies of rain teams, such as Ferrothorn, Latios, and Latias. Following behind it is Keldeo, whose 129 base Special Attack and secondary Fighting typing allows it to threaten both Ferrothorn and Chansey, making it a valuable asset to rain teams. Ironically enough, Thundurus-T is as dangerous a teammate as it is an enemy; its Volt Absorb negates the Electric attacks used against Politoed and its teammates while the rain increases its Thunder's accuracy to perfection, allowing it to deal major damage even to the Pokemon that resist it. Starmie is also a powerhouse under the rain, sporting a souped-up Hydro Pump and powerful Electric-type coverage with Thunder.</p>

<p>Politoed really shouldn't be using anything other than the moves listed above, but as a passing recommendation, Psychic can be useful over Focus Blast for preventing easy setup from Venusaur, Toxicroak, and Tentacruel. Perish Song is also a good last-ditch attempt to defeat Calm Mind users and especially bulky walls during the endgame.</p>

name: Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Protect / Ice Beam / Refresh
move 3: Perish Song / Encore
move 4: Toxic / Hypnosis
item: Leftovers
ability: Drizzle
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


<p>Politoed is a competent special attacker thanks to Drizzle, but the only thing it needs to do in order to support its team is survive. To this end, a defensive Politoed can be a valuable asset, with access to some of the most infuriating support moves in the game. Scald is the worst of them all; someone at Gamefreak apparently decided Water-types weren't good enough, so they were granted the ability to deal decent damage and burn opposing switch-ins with one move. The threat of a burn is enough to keep Ferrothorn at bay, as a burned Ferrothorn is easy prey for Substitute users such as Gyarados, Landorus, and Gliscor.</p>

<p>Protect further aids Politoed's stalling capabilities by scouting the opponent's moves while residual damage slowly withers away their HP. In addition, it garners free Leftovers recovery from its guaranteed safety, giving it further survivability despite of its lack of reliable recovery moves. Perish Song works brilliantly in tandem with Protect by discouraging the opponent from staying in and attacking as the count goes down. An alternative approach to warding off set up sweepers is the use of Encore and Ice Beam; Ice Beam is the one thing standing between Dragonite and several Dragon Dances, while other set up sweepers are thwarted by Encore, which forces forcing themto set up futilely as a check switches in. Last but not least are Politoed's status attacks of choice, Toxic and Hypnosis. Toxic is preferred alongside Protect and Perish Song, allowing Politoed to force switches, spread poison, and wither away the HP of Pokemon it is normally helpless against, including enemy bulky Water-types such as Slowbro and Water Absorb Vaporeon. Hypnosis does not require a specific combination of moves in order to work, making it useful in nearly any situation. Its only real limitations are its low accuracy and Sleep clause, but it's a welcome balance for the ability to disable one Pokemon on the opposing team nigh permanently.</p>


<p>There are a few other options worth considering to keep Politoed healthy. Chesto Berry + Rest is a tried and true combination for defensive Pokemon with no recovery, and Politoed can make good use of it as a one-time full heal. The downside to this, aside from only being useful once, is that Politoed can't make use of Leftovers to heal throughout the battle. Refresh allows Politoed to heal status ailments at no cost, which can be extremely useful in the war of attrition versus Pokemon such as Ninetales and Heatran, who often employ the use of status attacks to wear Politoed down.</p>

<p>Concerning teammates, this Politoed is often seen on more defensive teams, or as a glue for offensive teams. Its defensive partners include Jirachi, who takes no scuff from Grass-type attacks, or the likes of Latios and Hydreigon under rain, Tentacruel, who uses its increased longevity from Rain Dish to set up Toxic Spikes and stall out the opposition with Protect, and Ferrothorn, whose reduced Fire weakness allows it to shrug off the damage from a stray Hidden Power Fire and set up hazards with further impunity. Ferrothorn also counters Electric-types who would otherwise give rain teams problems.</p>

