pour me up that DPL meme thread


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night bark town season is over. I hope everybody had fun although the unlucky end.there are always many misfortunes in life, aren't there? pokemon is pokemon,but glhf is the meaning and truth of pokemon.

xqiht 打的真的臭,xq老矣,尚能饭否?可能马上最后一舞,然后光速退役了lol。

kaori goat my captain. every thx for inviting me to be captian together!!! hope u enjoy the season. u r the best captian in derby!
btw cn doupl u need to fighting final.

Yoda2798 I know u work is busy,but won these is cool.from dpl to derby,nice to see u in same team. lets fucking go in the future,then hope u business successful!!

Xrn It's really difficult for TB to send you, who hasn't played SV for months, to compete with the "Great Demon King" esm lol.goat in the season,In Chinese, your back is as reliable as amoonguss. :amoonguss:

laptops I never thought u natdex dou played so good,staka time :stakataka: . u really stunning me!

SeaLife xq钦定接班人(X)愚蠢的拳海参甲(√)前面挺好后面有点抽象。不过作为一个新人,你已经足够优秀了,期待你接下来的表现了。冲!
btw your emoji 是真的多lol

Mizuhime good time darling,(could I call that?)u really active and creative.I never forgot four regi game lol.

Idyll I won't question whether buying you with 24k is worth it or not. truth in u,because u r idyll.hope to be teammates next time!

GasaiYunoSan goat in the season.in tb the fault is game not yours.silent but excellent.7-2 is so cool!

Evie bro great sub,won the first week is cool.never heard u but i am sure u can do well in next time.

Nakano Nino 袋兽腐乳。唉,今年好好打,争取世界杯舞舞舞舞起来!


ratpacker man what a great helper! support in sv and natdex r all good, stak boss, the best team theif lol. although we never be captian in dpl,we were in the same team. and in derby,the first helper that came to my mind is u.Rat门!

Lunar. xrn time(?). always encourage us.ofc important helper in all time.
btw when cast derby lol

DaAwesomeDude1 great support in dpp,kinda goat. gl and hf in next tournaments

another helper I could not write too much because of time,if I forgot anyone please lmk!
MetapodVGChannel and some chinese friends(dont have smogon)

In the end,i am proud of u and see u in dwcop!!
Hello people I'm bringing you the official 200% biased Power Rankings from this 2024 Doubles World Cup. I would've loved to do this on video but I am lazy to do all that process so we'll stick to typing wink eragon u should invite me for a video sometime wink
PD: I started writing this Wednesday or so and unfort got busy so this post might go until weekend. Maybe some of what I wrote is outdated but idc I won't revise my shit >:C
PD2: English isn't my main language so I might've wrote some weird stuff LOL. Keep in mind I tried to add funny lines & banter on some people I know, do NOT take this very personally as it is not...


US Central: The team to beat this Tournament. It should be illegal to have this lineup...
Every single starter member in this team is a starter in any sidepl or DPL/Derby. Starting with Spurrific - Bagel - Nails, having a 16-7 combined SCL IV record (and thank god qsns didnt sign up else they would have 4 scl players!), going through Zeal, laptops and dad1 (the first two having strong performances on DPL & Derby, the last winning 3 out of 8 Classic cups and having a pretty good DOU Circuit run), and last but not least Paraplegic & Croven who altough havent been around that much for SV DOU this year, are pretty known for performing at the very least decently. Even their bench Is full of capable af players; I'll dare to say NO ONE wants to face this team.

LA: Yes I am from LA but I will try to be as unbiased as possible (except for ranking us first in this tier HEH).
Squad didnt change much from last year, biggest change and nerf being losing the goat Meminger21 :((( .
Starting the roster with Ann and myself, two SCL players, former being benched by the monster ESM and later having a terrible SCL season but pretty decent Circuit Tournaments run, they will have to tryhard and cook if they want to get LA to win again.
Next we have luisin, papiloco & Enzonana. The first went 6-0 last year and are looking to repeat the feat, the later has struggled a bit with SV DOU but just recently won NDPL with a neutral record, so he's inspired and in more momazos mode than ever.
Players to complete the roster are oh the guilt, Lucky-Sama & Gasai. Guilt has been signing up to a lot of side PLs recently and has had a decent Circuit Tournament run, hopefully this experience helps solidify her gameplay. Lucky Is coming back from VGC after 2 years, making OSDT III & DOU Swiss playoffs, and Gasai will try to replicate her 7-2 Derby Record with her iconic builds. Will this be enough for LA to regain the championship? I sure hope it is.
Also forgot to mention we have Mako on the bench, former DOU player even playing in Snake for this tier (or scl I, idk, Im lazy to search for her tour...), if she gets the rust off team is only improving :fino:

