Other Metagames R.E.M (Dream) AAA Screens Hyper Offense


Banned deucer.

amazing art by Moosical

Hello, Fbot here and I wanted to write up another RMT on the AAA metagame since its been a while. I wanted to highlight this meta in particular after the suspect on a current top meta threat in Zygarde (which I outlined in the thread where I would like gladly banned), where I feel the meta will shift drastically after its potential ban. I also wanted to build an updated Screens / Veil Hyper Offensive team for AAA as I find it to be a fun style to mess around in this metagame in particular, where fun mons such as Volcorona and Magearna can be used on a playstyle that they would otherwise not be commonly seen on thanks to introduction of abilities they don't have access to in standard play. This team carried me mostly throughout the suspect test, where I slightly dabbled with some stall and standard balance to get through the lower parts of the ladder much quicker. Sadly wasn't able to utilize this team in OMPL after me and aesf tweaked it a bit, although it was always an option that both of us had in the back in case we wanted to potentially "cheese" our opponents.



Started off with the core of both Tapu Koko and Landorus-T, acting as the Screens and SR setter respectively. Tapu Koko was chosen in particular over other potential mons such as Azelf and Aurora Veil Mew since it can anti-lead itself due to its fast Speed and access to Taunt + U-turn. Landorus-T is a great SR setter since it can wallbreak with SD and block potential Defog with an Aerilate boosted Explosion which nukes even resisted targets.


Zygarde was an obvious pick since its a pretty broken mon in its own right even without Screens support with access to abilities such as Poison Heal, Hustle, and Magic Bounce which makes it an extremely difficult threat to deal with. With this team, I decided to go with the standard Adaptability + DD Z-Move set which nukes it checks in Buzzwole and Hippowdon and usually tends to clean once the aforementioned checks have been weakened down.


Volcorona is my dedicated special sweeper, breaking through the physical threats that Zygarde might struggle to deal with such as Intimidate Mew, Buzzwole, and Hippowdon. Life Orb packs a punch even when unboosted which is pretty important as sometimes its important to have immediate power on a team like this where setting up screens may not always be possible.


The team was looking pretty weak to uber defensive teams, where threats such as Unaware Skarmory / Chansey, AssVest Alolan-Muk, and CB Weavile were all pretty threatening in their own right. I decided to add Taunt Mega Gyarados as a means as a stallbreaker as a result, where the utility in Magic Bounce also helped keep the screens up versus opposing deffogers as well.


-Atespeeders and the lack of a Noivern switchin persuaded me to add a Magearna to the team. It also provides an additional stallbreaker that can break through annoying stuff in Chansey and A-Muk in the case that Mega Gyarados has been weakened. It may seem odd to have such as slow breaker on a team like this, however Mag provides invaluable bulk to the team and can be a nuisance to take down with screens up that it just works.



Tapu Koko @ Light Clay
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Taunt
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- U-turn

Tapu Koko is the centerpeice of the team. Where it is commonly seen running offensive sets such as CB Pixilate or Galvanize, It is ran as a fully supportive mon on this team where its high Speed and access to Taunt usually enables it to setup both screens at least once a match (which is often usually enough). While Koko does not have the best bulk, it has enough to withstand hits from even moderately strong attackers under screens and can proceed to either provide momentum via U-turn or disrupt opposing utility mons with Taunt. Mold Breaker was chosen as a means to disrupt Magic Bounce users as well which would otherwise be especially annoying since the most common ones (such as Mew, Skarmory, and Mandibuzz) often carry Defog. Deterring other common Magic Bounce users such as Chansey and Zygarde can also be incredibly useful as well. Light Clay obviously extends screens which is very important. Magic Bounce can be used as an alternative option to disrupt status moves such as SR and Defog on the switchin, although its usually does not come into play most of the time due to Koko's subpar bulk without screens up.


Landorus-Therian @ Focus Sash
Ability: Aerilate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance
- Explosion

Landorus-T is the team's offensive Stealth Rock setter, where its Ground + Flying coverage via Aerilate enables it to threaten just about every wall in the tier such as Buzzwole, Magearna, and Alolan-Muk. especially if it manages to setup a Swords Dance. Explosion is important on this set as it allows Landorus-T to provide pseudo-momentum to the team thanks to it blocking a potential Defog / Rapid Spin use on it, while also letting it provide the team an immediate nuke option that can KO most threats in a pinch especially if it manages to keep its Focus Sash in tact. Its immunity to Ground and Electric is also pretty useful for the team, switching into the likes of Tapu Koko and blocking Magearna's Volt Switch alongside checking annoying threats such as Triage Buzzwole and non-Refrigerate Zeraoara. Frustatrion can be used as a more reliable Flying-STAB option, however Explosions greater power and ability to evade Defog makes the option more appealing as a result.


