UU Primarina [done]


Primarina is one of the most versatile Pokemon in UU, utilizing its excellent typing, amazing movepool, and solid stats to serve as an integral defensive glue or a potent offensive threat. Water / Fairy is a valuable typing both offensively and defensively, allowing Primarina to answer dangerous threats like Hydreigon, Keldeo, and Salamence while breaking past common walls like Hippowdon and Skarmory. Its RestTalk set counters the likes of Hydreigon and Keldeo, absorbs debilitating status moves from threats like Hippowdon and Swampert, and utilizes its potent STAB combination to threaten the enemy team. Meanwhile, Primarina's three attacks set hones in on its great offensive potential, using coverage moves like Ice Beam and Psychic to overcome foes like Amoonguss and Tentacruel and Substitute to ease prediction by taking advantage of the many switches it forces. This set retains valuable defensive utility against foes like Keldeo, so it is a huge help to bulky offense and balance teams looking for a wallbreaker that can patch up defensive holes. Its Choice Specs set is one of the most difficult wallbreakers to account for, since it has no safe switch-ins apart from Chansey; it tears apart teams relying on Amoonguss and Tangrowth to beat it with its STAB moves and coverage. However, this set does lack the defensive utility of Primarina's other sets, and the three attacks set typically outdoes it as a wallbreaker because it nets the same KOs and has more defensive utility. Primarina's fatal flaw is its Speed, leaving it very vulnerable to getting overwhelmed by faster foes like Thundurus-T, Nihilego, and Zarude that threaten it with super effective damage. Its Defense requires investment so Primarina can check threats like Mamoswine, Cobalion, and Excadrill. RestTalk sets are overly reliant on Rest to heal, meaning they can be taken advantage of if they fail to get the right move when using Sleep Talk. Primarina faces competition from Keldeo as an offensive Water-type due to Keldeo's higher Speed and comparable power, but Primarina's lack of counters outside of Chansey and defensive capabilities let it find a strong place in UU.

name: RestTalk
move 1: Scald
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Rest
move 4: Sleep Talk
item: Leftovers
ability: Torrent
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Scald threatens Fairy-resistant foes like Scizor, Amoonguss, and Celesteela with a burn. Moonblast wipes out the likes of Zarude, Hydreigon, and Salamence and provides strong neutral coverage RestTalk lets Primarina continuously check foes like Keldeo, Crawdaunt, and Salamence; absorb status; and remain an active threat after recovering its health. Leftovers gives Primarina passive recovery to take hits better from Salamence and Cobalion without being forced to use Rest. Heavy-Duty Boots is an option to offset entry hazard damage on teams that lack entry hazard removal. However, the lack of Leftovers recovery limits Primarina's usefulness when asleep after using Rest, and it's only a better choice over Leftovers against Spikes teams. Maximum investment in Defense allows Primarina to check threats like Cobalion, Zygarde-10%, and Hippowdon more easily. Alternatively, heavy investment in Special Defense allows Primarina to more reliably beat Amoonguss one-on-one and better take on strong special attackers like Salamence and Azelf.

This Primarina set best fits on bulky offense and balance teams as a reliable defensive glue that counters dangerous threats like Keldeo and Hydreigon. Grass-types like Zarude and Tangrowth are massive threats, so Amoonguss and Skarmory are great teammates to handle them. They both also help check Scizor, with the latter taking on foes like Mamoswine and Excadrill as well. Dhelmise and Assault Vest Tangrowth handle dangerous Electric-types like Thundurus-T and Raikou. Tangrowth is also a backup check to Keldeo and keeps Primarina from being overwhelmed by Zygarde-10% and Excadrill. Primarina is incredibly vulnerable to Spikes without Heavy-Duty Boots, so entry hazard removal from the likes of Salamence, Excadrill, and Dhelmise is appreciated. Hippowdon takes on Electric-types, and its Stealth Rock can slowly wear down threats like Celesteela and Rotom-W. In return, Primarina defeats offensive Water-types like Keldeo and Crawdaunt. Offensive Pokemon like Thundurus-T and Azelf appreciate Primarina countering Noivern and Choice Scarf Hydreigon; they take on Poison-types like Tentacruel and Amoonguss in return. Scizor can reliably switch into the likes of Chansey, Nihilego, and Tangrowth and force them out, and it enjoys Primarina's support against Moltres and Salamence.

name: 3 Attacks
move 1: Scald
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Substitute / Protect / Calm Mind
item: Leftovers / Rindo Berry
ability: Torrent
nature: Modest
evs: 212 HP / 160 SpA / 136 Spe


This Primarina set is a potent wallbreaker with passive recovery to help check threats like Keldeo. Primarina's usual STAB combination allows it to cover the vast majority of the tier and threaten common Pokemon like Hippowdon, Scizor, Salamence, and Cobalion. Ice Beam wipes out Tangrowth and Amoonguss attempting to switch into Primarina and also hits Thundurus-T and Togekiss super effectively. Alternatively, Psychic covers Amoonguss and deals heavy damage to Tentacruel for teams that need extra insurance against it. Substitute allows Primarina to take a hit from revenge killers like Thundurus-T and Zarude and threaten heavy damage back while easing prediction. It can get up Substitute as it forces switches against foes like Hippowdon. Protect allows Primarina to scout Choice-locked threats like Diggersby and Zarude and regain its health with Leftovers. Calm Mind is an option to turn Primarina into a dangerous setup sweeper that can break past unsuspecting Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Leftovers gives Primarina the longevity to take on Keldeo and Salamence more easily. Rindo Berry lets Primarina take a Power Whip from Zarude and Tangrowth and KO them in return, though Primarina misses the passive recovery Leftovers provides and should typically be run when using Protect or Calm Mind. 136 Speed EVs let Primarina outspeed Conkeldurr. 160 Special Attack EVs guarantee the 2HKO on Assault Vest Tangrowth with Ice Beam after Stealth Rock. The remaining EVs are in HP to check the likes of Hippowdon and Keldeo more easily.

This Primarina set best fits on bulky offense teams that appreciate its firepower and defensive utility. Entry hazard support is essential in softening up switch-ins like Slowking and Tangrowth, making teammates like Nihilego, Nidoqueen, and Skarmory great. Beyond setting entry hazards, Nihilego can hinder Chansey and Celesteela with Knock Off and pressure Thundurus-T. Nidoqueen pressures Tangrowth and Amoonguss, while Skarmory can reliably take on Zarude and Scizor. Physical wallbreakers like Cobalion and Mamoswine break through specially defensive foes like Chansey. Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth work in tandem with Primarina to check Keldeo while beating threats like Rotom-W and Thundurus-T. Amoonguss also counters opposing Tangrowth. These Pokemon should be used as primary checks to Keldeo so Primarina can focus on wallbreaking more. Pivots like Hydreigon, Crobat, Azelf, and Rotom-H all create opportunities for Primarina to enter the field safely and wallbreak against foes like Hippowdon, Mandibuzz, and opposing Hydreigon. Choice Scarf Hydreigon can revenge kill faster threats like Thundurus-T and Rotom-W, while Azelf wears down Celesteela and wipes out Nidoqueen and Nihilego. Crobat and Rotom-H take on Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Scald
item: Choice Specs
ability: Torrent
nature: Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Ice Beam allows Primarina to destroy Amoonguss, Tapu Bulu, and Assault Vest Tangrowth with ease. Alternatively, Psychic retains coverage for Amoonguss and allows Primarina to break past Tentacruel. Scald is used as a reliable Water-type attack to nail foes like Scizor, Hippowdon, and Galarian Slowbro without risking a Hydro Pump miss. It also threatens a burn on switch-ins like Tentacruel and Amoonguss. With a Choice Specs and Modest nature, Primarina is able to 2HKO everything barring Chansey, easily wiping out specially defensive tanks like Celesteela, Slowking, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. Chansey itself is even at risk of being 2HKOed by Torrent-boosted Hydro Pump if it has taken a bit of chip damage.

Choice Specs Primarina is at home on bulky offense and balance teams that provide it free switches to wallbreak while covering its limited defenses. Entry hazard support from Spikes setters like Skarmory and Stealth Rock setters like Nidoqueen amplifies Primarina's offensive presence, putting its already limited switch-ins like Amoonguss, Tentacruel, and Tangrowth in range of even resisted attacks. Nidoqueen also is useful in pressuring Cobalion and Assault Vest Tangrowth. Since Primarina lacks recovery and has low Defense, pivots are needed to bring it in safely to wallbreak. Chansey is a defensive pivot that can take on foes Primarina normally would, like Salamence, Moltres, and Hydreigon and bring in Primarina with Teleport against foes like Scizor. A Scizor of your own is useful in wearing down Celesteela with Knock Off as well as countering Chansey and Tangrowth. Defensive Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss check Grass- and Electric-types like Zarude, Thundurus-T, and Rotom-W. They also cover foes Primarina normally would, like Keldeo. Amoonguss's Stun Spore can be useful in offsetting Primarina's poor Speed. Rapid Spin Dhelmise also checks Thundurus-T and Keldeo while keeping it from getting worn down by entry hazards. Celesteela can scout Primarina's attack with Protect, so teammates that can threaten Celesteela, like Raikou, work well. Azelf and Nihilego can lure in Chansey and remove its Eviolite with Knock Off, making it easier to break through. If Primarina is in Torrent range, Chansey cannot switch in at all. Choice Scarf users like Diggersby and Hydreigon can also bring Primarina in safely against foes like Hippowdon, as well as revenge kill faster threats like Raikou, Thundurus-T, and Zarude. Physical wallbreakers like Zygarde-10% and Swords Dance Cobalion are great teammates, wiping out Chansey and Celesteela. They also revenge kill faster threats like Thundurus-T and Nihilego with ease.

Other Options

Energy Ball on an all-out attacker set with Leftovers lets Primarina 2HKO Slowking and threaten Rotom-W and opposing Primarina more. Custap Berry is an option with Calm Mind to surprise and KO a revenge killer like Thundurus-T, but it is unreliable. Primarina can utilize a variety of Calm Mind sets to turn into a dangerous setup sweeper with free turns. Substitute / Calm Mind / Draining Kiss / Scald is incredibly annoying for revenge killers, as Primarina's increased bulk, safety net in Substitute, extra recovery, and potential to spread burns make it hard for foes like Amoonguss, Zarude, and Thundurus-T to deal with it. Calm Mind + Rest allows Primarina to utilize a stronger Fairy-type STAB in Moonblast while having Rest to heal itself, letting it take on foes like Keldeo more easily. Snore in conjunction with Liquid Voice keeps Primarina from being too passive while asleep and lets it take down foes like Hippowdon and even Scizor with its flinch chance. This Primarina set is its only set that can beat Chansey one-on-one. However, Primarina's lack of a Water-type attack when awake can be exploited by Fairy-type checks like Scizor and Nihilego. Choice Scarf Primarina surprises and wipes out revenge killers like Thundurus-T and Zarude, but it is still slow and fails to revenge kill setup sweepers like Gyarados and Necrozma and doesn't reach the crucial base 115 Speed tier, which includes Azelf and Zygarde-10%.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Amoonguss, Dhelmise, and Assault Vest Tangrowth can switch into Primarina's STAB combination quite well, but they have to be wary of taking heavy damage from Ice Beam on offensive sets. Dhelmise also needs to be very cautious of Scald burns. Zarude outspeeds and OHKOes Primarina with Power Whip but can't switch in at all out of fear of taking Moonblast. Tapu Bulu needs to watch out for Ice Beam, but it has the luxury of being able to outspeed Choice Specs Primarina and scare it out with Horn Leech.

**Electric-types**: Raikou, Thundurus-T, and Rotom-W all outspeed and heavily pressure Primarina with their super effective attacks.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Chansey is the best general counter to all of Primarina's sets, being able to reliably switch in and whittle Primarina down with Seismic Toss while not minding any of its attacks. However, it does have to watch out for a Torrent-boosted Choice Specs Hydro Pump. Slowking can switch into Primarina's Moonblast well and pivot out with Teleport, but it gets 2HKOed by Moonblast from Choice Specs sets. Tentacruel only has to watch out for Psychic but otherwise takes Primarina's well and pressures it with Sludge Bomb. Celesteela hates Scald burns as well as a Choice Specs Hydro Pump, but it's able to deal heavy damage to Primarina with Heavy Slam.

