Psycho Shift?

I suppose Noctowl is good is you're looking for something new on your team. Also, you don't have to worry about breaking sleep clause with Noctowl because it can't even be put to sleep.

What's so good about using rest/sleep talk/psycho shift? That seems kinda stupid as you just wasted three of your slots to put a maximum of 1 opponent to sleep, and then yeah, I agree with everyone who's worried about breaking sleep clause or wasting a turn if it's on Shoddybattle because you only have 1 attacking move after you rest again.

Has anyone who's knocking Noctowl actually given him a try with this set? If you haven't you probably shouldn't judge it just on paper, because even the best looking sets can be complete and utter failures, while some sets that may look like failures can fit perfectly on your team.

Just saying give it a try if you're afraid of sleep clause and want to try something new eh, don't mean to be a butthole.
Well I wouldn't even suggest Noctowl if I didn't think it worked. But I've given it a go and it seriously can take special hits and support well. Its much bulkier on the special side then people give credit for and the fact it has a solid healing move is extremely beneficial.

Also if you need a solid Breloom counter than look into Hypno. It packs Insomnia, resists Focus Punch and Seed Bomb does a little less than 50% and if you run Bold and STAB Psychic is just about a OHKO. That and Hypno has pretty beastly special defense on top and a absolutely massive support movepool.
I love the idea of burn orb, because you can severely cripple a Pokemon even if you don't learn Will-o-wisp, AND it's 100% accurate.
(It does take away from having another item, but it could be worth it.)