Tournament PUWC V - Administrative Decisions & Announcements Thread

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Carpe Diem
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Hosted by DugZa

Art by AmirAlexander

Decisions and announcements for the fourth iteration of PU World Cup will be communicated in this thread.​
These are the teams and their respective managers for PUWC V.

Benelux - Blue YM + Quinn
Brazil - LpZ + Ryu
China - Metallica126 + Nashrock
Europe - Drud + TWiTT
France - Lambovino + yandaud
Germany - Emre Mor 9 + Feaniix
India - Dj Breloominati♬ + Piyu
Italy - paolode99
Latin America - One Last Kiss + Raahel
Mexico + Guatemala - oh the guilt + Mrbanana45
RoW - Baloor + big tony 2014
United Kingdom - Django
US Midwest - sasha + DripLegend
US Northeast - Ming549
US South - gulch + Stories
US West - skrimps + ManOfMany

Only players from a region that does not belong to any of the other teams (Asia, Africa, Canada, and Oceania) would be eligible for RoW.

All managers must be in the PU Discord and all lineups need to be posted here or submitted to me in PMs by 11.59 PM GMT-4 Sunday, October 27th.

These teams are not finalized however and we may add more teams if necessary depending on the number of signups over the next few days prior to the deadline.
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Re: yingzhi4896 vs. FadedCharm / Cielau vs. zioziotrip

FadedCharm failed to reply to the opponent's scheduling attempts despite his managers being informed about it as well. No sub was provided either; therefore, yingzhi4896 is awarded the activity win.

Cielau pinged US Midwest at the agreed upon scheduling time, waiting for zioziotrip to login to smogtours. No sub was provided within 30 minutes; therefore, Cielau is awarded the activity win.

Re: robjr vs. sleid

The game was not played and is therefore ruled as a dead game.
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