- Written by: [[Monky25, 515132]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [avarice, 346653]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Band, 301217], [Rabia, 336073]]
Last edited by a moderator:

very good analysis with no major errors I can spot, I think this is the first time where I have nothing to add in the overview., amateur, defer to QC please


-Primarina is one of the most versatile Pokemon in UU, utilizing its excellent typing, amazing movepool, and solid stats to serve as an integral defensive glue or a potent offensive threat.
-Water + Fairy is a typing both offensively and defensively valuable in UU, allowing Primarina to answer dangerous threats like Hydreigon, Keldeo, and Salamence while breaking past common walls like Hippowdon, Skarmory, and Mandibuzz.
-Primarina fulfills a variety of roles in UU; its RestTalk set acts as a counter to the likes of Hydreigon and Keldeo and absorbs deliberating status moves from threats like Hippowdon and Swampert, all while utilizing its potent STAB combination to threaten the enemy team.
-Primarina's 3 attacks set hones in on its great offensive potential, using coverage moves like Ice Beam and Psychic to overcome foes like Amoonguss and Tentacruel, while retaining valuable defensive utility against foes like Keldeo, allowing it to be a huge help to bulky offense and balance teams looking for a wallbreaker that can patch up defensive holes.
-Its Choice Specs set is one of the most fearsome wallbreakers in the tier to account for, having no safe switch-ins in UU apart from Chansey as it tears apart teams relying on Amoonguss and Tangrowth to beat it with its STABs and coverage. However, this set does lack the defensive utility appreciated by teams looking to use Primarina.
-Primarina’s fatal flaw is its Speed; leaving it very vulnerable to getting overwhelmed in a game by faster foes like Thundurus-T, Nihilego, and Zarude that threaten it with super effective damage.
-Its physical Defense is quite subpar if lacking any investment, limiting Primarina's ability to check threats like Mamoswine, Cobalion, and Excadrill as a defensive Water-type. RestTalk sets are overly reliant on Rest to heal, meaning Primarina can be taken advantage of if it fails to get the right move when using Sleep Talk.
-Primarina faces competition from Keldeo as an offensive Water-type due to Keldeo being faster and having comparable power, but Primarina's lack of counters outside of Chansey and set versatility to fulfill defensive roles let it find a strong place in UU.

name: RestTalk
move 1: Scald
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Rest
move 4: Sleep Talk
item: Leftovers
ability: Torrent
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Paragraph 1
-Scald threatens Fairy-resistant foes like Scizor, Amoonguss, and Celesteela with a burn.
-Moonblast wipes out the likes of Zarude, Hydreigon, and Salamence and provides strong neutral coverage in general.
-Rest lets Primarina continuously check threats like Keldeo, Crawdaunt, and Salamence throughout a game. It also allows Primarina to absorb status from the likes of Hippowdon and Celesteela. I'd put Hydreigon over Crawdaunt here because it's more relevant - however, I suspect you're putting Crawdaunt here because it's more impressive/harder to check that + you need Rest Talk to really continuously check it, whereas Hydreigon you don't really need Rest, only Leftovers tbh. If that's your logic, fine. But if you wanted the more relevant mon, pick Hydreigon.
-Sleep Talk allows Primarina to utilize its excellent STAB combination to prevent it from being too passive when asleep.
-Leftovers give Primarina a method of passive recovery to take hits better from Salamence and Cobalion without getting forced into Rest.
-Heavy-Duty Boots is an option to offset entry hazard damage on teams that lack entry hazard removal.
-Maximum investment in physical Defense allows Primarina to check threats like Cobalion, Zygarde-10%, and Hippowdon more easily. Alternatively, heavy investment in Special Defense allows Primarina to reliably 1v1 Amoonguss. Seed Bomb is an other option on Amoonguss and pretty common in practice, not sure if you want to say spdef is for this, arguably its more important for like Hurricane users (mence especially relevant) and staying in on volt switchers. I'd either mention those examples or just add the word "more" in front of "reliably" since seed bomb means you aren't 100% reliable still.

Paragraph 2
-This Primarina set best fits on bulky offense and balance teams as a reliable defensive glue that counters dangerous threats like Keldeo and Hydreigon.
-Grass-types like Zarude and Tangrowth are massive threats to Primarina, so Amoonguss and Skarmory are great teammates to handle them. They both also act as additional insurance against Scizor, with the latter taking on foes like Mamoswine and Excadrill as well.
-Dhelmise and Assault Vest Tangrowth handle dangerous Electric-types like Thundurus-T and Raikou. Tangrowth also acts as a backup check to Keldeo as well as keep Primarina from being overwhelmed by Zygarde-10% and Excadrill.
-Primarina is incredibly vulnerable to Spikes without Heavy-Duty Boots, so entry hazard removal like Salamence, Excadrill, and the aforementioned Dhelmise is appreciated.
-Hippowdon deters Electric-type attacks from being directed towards Primarina and its Stealth Rock chip can slowly wear down threats like Celesteela and Rotom-W. Meanwhile, Primarina handles offensive Water-types like Keldeo and Crawduant for Hippowdon.
-Offensive Pokemon like Thundurus-T and Azelf appreciate Primarina countering Noivern and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, taking on Poison-types like Tentacruel and Amoonguss in return. Scizor can reliably switch into the likes of Chansey, Nihilego, and Tangrowth and force them out, enjoying Primarina's support against Moltres and Salamence in return.

name: 3 Attacks
move 1: Scald
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Substitute / Protect / Calm Mind
item: Leftovers
ability: Torrent
nature: Modest
evs: 212 HP / 160 SpA / 136 Spe


Paragraph 1
-This Primarina set allows it to act as a potent wallbreaker while still sustaining itself with Leftovers recovery to check threats like Keldeo.
-Primarina's usual STAB combination allow it to cover the vast majority of the tier and threaten common Pokemon like Hippowdon, Scizor, Salamence, and Cobalion.
-Ice Beam wipes out Tangrowth and Amoonguss attempting to switch into Primarina while also hitting Thundurus-T and Togekiss super effectively.
-Alternatively, Psychic covers Amoonguss and deals heavy damage to Tentacruel for teams that need extra insurance against it.
-Substitute allows Primarina to take a hit from revenge killers like Thundurus-T and Zarude and threaten heavy damage back. It can get up Substitute as it forces switches against foes like Hippowdon.
-Protect allows Primarina to scout Choice-locked threats like Diggersby and Keldeo Zarude while also allowing it to regain its health with Leftovers. I took out Keldeo since generally speaking you rather attack it than scout it, replaced it with Zarude which is another common Scarf user
-Calm Mind is an option to turn Primarina into a dangerous setup sweeper that can break past unsuspecting Tangrowth and Amoonguss switching in with ease. Maybe use Slowking as the example here since you technically already break past these guys with Ice Beam.
-Leftovers gives Primarina the longevity to take on Keldeo and Salamence more easily.
-Rindo Berry lets Primarina take a Power Whip from Zarude and Tangrowth and KO them in return, though Primarina misses the passive recovery Leftovers provides.
-Custap Berry is an option for Calm Mind sets to surprise and KO a revenge killer like Thundurus-T when in range, but is unreliable.
-136 Speed EVs let Primarina outspeed Conkeldurr. 120 Special Attack EVs guarantee the 2HKO on Assault Vest Tangrowth with Ice Beam after Stealth Rock. The remaining EVs are in HP to check the likes of Hippowdon and Keldeo more easily. I think max SpA, 136 speed, rest in HP is better but ask QC if you have not already

Paragraph 2
-This Primarina set best fits on bulky offense teams that appreciate its firepower and defensive utility, though hyper offense builds can make use of its Calm Mind set as well.
-Entry hazard support is essential in softening up switch-ins like Slowking and Tangrowth, making teammates like Nihilego, Nidoqueen, and Skarmory great partners for Primarina. Beyond setting entry hazards, Nihilego can hinder Chansey and Celesteela with Knock Off and pressure Thundurus-T. Nidoqueen also pressures Tangrowth and Amoonguss, while Skarmory can reliably take on Zarude and Scizor.
-Physical wallbreakers like Cobalion and Mamoswine break through specially defensive foes like Chansey for Primarina.
-Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth work in tandem with Primarina to check Keldeo while beating threats like Rotom-W and Thundurus-T. Amoonguss also counters enemy Tangrowth.
-Pivots like Hydreigon, Crobat, Azelf, and Rotom-H all create opportunities for Primarina to enter the field safely and wallbreak, bringing it in against foes like Hippowdon, Mandibuzz, and Hydreigon. Hydreigon can revenge kill faster threats like Thundurus-T and Rotom-W, while Azelf wears down Celesteela and Slowking for Primarina while also wiping out Nidoqueen and Nihilego. Crobat and Rotom-H take on Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth for Primarina.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Scald
item: Choice Specs
ability: Torrent
nature: Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Paragraph 1
-Ice Beam allows Primarina to devastate Amoonguss, Tapu Bulu, and Assault Vest Tangrowth with ease. Psychic retains coverage for Amoonguss and allows Primarina to break past Tentacruel.
-Scald is used as a reliable Water-type STAB to nail foes like Scizor, Hippowdon, and Galarian Slowbro without risking a Hydro Pump miss. It also threatens a burn on switch-ins like Tentacruel and Amoonguss.
-With a Choice Specs and Modest Nature, Primarina is able to 2HKO everything barring Chansey in UU, easily wiping out specially defensive tanks like Celesteela, Slowking, and Assault Vest Tangrowth.
I'd suggest considering just enough speed for 252 Conk, if you/QC like this idea, then consider writing a bullet point explaining that. Rest can be in HP.
Paragraph 2
-Choice Specs Primarina is at home on bulky offense and balance teams that provide it as many opportunities as possible to break through enemy teams while making up for its less prevalent defensive presence.
-Entry hazard support from Spikes setters like Skarmory as well as Stealth Rock setters like Nidoqueen amplifies Primarina's offensive presence, wearing down its already limited switch-ins like Amoonguss, Tentacruel, and Tangrowth in range of even resisted attacks. Nidoqueen also is useful in pressuring Cobalion and Assault Vest Tangrowth.
-Since Primarina lacks recovery and is frail on the physical end, pivots are needed to bring Primarina in safely to wallbreak. Chansey is a defensive pivot that can take on foes Primarina normally would like Salamence, Moltres, and Hydreigon as well as bring in Primarina with a slow Teleport against foes like Scizor. A Scizor of your own is useful in wearing down Celesteela with Knock Off as well as countering Chansey and Tangrowth. Thundurus-T can help Primarina overwhelm Assault Vest Tangrowth and threatens Slowking.
-Azelf, Nihilego, and the aforementioned Thundurus-T all can lure Chansey and remove its Eviolite with Knock Off, causing it to take increased damage from Hydro Pump. If Primarina is in Torrent range, it cannot switch in at all.
-Choice Scarf users like Diggersby and Hydreigon can also bring Primarina in safely against foes like Hippowdon to KO as well as revenge kill faster threats to Primarina like Raikou, Thundurus-T, and Zarude. Choice Scarf Jirachi wipes out Nihilego and provides Healing Wish Support to bring Primarina back to full health for more wallbreaking.
-Defensive Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss check Grass- and Electric-types like Zarude, Thundurus-T, and Rotom-W for Primarina. They also cover foes Primarina normally would like Keldeo, and the latter's Stun Spore can be useful in offsetting Primarina's poor Speed. Dhelmise also checks Thundurus-T and Keldeo for Primarina while keeping it from getting worn down by entry hazards.
-Physical wallbreakers like Zygarde-10% and Swords Dance Cobalion are great teammates for Primarina, wiping out Chansey. They also revenge kill faster threats like Thundurus-T and Nihilego with ease and resist key STAB moves from them. I'm very big on noting type synergy but this isjust my style, you should have discretion here.

