post your longest pm on ????? (gone wrong)

hey guys its musique back from the dead comin back at you with another thread this time we're gonna be talking about private messages.

private messages are messages that are private. These include and are limited to the little thing that looks like this

at the top of your (yes your) screen, be it on a phone, laptop, computer, or phone.

they allow you to communicate privately with another member of the website. anyone, yes anyone can be targeted directly by your lil packet of direct (and private) words that travel through the aforementioned button portal in the form of a message which is private.

Now why would anyone use this feature? you didn't ask, but im going to answer this question anyways. This feature is perfect for sending words in the form of messages to anyone, yes anyone on when you don't want or would not like others to see it, ensuring a level of privacy in your messages. The privacy of these messages allow an increased level of privacy in the inter-smogon-user messaging, meaning any private matters can be discussed privately through the use of these private messages.

Here are some interesting features of the in-built private messaging system
  • You can send messages through it
  • the messages will be private
  • due to the enhanced privacy, private matters can be discussed with these messages
  • they can be pretty darn long
  • also they can be private
now before we continue with this thread id like to take a moment to talk about this thread's unofficial, unwilling, and unsupportive sponsor,'s private messaging system.

Smogon's private messaging system allows you to privately message anyone, yes anyone you wish that has a smogon account. This message will be totally private and will be in the form of a message in between you and only the person you desire to send the message to. Any abilities and features that come with a non-private messaging system on is included in the private messaging system, with a couple added features, that including privacy and being able to send it to anyone you want who has a current smogon account.

what is the price of this amazing, wonderful messaging system that is private, you ask? well, i have good news for you! this system does not require any physical sacrifice! no monetary or physical wealth needs to be sacrificed in order to use the aforementioned private messaging system. The only prerequisite is you to sacrifice your sanity by creating a account, indeed a small price to pay for the use of a messaging system that is very private and sends words, pictures, and other forms of media to anyone, yes anyone with a account privately. thank you private messaging system for sponsoring this thread.

Without further ado, let's hop right into the topic of this thread!

Now that you know what the smogon messaging system is, you can now understand the complex ideas i'll be sharing in this thread. If you've skipped ahead to this portion: what are you doing??? Go back and read the beginning portion of this thread; trust me, you won't regret it. If you have read all the way up to here, first of all thank you very much kind reader. You may want to go back to the beginning just to make sure you have a firm grasp on the conceptual ideas so you can comprehend the latter portions of this thread. You also don't want to miss the epic news I share with you about one messaging system, that's pretty bad if you miss it.

what is the longest smogon private messaging (messaging that is private) thread that you have seen? Although i have never see any private messaging thread longer than around 7 pages, i know that there are definitely private message threads out there that are longer than that. Although due to the privacy of the private messaging threads I can't simply peruse all of the private messaging threads to my liking, there are definitely clues that can lead us to the answer.

normal, un-private messaging threads are also very commonplace. For example, the SS OU metagame discussion thread (version 7.0) thread is currently at a page count of 160-something. Now although I don't have any tangible proof of private messaging threads going this long, there is undoubtedly some private messaging threads that do, seeing that this non-private messaging thread does go this long.

Now before we continue on further with this thread, thank you for coming this far into the thread. I'd love to see ALL of you guys SMASH that follow button to ensure that you will continue to receive wonderful and concise content such as this in the future. Please Like or Love react this thread so we can band together in a co-op game against the algorithm and also feed my ego.

In the comments, id like to see all members of the musique clan show pictures of their LONGEST private messaging thread. Let's see how high the longest thread goes!
that was a musique thread, and this is musque, signing out!
Sign up for to send your first private message today! affiliate link is down in the description! What is YOUR longest private message thread?? Let me now down here in the comments!
any private message sent to me can be immediately the longest private message sent to this account and therefore become a public message out of my obligation to share my longest ever private message ever received on smogon dot com through it's private message feature on it's forums available on smogon dot com that's c o m, com. not c o r n, corn. graphical character forward slash , forums. that's f o r u m s as in forums for discussion, and not f o r m s as in forums for paperwork which you will have to do in order to sign up for an account for smogon dot com forward slash forums in order to send me a message on smogon dot com through it's private message feature, which I will then post publicly on smogon dot com forward slash forums forwards slash threads slash post hyphen your hyphen longest pm hyphen on hyphen smogon hyphen com hyphen gone hyphen wrong
which will take you to a smogoff thread about posting your longest private message received on smogon dot com through it's private messaging feature made available by it's forums accessible at smogon dot com forward slash forums.
which I cannot participate in because my account has never received private messages because discord had already existed by the time I made this account my one and only account on smogon dot com forward slash forums and nobody is sending me letters through the antiquated private messaging system on smogon dot com slash forums because if they are the longest I have ever received I will post them publicly in a forum thread in the smogoff section on smogon dot com forward slash forums and odds are likely that they are not encrypted and I preach for better operational computer security than that, for example when you fill the forms to sign up for an account at smogon dot com forward slash forums you should use a password manager in order to use a unique password used exclusively for smogon dot com forward slash forums you don't use anywhere else with minimal effort and a reasonable understanding of the small but never impossible risk of the possibility of your storage of unique single use passwords for websites like smogon dot com forward slash forums that leads most us to decide that the best mix of convenience and security with failsafes for fallible memories is a digital password manager. I highly advocate the usage of a password manager for account systems like those found at smogon dot com forward slash forums or at least doing a very thoughtful consideration as to why not and what other good techniques you are using to protect your data

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