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Claiming 2CC from here > 66CC.
Shamrock the Venusaur receives 6MC/1KOC > 6MC/1KOC.
The 1KOC goes into MC, and the resulting 7MC are spent on Petal Dance (Level Up), Ingrain (Egg), Nature Power (Egg), Safeguard (Egg), Sludge (Egg), Double Team (TM) and Bullet Seed (TM). Final: 0MC/0KOC.
Ariadne the Slowking receives 6MC > 6MC.
These are spent on Brick Break (TM), Focus Blast (TM), Grass Knot (TM), Hyper Beam (TM), Light Screen (TM) and Reflect (TM). Final: 0MC.
Finally, spending 14CC on a Rotom Heat Toaster and a Rotom Cut Mower. Final: 52CC.
Unlocking Hidden Abilities for Galvantula, Ariados, Ribombee, Shuckle, Yanmega, Burmy, Venipede, and Weedle. (-40UC)
UC: 66>26
Evolving Yanma into Yanmega!
Scizor learns Double Team as a Level Up, Safeguard as an Egg move, and Light Screen, Frustration, Return, Acrobatics, and Giga Impact as TMs.
Pinsir learns Thrash as a Level Up, Iron Defense, String Shot, Headbutt, and Focus Punch as Tutor Moves, and Facade and Rock Tomb as TMs.
Araquanid learns Magic Coat, Iron Defense, and Laser Focus as Tutor Moves, and Reflect, Facade, Return, and Frustration as TMs.
Wormadam learns Sleep Talk and Endeavor as Tutor Moves, and Toxic, Venoshock, Giga Impact, Psych Up, and Rest as TMs.
Yanmega gains Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Night Slash, and Bug Bite for free, and learns Ancient Power and Feint as Level Ups, Air Cutter, Giga Drain, and Tailwind as Tutor Moves, and Hidden Power [Electric] and Defog as TMs.
Vikavolt learns Iron Defense as a Level Up, Thunder, Rest, Double Team, and Sky Drop as TMs, and Laser Focus as a Tutor Move.
Armaldo learns Sand Attack and Screech as Egg Moves, and Toxic, Brutal Swing, Sleep Talk, and Giga Impact as TMs.
Volcarona learns Fire Spin as a Level Up, Signal Beam, Defog, and Sleep Talk as Tutor Moves, and Flamethrower and Light Screen as TMs.
Forretress learns Explosion and Payback as Level Ups, and Drill Run, Sleep Talk, Block, and Gravity as Tutor Moves.
Yanmega (Narancia) [Male]
Types: Bug/Flying Bug: STAB; Adds an additional guaranteed attack on all Variable Hit moves with a total hit cap of five (5). Flying: STAB; immunity to Ground attacks and the Arena Trap Ability except under the effects of Smack Down and Gravity, even for ground-based flying Pokemon. Will always hit foes with Dig (except other Flying types) and Dive. Cannot be hit by Dive unless the attacking Pokemon has a size class greater than four (4). Unaffected by Spikes or Toxic Spikes. when switching in. Able to hit Pokemon in the evasive stage of Bounce, Fly or Sky Drop with single target moves tagged as #Reach. Abilities: Speed Boost (Passive) Pokemon with this ability increase their speed as the battle progresses, boosting it one (1) stage at the end of each round at the cost of 2% of their energy. This overrides the normal drop in stats that occurs at the end of each round (stats other than Speed are still affected). Tinted Lens (Passive) When this Pokemon uses an attack that is normally not very effective, that attack is calculated at the next highest resistance modifier. (e.g. 4x resistance is calculated at 2x, 2x resistance becomes neutral). Frisk (Passive) (Hidden) (Unlocked) The Pokemon has intimate knowledge of the opponent's held