Other Options

-Primarina can utilize a variety of Calm Mind sets to turn into a dangerous setup sweeper that can easily sweep through teams with free turns. Substitute + Calm Mind allows Primarina to setup on Amoonguss switching in and sweep enemy teams that lack a Chansey or Assault Vest Tangrowth, as its heightened bulk and increased safety net with Substitute means revenge killers like Zarude and Thundurus-T are not reliable at taking Primarina out while it heals itself with Draining Kiss and spreads burns with Scald.
-Calm Mind + Rest allows Primarina to utilize a stronger Fairy-type STAB in Moonblast while having Rest to heal itself, letting it take on foes like Keldeo easier. Snore in conjunction with Liquid Voice keeps Primarina from being too passive while asleep and lets it take down foes like Hippowdon and even Scizor with its flinch chance. However, Primarina's lack of a Water-type STAB when awake can be exploited by Fairy resistances like Scizor and Nihilego. Your discretion but I think it's worth mentioning this is one of the only sets that can reliably beat Chansey (Rest Talk can stall it though)
-Choice Scarf Primarina surprises and wipes out revenge killers like Thundurus-T and Zarude, but is still slow and fails to revenge kill setup sweepers like Gyarados and Necrozma and doesn't reach the crucial 115 base speed tier which includes Azelf and Zygarde-10%.
I'd mention Energy Ball as an option on the 3 attack set to 2HKO Slowking and threaten other water types more. I'd mention that that the 3 attack set can actually just run 4 attacks. Definitely check with QC and ask if they have experience with these ideas as they aren't very common.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Amoonguss, Dhelmise, and Assault Vest Tangrowth can switch into Primarina's STAB combination quite well, but they have to be wary of taking heavy damage from Ice Beam on offensive sets. Zarude outspeeds and OHKOes Primarina with Power Whip but can't switch in at all out of fear of taking Moonblast. Defensive Tapu Bulu needs to watch out for Ice Beam, but it has the luxury of being able to outspeed Choice Specs Primarina and scare it out with Horn Leech. All Bulu need to be wary of this. You could also lump in Bulu with the first three grasses you put and then add in a sentence saying "Bulu in particular can outspeed Primarina" or something to that effect

**Electric-types**: Raikou, Thundurus-T, and Rotom-W all outspeed and heavily pressure Primarina with their super effective attacks.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Chansey is the sole counter to all of Primarina's sets, being able to reliably switch in and whittle Primarina down with Seismic Toss while not minding any of its attacks. I'd rephrase this to say Chansey is the best general counter, since it technically loses to CM Snore and can get pp stalled by rest talk still. However, it does have to watch out for a Torrent-boosted Choice Specs Hydro Pump. Slowking can switch into Primarina's Moonblast well and pivot out to a revenge killer with Teleport, but it gets 2HKOed by Moonblast on Choice Specs sets. Tentacruel only has to watch out for Psychic but otherwise takes Primarina's STAB combination well and pressures it with Sludge Bomb. Celesteela hates Scald burns as well as a Choice Specs Hydro Pump but is able to deal heavy damage to Primarina with Heavy Slam.

- Written by: [[Monky25, 515132]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

-Primarina is one of the most versatile Pokemon in UU, utilizing its excellent typing, amazing movepool, and solid stats to serve as an integral defensive glue or a potent offensive threat.
-Water + Fairy is a typing both offensively and defensively valuable in UU, allowing Primarina to answer dangerous threats like Hydreigon, Keldeo, and Salamence while breaking past common walls like Hippowdon, Skarmory, and Mandibuzz.
-Primarina fulfills a variety of roles in UU; its RestTalk set acts as a counter to the likes of Hydreigon and Keldeo and absorbs deliberating status moves from threats like Hippowdon and Swampert, all while utilizing its potent STAB combination to threaten the enemy team.
-Primarina's 3 attacks set hones in on its great offensive potential, using coverage moves like Ice Beam and Psychic to overcome foes like Amoonguss and Tentacruel, while retaining valuable defensive utility against foes like Keldeo, allowing it to be a huge help to bulky offense and balance teams looking for a wallbreaker that can patch up defensive holes. can probably mention how its subs really punish the lots of switches it forces too which makes it really dificult to play against.
-Its Choice Specs set is one of the most fearsome wallbreakers in the tier to account for, having no safe switch-ins in UU apart from Chansey as it tears apart teams relying on Amoonguss and Tangrowth to beat it with its STABs and coverage. However, this set does lack the defensive utility appreciated by teams looking to use Primarina.
-Primarina’s fatal flaw is its Speed; leaving it very vulnerable to getting overwhelmed in a game by faster foes like Thundurus-T, Nihilego, and Zarude that threaten it with super effective damage.
-Its physical Defense is quite subpar if lacking any investment, limiting Primarina's ability to check threats like Mamoswine, Cobalion, and Excadrill as a defensive Water-type. RestTalk sets are overly reliant on Rest to heal, meaning Primarina can be taken advantage of if it fails to get the right move when using Sleep Talk.
-Primarina faces competition from Keldeo as an offensive Water-type due to Keldeo being faster and having comparable power, but Primarina's lack of counters outside of Chansey and set versatility to fulfill defensive roles let it find a strong place in UU.

name: RestTalk
move 1: Scald
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Rest
move 4: Sleep Talk
item: Leftovers
ability: Torrent
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Paragraph 1
-Scald threatens Fairy-resistant foes like Scizor, Amoonguss, and Celesteela with a burn.
-Moonblast wipes out the likes of Zarude, Hydreigon, and Salamence and provides strong neutral coverage in general.
-Rest lets Primarina continuously check threats like Keldeo, Crawdaunt, and Salamence throughout a game. It also allows Primarina to absorb status from the likes of Hippowdon and Celesteela.
-Sleep Talk allows Primarina to utilize its excellent STAB combination to prevent it from being too passive when asleep.
-Leftovers give Primarina a method of passive recovery to take hits better from Salamence and Cobalion without getting forced into Rest.
-Heavy-Duty Boots is an option to offset entry hazard damage on teams that lack entry hazard removal. could perhaps mention how it ends up limiting prims recovery in a 1v1 after resting etc, and that it only tends to outperform lefties if you are dealing with spikes too.
-Maximum investment in physical Defense allows Primarina to check threats like Cobalion, Zygarde-10%, and Hippowdon more easily. Alternatively, heavy investment in Special Defense allows Primarina to more reliably 1v1 Amoonguss and take on strong special attackers like Salamence and Moltres.

Paragraph 2
-This Primarina set best fits on bulky offense and balance teams as a reliable defensive glue that counters dangerous threats like Keldeo and Hydreigon.
-Grass-types like Zarude and Tangrowth are massive threats to Primarina, so Amoonguss and Skarmory are great teammates to handle them. They both also act as additional insurance against Scizor, with the latter taking on foes like Mamoswine and Excadrill as well.
-Dhelmise and Assault Vest Tangrowth handle dangerous Electric-types like Thundurus-T and Raikou. Tangrowth also acts as a backup check to Keldeo as well as keep Primarina from being overwhelmed by Zygarde-10% and Excadrill.
-Primarina is incredibly vulnerable to Spikes without Heavy-Duty Boots, so entry hazard removal like Salamence, Excadrill, and the aforementioned Dhelmise is appreciated. exca is kinda a weird example if focusing on spikes but can always reword this a little
-Hippowdon deters Electric-type attacks from being directed towards Primarina and its Stealth Rock chip can slowly wear down threats like Celesteela and Rotom-W. Meanwhile, Primarina handles offensive Water-types like Keldeo and Crawduant for Hippowdon.
-Offensive Pokemon like Thundurus-T and Azelf appreciate Primarina countering Noivern and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, taking on Poison-types like Tentacruel and Amoonguss in return. Scizor can reliably switch into the likes of Chansey, Nihilego, and Tangrowth and force them out, enjoying Primarina's support against Moltres and Salamence in return.

name: 3 Attacks
move 1: Scald
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Substitute / Protect / Calm Mind
item: Leftovers
ability: Torrent
nature: Modest
evs: 212 HP / 160 SpA / 136 Spe


Paragraph 1
-This Primarina set allows it to act as a potent wallbreaker while still sustaining itself with Leftovers recovery to check threats like Keldeo.
-Primarina's usual STAB combination allow it to cover the vast majority of the tier and threaten common Pokemon like Hippowdon, Scizor, Salamence, and Cobalion.
-Ice Beam wipes out Tangrowth and Amoonguss attempting to switch into Primarina while also hitting Thundurus-T and Togekiss super effectively.
-Alternatively, Psychic covers Amoonguss and deals heavy damage to Tentacruel for teams that need extra insurance against it.
-Substitute allows Primarina to take a hit from revenge killers like Thundurus-T and Zarude and threaten heavy damage back. It can get up Substitute as it forces switches against foes like Hippowdon. can talk about it easing prediction too which is p valuable
-Protect allows Primarina to scout Choice-locked threats like Diggersby and Zarude while also allowing it to regain its health with Leftovers.
-Calm Mind is an option to turn Primarina into a dangerous setup sweeper that can break past unsuspecting Tangrowth and Amoonguss switching in with ease.
-Leftovers gives Primarina the longevity to take on Keldeo and Salamence more easily.
-Rindo Berry lets Primarina take a Power Whip from Zarude and Tangrowth and KO them in return, though Primarina misses the passive recovery Leftovers provides. probably mention about not running this with substitute (slightly obvious but probably not immediately to all readers honestly)
-Custap Berry is an option for Calm Mind sets to surprise and KO a revenge killer like Thundurus-T when in range, but is unreliable.
-136 Speed EVs let Primarina outspeed Conkeldurr. 120 160 Special Attack EVs guarantee the 2HKO on Assault Vest Tangrowth with Ice Beam after Stealth Rock. The remaining EVs are in HP to check the likes of Hippowdon and Keldeo more easily.

Paragraph 2
-This Primarina set best fits on bulky offense teams that appreciate its firepower and defensive utility, though hyper offense builds can make use of its Calm Mind set as well.
-Entry hazard support is essential in softening up switch-ins like Slowking and Tangrowth, making teammates like Nihilego, Nidoqueen, and Skarmory great partners for Primarina. Beyond setting entry hazards, Nihilego can hinder Chansey and Celesteela with Knock Off and pressure Thundurus-T. Nidoqueen also pressures Tangrowth and Amoonguss, while Skarmory can reliably take on Zarude and Scizor.
-Physical wallbreakers like Cobalion and Mamoswine break through specially defensive foes like Chansey for Primarina.
-Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth work in tandem with Primarina to check Keldeo while beating threats like Rotom-W and Thundurus-T. Amoonguss also counters enemy Tangrowth. linking into this point can probably mention somewhere that you should avoid taking too much damage early with prim checking some of thist stuff like keld and focus more on using your other checks like those.
-Pivots like Hydreigon, Crobat, Azelf, and Rotom-H all create opportunities for Primarina to enter the field safely and wallbreak, bringing it in against foes like Hippowdon, Mandibuzz, and Hydreigon. Hydreigon can revenge kill faster threats like Thundurus-T and Rotom-W, while Azelf wears down Celesteela and Slowking for Primarina while also wiping out Nidoqueen and Nihilego. Crobat and Rotom-H take on Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth for Primarina.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Scald
item: Choice Specs
ability: Torrent
nature: Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Paragraph 1
-Ice Beam allows Primarina to devastate Amoonguss, Tapu Bulu, and Assault Vest Tangrowth with ease. Psychic retains coverage for Amoonguss and allows Primarina to break past Tentacruel.
-Scald is used as a reliable Water-type STAB to nail foes like Scizor, Hippowdon, and Galarian Slowbro without risking a Hydro Pump miss. It also threatens a burn on switch-ins like Tentacruel and Amoonguss. honestly im tempted to have a section mentioning some of the damage rolls that Hydro Pump can get that you should be clicking it for, the 2HKO on chansey after rocks with tiny chip if in torrent range is a cool one you can mention that specs specifically lets you get too somewhere in here.
-With a Choice Specs and Modest Nature, Primarina is able to 2HKO everything barring Chansey in UU, easily wiping out specially defensive tanks like Celesteela, Slowking, and Assault Vest Tangrowth.

