1v1 Primarina


Banned deucer.

Primarina @ Custap Berry
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 240 HP / 152 Def / 104 SpA / 12 Spe
Modest Nature
- Hydro Cannon
- Moonblast
- Endure
- Calm Mind / Encore

Primarina is a dominate force in 1v1 with its amazing typing and great utility moves. Custap Berry Primarina surprises opponents like Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan, Zeraora, and Arcanine who are devastated by Torrent-boosted Hydro Cannon after Endure. Moonblast is valuable coverage for Urshifu and Dragapult and also chips down foes like Glastrier into KO range of Hydro Cannon. Calm Mind can be useful versus some Metagross sets and also stalls out Avalugg's Mirror Coat PP. Encore is an effective stallbreaking tool, beating Pokemon like Trick Cresselia and some Celesteela. The EVs on this set outspeed uninvested Tyranitar and survive Poison Jab from Urshifu and Freeze Dry from Kyurem. Overall, Primarina is a solid choice, but it ultimately struggles versus Grass-, Poison-, and Water-types like Rillaboom, Nihilego, and Volcanion, so partnering it with Fire- and Ground-types like Heatran and Assault Vest Landorus-T can help.
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This is tight on characters, so I removed some things to make sure changes fit - great job overall, but gonna want a second look to make sure things look right - would be a very short check, if not just my stamp
If the examples put you over 1k characters, GPers are wizards dw
Primarina is one of the dominant forces in 1v1 with amazing dual-typing, great STAB and utility moves options that affect most of the metagame greatly all of this is fluff imo. This Primarina set in particular is designed to Custap Berry Primarina surprises opponents like Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan and Zeraora would be good to make this more flashy / put the Hydro point in with this sentence with the combination of Endure + Custap Berry got condensed with the start of the sentence while providing more reliability versus Choice Scarf Togekiss and Porygon-Z this is more technical - would ask for this be a separate sentence with more explanation in an analysis but it isn't. Hydro Cannon devastates foes like Landorus-Therian and neutral targets an example or two here would be good with its high base power and Torrent mention that torrent + custap + endure combo well together. Moonblast provides is valuable Fairy-type coverage to hit for Urshifu and Dragapult for supereffective damage and also acts as a secondary damage option to chips down the opponents health foes into KO range of hydro + add an example probably. Calm Mind allows for set-up and boosts the power of Primarina’s moves example matchup where this is relevant while Encore is an effective stallbreaker beating Pokemon like Trick Cresselia may be good to add another example or two here if you have space. The EVs on this set outspeed 0 speed Tyranitar while the defensive investment allows it to and survive Poison Jab from Urshifu and Freeze Dry from Urshifu and Kyurem respectively. Overall, Primarina is a solid choice for a team but it ultimately struggles versus Grass-types like Rillaboom surely prim struggles vs electrics / poisons / other waters as well and so partnering it with Fire-types like Entei or Heatran can help.
Primarina is one of the dominant forces in 1v1 with amazing dual-typing, great STAB and great utility moves. Custap Berry Primarina surprises opponents like Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan, Zeraora and Arcanine who are devastated by its Torrent-boosted Hydro Cannons that are Torrent boosted due to after Endure. Moonblast is valuable coverage for Urshifu and Dragapult and also chips down foes like Glastrier into KO range of Hydro Cannon. Calm Mind boosts the power of Primarina’s moves which this doesn't need to be explained can be useful versus some Sylveon idt this is very reliable, maybe some metagross is a better example and also stalls out Avalugg's to stall out Mirror Coat PP. Encore is an effective stallbreaker, beating Pokemon like Trick Cresselia and some Celesteela sets. The EVs on this set outspeed 0 speed Tyranitar and survive Poison Jab from Urshifu and Freeze Dry from Kyurem, with the remaining EVs going into Special Attack to maximize damage mention specific benchmarks, leave out extra. Overall, Primarina is a solid choice but it ultimately struggles versus Grass-, Poison-, and opposing Water-types like Rillaboom, Nihilego and Volcanion, so partnering it with Fire- and Ground-types like Heatran or Assault Vest Landorus-Therian can help.
add remove conjecture
Primarina @ Custap Berry
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 240 HP / 152 Def / 104 SpA / 12 Spe
Modest Nature
- Hydro Cannon
- Moonblast
- Endure
- Calm Mind / Encore

Primarina is one of the dominant forces a dominate force in 1v1 with its amazing dual-typing typing and great utility moves. Custap Berry Primarina surprises opponents like Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan, Zeraora, (comma) and Arcanine who are devastated by Torrent-boosted Hydro Cannon after Endure. Moonblast is valuable coverage for Urshifu and Dragapult and also chips down foes like Glastrier into KO range of Hydro Cannon. Calm Mind can be useful versus some Metagross sets and also stalls out Avalugg's Mirror Coat PP. Encore is an effective stallbreaker stallbreaking tool, beating Pokemon like Trick Cresselia and some Celesteela. The EVs on this set outspeed 0 speed is this "minimum Speed" or "uninvested"? Tyranitar and survive Poison Jab from Urshifu and Freeze Dry from Kyurem. Overall, Primarina is a solid choice, (comma) but it ultimately struggles versus Grass-, Poison-, and opposing Water-types like Rillaboom, Nihilego, (comma) and Volcanion, so partnering it with Fire- and Ground-types like Heatran or and Assault Vest Landorus-Therian can help.
GP 1/1!


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