item and ignores any item-based increases or decreases in damage, BAP and STAB from the opponent's item. This will not block the increase in BAP moves like Acrobatics and Knock Off that incur when an item is or isn't held. Item-Based increase in ranks (Such as from Rare Candy) are not negated by Frisk. The Pokemon will not be affected by Fling or Natural Gift. Nature: Modest (+1 SpA, -1 Atk) Stats: HP: 90 Atk: 2 [-] Def: 3 SpA: 6 [+] SpD: 3 Spe: 95 Size Class: 3 Weight Class: 4 Base Rank Total: 20 MC: 0 Attacks:
Bug Buzz
Air Slash
Night Slash
Bug Bite
Quick Attack
Double Team
Sonic Boom
Ancient Power
Leech Life
Silver Wind
Signal Beam
Hidden Power [Electric]
Solar Beam
Air Cutter
Giga Drain
Buying a Weedle! (-1CC)
CC: 23>22
Weedle (Giorno Giovanna) [Male]
Types: Bug/Poison Bug: STAB; Adds an additional guaranteed attack on all Variable Hit moves with a total hit cap of five (5). Poison: STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic status. Absorb Toxic Spikes on switch-in unless Flying-typed or using the ability Levitate. -- Accuracy when using Toxic, Poison Gas, or Poison Powder, hitting even during Dig, Fly, etc. Ignore Fog's accuracy reduction. Store Command.
Store Command: For the next six (6) actions, this Pokemon's moves will have their poison / toxic effect chance double. Command Type: Type Exclusive | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None Abilities: Shield Dust (Passive) This Pokemon has dust covering the outside of its body that reduces the Effect Chance of incoming attacks to 0%. This prevents such things as Burns from Flamethrower from occurring. Run Away (Passive) (Hidden) (Unlocked) This Pokemon is quick on its feet and will evade any field traps and hazards that would harm it (Spikes, Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes) in an arena. A Pokemon can still absorb Toxic Spikes if it has Run Away and is Poison-typed. Run Away does not allow the Pokemon to switch out of trapping moves or abilities, however it can escape other situational trapping strategies in battle. Nature: Adamant (+1 Atk, -1 SpA) Stats: HP: 80 Atk: 3 [+] Def: 2 SpA: 0 [-] SpD: 1 Spe: 50 Size Class: 1 Weight Class: 1 Base Rank Total: 10 MC: 9 Attacks:
Fairy: Fairy STAB: -1 EN on non-Fairy typed Nature, Sound, and Scent moves (Stacks with second STAB where applicable). (Nature Power, Natural Gift;Sound Moves; Aromatherapy, Odor Sleuth, Sweet Scent)
Psychic: Psychic STAB; can lift and throw opponents with Psychic regardless of Special Attack Rank. Psychic-type attacks are not godlike and cannot be used as a catchall for Disabling, Binding, and redirecting opposing attacks.
Fairy: Fairy STAB: -1 EN on non-Fairy typed Nature, Sound, and Scent moves (Stacks with second STAB where applicable). (Nature Power, Natural Gift;Sound Moves; Aromatherapy, Odor Sleuth, Sweet Scent)
Water: Water STAB; Ignores arena restrictions on Water attacks that require an external water source. Evasive Diving reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn status. Brighten Command.
Brighten Command: For the next six (6) actions, all this Pokemon's attacks with have their accuracy increased by one stage. Type Exclusive commands can only be used by Pokemon that are naturally that type, and are still available if the Pokemon changes type.