Paragraph 2
-Choice Specs Primarina is at home on bulky offense and balance teams that provide it as many opportunities as possible to break through enemy teams while making up for its less prevalent defensive presence.
-Entry hazard support from Spikes setters like Skarmory as well as Stealth Rock setters like Nidoqueen amplifies Primarina's offensive presence, wearing down its already limited switch-ins like Amoonguss, Tentacruel, and Tangrowth in range of even resisted attacks. Nidoqueen also is useful in pressuring Cobalion and Assault Vest Tangrowth,
-Since Primarina lacks recovery and is frail on the physical end, pivots are needed to bring Primarina in safely to wallbreak. Chansey is a defensive pivot that can take on foes Primarina normally would like Salamence, Moltres, and Hydreigon as well as bring in Primarina with a slow Teleport against foes like Scizor. A Scizor of your own is useful in wearing down Celesteela with Knock Off as well as countering Chansey and Tangrowth. Thundurus-T can help Primarina overwhelm Assault Vest Tangrowth and threatens Slowking.
-Azelf, Nihilego, and the aforementioned Thundurus-T all can lure Chansey and remove its Eviolite with Knock Off, causing it to take increased damage from Hydro Pump. If Primarina is in Torrent range, it cannot switch in at all.
-Choice Scarf users like Diggersby and Hydreigon can also bring Primarina in safely against foes like Hippowdon to KO as well as revenge kill faster threats to Primarina like Raikou, Thundurus-T, and Zarude. Choice Scarf Jirachi wipes out Nihilego and provides Healing Wish Support to bring Primarina back to full health for more wallbreaking.
-Defensive Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss check Grass- and Electric-types like Zarude, Thundurus-T, and Rotom-W for Primarina. They also cover foes Primarina normally would like Keldeo, and the latter's Stun Spore can be useful in offsetting Primarina's poor Speed. Dhelmise also checks Thundurus-T and Keldeo for Primarina while keeping it from getting worn down by entry hazards.
-Physical wallbreakers like Zygarde-10% and Swords Dance Cobalion are great teammates for Primarina, wiping out Chansey. They also revenge kill faster threats like Thundurus-T and Nihilego with ease.

Other Options

-Primarina can utilize a variety of Calm Mind sets to turn into a dangerous setup sweeper that can easily sweep through teams with free turns. Substitute + Calm Mind allows Primarina to setup on Amoonguss switching in and sweep enemy teams that lack a Chansey or Assault Vest Tangrowth, as its heightened bulk and increased safety net with Substitute means revenge killers like Zarude and Thundurus-T are not reliable at taking Primarina out while it heals itself with Draining Kiss and spreads burns with Scald.
-Calm Mind + Rest allows Primarina to utilize a stronger Fairy-type STAB in Moonblast while having Rest to heal itself, letting it take on foes like Keldeo easier. Snore in conjunction with Liquid Voice keeps Primarina from being too passive while asleep and lets it take down foes like Hippowdon and even Scizor with its flinch chance. However, Primarina's lack of a Water-type STAB when awake can be exploited by Fairy-type resists like Scizor and Nihilego. mention that its the only set that lets it beat chansey in a 1v1 too for teams too reliant on chansey to cover it.
-Choice Scarf Primarina surprises and wipes out revenge killers like Thundurus-T and Zarude, but is still slow and fails to revenge kill setup sweepers like Gyarados and Necrozma and doesn't reach the crucial 115 base speed tier which includes Azelf and Zygarde-10%.
-Energy Ball can be used over Substitute or Protect on the 3 attacks set to 2HKO Slowking and threaten Rotom-W and opposing Primarina more.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Amoonguss, Dhelmise, and Assault Vest Tangrowth can switch into Primarina's STAB combination quite well, but they have to be wary of taking heavy damage from Ice Beam on offensive sets. can mention how dhelm has to be very wary of scald burns too. Zarude outspeeds and OHKOes Primarina with Power Whip but can't switch in at all out of fear of taking Moonblast. Tapu Bulu needs to watch out for Ice Beam, but it has the luxury of being able to outspeed Choice Specs Primarina and scare it out with Horn Leech.

**Electric-types**: Raikou, Thundurus-T, and Rotom-W all outspeed and heavily pressure Primarina with their super effective attacks.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Chansey is the best general counter to all of Primarina's sets, being able to reliably switch in and whittle Primarina down with Seismic Toss while not minding any of its attacks. However, it does have to watch out for a Torrent-boosted Choice Specs Hydro Pump. Slowking can switch into Primarina's Moonblast well and pivot out to a revenge killer with Teleport, but it gets 2HKOed by Moonblast on Choice Specs sets. Tentacruel only has to watch out for Psychic but otherwise takes Primarina's STAB combination well and pressures it with Sludge Bomb. Celesteela hates Scald burns as well as a Choice Specs Hydro Pump but is able to deal heavy damage to Primarina with Heavy Slam.

- Written by: [[Monky25, 515132]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

can make this qc 1/2.

Primarina is one of the most versatile Pokemon in UU, utilizing its excellent typing, amazing movepool, and solid stats to serve as an integral defensive glue or potent offensive threat. Water + Fairy is a typing both offensively and defensively valuable in UU, allowing Primarina to answer dangerous threats like Hydreigon, Keldeo, and Salamence while breaking past common walls like Hippowdon and Skarmory. Primarina fulfills a variety of roles in UU; its RestTalk set acts as a counter to the likes of Hydreigon and Keldeo and absorbs deliberating status moves from threats like Hippowdon and Swampert while utilizing its potent STAB combination to threaten the enemy team. Meanwhile, Primarina's 3 attacks set hones in on its great offensive potential, using coverage moves like Ice Beam and Psychic to overcome foes like Amoonguss and Tentacruel and Substitute to ease prediction by taking advantage of the many switches it forces, while retaining valuable defensive utility against foes like Keldeo, allowing it to be a huge help to bulky offense and balance teams looking for a wallbreaker that can patch up defensive holes. Its Choice Specs set is one of the most fearsome wallbreakers in the tier to account for, having no safe switch-ins in UU apart from Chansey, tearing apart teams relying on Amoonguss and Tangrowth to beat it with its STABs and coverage feel like there should be more emphasis on choice specs bein worse than 3 attacks. However, this set does lack the defensive utility appreciated by teams looking to use Primarina. Primarina’s fatal flaw is its Speed; leaving it very vulnerable to getting overwhelmed in a game by faster foes like Thundurus-T, Nihilego, and Zarude that threaten it with super effective damage. Its physical Defense is quite subpar if lacking any investment, limiting Primarina's ability to check threats like Mamoswine, Cobalion, and Excadrill as a defensive Water-type. RestTalk sets are overly reliant on Rest to heal, meaning Primarina can be taken advantage of if it fails to get the right move when using Sleep Talk. Primarina faces competition from Keldeo as an offensive Water-type due to Keldeo being faster and having comparable power, but Primarina's lack of counters outside of Chansey and set versatility to fulfill defensive roles let it find a strong place in UU.

name: RestTalk
move 1: Scald
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Rest
move 4: Sleep Talk
item: Leftovers
ability: Torrent
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Scald threatens Fairy-resistant foes like Scizor, Amoonguss, and Celesteela with a burn. Moonblast wipes out the likes of Zarude, Hydreigon, and Salamence and provides strong neutral coverage in general. Rest lets Primarina continuously check threats like Keldeo, Crawdaunt, and Salamence throughout a game. It also allows Primarina to absorb status from the likes of Hippowdon and Celesteela. Sleep Talk allows Primarina to utilize its excellent STAB combination to prevent it from being too passive when asleep. Leftovers give Primarina a method of passive recovery to take hits better from Salamence and Cobalion without getting forced into Rest. Heavy-Duty Boots is an option to offset entry hazard damage on teams that lack entry hazard removal. However, the lack of Leftovers limits Primarina's recovery when asleep after using Rest and only outperforms Leftovers against Spikes teams are there any 2/3 kos avoided by lefties? also can mention it as an option on teams that struggle to fit a remover. Maximum investment in physical Defense allows Primarina to check threats like Cobalion, Zygarde-10%, and Hippowdon more easily. Alternatively, heavy investment in Special Defense allows Primarina to more reliably 1v1 Amoonguss and better take on strong special attackers like Salamence and Azelf.

This Primarina set best fits on bulky offense and balance teams as a reliable defensive glue that counters dangerous threats like Keldeo and Hydreigon. Grass-types like Zarude and Tangrowth are massive threats to Primarina, so Amoonguss and Skarmory are great teammates to handle them. They both also act as additional insurance against Scizor, with the latter taking on foes like Mamoswine and Excadrill as well. Dhelmise and Assault Vest Tangrowth handle dangerous Electric-types like Thundurus-T and Raikou. Tangrowth also acts as a backup check to Keldeo and keeps Primarina from being overwhelmed by Zygarde-10% and Excadrill. Primarina is incredibly vulnerable to Spikes without Heavy-Duty Boots, so entry hazard removal like Salamence, Excadrill, and the aforementioned Dhelmise is appreciated. Hippowdon deters Electric-type attacks from being directed towards Primarina and its Stealth Rock chip can slowly wear down threats like Celesteela and Rotom-W. Meanwhile, Primarina handles offensive Water-types like Keldeo and Crawduant for Hippowdon. Offensive Pokemon like Thundurus-T and Azelf appreciate Primarina countering Noivern and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, taking on Poison-types like Tentacruel and Amoonguss in return. Scizor can reliably switch into the likes of Chansey, Nihilego, and Tangrowth and force them out, enjoying Primarina's support against Moltres and Salamence in return.

name: 3 Attacks
move 1: Scald
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Substitute / Protect / Calm Mind
item: Leftovers
ability: Torrent
nature: Modest
evs: 212 HP / 160 SpA / 136 Spe


This Primarina set allows it to act as a potent wallbreaker while still sustaining itself with Leftovers recovery to check threats like Keldeo. Primarina's usual STAB combination allow it to cover the vast majority of the tier and threaten common Pokemon like Hippowdon, Scizor, Salamence, and Cobalion. Ice Beam wipes out Tangrowth and Amoonguss attempting to switch into Primarina while also hitting Thundurus-T and Togekiss super effectively. Alternatively, Psychic covers Amoonguss and deals heavy damage to Tentacruel for teams that need extra insurance against it. Substitute allows Primarina to take a hit from revenge killers like Thundurus-T and Zarude and threaten heavy damage back while easing prediction reliance. It can get up Substitute as it forces switches against foes like Hippowdon. Protect allows Primarina to scout Choice-locked threats like Diggersby and Zarude while also allowing it to regain its health with Leftovers. Calm Mind is an option to turn Primarina into a dangerous setup sweeper that can break past unsuspecting Tangrowth and Amoonguss switching in with ease could b worthwhile mentioning running more spa for this for a higher benchmark u get with +1. Leftovers gives Primarina the longevity to take on Keldeo and Salamence more easily. Rindo Berry lets Primarina take a Power Whip from Zarude and Tangrowth and KO them in return, though Primarina misses the passive recovery Leftovers provides and should typically be run when using Protect or Calm Mind. 136 Speed EVs let Primarina outspeed Conkeldurr. 160 Special Attack EVs guarantee the 2HKO on Assault Vest Tangrowth with Ice Beam after Stealth Rock. The remaining EVs are in HP to check the likes of Hippowdon and Keldeo more easily.

This Primarina set best fits on bulky offense teams that appreciate its firepower and defensive utility. Entry hazard support is essential in softening up switch-ins like Slowking and Tangrowth, making teammates like Nihilego, Nidoqueen, and Skarmory great partners for Primarina. Beyond setting entry hazards, Nihilego can hinder Chansey and Celesteela with Knock Off and pressure Thundurus-T. Nidoqueen pressures Tangrowth and Amoonguss, while Skarmory can reliably take on Zarude and Scizor. Physical wallbreakers like Cobalion and Mamoswine break through specially defensive foes like Chansey for Primarina. Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth work in tandem with Primarina to check Keldeo while beating threats like Rotom-W and Thundurus-T. Amoonguss also counters enemy Tangrowth. These Pokemon should be used as primary checks to the aforementioned Keldeo so Primarina can focus on wallbreaking more. Pivots like Hydreigon, Crobat, Azelf, and Rotom-H all create opportunities for Primarina to enter the field safely and wallbreak, bringing it in against foes like Hippowdon, Mandibuzz, and opposing Hydreigon. Choice Scarf Hydreigon can revenge kill faster threats like Thundurus-T and Rotom-W, while Azelf wears down Celesteela and Slowking kinda iffy for wearing down king, would prob replace or use a mon other than azelf for Primarina and wipes out Nidoqueen and Nihilego. Crobat and Rotom-H take on Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth for Primarina.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Scald
item: Choice Specs
ability: Torrent
nature: Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Ice Beam allows Primarina to destroy Amoonguss, Tapu Bulu, and Assault Vest Tangrowth with ease. Psychic retains coverage for Amoonguss and allows Primarina to break past Tentacruel. Scald is used as a reliable Water-type STAB to nail foes like Scizor, Hippowdon, and Galarian Slowbro without risking a Hydro Pump miss. It also threatens a burn on switch-ins like Tentacruel and Amoonguss. With a Choice Specs and Modest Nature, Primarina is able to 2HKO everything barring Chansey in UU, easily wiping out specially defensive tanks like Celesteela, Slowking, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. Chansey itself is even at risk of being 2HKOed by Torrent-boosted Hydro Pump if it has taken a bit of chip.