US West: Biggest hispanic haters are back and will try to replicate the 2022 win. Big 3 from the team are eragon (the chef), ESM (the monster) & zomog (idk, the one that's also very capable at singles), the first 2 being SCL players and later a manager. Altough zom already dropped a game by the time I'm writing this, I'm still sure he can beat anyone on the entire tournament. Next we have Schister, author of several of the biggest war crime teams to ever exist on SV DOU (both good and bad shit) and has been having more participation on sidepls. Keanu imo has an amazing skill ceil to abuse, but refuses to dump time into DOU which might restrain them a bit (If you're winning money on VGC why would u ever consider spending time into DOU tbh...). Last but not least, we have the trio of Lemurro - shiloh - srvoltmike. Lemurro has been playing the 2024 Circuit and srvoltmike has recently started to play more and more DOU + went neutral in Derby, which is amazing to have when rounding up a team. Tbh I don't remember seeing shiloh on DOU ever but ik they are pretty capable on other tiers so hopefully that will translate into a good performance!

US East: The candle people have changed their roster a bit from last year, but still sport a very solid lineup. First, zee & Actuarily are managing this year, both being qualified for 2024 Invitationals, zee supporting his SCL player with an amazing 7-1 récord while being a manager and Actuarily playing every single existing Doubles format to ever exist and doing well everytime. Next we have Arcticblast, Jello & Chris20'394'023943. I think Arctic only played OSDT and made it to playoffs, but Jello & Chris have had very solid Circuit performances, the first barely missing an Invitational spot and latter playing a good chunk of side PLs with a good playerbase and doing pretty good. The trio completing this team are TruenoSoltero (the only ORAS DOU enjoyer), Charmdi (brother debuted and won a regional LMFAO) & pigwarrior19 (last main DLC), all of them still with a good level to play even against hard oponents. I think I might be underranking them, but I'm biased thanks to their récord last year...

Europe: To me, this team is the one that recieved the biggest changes from all. First, they lost the entire Spain squad and an amazing player like Frixel thanks to the formation of Iberia, but they absorbed Italy. If this is a buff or a nerf, only time will tell...
Starting the team with captains fran & Amaranth. They've barely touched the tier this year, but on their prime they were basically amongst the top players, so do not underestimate them. Next we have MADARAAAAAAAA who I consider to be one of the top 3 best players currently on the site, dude is fucking cracked and the only reason he didn't make it into SCL was because he didn't sign up. Team also added 2 more italians in waffle & entrocefalo. Waffle had a perfect Derby record, going 8-0 and beating ESM on finals, while also playing a lot of sidepls and doing okay, while entrocefalo has mainly focused on his amazing singles skill, but is known to also be good at clicking in DOU. Last we have flying beagle, who had an amazing Circuit performance and is currently sitting at #5 on Circuit Standings, and Larry, who afaik hasn't played DOU this year, at least not on tournaments.
I'm going to make an exception here and talk a bit about a player in the bench, Hugo, who I'm SURPRISED is benched. Hopefully we get to see them play after that amazing DOU Swiss run & neutral Derby run. Also the creator of the famous Hugo Room (I hate facing this team btw I hate u for making it >:( ).