Command Type: Type Exclusive | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None
Constrict (*)
Flash (*)
Bite (*)
Leech Life (*)
Reflect (*)
Water Gun (*)
Whirlpool (*)
Fire Spin (*)
Flame Burst (*)
Destiny Bond
Power Gem
Aqua Ring
Heat Wave
Hydro Pump
Aqua Jet (*)
Assurance (*)
Scary Face (*)
Tickle (*)
Water Pulse (*)
Hidden Power [Electric]
Sunny Day
Hyper Beam
Double Team
Fire Blast (*)
Torment (*)
False Swipe
Will-O-Wisp (*)
Giga Impact
U-turn (*)
Flash Cannon (*)
Pain Split
Water Pulse
Gus (Cranidos) (M)
Nature: Adamant
Type: Rock
Rock: Rock STAB; Adds an additional level of Priority (+0 to +1, +3 to +4 etc.) on naturally occurring level-up, egg, tutor, or TM attacks that increase only defense, special defense, or prevent damage (Full list: Acid Armor, Amnesia, Barrier, Defense Curl, Detect, Harden, Iron Defense, Light Screen, Protect, Quick Guard, Reflect, Skull Bash, Stockpile, Wide Guard, Withdraw). Reduced damage from all special attacks by two (2) Base Attack Power during Sandstorm, immune to Sandstorm damage. Ignores Arena restrictions on Rock attacks requiring an external rock source.
Headbutt (*)
Leer (*)
Focus Energy (*)
Pursuit (*)
Take Down (*)
Scary Face (*)
Assurance (*)
Zen Headbutt
Head Smash
Crunch (*)
Hammer Arm (*)
Iron Head (*)
Stomp (*)
Whirlwind (*)
Fire Punch
Stealth Rock
Thunder Punch
Ice Beam (*)
Thunderbolt (*)
Earthquake (*)
Fire Blast (*)
Rock Slide (*)
Tala Rama (Darumaka) (M)
Nature: Brave
Type: Fire
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn status. Brighten Command.
Brighten Command: For the next six (6) actions, all this Pokemon's attacks with have their accuracy increased by one stage. Type Exclusive commands can only be used by Pokemon that are naturally that type, and are still available if the Pokemon changes type.
Command Type: Type Exclusive | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None
Water: Water STAB; Ignores arena restrictions on Water attacks that require an external water source. Evasive Diving reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Dark: Dark STAB; ignores Attract and Confusion status entirely when using Dark-type damaging and non-damaging attacks.
Water: Water STAB; Ignores arena restrictions on Water attacks that require an external water source. Evasive Diving reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Dark: Dark STAB; ignores Attract and Confusion status entirely when using Dark-type damaging and non-damaging attacks.
Water: Water STAB; Ignores arena restrictions on Water attacks that require an external water source. Evasive Diving reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Water: Water STAB; Ignores arena restrictions on Water attacks that require an external water source. Evasive Diving reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Psychic: Psychic STAB; can lift and throw opponents with Psychic regardless of Special Attack Rank. Psychic-type attacks are not godlike and cannot be used as a catchall for Disabling, Binding, and redirecting opposing attacks.
Psychic: Psychic STAB; can lift and throw opponents with Psychic regardless of Special Attack Rank. Psychic-type attacks are not godlike and cannot be used as a catchall for Disabling, Binding, and redirecting opposing attacks.
Fairy: Fairy STAB: -1 EN on non-Fairy typed Nature, Sound, and Scent moves (Stacks with second STAB where applicable). (Nature Power, Natural Gift; Sound Moves; Aromatherapy, Odor Sleuth, Sweet Scent)
Water: Water STAB; Ignores arena restrictions on Water attacks that require an external water source. Evasive Diving reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Flying: Flying STAB; immunity to Ground attacks and the Arena Trap Ability except under the effects of Smack Down and Gravity, even for ground-based flying Pokemon. Will always hit foes with Dig (except other Flying types) and Dive. Cannot be hit by Dive unless the attacking Pokemon has a size class greater than four (4). Unaffected by Spikes or Toxic Spikes. when switching in. Able to hit Pokemon in the evasive stage of Bounce, Fly or Sky Drop with single target moves that hit Pokemon on the field regardless of position.
Claiming 2CC from here > 54CC.
Ariadne the Slowking receives 6MC/2KOC > 6MC/2KOC.
Sanetoshi the Gengar receives 6MC > 6MC.
These are spent on Role Play (Tutor), Snatch (Tutor), Knock Off (Tutor), Rest (TM), Sleep Talk (TM) and Trick Room (TM). Final: 0MC.
