Chatot effectively needs 3 things to do well: a little bit of Speed support (whether it's from Paralysis support, Sticky Web, Tailwind, etc.), SR to both OHKO through Sashes and turn 3HKOs and 2HKOs into 2HKOs and OHKOs on bulky offense mons/special walls, and Pokemon that easily remove Ghost / Rock / Steel Pokemon, which resist its STAB Specs Boomburst. So, from here I decided Leavanny with a hazard protection core of Misdreavus + Pawniard would perform well at laying Sticky Web and keeping it up. Pawniard is not only here to deter Defog and protect Sticky Web, but it is also here to threaten out Ghost Pokemon so that Chatot can sweep with Boomburst. You can easily run Jolly over Adamant here in order to catch Adamant Pawniard-creeping Misdreavus that run HP fighting off guard (or faster, non-colbur berry Grumpigs), but that's the user's choice. In addition to spin blocking for Leavanny's Sticky Web, Misdreavus burns Piloswine for Chatot, and keeps it from setting up SR (which really hampers Chatot's effectiveness). I'm running 44 Speed on HP Fighting Misdreavus to beat out faster hazard setting leads like Aurorus, Rampardos, Jolly Quilladin, Jolly Torterra, Dwebble, etc. I then added Probopass with Magnet Pull (and some Speed creep), so that it can remove other Probopass and other Steel Pokemon which easily take Chatot's Boomburst. At this point, I realized I needed something to take on Pawniard, because other Pawniards get a Defiant boost if my webs are up. That's where Bulky Poliwrath comes in, with maximized HP and Scald. Coincidentally, Poliwrath also beats every relevant Rapid Spinner (i.e. Avalugg, Torkoal, Armaldo) with ease, which helps pressure them and consequently, protect Sticky Web. At this point, the team was more or less done, but then I noticed at the end that I was pretty Jumpluff weak, especially considering it's not affected by Sticky Web. This prompted me to use Safety Goggles and Power Gem Probopass over Air Balloon, as I already had a few answers to Piloswine (i.e. bulky Scald Poliwrath / Taunt WoW Misdreavus / a soft check from Leavanny's Leaf Storm / a soft check from Pawniard's Iron Head), and didn't really need it levitating. Chatot forms a Volturn core with Probopass, and so grabbing momentum isn't hard at all. Overall, the team is a lot of fun to use and I've tested it a lot, but it more or less loses to Rotom-F lol.