India: The runner up team from last year is back and by the posts I've seen are even more ready than last year. SCARY. Anyway, starting with the lineup we have managers tyo & AIRedzone. tyo is an amazing VGC player who has also greatly improved this year in DOU and now is capable of taking down anyone with his precise plays, while AIRedzone has enjoyed the old gens a bit more than CG DOU, but is still capable of giving a solid support. First players we can see are sundays, Loudwinner & Nido-Rus. Sundays imo has also had an amazing improvement since last year and has actually beat my ass twice in side PLs (+ having good records on these, barely missing the most recent championship in Bangladesh PL). Loudwinner took a small break I think for DOU Swiss but is very good at building and player, definetely a resourceful player, and now Nido-Rus comes back from the grave to carry India once again to victory. I had Nido on my personal Top 3 players from 2023, so altough he might be a bit rusty, he is someone who shouldn't be bolded against most of the times. Finally we have Piyu, Breloominati & Mr.Gx. Piyu is stomping SCL OU pool and has had insane records for a lot tournaments where he has played, and while Breloominati hasn't had the same stellar season, he is still a very capable player that's playing on SCL. Both are mainly singles players though, but shouldn't have trouble showing a good level if they want to. Mr.Gx recently made playoffs of DOU Swiss and made it to latter rounds of VGC invitational I think? However, they are familiar to DOU, as they played in one of SPL or Snake (I can't recall, and I'm too lazy to confirm in which one...). Rest of players I'm sorry they don't ring a bell :sob:

Iberia: Spain but with Frixel. Ngl at first sight I thought this team was pretty good but then Tenzai isn't playing + some pretty nice players like Lhions or Pan didn't sign up + Eric benched?? Anyway team doesn't look bad its just imo it could be better. Let's start with the two fucking beasts SMB & Frixel. The first won 2 of the Circuit Tournaments + DOU Classic this year. And some keep saying he's washed... . The later won the biggest DOU Tournament and went 2-2 on his SCL debut which is very good (I'm sorry for stealing your first games!!!). Both are pretty good at cooking and if they also teach how to click click their teams, I'm sure the rest will have an advantage in game. Next we have JRL, who in my opinion is an amazing and skilled player but has had a pretty rough 2024 because of being busy IRL and not being able to dedicate much time to this tier. Hopefully he finds a bit of time to get back to a good level. Shiritu & Voltix are next, shiritu being a relatively new player to the DOU scene but has had decent performances on some side pls + last year DOUwcop, and voltix is a veteran with amazing results this year, making it to I think Top 4 on this last seasonal? + also participating on a good ammount of sidepls like NDPL & SMPL. The other 3 people I only know a bit from name. Susej did well last year in this same tournament, aseqq beat JRL in a Hispanic Forum Tournament and the other has VGC on their name so at least has experience with Doubles Format. Let's hope their new players get a good grasp of the format to get them to playoffs!

France: I hate how France posted their roster so I will only write about who I know >:C
First we have the duo of captains John & RL. John is pretty decent at DOU, scoring 10 Circuit points only playing OSDT & Seasonal while also playing DLC too at a very good level, and while RL name rings a bell, I only remember seeing them in recent DOU Circuit Tournaments. Ratpacker the chef follows. Being an amazing DOU player with very good and fun building skills, I think he's a great asset to have on any team. Also qualed for Invitationals. The other two names who I know are Nepthyrix (who would literally ALWAYS, no matter who I was against, bold my opp vs me on any tour >:C ), Givrix who I haven't seen play lately but iirc was pretty decent, and yone who's a very very good Singles player (this isn't Singles??). Rest idk but have a very french name, hopefully they all do well.

Canada: Canada managed to get some players in time in order to come back to this tournament just barely. First we have GMA & sempra, the first subbed in for kom in SCL and had a very good 4-1 while the later went neutral but is in playoffs. Canada should be covered team-wise with this Grandma Cookin for them :fino: . Next bunch of people I know are GenOne (who in my opinion is an amazing old gens player and very creative but haven't seen much from ho, in SV DOU, altough I got my ass kicked from Seasonal vs him), Hys (who's one of the best DUU players, but again 0 appearances in SV DOU), NecasInTrouble (dude is a friend but terrible af........ (jks he knows how to click but requires to practice a bit more)), and teamo who's an everything mainer except DOU. I'm not sure who Wille and SeaWolfMike are, but I THINK Wille is a respected VGC player?
I think Canada needs their players to practice a lot if they want to have a shot on making it to playoffs, so gl to them!