Claiming 3CC from here > 57CC.
Soul the Absol receives 6MC > 6MC.
These are spent on Mimic (Tutor), Double Edge (Egg), Charge Beam (TM), Natural Gift (TM), Hail (TM) and Thunder (TM). Final: 0MC.
Ariadne the Slowking receives 6MC/1KOC > 12MC/3KOC.
The 3KOC go into MC, and the resulting 15MC are spent on Nasty Plot (Level Up), Icy Wind (Tutor), Skill Swap (Tutor), Thunder Wave (Tutor), Trick (Tutor), Aqua Tail (Tutor), Drain Punch (Tutor), Foul Play (Tutor), Belly Drum (Egg), Me First (Egg), Fire Blast (TM), Bulldoze (TM), Dig (TM), Telekinesis (TM) and Skull Bash (TM). Final: 0MC/0KOC.
Caribolt uses 6 MC and 1 KOC to learn Frustration (USUM TM), Rest (USUM TM), Flash Cannon (USUM TM), Sleep Talk (USUM TM), Electroweb (USUM Tutor), Synthesis (USUM Tutor), and Uproar (USUM Tutor).
MC: 0 > 6 > 0
KOC: 0 > 1 > 0
Smokomodo uses 6 MC and 1 KOC to learn Force Palm (Egg), Sunny Day (USUM TM), Attract (USUM TM), Swagger (USUM TM), Heat Wave (USUM Tutor), Iron Tail (USUM Tutor), and Low Kick (USUM Tutor).
Bubble Beam
Dazzling Gleam
Earth Power
Fairy Wind
Hidden Power [Flying]
Hydro Pump
Hyper Beam
Ice Beam
Icy Wind
Mirror Coat
Muddy Water
Sheer Cold
Shock Wave
Signal Beam
Thunder Shock
Volt Switch
Zap Cannon
Confuse Ray
Double Team
Follow Me
Heart Swap
Helping Hand
Magnetic Flux
Me First
Mind Reader
Rain Dance
Sleep Talk
Speed Swap
Thunder Wave
59|87 Moves
The spirit of Fort Colorcastle
Snorlax [♀] Snow Globe Dragon Nature: Quiet (+1 SpA, Speed ÷ 1.15, -10% Evasion) Type:
Body Slam
Brick Break
Chip Away
Double Edge
Fire Punch
Focus Punch
Giga Impact
Gunk Shot
Heavy Slam
High Horsepower
Hold Back
Ice Punch
Iron Head
Last Resort
Mega Kick
Mega Punch
Natural Gift
Pay Day
Power-Up Punch
Rock Climb
Rock Slide
Rock Smash
Rock Tomb
Secret Power
Seed Bomb
Seismic Toss
Skull Bash
Smack Down
Stomping Tantrum
Take Down
Wild Charge
Zen Headbutt
Pippin the Timbur (now a Gurdurr): +6 MC, spends it on Dig (TM), Endure (Egg), Taunt (TM), Focus Punch (Tutor), Block (Tutor), and Facade (TM).
Shishio the Torchic (now a Combusken): +6 MC and +1 KOC it spends as MC for a total of 7 MC. Spends all 7 MC on Shadow Claw (TM), Overheat (TM), Fire Blast (TM), Will-O-Wisp (TM), Dual Chop (Tutor), Defog (Tutor), and Feint (Egg).
Kokomo-o the Jangmo-o (now a Hakamo-o): +6 MC and +1 KOC it uses as MC for a total of 7 MC, which it uses all on Draco Meteor (Tutor), Dual Chop (Tutor), Bulldoze (TM), Payback (TM), Aerial Ace (TM), Bulk Up (TM), and Rest (TM).
Jacen the Gallade: +6 MC it spends on Feint (Level Up), Magic Coat (Tutor), Focus Blast (TM), Grass Knot (TM), Thunder Wave (TM), and Throat Chop (Tutor).
