Before getting all self-righteous, maybe you should consider that 3 different QC members got together, talked about the set, and all had the exact same conclusion, which is that RestTalk is ass and Refresh is OO at best. Instead of this bullshit where you go "he must not know what he's talking about because he's being MEAN" (hint: i do know what i'm talking about, i have been using poliwrath since last year's wcop), maybe you should exercise some logic and go "they don't like it, there must be some reason" and then figure it out.
Since you guys seem to need it spoon-fed to you, I'll spell it out very clearly.
Refresh only has two real purposes: Defensive Politoed and SDef Heatran (and the latter is questionable since Burn isn't a huge issue and you scare the shit out of it, so it'd have to toxic on the switch). Toxic Spikes means that you have to Refresh the whole time instead of Circle Throwing, which makes you equally as useless, or you don't Refresh and you might as well not have it. Gliscor likely won't Toxic you, and if it does it still probably eats you. You're faster than Gastrodon and Blissey, so Substitute is WAY better than Refresh in such a situation. Ninetales is the only thing really likely to status you that would be bad, but it's just as likely to Solarbeam/Energy Ball the shit out of you.
Substitute is near-checkmate against offense, especially if it comes in on something that can't break Subs. If you Circle Throw down their only Poliwrath counter and it lacks healing, you can cause real problems. On top of that, it can shut down defensive Pokemon that can't break a sub and let you toss their team around like a series of ragdolls. Protect gets you extra leftovers recovery, lets you scout for U-Turns and other choiced attacks, and just generally annoy the opponent. Both let you stall with Toxic. Refresh just doesn't compare to the utility of Sub/Protect.
Any further whiteknighting of Katakiri and his "fight the power" stance will not be tolerated.