Quote Database Search

This isn't too important, because the Q DB is unnecessary for competitive battling, but would still be cool - what if there was a search for the Quote Database? At the moment, the only way to navigate through quotes is by age or randomly, and the only way to search is to go through all the pages with Ctrl-F. With a search function, you could find the quote you're looking for easily. What do you guys think?
Doesn't sound bad, but if you are looking through quotes just for fun, than there isn't really a point of searching, right?
Sometimes you want to see a quote again after a while because you don't remember exactly what it was, or you want to show it to someone else. I've been wanting one, as well. Since it involves programming/coding this kind of request is put on the long list of things we'd like colin/doug/chaos to do, and since it's also more of a recreational thing it'd be quite low on that.
Mekkah hit the nail right on the head. Well, as long as it's on a to-do list, regardless of placement, I'll be content.