Kaarde the Arghonaut: +6 MC; 6+6=12 MC. Spends 12 MC on Mach Punch (Level Up), Gunk Shot (Tutor), Earthquake (TM), Whirlpool (TM), Snatch (TM), Spikes (Egg), Torment (TM), Rock Blast (Egg), Low Kick (Tutor), Surf (TM), Brine (TM), and Revenge (Level Up).
Spending 12 CC on Croagunk, Chimchar, Stufful, Crabrawler, Makuhita, and Chespin.
26-12=14 CC
Spending 30 UC to unlock Poison Touch on Croagunk, Iron Fist on Chimchar, Cute Charm on Stufful, Anger Point on Crabrawler, Sheer Force on Makuhita, and Bullet Proof on Chespin.
128-30=98 UC
Florina LiastaciaApproved cbrevan Draco Meteor is a tutor move for Hakamo-o, same for Throat Chop and Gallade. I think that (1) in Croagunk's stats should be a (-)? Its BRT is 14, not 19. Fix and Approved
Charmelon: +6 MC and +1 KOC it spends as MC for a total of 7 UC. Opts to evolve into a Charizhard.
Learns Heat Wave, Wing Attack, and Air Slash as Pre-Level 26 Level Up moves.
Spends 7 MC on Earthquake (TM), Solar Beam (TM), Fly (TM), Focus Blast (TM), Dragon Pulse (Egg), Tailwind (Tutor), and Bide (TM).
Ruination | Charizard (Male) [Type]
Fire / Flying
Blaze | Solar Power (Unlocked)
Hasty (+ Speed, - Defense)
HP: 90
Atk: 3
Def: 2 (-)
SpA: 4
SpD: 3
Spe: 115 (+) (+15% Accuracy)
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20
Ruination | Mega Charizard X (Male) [Type]
Fire / Dragon
Blaze | Solar Power (Unlocked) | Tough Claws (Mega)
Hasty (+ Speed, - Defense)
HP: 90
Atk: 5
Def: 3 (-)
SpA: 5
SpD: 3
Spe: 115 (+) (+15% Accuracy)
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 24
Ruination | Mega Charizard Y (Male) [Type]
Fire / Flying
Blaze | Solar Power (Unlocked) | Drought (Mega)
Hasty (+ Speed, - Defense)
HP: 90
Atk: 4
Def: 2 (-)
SpA: 7
SpD: 4
Spe: 115 (+) (+15% Accuracy)
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 25
MC: 0
[Learned Moves]
Metal Claw
Dragon Rage
Scary Face
Fire Fang
Flame Burst
Heat Wave
Wing Attack
Air Slash
Rock Slide
Flare Blitz
Focus Punch
Dragon Dance
Dragon Pulse
Iron Tail
Thunder Punch
Shadow Claw
Fire Blast
Aerial Ace
Dragon Claw
Brick Break
Sunny Day
Solar Beam
Focus Blast
Battle 2: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threa...-im-up-to-caliber.3653539/page-2#post-8231833
+4 CC, 16+4=20
Pancham: +6 MC and +1 KOC it spends as MC for a total of 7 MC. Opts to evolve into Pangoro.
Learns Entrainment, Bullet Punch, Hammer Arm, and Low Sweep as Pre-Level 26 Level Up moves.
Spends 7 MC on Parting Shot (Level-Up), Drain Punch, (Tutor) Knock Off (Tutor), Gunk Shot (Tutor), Thunder Punch (Tutor), Ice Punch (Tutor), and Earthquake (TM).
Onizuka | Pangoro (Male) [Typing]
Fighting / Dark
Iron Fist | Mold Breaker | Scrappy (Unlocked)
Adamant (+Attack, -Special Attack)
HP: 90
Atk: 6 (+)
Def: 3
SpA: 2 (-)
SpD: 3
Spe: 58
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 20
MC: 0
[Learned Moves]
Arm Thrust
Work Up
Karate Chop
Comet Punch
Circle Throw
Bullet Punch
Hammer Arm
Low Sweep
Parting Shot
Foul Play
Quick Guard
Storm Throw
Me First
Drain Punch
Knock Off
Gunk Shot
Ice Punch
Thunder Punch
Rock Slide
Shroomish: +6 MC and opts to evolve into Breloom.