Choice Specs Primarina is at home on bulky offense and balance teams that provide it as many opportunities as possible to break through enemy teams while making up for its less prevalent defensive presence. Entry hazard support from Spikes setters like Skarmory as well as Stealth Rock setters like Nidoqueen amplifies Primarina's offensive presence, wearing down its already limited switch-ins like Amoonguss, Tentacruel, and Tangrowth in range of even resisted attacks. Nidoqueen also is useful in pressuring Cobalion and Assault Vest Tangrowth, Since Primarina lacks recovery and is frail on the physical end, pivots are needed to bring Primarina in safely to wallbreak. Chansey is a defensive pivot that can take on foes Primarina normally would like Salamence, Moltres, and Hydreigon as well as bring in Primarina with a slow Teleport against foes like Scizor. A Scizor of your own is useful in wearing down Celesteela with Knock Off as well as countering Chansey and Tangrowth. Azelf and Nihilego can lure Chansey and remove its Eviolite with Knock Off, causing it to take increased damage from Hydro Pump. If Primarina is in Torrent range, it cannot switch in at all. Choice Scarf users like Diggersby and Hydreigon can also bring Primarina in safely against foes like Hippowdon to KO as well as revenge kill faster threats to Primarina like Raikou, Thundurus-T, and Zarude. Choice Scarf Jirachi wipes out Nihilego and provides Healing Wish Support to bring Primarina back to full health for more wallbreaking scarf jirachi is like soooo bad if you keep it elaborate on mons it gets prim in on w uturn, or just use another example here. Defensive Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss check Grass- and Electric-types like Zarude, Thundurus-T, and Rotom-W for Primarina. They also cover foes Primarina normally would like Keldeo, and the latter's Stun Spore can be useful in offsetting Primarina's poor Speed. Dhelmise also checks Thundurus-T and Keldeo for Primarina while keeping it from getting worn down by entry hazards. Physical wallbreakers like Zygarde-10% and Swords Dance Cobalion are great teammates for Primarina, wiping out Chansey. They also revenge kill faster threats like Thundurus-T and Nihilego with ease.
mention pokemon like steela being able to scout w tect

Other Options

Energy Ball can be used over Substitute or Protect on the 3 attacks set to 2HKO Slowking and threaten Rotom-W and opposing Primarina more. Custap Berry is an option for the Calm Mind + 3 attacks set to surprise and KO a revenge killer like Thundurus-T when in range, but is unreliable. Primarina can utilize a variety of Calm Mind sets to turn into a dangerous setup sweeper that can easily sweep through teams with free turns. Substitute + Calm Mind allows Primarina to setup on Amoonguss switching in and sweep enemy teams that lack a Chansey or Assault Vest Tangrowth, as its heightened bulk and increased safety net with Substitute means revenge killers like Zarude and Thundurus-T are not reliable at taking Primarina out while it heals itself with Draining Kiss and spreads burns with Scald. Calm Mind + Rest allows Primarina to utilize a stronger Fairy-type STAB in Moonblast while having Rest to heal itself, letting it take on foes like Keldeo easier. Snore in conjunction with Liquid Voice keeps Primarina from being too passive while asleep and lets it take down foes like Hippowdon and even Scizor with its flinch chance. This Primarina set is its only set that can beat Chansey in a 1v1. However, Primarina's lack of a Water-type STAB when awake can be exploited by Fairy-type resists like Scizor and Nihilego. Choice Scarf Primarina surprises and wipes out revenge killers like Thundurus-T and Zarude, but is still slow and fails to revenge kill setup sweepers like Gyarados and Necrozma and doesn't reach the crucial 115 base speed tier which includes Azelf and Zygarde-10%.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Amoonguss, Dhelmise, and Assault Vest Tangrowth can switch into Primarina's STAB combination quite well, but they have to be wary of taking heavy damage from Ice Beam on offensive sets. Dhelmise also needs to be very wary of Scald burns. Zarude outspeeds and OHKOes Primarina with Power Whip but can't switch in at all out of fear of taking Moonblast. Tapu Bulu needs to watch out for Ice Beam, but it has the luxury of being able to outspeed Choice Specs Primarina and scare it out with Horn Leech.

**Electric-types**: Raikou, Thundurus-T, and Rotom-W all outspeed and heavily pressure Primarina with their super effective attacks. mention calm mind variants being hard for them to revenge

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Chansey is the best general counter to all of Primarina's sets, being able to reliably switch in and whittle Primarina down with Seismic Toss while not minding any of its attacks. However, it does have to watch out for a Torrent-boosted Choice Specs Hydro Pump. Slowking can switch into Primarina's Moonblast well and pivot out to a revenge killer with Teleport, but it gets 2HKOed by Moonblast on Choice Specs sets. Tentacruel only has to watch out for Psychic but otherwise takes Primarina's STAB combination well and pressures it with Sludge Bomb. Celesteela hates Scald burns as well as a Choice Specs Hydro Pump but is able to deal heavy damage to Primarina with Heavy Slam.

- Written by: [[Monky25, 515132]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
gj 2/2
add remove comments

Primarina is one of the most versatile Pokemon in UU, utilizing its excellent typing, amazing movepool, and solid stats to serve as an integral defensive glue or potent offensive threat. Water + Fairy is a typing both offensively and defensively valuable in UU, allowing Primarina to answer dangerous threats like Hydreigon, Keldeo, and Salamence while breaking past common walls like Hippowdon and Skarmory. Primarina fulfills a variety of roles in UU; its RestTalk set acts as a counter to the likes of Hydreigon and Keldeo and absorbs deliberating status moves from threats like Hippowdon and Swampert while utilizing its potent STAB combination to threaten the enemy team. Meanwhile, Primarina's 3 attacks set hones in on its great offensive potential, using coverage moves like Ice Beam and Psychic to overcome foes like Amoonguss and Tentacruel,(AC) and Substitute to ease prediction by taking advantage of the many switches it forces while retaining valuable defensive utility against foes like Keldeo, allowing it to be a huge help to bulky offense and balance teams looking for a wallbreaker that can patch up defensive holes. Its Choice Specs set is one of the most fearsome wallbreakers in the tier to account for, having no safe switch-ins in UU apart from Chansey, tearing apart teams relying on Amoonguss and Tangrowth to beat it with its STABs and coverage. However, this set does lack the defensive utility appreciated by teams looking to use Primarina, and the 3 attacks set typically outdoes it as a wallbreaker due to netting the same KOes and having more defensive utility. Primarina’s fatal flaw is its Speed,(AC) leaving it very vulnerable to getting overwhelmed in a game by faster foes like Thundurus-T, Nihilego, and Zarude that threaten it with super effective damage. Its physical Defense is quite subpar if lacking any investment, limiting Primarina's ability to check threats like Mamoswine, Cobalion, and Excadrill as a defensive Water-type. RestTalk sets are overly reliant on Rest to heal, meaning Primarina can be taken advantage of if it fails to get the right move when using Sleep Talk. Primarina faces competition from Keldeo as an offensive Water-type due to Keldeo being faster and having comparable power, but Primarina's lack of counters outside of Chansey and set versatility to fulfill defensive roles let it find a strong place niche in UU.

name: RestTalk
move 1: Scald
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Rest
move 4: Sleep Talk
item: Leftovers
ability: Torrent
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Scald threatens Fairy-resistant foes like Scizor, Amoonguss, and Celesteela with a burn. Moonblast wipes out the likes of Zarude, Hydreigon, and Salamence and provides strong neutral coverage in general. Rest lets Primarina continuously check threats like Keldeo, Crawdaunt, and Salamence throughout a game. It also lets Primarina absorb status from the likes of Hippowdon and Celesteela. Sleep Talk allows Primarina to utilize its excellent STAB combination to prevent it from being too passive when asleep. Leftovers give Primarina a method of passive recovery to take hits better from Salamence and Cobalion without getting forced into Rest. Heavy-Duty Boots is an option to offset entry hazard damage on teams that lack entry hazard removal. However, the lack of Leftovers recovery limits Primarina's recovery usefulness when asleep after using Rest and only outperforms it's only a better choice over (i felt the wording was confusing before) Leftovers against Spikes teams. Maximum investment in physical Defense allows Primarina to check threats like Cobalion, Zygarde-10%, and Hippowdon more easily. Alternatively, heavy investment in Special Defense allows Primarina to more reliably 1v1 Amoonguss and better take on strong special attackers like Salamence and Azelf.

This Primarina set best fits on bulky offense and balance teams as a reliable defensive glue that counters dangerous threats like Keldeo and Hydreigon. Grass-types like Zarude and Tangrowth are massive threats to Primarina, so Amoonguss and Skarmory are great teammates to handle them. They both also act as additional insurance against Scizor, with the latter taking on foes like Mamoswine and Excadrill as well. Dhelmise and Assault Vest Tangrowth handle dangerous Electric-types like Thundurus-T and Raikou. Tangrowth also acts as a backup check to Keldeo and keeps Primarina from being overwhelmed by Zygarde-10% and Excadrill. Primarina is incredibly vulnerable to Spikes without Heavy-Duty Boots, so entry hazard removal like Salamence, Excadrill, and the aforementioned Dhelmise is appreciated. Hippowdon deters Electric-type attacks from being directed towards takes on Electric-types for Primarina and its Stealth Rock chip can slowly wear down threats like Celesteela and Rotom-W. Meanwhile, Primarina defeats offensive Water-types like Keldeo and Crawduant Crawdaunt for Hippowdon. Offensive Pokemon like Thundurus-T and Azelf appreciate Primarina countering Noivern and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, taking on Poison-types like Tentacruel and Amoonguss in return. Scizor can reliably switch into the likes of Chansey, Nihilego, and Tangrowth and force them out, enjoying Primarina's support against Moltres and Salamence in return.

name: 3 Attacks
move 1: Scald
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Substitute / Protect / Calm Mind
item: Leftovers
ability: Torrent
nature: Modest
evs: 212 HP / 160 SpA / 136 Spe


This Primarina set allows it to act as a potent wallbreaker while still sustaining itself with Leftovers recovery to check threats like Keldeo. Primarina's usual STAB combination allows it to cover the vast majority of the tier and threaten common Pokemon like Hippowdon, Scizor, Salamence, and Cobalion. Ice Beam wipes out Tangrowth and Amoonguss attempting to switch into Primarina while also hitting Thundurus-T and Togekiss super effectively. Alternatively, Psychic covers Amoonguss and deals heavy damage to Tentacruel for teams that need extra insurance against it. Substitute allows Primarina to take a hit from revenge killers like Thundurus-T and Zarude and threaten heavy damage back while easing prediction reliance. It can get up Substitute as it forces switches against foes like Hippowdon. Protect allows Primarina to scout Choice-locked threats like Diggersby and Zarude while also helping it regain its health with Leftovers. Calm Mind is an option to turn Primarina into a dangerous setup sweeper that can break past unsuspecting Tangrowth and Amoonguss switching in with ease thinking they can switch in for free (did you mean something like this?). Leftovers gives Primarina the longevity to take on Keldeo and Salamence more easily. Rindo Berry lets Primarina take a Power Whip from Zarude and Tangrowth and KO them in return, though Primarina misses the passive recovery Leftovers provides and should typically be run when using Protect or Calm Mind. 136 Speed EVs let Primarina outspeed Conkeldurr. 160 Special Attack EVs guarantee the 2HKO on Assault Vest Tangrowth with Ice Beam after Stealth Rock. The remaining EVs are in HP to check the likes of Hippowdon and Keldeo more easily.