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Surf
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Perish Song / Hypnosis / Encore
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Drizzle
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Politoed is a far cry from the best revenge killer, but a Choice Scarf gives it a chance to flex its power on much faster foes. With a Choice Scarf equipped, Politoed can outpace any Pokemon under 130 base Speed and assail it with the corresponding attack. Hydro Pump gives it just enough power to KO Tornadus-T reliably with as little as one round of Life Orb recoil, and 2HKO the likes of Starmie, Rotom-W, and Salamence with the help of Stealth Rock. Surf is a reliable secondary STAB attack whose reliability is crucial in the face of dangerous setup sweepers, such as Terrakion and Thundurus-T, that can use a missed opportunity to turn the game around. Ice Beam is also a vital move for this set, revenge KOing not only the likes of an unboosted Haxorus, Salamence, or Hydreigon, but even an Adamant Dragonite with a Dragon Dance under its belt (Multiscale notwithstanding).</p>

<p>The fourth moveslot is Politoed's last resort, useful in situations where simply attacking will not get the job done. A quick Perish Song can really ruin a Calm Mind Jirachi's or Reuniclus's day, and is Politoed's only chance at forcing either foe to switch. This is especially useful against pesky Substitute users, such as Gliscor, who are forced to forfeit their momentum before the timer runs down. A fast Hypnosis is also useful in allowing Politoed to disable a threatening sweeper or punish a switch. With precise prediction, Encore can lock a supporting Pokemon into a harmless attack, and give defensively lacking sweepers such as Lucario an easy chance free turn to switch in and set up.</p>


<p>The primary function of this set is revenge killing, but a Choice Scarf opens Politoed up to issues it wouldn't have to address with the commanding power of a Choice Specs or the ability to switch moves with Leftovers. For example, Gastrodon is nigh impossible to wear down under normal circumstances. To address this issue, one can add to the ranks a considerably bulky Grass-type that can absorb status attacks (Celebi and Lum Berry Virizion come to mind) or set up hazards and predict with Hidden Power Grass. Overall, this set is completely useless against defensive playstyles, so especially potent stallbreakers such as Bulk Up Breloom and Toxicroak can exploit the presence of an enemy Chansey or Blissey for easy switch-ins and setup. </p>

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Hidden Power Grass / Focus Blast
move 4: Hypnosis / Encore / Perish Song
item: Leftovers
ability: Drizzle
nature: Modest
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe


<p>A common criticism for Choice-item wielding Politoed sets is that being locked into any move other than its STABs leaves it vulnerable to opposing setup. This set has virtually no problem with setup sweepers, as it has just the right moves to foil their every attempt. The power of Hydro Pump is necessary for allowing Politoed to 3HKO specially defensive Tyranitar under sand and 2HKO Ninetales under sun. Ice Beam punishes any Dragonite or Hydreigon attempting to set up on Politoed and deals major damage to Breloom and Latios on the way in. The third move slot is a bit trickier, as both moves provide important coverage: Ferrothorn will not want to switch in on Focus Blast, and both Gastrodon and Rotom-W loathe Hidden Power Grass. Tyranitar also fears Focus Blast, suffering a 2HKO even with a specially defensive set in sand.</p>

<p>The final move slot allows Politoed to aggravate any Pokemon it cannot outright KO. Hypnosis can cripple any Pokemon that switches in, save for Natural Cure users such as Chansey, Blissey, and Celebi. Predictable setup sweepers such as Latias are foiled with Encore, which locks them into their boosting move while a threatening teammate comes in to finish the job. Finally, there's Perish Song. While this set lacks any real methods of stalling, the function of the move remains useful in forcing any defending Pokemon to switch before the third turn expires. Ferrothorn makes a good switch-in to most Pokemon under rain, and can use its own Protect to stall out the Perish Song turns in place of Politoed while setting up Spikes as the opponent switches.</p>


<p>This Politoed is best for offensive teams that cannot sacrifice even an ounce of their momentum. In place of Hydro Pump, Surf or Scald are usable alternatives, each for different reasons: the burn rate of Scald helps defeat Ferrothorn when not using Focus Blast, while Surf is a reliable all-purpose attack with perfect accuracy and the power to KO many Pokemon that don't resist it. A Water Gem makes a shockingly useful tool for this set, allowing Politoed to bluff a Choice item when using a coverage move, and save its STAB attack as a trump card. Wobbuffet might be a rare sight in OU these days, but at max Speed, it can outpace any Politoed at minimum Speed and lock it into an undesirable move with Encore. A Politoed player can cover for this contingency by sparing at least 24 EVs for Speed, which allows it to switch to a safer attack to use against Wobbuffet, such as Hypnosis.<p>

