- Black Orb – Reverts Dark-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Ghost-typing.
- Changes Ability to Dark Nights.
- Adds the move Keen Smack.
- Adds a 0 HP / 50 Atk / 20 Def / 30 SpA / 0 SpD / 0 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Indigo Orb – Reverts Ghost-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Dark-typing.
- Changes Ability to Misty Field.
- Adds the move Gray Matter.
- Adds a 0 HP / 30 Atk / 0 Def / 50 SpA / 20 SpD / 0 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Clear Orb – Reverts Normal-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Fairy-typing.
- Changes Ability to Blinded Side.
- Adds the move Blessed Swing.
- Adds a 0 HP / 30 Atk / 0 Def / 50 SpA / 0 SpD / 20 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Pink Orb – Reverts Fairy-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Normal-typing.
- Changes Ability to Mystic Sheer.
- Adds the move Pixie Strength.
- Adds a 0 HP / 50 Atk / 20 Def / 30 SpA / 0 SpD / 0 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Red Orb – Reverts Fire-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Rock-typing.
- Changes Ability to Desolate Land.
- Adds the move Flame Spit.
- Adds a 0 HP / 30 Atk / 20 Def / 50 SpA / 0 SpD / 0 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Brown Orb – Reverts Rock-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Fire-typing.
- Changes Ability to Mine Field.
- Adds the move Boulder Whip.
- Adds a 0 HP / 50 Atk / 0 Def / 30 SpA / 0 SpD / 20 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Orange Orb – Reverts Fighting-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Ground-typing.
- Changes Ability to Discovered Spirit.
- Adds the move Focused Energy.
- Adds a 0 HP / 0 Atk / 20 Def / 50 SpA / 0 SpD / 30 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Amber Orb – Reverts Ground-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Fighting-typing.
- Changes Ability to Dusty Terrain.
- Adds the move Sharp Tactics.
- Adds a 0 HP / 20 Atk / 0 Def / 30 SpA / 0 SpD / 50 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Blue Orb – Reverts Water-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds an Electric-typing.
- Changes Ability to Primordial Sea.
- Adds the move Origin Pulse.
- Adds a 0 HP / 0 Atk / 0 Def / 50 SpA / 20 SpD / 30 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Yellow Orb – Reverts Electric-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Water-typing.
- Changes Ability to Magnetic Field.
- Adds the move Voltage Turn.
- Adds a 0 HP / 0 Atk / 20 Def / 30 SpA / 0 SpD / 50 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Pale Orb – Reverts Flying-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Steel-typing.
- Changes Ability to Powerful Gusts.
- Adds the move Spinning Assault.
- Adds a 0 HP / 30 Atk / 0 Def / 0 SpA / 50 SpD / 20 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Gray Orb – Reverts Steel-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Flying-typing.
- Changes Ability to Unbreakable Armor.
- Adds the move Heroic Curve.
- Adds a 0 HP / 50 Atk / 0 Def / 20 SpA / 30 SpD / 0 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Green Orb – Reverts Grass-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Poison-typing.
- Changes Ability to Ivy Cover.
- Adds the move Mushroom Fungus.
- Adds a 0 HP / 20 Atk / 0 Def / 50 SpA / 30 SpD / 0 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Purple Orb – Reverts Poison-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Grass-typing.
- Changes Ability to Plagued Viscus.
- Adds the move Seeping Fang.
- Adds a 0 HP / 0 Atk / 20 Def / 30 SpA / 50 SpD / 0 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Fuchsia Orb – Reverts Psychic-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Bug-typing.
- Changes Ability to Telepathic Evasion.
- Adds the move Mind Source.
- Adds a 0 HP / 0 Atk / 30 Def / 50 SpA / 0 SpD / 20 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Mantis Orb – Reverts Bug-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Psychic-typing.
- Changes Ability to Hive Joint.
- Adds the move Wasp Swarm.
- Adds a 0 HP / 20 Atk / 50 Def / 30 SpA / 0 SpD / 0 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Ice Orb – Reverts Ice-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds a Dragon-typing.
- Changes Ability to Glacier Cast.
- Adds the move Shattering Breeze.
- Adds a 20 HP / 0 Atk / 0 Def / 50 SpA / 0 SpD / 30 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Royal Orb – Reverts Dragon-type Pokemon to their Primal form.
- Adds an Ice-typing.
- Changes Ability to Superiority Complex.
- Adds the move Renaissance Whirl.
- Adds a 0 HP / 20 Atk / 0 Def / 30 Spe / 0 SpD / 50 Spe boost to the Pokemon's existing stats.
- Dark Nights – Dark-type moves receive a 1.3x power boost; Fairy-type moves are unable to be used. Lasts indefinitely.
- Misty Field – Ghost-types weaknesses are now turned into resists. Evasion is increased by one for all Ghost-types.
- Blinded Side – All Normal-types on field ignore stat boosts; this is unable to be bypassed via Mold Breaker. In addition, Normal-types receive a 1.2x boost to both offenses.
- Mystic Sheer – Misty Terrain is set and can not be removed. Fairy-type moves all bypass Substitute and are double as effective verus Pokemon weak to this type.
- Mine Field – Permanent Sandstorm is set and unable to be removed. Rock-types, in addition to receiving a 1.5x boost to SpD, receive a 1.3x boost to Defense.
- Discovered Spirit – Fighting-types Special Attacks are boosted by 1.5x damage. Defense is lowered by 1.3x on both sides.