APAC: Raf managed to get a team of people who do play this tier but I think still are pretty fresh on it + fossils / retired players that can perform amazingly if they take the rust off / stop hating on the tier. Speaking of raf, he's a veteran who just came back I think a couple of years ago but has been having good records on 2024 Circuit (just baaarely missing Invitationals :dust:) and neutral teamtournament records (+ being drafted for last year SCL which is pretty good!). Now onto the fresh people I mentioned: Terekusai (Just got into playing the DOU Circuit this year and made it into upper half of rounds of a couple of tournaments), Test Bots (who has played DOU a bit less but has had pretty solid runs and performances in NatDex DOU Tournaments), Razachu (who comes from PokeMMO and is very good at clicking but hasn't played a lot of SV DOU) and Exotic64 (who isn't precisely new at Smogon but kinda is at DOU, debuting with 2 solid wins for DPL and then going on a loss streak :dust:). Also I'm going to mention QoB in the middle since idk she qualifies for any of the two LOL but she's a pretty nice player who has smacked my ass on side PLs like BLT on this tier even while maining UU. And for fossil/retired players we have Idyll (Who's one of the best old gen players despite not having the best year at those on sidepls (did amazing at DPL tho!)), Feyy (our former OSDT champion), trace Yuichi & chloe.
I honestly would rank this team higher but I think they have to practice a lot to get their new players in shape and their veterans with no rust in order for them to get into playoffs contention.

China: I want to start saying I only know very few people on the starter lineup, and that's the only reason I'm going to rank them this low, but If last year China team & PokeMMO chinese players have taught me anything, is that they are very fucking good at the game; if you underestimate them you are getting owned.
Having said that, we start the team with the young star xqiht, very amazing player and has an insane ammount of positive-récord tournaments since 2023, also being drafted for SCL which just shows how good he is. Next we have the Furret lover SeaLife who's very new to the DOU scene but from the games I've watched they know how to play. tianlengmeihou & Poca_Ursus name ring a bell from last year wcop but unfortunately I do not know more about them, and I just straight don't know anything from the rest of the players :( (except their bench, where they have TPN & Nakano Nino who are pretty nice and I'm actually pretty impressed they got benched!).
I sincerely hope China surprises us again and manage to make it to playoffs!

Brasil: I messed up the order it was Brasil > Venezuela, but yeah.
I'm not going to lie, Brasil has a lot of potentially very good players on their roster, with people like LpZ, elodin and Seraphz having good performances on a lot of Singles Tournaments trying DOU (altough Seraphz & elodin have already shown their good skills in DOU previously). Next we have ChainlessJoe & Staraptor, the former playing mainly other DOU tiers I think? (IDK IM NOT GOING TO CONFIRM THIS INFO), and the later making it to Top 16 of OSDT. Finally, RiloBR, Japacama & Brg I THINK come from VGC, which is good since they have the Doubles Format sense, but yeah I will not rank them higher until they prove themselves (Japacama smacked a LA player already LMFAOO).
The reason why I'm ranking them in the lowest Tier is because I don't see anyone who help them with teams. Sure they got people who do play this tier on a regular basis but they aren't known for building or having a big pool of teams, which in my opinion is just enough to drag a team down. If they get a helper for this, I think they can go up a tier, but since I can't see one on their lineup they will just stay like this.

Venezuela: The last team in my rankings. What the fuck we got Team Venezuela and not team Italy? XD
I'm not going to lie, altough I know most of the people here because they're fellow Hispanic people who I constantly see on Hispanic Tournaments, not a single person here plays the tier AT ALL. Caesarr played it like 5 years ago, and the other one with some experience (as in, literally 10 games or so) is One Last Kiss, who's genuinely not bad at playing the tier but brother started on OSDT. I just don't see a team with no mainers & no helpers making it far into the tournament.

It's always a pleasure to see whoever writes Power Rankings be mistaken and get a plot twist on the tournament; hopefully this happens too as it makes it more interesting. Good luck to everyone on the tournament and may the best win!
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