Learns Mach Punch, Feint, and Counter as Pre-Level 26 Level Up moves.
Spends 6 MC on Spore, Iron Tail, Thunder Punch, Synthesis, Rock Tomb, and Swords Dance
Meditite: +6 and +1 KOC it spends as MC for a total of 7 MC. Opts to evolve into Medicham.
Learns Zen Headbutt as Pre-Level 26 Level Up move.
Spends 6 MC on High jump Kick (Level Up), Counter (Level Up), Bullet Punch (Egg), Foresight (Egg), Pain Split (Tutor), Magic Coat (Tutor), and Endure (TM).
Anji | Medicham (Male) [Type]
Fighting | Pyshic
Pure Power | Telepathy (Locked)
Jolly (+Speed, -Special Attack)
HP: 90
Atk: 3 [6 - Pure Power]
Def: 3
SpA: 2 (-)
SpD: 3
Spe: 92 (+) (+10% Accuracy)
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18 [21 - Pure Power]
Anji | Mega Medicham (Male) [Type]
Fighting | Pyshic
Pure Power | Telepathy (Locked) | Pure Power (Mega)
cbrevan base Charizard should have r4 SpA and 115 Spe. Its SC is 3, WC is 4, BRT is 20. MChariX should have 3/5/24, respectively, while MChariY should have 3/4/25, respectively. Breloom should have r6 Atk. Mega Medicham's Atk should be 8 with Pure Power because of how Medichamite works. Fix and Approved
Poison:Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic status. Absorb Toxic Spikes on switch-in unless Flying-typed or using the ability Levitate. -- Accuracy when using Toxic, Poison Gas, or Poison Powder, hitting even during Dig, Fly, etc. Ignore Fog's accuracy reduction. Access to Store Command.
Ground:Ground STAB; immune to Sandstorm. Ignores Arena restrictions on Dig and Seismic Attacks for Arenas in which any land mass exists, Evasive Digging reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Moves (33/??):
Magic Room
Wonder Room
Circle Throw
Comet Punch
Helping Hand
Rapid Spin
Clear Smog
Knock Off
Razor Wind
Wide Guard
Earth Power
Air Slash
Heal Pulse
Me First
Sand Tomb
Quick Guard
Smack Down
Sludge Wave
Throat Chop
Fidgit learns Magic Room, Wonder Room, Circle Throw, Comet Punch, Helping Hand, Rototiller, and Wide Guard upon evolution.
Spending 2 MC on Earth Power and Air Slash (Level-Up).
Spending 2 MC on Heal Pulse and Quick Guard (Egg).
Spending 1 MC on Smack Down (TM/HM).
Spending 2 MC on Snatch and Throat Chop (Tutor).
Grass:Grass STAB; immunity to Leech Seed and all moves tagged as #Powder. Unable to have Petal Dance disrupted by oncoming damage. Ignores Arena restrictions on Grass attacks requiring an external grass source. Access to the Bloom command.
Ghost:Ghost STAB; cannot be prevented from switching via any means. Moves that trap their target will still have all other effects on a Ghost-type, such as the damage from partial trapping moves and the healing from Ingrain.
Necturna learns Poison Fang, Super Fang, Thunder Fang, Leech Seed, and Magical Leaf upon evolution.
Spending 3 MC on Horn Leech, Power Whip, and Phantom Force (Level-Up).
Spending 1 MC on Sketch (Egg).
Spending 2 MC on Torment and Stone Edge (TM/HM).
Spending 2 MC on Covet and Pain Split (Tutor).