This Primarina set best fits on bulky offense teams that appreciate its firepower and defensive utility. Entry hazard support is essential in softening up switch-ins like Slowking and Tangrowth, making teammates like Nihilego, Nidoqueen, and Skarmory great partners for Primarina. Beyond setting entry hazards, Nihilego can hinder Chansey and Celesteela with Knock Off and pressure Thundurus-T. Nidoqueen pressures Tangrowth and Amoonguss, while Skarmory can reliably take on Zarude and Scizor. Physical wallbreakers like Cobalion and Mamoswine break through specially defensive foes like Chansey for Primarina. Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth work in tandem with Primarina to check Keldeo while beating threats like Rotom-W and Thundurus-T. Amoonguss also counters enemy Tangrowth. These Pokemon should be used as primary checks to the aforementioned Keldeo so Primarina can focus on wallbreaking more. Pivots like Hydreigon, Crobat, Azelf, and Rotom-H all create opportunities for Primarina to enter the field safely and wallbreak, bringing it in against foes like Hippowdon, Mandibuzz, and opposing Hydreigon. Choice Scarf Hydreigon can revenge kill faster threats like Thundurus-T and Rotom-W, while Azelf wears down Celesteela for Primarina and wipes out Nidoqueen and Nihilego. Crobat and Rotom-H take on Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth for Primarina.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Scald
item: Choice Specs
ability: Torrent
nature: Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Ice Beam allows Primarina to destroy Amoonguss, Tapu Bulu, and Assault Vest Tangrowth with ease. Psychic retains coverage for Amoonguss and allows Primarina to break past Tentacruel. Scald is used as a reliable Water-type STAB to nail foes like Scizor, Hippowdon, and Galarian Slowbro without risking a Hydro Pump miss. It also threatens a burn on switch-ins like Tentacruel and Amoonguss. With a Choice Specs and Modest Nature, Primarina is able to 2HKO everything barring Chansey in UU, easily wiping out specially defensive tanks like Celesteela, Slowking, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. Chansey itself is even at risk of being 2HKOed by Torrent-boosted Hydro Pump if it has taken a bit of chip.

Choice Specs Primarina is at home on bulky offense and balance teams that provide it as many opportunities as possible to break through enemy teams while making up for its less prevalent defensive presence free switches to wallbreak while covering its defenses. Entry hazard support from Spikes setters like Skarmory as well as Stealth Rock setters like Nidoqueen amplifies Primarina's offensive presence, wearing down its already limited switch-ins like Amoonguss, Tentacruel, and Tangrowth in range of even resisted attacks. Nidoqueen also is useful in pressuring Cobalion and Assault Vest Tangrowth. Since Primarina lacks recovery and is frail on the physical end has low Defense, pivots are needed to bring Primarina in safely to wallbreak. Chansey is a defensive pivot that can take on foes Primarina normally would,(AC) like Salamence, Moltres, and Hydreigon,(AC) as well as bring in Primarina with a slow Teleport against foes like Scizor. A Scizor of your own is useful in wearing down Celesteela with Knock Off as well as countering Chansey and Tangrowth. Defensive Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss check Grass- and Electric-types like Zarude, Thundurus-T, and Rotom-W for Primarina. They also cover foes Primarina normally would,(AC) like Keldeo, and the latter's Stun Spore can be useful in offsetting Primarina's poor Speed. Dhelmise also checks Thundurus-T and Keldeo for Primarina while keeping it from getting worn down by entry hazards. Celesteela can scout Primarina's attack with Protect, so teammates that can threaten Celesteela,(AC) like Raikou,(AC) and the aforementioned Assault Vest Tangrowth work well work well (this feels really out of place since you start the sentence looking like you'll talk about celesteela and then put tang in the middle. makes it sound like tang can threaten steela. i'd suggest removing this or finding somewhere else in the analysis to put it). Azelf and Nihilego can lure in Chansey and remove its Eviolite with Knock Off, causing it to take increased damage from Hydro Pump making it easier to break through. If Primarina is in Torrent range, it Chansey cannot switch in at all. Choice Scarf users like Diggersby and Hydreigon can also bring Primarina in safely against foes like Hippowdon,(AC) to KO as well as revenge kill faster threats to for Primarina like Raikou, Thundurus-T, and Zarude. Physical wallbreakers like Zygarde-10% and Swords Dance Cobalion are great teammates for Primarina, wiping out Chansey and Celesteela. They also revenge kill faster threats like Thundurus-T and Nihilego with ease.

Other Options

Energy Ball can be used over Substitute or Protect as the last move on the 3 attacks set to 2HKO Slowking and threaten Rotom-W and opposing Primarina more. Custap Berry is an option for the Calm Mind + 3 attacks set to surprise and KO a revenge killer like Thundurus-T when in range, but is unreliable. Primarina can utilize a variety of Calm Mind sets to turn into a dangerous setup sweeper that can easily sweep through teams with free turns. Substitute + Calm Mind allows Primarina to setup on Amoonguss switching in and sweep enemy teams that lack a Chansey or Assault Vest Tangrowth, as its heightened bulk and increased safety net with Substitute means revenge killers like Zarude and Thundurus-T are not reliable at taking Primarina out while it heals itself with Draining Kiss and spreads burns with Scald. Calm Mind + Rest allows Primarina to utilize a stronger Fairy-type STAB in Moonblast while having Rest to heal itself, letting it take on foes like Keldeo easier. Snore in conjunction with Liquid Voice keeps Primarina from being too passive while asleep and lets it take down foes like Hippowdon and even Scizor with its flinch chance. This Primarina set is its only set that can beat Chansey in a 1v1. However, Primarina's lack of a Water-type STAB when awake can be exploited by Fairy-type resists like Scizor and Nihilego. Choice Scarf Primarina surprises and wipes out revenge killers like Thundurus-T and Zarude, but is still slow and fails to revenge kill setup sweepers like Gyarados and Necrozma and doesn't reach the crucial 115 base speed tier which includes Azelf and Zygarde-10%.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Amoonguss, Dhelmise, and Assault Vest Tangrowth can switch into Primarina's STAB combination quite well, but they have to be wary of taking heavy damage from Ice Beam on offensive sets. Dhelmise also needs to be very cautious of Scald burns. Zarude outspeeds and OHKOes Primarina with Power Whip but can't switch in at all out of fear of taking Moonblast. Tapu Bulu needs to watch out for Ice Beam, but it has the luxury of being able to outspeed Choice Specs Primarina and scare it out with Horn Leech.

**Electric-types**: Raikou, Thundurus-T, and Rotom-W all outspeed and heavily pressure Primarina with their super effective attacks.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Chansey is the best general counter to all of Primarina's sets, being able to reliably switch in and whittle Primarina down with Seismic Toss while not minding any of its attacks. However, it does have to watch out for a Torrent-boosted Choice Specs Hydro Pump. Slowking can switch into Primarina's Moonblast well and pivot out to a revenge killer with Teleport, but it gets 2HKOed by Moonblast from Choice Specs sets. Tentacruel only has to watch out for Psychic but otherwise takes Primarina's STAB combination well and pressures it with Sludge Bomb. Celesteela hates Scald burns as well as a Choice Specs Hydro Pump, but is able to deal heavy damage to Primarina with Heavy Slam.

- Written by: [[Monky25, 515132]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [avarice, 346653]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Band, 301217], [username2, userid2]]


Primarina is one of the most versatile Pokemon in UU, utilizing its excellent typing, amazing movepool, and solid stats to serve as an integral defensive glue this phrase sounds awkward here, something like backbone / piece may be better but not required or a potent offensive threat. Water / Fairy is a valuable typing both offensively and defensively valuable in UU, allowing Primarina to answer dangerous threats like Hydreigon, Keldeo, and Salamence while breaking past common walls like Hippowdon and Skarmory. Primarina fulfills a variety of roles in UU; its RestTalk set acts as a counter to the likes of Hydreigon and Keldeo, (comma) and absorbs deliberating status moves from threats like Hippowdon and Swampert, and while utilizes its potent STAB combination to threaten the enemy team. Meanwhile, Primarina's 3 attacks set hones in on its great offensive potential, using coverage moves like Ice Beam and Psychic to overcome foes like Amoonguss and Tentacruel, and Substitute to ease prediction by taking advantage of the many switches it forces. (period) This set while retains valuable defensive utility against foes like Keldeo, allowing it to be so it is a huge help to bulky offense and balance teams looking for a wallbreaker that can patch up defensive holes. Its Choice Specs set is one of the most fearsome wallbreakers in the tier to account for, since it has no safe switch-ins in UU apart from Chansey; it tears apart teams relying on Amoonguss and Tangrowth to beat it with its STAB moves it doesn't use its STAB moves to break through these two (I imagine), so feels strange as an outsider to have those come first here and coverage. However, this set does lack the defensive utility appreciated by teams looking to use Primarina of other sets, and the 3 attacks set typically outdoes it as a wallbreaker due to because it nets the same KOes and has more defensive utility. Primarina’s fatal flaw is its Speed, leaving it very vulnerable to getting overwhelmed in a game by faster foes like Thundurus-T, Nihilego, and Zarude that threaten it with super effective damage. Its Defense is quite subpar if lacking any investment, limiting Primarina's ability to check threats like Mamoswine, Cobalion, and Excadrill as a defensive Water-type. RestTalk sets are overly reliant on Rest to heal, meaning Primarina they (varying so that the start of the next sentence doesn't feel repetitive) can be taken advantage of if they fails to get the right move when using Sleep Talk. Primarina faces competition from Keldeo as an offensive Water-type due to Keldeo's being faster and having higher Speed and comparable power, but Primarina's lack of counters maybe "ability to threaten its checks?" I don't play UU so up to you outside of Chansey and defensive capabilities if that does not make sense, original is fine set versatility to fulfill defensive roles let it find a strong place in UU.

name: RestTalk
move 1: Scald
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Rest
move 4: Sleep Talk
item: Leftovers / Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Torrent
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Scald threatens Fairy-resistant foes like Scizor, Amoonguss, and Celesteela with a burn. Moonblast wipes out the likes of Zarude, Hydreigon, and Salamence and provides strong neutral coverage in general. Rest lets Primarina continuously check threats like Keldeo, Crawdaunt, and Salamence throughout a game. It also lets Primarina absorb status from the likes of Hippowdon and Celesteela. Sleep Talk allows Primarina to utilize its excellent STAB combination to prevent it from being too passive when asleep. Leftovers give Primarina a method of passive recovery to take hits better from Salamence and Cobalion without getting being forced into use Rest. Heavy-Duty Boots is an option to offset entry hazard damage on teams that lack entry hazard removal. added to the set However, the lack of Leftovers recovery limits Primarina's usefulness when asleep after using Rest and it's only a better choice over Leftovers against Spikes teams. Maximum investment in Defense allows Primarina to check threats like Cobalion, Zygarde-10%, and Hippowdon more easily. Alternatively, heavy investment in Special Defense allows Primarina to more reliably 1v1 Amoonguss and better take on strong special attackers like Salamence and Azelf.

