PSA: Mega Banette is NOT a good pokemon!
clears throat and then sighs Mega Banette is THE MOST overrated mega evolution in the game! You guys, this is a mon that has 64/75/83 defenses and 75 speed - it has GARBAGE stats across the board! Yes, I know, this has 165 attack, but that means nothing because 85% of the time this is just gonna die before it can do anything! Now, let's look at its ability. Prankster. Great. If this was back before it didn't affect Dark-types, I might've seen a valid argument for Mega Banette being somewhat decent, but now that Prankster does not affect Dark-types, Mega Banette is usually not able to do anything to them before it dies. And the worst part is, this doesn't have ANYTHING relevant to hit those Dark-types, so it just hard loses to EVERY Dark-type. The fact that it has 165 attack but absolutely nothing to utilize it means it's locked into Prankster Destiny Bond, a strategy that is just so easy to play around not only because of the aforementioned fact that Dark-types exist, but also because on the highest level of competitive pokemon, NOBODY is going to fall for that strategy! Most of the time when you see teams with Mega Banette, not only do you win, you 6-0 them with ease! Don't get me wrong, its design is impressive, but the number of factors that have to go right and VERY rarely do is so high that Mega Banette has not and will never be worth using in a high-level tournament! Also, let's not forget too that this takes up a WHOLE MEGA SLOT, so you are basically dedicating an entire item slot to an utterly worthless pokemon! Like, there are SO MANY better options for mega evolutions on your team! You got Mega Latias, Mega Medicham, Mega Mawile, Mega Scizor... hell, even Mega Latios and Mega Diancie, maybe even MEGA GARDEVOIR of all things are better options than this worthless piece of shit based on by the way the WORST non-mega Ghost-type in existence, Banette, who carries a lame as fuck design and extremely abysmal stat spread. And it's appropriate because this is the WORST mega evolution in the game! You know what no I'm going to stick this in cremation station tier I don't even care