Ground:Ground STAB; immune to Sandstorm. Ignores Arena restrictions on Dig and Seismic Attacks for Arenas in which any land mass exists, Evasive Digging reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Rock:Rock STAB; Adds an additional level of Priority on attacks that increase only defense, special defense, or prevent damage. Reduces Base Attack Power of all incoming special attacks by three (3) during Sandstorm, immune to Sandstorm damage. Ignores Arena restrictions on Rock attacks requiring an external rock source.
Abilities:Lightningrod / Rock Head / Reckless (H)(Locked)
Moves (26/??):
Hammer Arm
Horn Drill
Horn Attack
Tail Whip
Fury Attack
Scary Face
Smack Down
Chip Away
Stone Edge
Dragon Rush
Fire Fang
Ice Fang
Metal Burst
Thunder Fang
Rock Tomb
Poison Jab
Aqua Tail
Rhydon learns Hammer Arm and Horn Drill upon evolution.
Spending 3 MC on Stone Edge, Earthquake, and Megahorn (Level-Up).
Spending 2 MC on Crunch and Dragon Rush (Egg).
Spending 1 MC on Aqua Tail (Tutor).
Ground:Ground STAB; immune to Sandstorm. Ignores Arena restrictions on Dig and Seismic Attacks for Arenas in which any land mass exists, Evasive Digging reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Ghost:Ghost STAB; cannot be prevented from switching via any means. Moves that trap their target will still have all other effects on a Ghost-type, such as the damage from partial trapping moves and the healing from Ingrain.
Moves (29/??):
Defense Curl
Heavy Slam
High Horsepower
Shadow Punch
Iron Defense
Stomping Tantrum
Mega Punch
Dynamic Punch
Phantom Force
Rock Tomb
Rock Slide
Stone Edge
Drain Punch
Fire Punch
Ice Punch
Magic Coat
Thunder Punch
Golurk learns Heavy Slam and High Horsepower upon evolution.
Spending 3 MC on Dynamic Punch, Earthquake, and Phantom Force (Level-Up).
Spending 3 MC on Fly, Rock Slide, and Stone Edge (TM).
Spending 1 MC on Block (Tutor).
St. Helen - [Camerupt] (♀) Nature: Quiet (+1 SpA, -5 Speed, -10% Evasion)
Type: Fire / Ground
Fire:Fire STAB; immune to burn status. Access to the Brighten command.
Ground:Ground STAB; immune to Sandstorm. Ignores Arena restrictions on Dig and Seismic Attacks for Arenas in which any land mass exists, Evasive Digging reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Abilties:Magma Armor / Solid Rock / Anger Point (U) / Sheer Force (Mega)
Moves (30/??):
Rock Slide
Focus Energy
Flame Burst
Take Down
Lava Plume
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Heavy Slam
Scary Face
Solar Beam
Sunny Day
Flame Charge
Sleep Talk
Rock Tomb
Flash Cannon
Stealth Rock
Stomping Tantrum
Camerupt learns Eruption, Fissure, and Rock Slide upon evolution.
Spending 1 MC on Earth Power (Level-Up).
Spending 5 MC on Solar Beam, Sunny Day, Rest, Sleep Talk, and Flash Cannon (TM/HM).
Spending 2 MC on Stealth Rock and Stomping Tantrum (Tutor).
Water:Water STAB; Ignores arena restrictions on Water attacks that require an external water source. Evasive Diving reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Dark:Dark STAB; ignores Attract and Confusion status entirely when using Dark-type damaging and non-damaging attacks. Immune to all status moves used by a Pokémon with the Prankster ability.
Moves (20/??):
Night Slash
Swords Dance
Double Hit
Knock Off
Aqua Jet
Ancient Power
Dragon Dance
Rock Tomb
Aerial Ace
Brick Break
Crawdaunt learns Swift upon evolution.
Spending 1 MC on Crunch (Level-Up).
Spending 1 MC on Aqua Jet (Egg).
Spending 3 MC on Rock Tomb, Taunt, and Substitute (TM/HM).
Spending 1 MC on Liquidation (Tutor).