This Primarina set best fits on bulky offense and balance teams as a reliable defensive glue that counters dangerous threats like Keldeo and Hydreigon. Grass-types like Zarude and Tangrowth are massive threats to Primarina, so Amoonguss and Skarmory are great teammates to handle them. They both also act as additional insurance against Scizor, with the latter taking on foes like Mamoswine and Excadrill as well. Dhelmise and Assault Vest Tangrowth handle dangerous Electric-types like Thundurus-T and Raikou. Tangrowth also acts as a backup check to Keldeo and keeps Primarina from being overwhelmed by Zygarde-10% and Excadrill. Primarina is incredibly vulnerable to Spikes without Heavy-Duty Boots, so entry hazard removal from the likes of makes the "is" instead of are less jarring Salamence, Excadrill, and the aforementioned Dhelmise is appreciated. Hippowdon takes on Electric-types for Primarina and its Stealth Rock can slowly wear down threats like Celesteela and Rotom-W. Meanwhile, Primarina defeats offensive Water-types like Keldeo and Crawdaunt for Hippowdon. Offensive Pokemon like Thundurus-T and Azelf appreciate Primarina countering Noivern and Choice Scarf Hydreigon; they take on Poison-types like Tentacruel and Amoonguss in return. Scizor can reliably switch into the likes of Chansey, Nihilego, and Tangrowth and force them out, enjoying Primarina's support against Moltres and Salamence in return.

name: 3 Attacks
move 1: Scald
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Substitute / Protect / Calm Mind
item: Leftovers / Rindo Berry
ability: Torrent
nature: Modest
evs: 212 HP / 160 SpA / 136 Spe


This Primarina set allows it to acts as a potent wallbreaker while still sustaining itself with Leftovers recovery to check threats like Keldeo. Primarina's usual STAB combination allows it to cover the vast majority of the tier and threaten common Pokemon like Hippowdon, Scizor, Salamence, and Cobalion. Ice Beam wipes out Tangrowth and Amoonguss attempting to switch into Primarina while and also hits Thundurus-T and Togekiss super effectively. Alternatively, Psychic covers Amoonguss and deals heavy damage to Tentacruel for teams that need extra insurance against it. Substitute allows Primarina to take a hit from revenge killers like Thundurus-T and Zarude and threaten heavy damage back while easing prediction. It can get up Substitute as it forces switches against foes like Hippowdon. Protect allows Primarina to scout Choice-locked threats like Diggersby and Zarude while also helping it and to regain its health with Leftovers. Calm Mind is an option to turn Primarina into a dangerous setup sweeper that can break past unsuspecting Tangrowth and Amoonguss thinking they can switch in for free. Leftovers gives Primarina the longevity to take on Keldeo and Salamence more easily. Rindo Berry lets Primarina take a Power Whip from Zarude and Tangrowth and KO them in return, though Primarina misses the passive recovery Leftovers provides. (period) and should Rindo Berry typically is run when using alongside Protect or Calm Mind I tried to make it sound like Rindo Berry is not required on these variations, if this sounds off feel free to ignore. 136 Speed EVs let Primarina outspeed Conkeldurr. 160 Special Attack EVs guarantee the 2HKO on Assault Vest Tangrowth with Ice Beam after Stealth Rock. The remaining EVs are in HP to check the likes of Hippowdon and Keldeo more easily.

This Primarina set best fits on bulky offense teams that appreciate its firepower and defensive utility. Entry hazard support is essential in softening up switch-ins like Slowking and Tangrowth, making teammates like Nihilego, Nidoqueen, and Skarmory great partners for Primarina. Beyond setting entry hazards, Nihilego can hinder Chansey and Celesteela with Knock Off and pressure Thundurus-T. Nidoqueen pressures Tangrowth and Amoonguss, while Skarmory can reliably take on Zarude and Scizor. Physical wallbreakers like Cobalion and Mamoswine break through specially defensive foes like Chansey for Primarina. Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth work in tandem with Primarina to check Keldeo while beating threats like Rotom-W and Thundurus-T. Amoonguss also counters enemy opposing Tangrowth. These Pokemon should be used as primary checks to the aforementioned Keldeo so Primarina can focus on wallbreaking more. Pivots like Hydreigon, Crobat, Azelf, and Rotom-H all create opportunities for Primarina to enter the field safely and wallbreak, bringing it in against foes like Hippowdon, Mandibuzz, and opposing Hydreigon. Choice Scarf Hydreigon can revenge kill faster threats like Thundurus-T and Rotom-W, while Azelf wears down Celesteela for Primarina and wipes out Nidoqueen and Nihilego. Crobat and Rotom-H take on Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth for Primarina.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Scald / Hydro Pump
item: Choice Specs
ability: Torrent
nature: Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Ice Beam allows Primarina to destroy Amoonguss, Tapu Bulu, and Assault Vest Tangrowth with ease. Psychic retains coverage for Amoonguss and allows Primarina to break past Tentacruel. Scald is used as a reliable Water-type STAB to nail foes like Scizor, Hippowdon, and Galarian Slowbro without risking a Hydro Pump miss. It also threatens a burn on switch-ins like Tentacruel and Amoonguss. With a Choice Specs and Modest Nature, Primarina is able to 2HKO everything barring Chansey in UU, easily wiping out specially defensive tanks like Celesteela, Slowking, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. Chansey itself is even at risk of being 2HKOed by Torrent-boosted Hydro Pump if it has taken a bit of chip.

Choice Specs Primarina is at home on bulky offense and balance teams that provide it free switches to wallbreak while covering its limited defenses. Entry hazard support from Spikes setters like Skarmory as well as Stealth Rock setters like Nidoqueen amplifies Primarina's offensive presence, wearing down its already limited switch-ins like Amoonguss, Tentacruel, and Tangrowth in range of even resisted attacks. Nidoqueen also is useful in pressuring Cobalion and Assault Vest Tangrowth. Since Primarina lacks recovery and has low Defense, pivots are needed to bring Primarina in safely to wallbreak. Chansey is a defensive pivot that can take on foes Primarina normally would, like Salamence, Moltres, and Hydreigon, (comma) as well as bring in Primarina with a slow Teleport against foes like Scizor. A Scizor of your own is useful in wearing down Celesteela with Knock Off as well as countering Chansey and Tangrowth. Defensive Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss check Grass- and Electric-types like Zarude, Thundurus-T, and Rotom-W for Primarina. They also cover foes Primarina normally would, like Keldeo. (period) and the latter Amoonguss's I assume? Stun Spore can be useful in offsetting Primarina's poor Speed. Dhelmise also checks Thundurus-T and Keldeo for Primarina while keeping it from getting worn down by entry hazards maybe specify Rapid Spin?. Celesteela can scout Primarina's attack with Protect, so teammates that can threaten Celesteela, like Raikou, work well. Azelf and Nihilego can lure in Chansey and remove its Eviolite with Knock Off, making it easier to break through. If Primarina is in Torrent range, Chansey cannot switch in at all. Choice Scarf users like Diggersby and Hydreigon can also bring Primarina in safely against foes like Hippowdon, as well as revenge kill faster threats for Primarina like Raikou, Thundurus-T, and Zarude for Primarina. Physical wallbreakers like Zygarde-10% and Swords Dance Cobalion are great teammates for Primarina, wiping out Chansey and Celesteela. They also revenge kill faster threats like Thundurus-T and Nihilego with ease.

Other Options

Energy Ball can be used as the last move on the 3 attacks set to 2HKO Slowking and threaten Rotom-W and opposing Primarina more. Custap Berry is an option for the Calm Mind + 3 attacks set to surprise and KO a revenge killer like Thundurus-T when in range, but is unreliable. Primarina can utilize a variety of Calm Mind sets to turn into a dangerous setup sweeper that can easily sweep through teams with free turns. Substitute + Calm Mind allows Primarina to setup on Amoonguss switching in and sweep enemy teams that lack a Chansey or Assault Vest Tangrowth, as its heightened bulk and increased a safety net with in Substitute means revenge killers like Zarude and Thundurus-T are not reliable at taking Primarina out while it heals itself with Draining Kiss and spreads burns with Scald. Calm Mind + Rest allows Primarina to utilize a stronger Fairy-type STAB in Moonblast while having Rest to heal itself, letting it take on foes like Keldeo easier. Snore in conjunction with Liquid Voice keeps Primarina from being too passive while asleep and lets it take down foes like Hippowdon and even Scizor with its flinch chance. oh that's evil This Primarina set is its only set that can beat Chansey in a 1v1. However, Primarina's lack of a Water-type STAB when awake can be exploited by Fairy-type resists like Scizor and Nihilego. Choice Scarf Primarina surprises and wipes out revenge killers like Thundurus-T and Zarude, but is still slow and fails to revenge kill setup sweepers like Gyarados and Necrozma and doesn't reach the crucial 115 base Speed tier which includes Azelf and Zygarde-10%.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Amoonguss, Dhelmise, and Assault Vest Tangrowth can switch into Primarina's STAB combination quite well, but they have to be wary of taking heavy damage from Ice Beam on offensive sets. Dhelmise also needs to be very cautious of Scald burns. Zarude outspeeds and OHKOes Primarina with Power Whip but can't switch in at all out of fear of taking Moonblast. Tapu Bulu needs to watch out for Ice Beam, but it has the luxury of being able to outspeed Choice Specs Primarina and scare it out with Horn Leech.

**Electric-types**: Raikou, Thundurus-T, and Rotom-W all outspeed and heavily pressure Primarina with their super effective attacks.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Chansey is the best general counter to all of Primarina's sets, being able to reliably switch in and whittle Primarina down with Seismic Toss while not minding any of its attacks. However, it does have to watch out for a Torrent-boosted Choice Specs Hydro Pump. Slowking can switch into Primarina's Moonblast well and pivot out with Teleport, but it gets 2HKOed by Moonblast from Choice Specs sets. Tentacruel only has to watch out for Psychic but otherwise takes Primarina's STAB combination hits Ice Beam as well right? well and pressures it with Sludge Bomb. Celesteela hates Scald burns as well as a Choice Specs Hydro Pump, but is able to deal heavy damage to Primarina with Heavy Slam.

- Written by: [[Monky25, 515132]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [avarice, 346653]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Band, 301217], [username2, userid2]]
This was written well, just some nitpicks.
itchy's edits

mine: add remove comments

Primarina is one of the most versatile Pokemon in UU, utilizing its excellent typing, amazing movepool, and solid stats to serve as an integral defensive glue this phrase sounds awkward here, something like backbone / piece may be better but not required or a potent offensive threat. Water / Fairy is a valuable typing both offensively and defensively valuable in UU, allowing Primarina to answer dangerous threats like Hydreigon, Keldeo, and Salamence while breaking past common walls like Hippowdon and Skarmory. Primarina fulfills a variety of roles in UU; (this is just repeating what you said in the first sentence) its Its RestTalk set acts as a counter to counters the likes of Hydreigon and Keldeo, (comma) and absorbs deliberating debilitating status moves from threats like Hippowdon and Swampert, and while utilizes its potent STAB combination to threaten the enemy team. Meanwhile, Primarina's 3 three attacks set hones in on its great offensive potential, using coverage moves like Ice Beam and Psychic to overcome foes like Amoonguss and Tentacruel (remove comma) and Substitute to ease prediction by taking advantage of the many switches it forces. (period) This set while retains valuable defensive utility against foes like Keldeo, allowing it to be so it is a huge help to bulky offense and balance teams looking for a wallbreaker that can patch up defensive holes. Its Choice Specs set is one of the most fearsome difficult wallbreakers in the tier to account for, since it has no safe switch-ins in UU apart from Chansey; it tears apart teams relying on Amoonguss and Tangrowth to beat it with its STAB moves it doesn't use its STAB moves to break through these two (I imagine), so feels strange as an outsider to have those come first here and coverage. However, this set does lack the defensive utility appreciated by teams looking to use Primarina of Primarina's other sets, and the 3 three attacks set typically outdoes it as a wallbreaker due to because it nets the same KOes KOs and has more defensive utility. Primarina’s Primarina's fatal flaw is its Speed, leaving it very vulnerable to getting overwhelmed in a game by faster foes like Thundurus-T, Nihilego, and Zarude that threaten it with super effective damage. Its Defense is quite subpar if lacking any requires investment, limiting Primarina's ability to so Primarina can check threats like Mamoswine, Cobalion, and Excadrill as a defensive Water-type. RestTalk sets are overly reliant on Rest to heal, meaning Primarina they (varying so that the start of the next sentence doesn't feel repetitive) can be taken advantage of if they fails to get the right move when using Sleep Talk. Primarina faces competition from Keldeo as an offensive Water-type due to Keldeo's being faster and having higher Speed and comparable power, but Primarina's lack of counters maybe "ability to threaten its checks?" I don't play UU so up to you outside of Chansey and defensive capabilities if that does not make sense, original is fine set versatility to fulfill defensive roles let it find a strong place in UU.

name: RestTalk
move 1: Scald
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Rest
move 4: Sleep Talk
item: Leftovers / Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Torrent
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Scald threatens Fairy-resistant foes like Scizor, Amoonguss, and Celesteela with a burn. Moonblast wipes out the likes of Zarude, Hydreigon, and Salamence and provides strong neutral coverage in general. Rest lets Primarina continuously check threats like Keldeo, Crawdaunt, and Salamence throughout a game. It also lets Primarina absorb status from the likes of Hippowdon and Celesteela. Sleep Talk allows Primarina to utilize its excellent STAB combination to prevent it from being too passive when asleep. RestTalk lets Primarina continuously check foes like Keldeo, Crawdaunt, and Salamence; absorb status; and remain an active threat after recovering its health. Leftovers give gives Primarina a method of passive recovery to take hits better from Salamence and Cobalion without getting being forced into use Rest. Heavy-Duty Boots is an option to offset entry hazard damage on teams that lack entry hazard removal. added to the set However, the lack of Leftovers recovery limits Primarina's usefulness when asleep after using Rest,(comma) and it's only a better choice over Leftovers against Spikes teams. Maximum investment in Defense allows Primarina to check threats like Cobalion, Zygarde-10%, and Hippowdon more easily. Alternatively, heavy investment in Special Defense allows Primarina to more reliably 1v1 beat Amoonguss one-on-one and better take on strong special attackers like Salamence and Azelf.

