Tournament PSPL IX Group Stages: Week 1

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Won GG!


tough shit gray we didnt go 0-8 yet.
Dead games:

Lets In The Sun vs. Lunala -> game was actually scheduled but never happened and there was no further contact from either party

nui vs. Ransei -> there was a late contact by Ransei on Friday and they agreed to play on Saturday, nui apparently missed the time and then the only other attempt to get game done was a few hours before the deadline by nui but Ransei didn't get to see it. Given all the circumstances it was decided on a dead game.

Activity wins:

explodingdaisies vs. Sabella -> explodingdaisies never showed up at the scheduled time.

Maskun vs. M3mesz -> Maskun contacted their opponent on Monday and never got an answer.

Week 2 should be up in a few hours, good luck everyone.
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