[Other Options]

<p>Politoed has a physical movepool consisting of Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice Punch, and Payback; moves that can be used to hit the likes of Tyranitar and Latias harder than the rest of its options. Belly Drum increases its Attack stat to sky-high levels, which is surprising for a Pokemon with only75 base Attack—all at the cost of 50% of its HP. Difficulty of setup aside, Politoed will almost never be able to pull off a sweep after a Belly Drum boost, even with a Salac Berry. Haze is a good move, but Politoed doesn't have the defenses to stop setup sweepers in their tracks. The best it can do is wipe away their boosts while taking a major blow, and then switch out to a better check. Rest and Sleep Talk are fairly useful options for a defensive Politoed, giving it some means of recovery outside of Leftovers to survive weather wars. It is recommended to carry a teammate with Heal Bell or Aromatherapy to relieve Politoed of it sleep status, as the new sleep mechanics of Black and White force the defending Pokemon to wait out its sleep turns all in one sitting in order to cure. Much to any rain player's chagrin, Politoed is unlikely to survive those turns under the heat of offensive pressure.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Politoed is helpless outside of rain, so it stands to reason that its mortal enemies are not only Pokemon that can switch in and KO it, but Pokemon that can change the weather. The mere presence of an enemy weather setter is enough to change any rain team's gameplan in favor of keeping Politoed alive. Eternal sun is simply a nightmare for rain, lowering the accuracy of Thunder and Hurricane, while also weakening Water-type moves. The battle is all but won once the weather war is in a Drought team's favor. However, Ninetales is a Pokemon that requires a dedicated crew as well, even more so than Politoed due to its common weaknesses, so slapping it on one's team is usually not the best solution for combating rain. On a dedicated Sun team, Ninetales can use Sunny Day as Politoed switches in to reverse the rain team's momentum and threaten Politoed with SolarBeam, or eliminate Politoed with a +2 Energy Ball. Tyranitar can easily trap a Politoed locked into Ice Beam with Pursuit. Abomasnow laughs at all of Politoed's attacks, save for Focus Blast.</p>

<p>Even under ideal weather conditions, many OU Pokemon can exploit Politoed's mediocre stats. Defensively, Ferrothorn, Gastrodon, and Jellicent have little trouble switching into Politoed unless it predicts with a Specs Focus Blast or Hidden Power Grass, respectively. Ferrothorn uses its free turns to set up a minefield of hazards for its teammates, while Gastrodon can use the +1 boost from Storm Drain to threaten Politoed's teammates. Keldeo freely sets up Calm Minds on Politoed lacking Encore, as do Latios, Latias, and Virizion. Celebi has no trouble switching into a non-Specs Ice Beam and can recover the damage as Politoed switches, or even leech HP from Politoed with its STAB Giga Drain and Leech Seed. Rotom-W, Jolteon, Zapdos, and Raikou keep both Politoed and its teammates in check with STAB Electric-type attacks. They can Volt Switch away from incoming counters and Rotom-W can burn Ferrothorn with Will-O-Wisp, making Ferrothorn much easier to handle.</p>

<p>Most prominent offensive Pokemon in OU carrying a Choice Band or Choice Specs can simply KO Politoed without much prior damage. For example, a Choice Band Terrakion can KO a defensive Politoed with up to 77% of its health left. Specs Latios and Hydreigon both OHKO Politoed most of the time with Draco Meteor, requiring no prior damage whatsoever. Haxorus, Dragonite, and Lucario can also KO a relatively healthy Politoed using their STAB attacks and a Choice Band. A special mention goes to Gothitelle and Dugtrio for being able to trap and KO a weakened Politoed. With the help of Choice Specs, Gothitelle can KO even a healthy Politoed with Thunderbolt. </p>

amcheck btw