This Primarina set best fits on bulky offense and balance teams as a reliable defensive glue that counters dangerous threats like Keldeo and Hydreigon. Grass-types like Zarude and Tangrowth are massive threats to Primarina, so Amoonguss and Skarmory are great teammates to handle them. They both also act as additional insurance against help check Scizor, with the latter taking on foes like Mamoswine and Excadrill as well. Dhelmise and Assault Vest Tangrowth handle dangerous Electric-types like Thundurus-T and Raikou. Tangrowth also acts as is also a backup check to Keldeo and keeps Primarina from being overwhelmed by Zygarde-10% and Excadrill. Primarina is incredibly vulnerable to Spikes without Heavy-Duty Boots, so entry hazard removal from the likes of makes the "is" instead of are less jarring Salamence, Excadrill, and the aforementioned Dhelmise is appreciated. Hippowdon takes on Electric-types,(comma) for Primarina and its Stealth Rock can slowly wear down threats like Celesteela and Rotom-W. Meanwhile In return, Primarina defeats offensive Water-types like Keldeo and Crawdaunt for Hippowdon. Offensive Pokemon like Thundurus-T and Azelf appreciate Primarina countering Noivern and Choice Scarf Hydreigon; they take on Poison-types like Tentacruel and Amoonguss in return. Scizor can reliably switch into the likes of Chansey, Nihilego, and Tangrowth and force them out, enjoying and it enjoys Primarina's support against Moltres and Salamence in return.

name: 3 Attacks
move 1: Scald
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Substitute / Protect / Calm Mind
item: Leftovers / Rindo Berry
ability: Torrent
nature: Modest
evs: 212 HP / 160 SpA / 136 Spe


This Primarina set allows it to act as is a potent wallbreaker while still sustaining itself with Leftovers with passive recovery to help check threats like Keldeo. Primarina's usual STAB combination allows it to cover the vast majority of the tier and threaten common Pokemon like Hippowdon, Scizor, Salamence, and Cobalion. Ice Beam wipes out Tangrowth and Amoonguss attempting to switch into Primarina while and also hits Thundurus-T and Togekiss super effectively. Alternatively, Psychic covers Amoonguss and deals heavy damage to Tentacruel for teams that need extra insurance against it. Substitute allows Primarina to take a hit from revenge killers like Thundurus-T and Zarude and threaten heavy damage back while easing prediction. It can get up Substitute as it forces switches against foes like Hippowdon. Protect allows Primarina to scout Choice-locked threats like Diggersby and Zarude while also helping it and regain its health with Leftovers. Calm Mind is an option to turn Primarina into a dangerous setup sweeper that can break past unsuspecting Tangrowth and Amoonguss thinking they can switch in for free. Leftovers gives Primarina the longevity to take on Keldeo and Salamence more easily. Rindo Berry lets Primarina take a Power Whip from Zarude and Tangrowth and KO them in return, though Primarina misses the passive recovery Leftovers provides. (period) and should Rindo Berry typically is run when using alongside Protect or Calm Mind I tried to make it sound like Rindo Berry is not required on these variations, if this sounds off feel free to ignore. 136 Speed EVs let Primarina outspeed Conkeldurr. 160 Special Attack EVs guarantee the 2HKO on Assault Vest Tangrowth with Ice Beam after Stealth Rock. The remaining EVs are in HP to check the likes of Hippowdon and Keldeo more easily.

This Primarina set best fits on bulky offense teams that appreciate its firepower and defensive utility. Entry hazard support is essential in softening up switch-ins like Slowking and Tangrowth, making teammates like Nihilego, Nidoqueen, and Skarmory great partners for Primarina. Beyond setting entry hazards, Nihilego can hinder Chansey and Celesteela with Knock Off and pressure Thundurus-T. Nidoqueen pressures Tangrowth and Amoonguss, while Skarmory can reliably take on Zarude and Scizor. Physical wallbreakers like Cobalion and Mamoswine break through specially defensive foes like Chansey for Primarina. Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth work in tandem with Primarina to check Keldeo while beating threats like Rotom-W and Thundurus-T. Amoonguss also counters enemy opposing Tangrowth. These Pokemon should be used as primary checks to the aforementioned Keldeo so Primarina can focus on wallbreaking more. Pivots like Hydreigon, Crobat, Azelf, and Rotom-H all create opportunities for Primarina to enter the field safely and wallbreak, bringing it in against foes like Hippowdon, Mandibuzz, and opposing Hydreigon. Choice Scarf Hydreigon can revenge kill faster threats like Thundurus-T and Rotom-W, while Azelf wears down Celesteela for Primarina and wipes out Nidoqueen and Nihilego. Crobat and Rotom-H take on Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth for Primarina.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Scald
item: Choice Specs
ability: Torrent
nature: Modest
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Ice Beam allows Primarina to destroy Amoonguss, Tapu Bulu, and Assault Vest Tangrowth with ease. Alternatively, Psychic retains coverage for Amoonguss and allows Primarina to break past Tentacruel. Scald is used as a reliable Water-type STAB attack to nail foes like Scizor, Hippowdon, and Galarian Slowbro without risking a Hydro Pump miss. It also threatens a burn on switch-ins like Tentacruel and Amoonguss. With a Choice Specs and Modest Nature nature, Primarina is able to 2HKO everything barring Chansey in UU, easily wiping out specially defensive tanks like Celesteela, Slowking, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. Chansey itself is even at risk of being 2HKOed by Torrent-boosted Hydro Pump if it has taken a bit of chip damage.

Choice Specs Primarina is at home on bulky offense and balance teams that provide it free switches to wallbreak while covering its limited defenses. Entry hazard support from Spikes setters like Skarmory as well as and Stealth Rock setters like Nidoqueen amplifies Primarina's offensive presence, wearing down putting its already limited switch-ins like Amoonguss, Tentacruel, and Tangrowth in range of even resisted attacks. Nidoqueen also is useful in pressuring Cobalion and Assault Vest Tangrowth. Since Primarina lacks recovery and has low Defense, pivots are needed to bring Primarina it in safely to wallbreak. Chansey is a defensive pivot that can take on foes Primarina normally would, like Salamence, Moltres, and Hydreigon, (comma) as well as and bring in Primarina with a slow Teleport against foes like Scizor. A Scizor of your own is useful in wearing down Celesteela with Knock Off as well as countering Chansey and Tangrowth. Defensive Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss check Grass- and Electric-types like Zarude, Thundurus-T, and Rotom-W for Primarina. They also cover foes Primarina normally would, like Keldeo. (period) and the latter Amoonguss's I assume? Stun Spore can be useful in offsetting Primarina's poor Speed. Dhelmise also checks Thundurus-T and Keldeo for Primarina while keeping it from getting worn down by entry hazards maybe specify Rapid Spin?. Celesteela can scout Primarina's attack with Protect, so teammates that can threaten Celesteela, like Raikou, work well. Azelf and Nihilego can lure in Chansey and remove its Eviolite with Knock Off, making it easier to break through. If Primarina is in Torrent range, Chansey cannot switch in at all. Choice Scarf users like Diggersby and Hydreigon can also bring Primarina in safely against foes like Hippowdon, as well as revenge kill faster threats for Primarina like Raikou, Thundurus-T, and Zarude. Physical wallbreakers like Zygarde-10% and Swords Dance Cobalion are great teammates for Primarina, wiping out Chansey and Celesteela. They also revenge kill faster threats like Thundurus-T and Nihilego with ease.

Other Options

Energy Ball can be used as the last move on the 3 attacks set to on an all-out attacker set with Leftovers lets Primarina (can't really call it a three attacks set if you... have more than three attacks) 2HKO Slowking and threaten Rotom-W and opposing Primarina more. Custap Berry is an option for the Calm Mind + 3 attacks set with Calm Mind to surprise and KO a revenge killer like Thundurus-T when in range, but it is unreliable. Primarina can utilize a variety of Calm Mind sets to turn into a dangerous setup sweeper that can easily sweep through teams with free turns. Substitute + Calm Mind allows Primarina to setup on Amoonguss switching in and sweep enemy teams that lack a Chansey or Assault Vest Tangrowth, as its heightened bulk and increased safety net with in Substitute means revenge killers like Zarude and Thundurus-T are not reliable at taking Primarina out while it heals itself with Draining Kiss and spreads burns with Scald. Substitute / Calm Mind / Draining Kiss / Scald is incredibly annoying for revenge killers, as Primarina's increased bulk, safety net in Substitute, extra recovery, and potential to spread burns make it hard for foes like Amoonguss, Zarude, and Thundurus-T to deal with it. Calm Mind + Rest allows Primarina to utilize a stronger Fairy-type STAB in Moonblast while having Rest to heal itself, letting it take on foes like Keldeo easier more easily. Snore in conjunction with Liquid Voice keeps Primarina from being too passive while asleep and lets it take down foes like Hippowdon and even Scizor with its flinch chance. This Primarina set is its only set that can beat Chansey in a 1v1 one-on-one. However, Primarina's lack of a Water-type STAB attack when awake can be exploited by Fairy-type resists checks like Scizor and Nihilego. Choice Scarf Primarina surprises and wipes out revenge killers like Thundurus-T and Zarude, but it is still slow and fails to revenge kill setup sweepers like Gyarados and Necrozma and doesn't reach the crucial 115 base base 115 Speed tier,(comma) which includes Azelf and Zygarde-10%.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Amoonguss, Dhelmise, and Assault Vest Tangrowth can switch into Primarina's STAB combination quite well, but they have to be wary of taking heavy damage from Ice Beam on offensive sets. Dhelmise also needs to be very cautious of Scald burns. Zarude outspeeds and OHKOes Primarina with Power Whip but can't switch in at all out of fear of taking Moonblast. Tapu Bulu needs to watch out for Ice Beam, but it has the luxury of being able to outspeed Choice Specs Primarina and scare it out with Horn Leech.

**Electric-types**: Raikou, Thundurus-T, and Rotom-W all outspeed and heavily pressure Primarina with their super effective attacks.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Chansey is the best general counter to all of Primarina's sets, being able to reliably switch in and whittle Primarina down with Seismic Toss while not minding any of its attacks. However, it does have to watch out for a Torrent-boosted Choice Specs Hydro Pump. Slowking can switch into Primarina's Moonblast well and pivot out with Teleport, but it gets 2HKOed by Moonblast from Choice Specs sets. Tentacruel only has to watch out for Psychic but otherwise takes Primarina's STAB combination hits Ice Beam as well right? well and pressures it with Sludge Bomb. Celesteela hates Scald burns as well as a Choice Specs Hydro Pump, but is it's able to deal heavy damage to Primarina with Heavy Slam.

- Written by: [[Monky25, 515132]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [avarice, 346653]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Band, 301217], [username2, userid2]]
Add Itchy as a GP credit in addition to me; their edits were solid. Just make sure you check over the content ones. GP 2/2 when done.