- Dusty Terrain – Three layers of Spikes are set when this is turned on, they are removed when the Pokemon leaves the battle and are unable to be removed through Defog or Rapid Spin.
- Magnetic Field – Electric-type moves are unable to miss; they are also able to hit Ground-types now. Electric-type attacks are amplified in power by 1.2x.
- Powerful Gusts – Flying-types receive priority on all of their moves. They are also immune to Stealth Rock.
- Unbreakable Armor – Steel-types are protected from Critical Hits. Super Effective hits only hit for half damage against these Pokemon.
- Ivy Cover – Grass-types are resistant to their weaknesses, but their resists now hit for normal damage. Grass-types are immune to hazard damage or status as well.
- Plagued Viscus – Poison-types now hit Steel-types for super effective damage. Defense is boosted by 1.5x for all Poison-types on the field. All Poison-types are immune to Ground-type moves.
- Telepathic Evasion – Psychic-types do not receive damage from indirect attacks and receive 1/4 damage from the first attack to hit them.
- Hive Joint – Bug-types summon the power of the hive, causing each Bug-type move to hit twice with the second move having 1/3 power.
- Glacier Cast – Hail is set and is unable to be removed. The effects of Snow Cloak also take effect, while Speed is boosted by 1.5x for all Ice-type Pokemon on the field. However, Stealth Rock damage is doubled.
- Superiority Complex – Dragon-types on the field receive a 1.3x boost to both Defenses but have a Taunt cast permanently on them. However, Fairy-type moves have no effect on these Pokemon.
- Keen Smack – Dark-type | 100 Base Power | 95% Accuracy | Physical | User hits the opponent with a powerful smack. This move ignore resists.
- Gray Matter – Ghost-type | 130 Base Power | 80% Accuracy | Special | User summons spirits and casts an eerie form of matter at the opponent. This move has the potential to lower the opponent's Speed.
- Blessed Swing – Normal-type | 80 Base Power | 100% Accuracy | Special | The user hits the opponent with a powerful swing. This move removes any status from the Pokemon and recovers 90% of the damage it deals.
- Pixie Strength – Fairy-type | 110 Base Power | 100% Accuracy | Physical | User musters up the power of a thousand fairies to hurt the opponent. This move recovers 10% of the damage it deals.
- Flame Spit – Fire-type | 160 Base Power | 70% Accuracy | Special | A powerful spit of fire from the user's deep insides are launched at the opponent. Move lower's opponent's Speed, but cannot, however, be used twice in a row.
- Boulder Whip – Rock-type | 100 Base Power | 100% Accuracy | Physical | Using boulders of the terrain around it, the user hits the opponent with a powerful chain. This move sets Stealth Rock as it hits.
- Focused Energy – Fighting-type | 110 Base Power | 95% Accuracy | Special | Users concentrates to launch a powerful blast of energy. 50% chance to raise user's Speed when hit twice in a row.
- Sharp Tactics – Ground-type | 60 Base Power | 100% Accuracy | Physical | User launches sharp smacks at the opponent. Move hits twice and puts an Infestation-like constraint on the Pokemon.
- Voltage Turn – Electric-type | 100 Base Power | 90% Accuracy | Special | User drains power from the electricity on the field and hits the opponent with it. This move causes the user to switch out, recovers 75% health in the process, and lowers the opponent's Speed stat by one.
- Spinning Assault – Flying-type | 140 Base Power | 70% Accuracy | Special | Users spins with a gust to hit the Pokemon with a very unsteady, but powerful attack. This move raises the users Speed stat by three and Special Attack by one. It also lowers the opponent's Attack and Special Attack by one.
- Heroic Curve – Steel-type | 70 Base Power | 100% Accuracy | Physical | Users musters up courage and does an upward curve to hit the opponent. This move raises the user's Attack by two and recovers 20% health (of the user's HP, it's not a draining move) each time it hits.
- Mushroom Fungus – Grass-type | 50 Base Power | 90% Accuracy | Special | The user uses the strength of the forest to plant fungus on the opponent. The opponent receives a Leech Seed effect and are unable to switch for three turns.
- Seeping Fang – Poison-type | 130 Base Power | 80% Accuracy | Physical | The user attacks with a vicious and poison fang. User receives 40% recoil but heals back 45% damage; however, the recoil is taken into account before the healing.
- Mind Source – Psychic-type | 100 Base Power | --- Accuracy | Special | The user searches the opponent's mind and attacks their nervous system. Deals 250 damage to sleeping foes.
- Wasp Swarm – Bug-type | 80 Base Power | 100% Accuracy | Physical | User sends wasps to attack the foe. This attack comes with five "wasps" that hit for ten damage each after the initial attack has been used and after Hive Joint has taken effect. Effectively a move with 156 Base Power.
- Shattering Breeze – Ice-type | 130 Base Power | 90% Accuracy | Special | The user casts a powerful breeze that's so powerful that it freezes the Pokemon and then shatters them! This move does not freeze the user, it is just for flavor. Hits Water-type Pokemon for super effective damage.
- Renaissance Whirl – Dragon-type | 200 Base Power | 60% Accuracy | Physical | The user whirls with such grace and such force, the opponent is knocked away with the majesty of the Pokemon! If this move hits, the opponent will be paralyzed.
This will be hell to code, so it's currently uncoded n_n;;. That's all!