Zygarde @ Dragonium Z
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Thousand Arrows
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Draco Meteor

Zygarde is a pretty stupid mon in its own right, where its incredible bulk, access to a broken move in Thousand Arrows and useful typing enables it to usually sweep teams with ease already. Add to the fact that it has access to abilities such as Adaptability (which I chose to elect in this case) elevates its prowess greatly. Under screens, even the most powerful of attackers can fail to properly revenge kill it due to its aforementioned great bulk, meaning Zygarde can usually setup 1 Dragon Dance and usually proceed to sweep. Dragonium Z is equipped to either enhance Draco Meteor or Outrage, where the former enables it to blow through Zygarde's common checks such as Buzzwole, Hippowdon, and Mew, while the ladder can be used to decimate even resisted targets at +1 due to the power enhancement coming from Adaptability. Thousand Arrows is there to be spammed and just breaks through everything that Zygarde's Dragon moves don't. The lack of Extreme Speed does kind of suck on this type of team, however the importance of Zygarde's STABs is too much to give up to use it as an option. I had initially dabbled with Hustle + Coil Zygarde at first, although the lack of Speed boosting often let it be revenge killed by too many threats even though it packed Espeed so I ultimately decided to change it.


Gyarados-Mega @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Taunt

As I mentioned, Mega Gyarados is the teams main stallbreaker, breaking through defensive threats such as Unaware Skarmory, Magic Bounce Chansey, and Unaware Mew. Its bulk + typing also is pretty useful as it provides the team a secondary Fire resist, a Psychic immunity, and another Ground immunity pre-mega. This means that Mega Gyarados can check annoying threats such as Victini, Mega Alakazam, and even Mamoswine with screens up, threats that would otherwise heavily pressure the team greatly. Crunch + EQ hits most of the meta for neutral damage, where only certain physical walls like Tapu Fini and Buzzwole manage to withstand a hit even at +1. Magic Bounce was chosen as the base ability as it allows Gyarados to switchin versus common SR users like Hippowdon, Landorus-T, Ferrothorn, and Mamoswine and usually use them as setup fodder as a result. It also blocks the use of Defog against the team, keeping the screens up longer which is really important obviously. I also like using Mega Gyara due to the mindgames it provides with its type change, potentially screwing over certain threats depending on when it chooses to mega evolve.


Volcarona @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Fire Blast
- Bug Buzz
- Psychic

Volcorona is a threat that I feel is being slept on in the current metagame. Access to Quiver Dance + a great STAB combo and coverage means it can threaten just about every physical wall that Zygarde + Mega Gyara can fail to break through. Magic Guard works greatly over other potential abilities such as Desolate Land and Dazzling as the team lacks a proper means of hazard control, meaning the ability to forego the potential wear down due to entry hazard chip is extremely important to Volcorona's sustainability. The immediate power Volcorona provides unboosted with a Life Orb equipped is also useful at times where screens were unfortunately unable to be setup, so having that power to break through certain walls without relying on setup can be vital as well especially with a team like this. Bug Buzz was chosen to break through potential checks such as Flash Fire Ferrothorn, Tyranitar, and Victini, while Psychic is a good coverage move that hits most bulky waters for good damage such as Toxapex and Tapu Fini. Although, Giga Drain can still be run to deal with stuff like Suicune and Flash Fire Excadrill more reliably, while providing Volcorona some pseudo-recovery.


Magearna @ Leftovers
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Pain Split
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Like I mentioned previously, this Magearna set may seem odd on a hyper offensive team like this, where sets such as Shift Gear + Calm Mind may seem more practical. However, at this point threats such as Unaware Chansey, Skarmory, and Tapu Fini still proved to be a nuisance to the team. Therefore, utilizing a stallbreaker Magearna set seemed like the best fit to round off the team. Sheer Force + CMSplit is a set that Jrdn had proposed to me and I felt it worked the best with BoltBeam as coverage, enabling Magearna to threaten just about every wall in the metagame sans for stuff like Volt Absorb Toxapex and Thick Fat Hippowdon. While being outspeed by the majority of offensive threats, Magearna's great bulk and amazing defensive typing allows it to setup and usually sustain itself through Pain Split when screens are up. Life Orb may be used to give Magearna a slight increase in power initially, but Leftovers recovery had often provided more utility through my testing.



Scarf Victini can outspeed every member of the team unboosted and can usually claim a kill with a sun boosted V-Create or threaten the teams initial switchin (ie: Gyarados and Zygarde) with a Bolt Strike and Glaciate respectively. The matchup becomes slightly easier if screens are able to be setup screens beforehand or if sweepers such as Volcorona manage to get a boost (even then its a speed tie) or if it elects to run a Choice Band or Life Orb, but still a giant threat to deal with.


Setup variants of Zygarde can be troublesome where it can usually manage to sweep the team without screens up and with a Dragon Dance under its belt. The team's lack of priority enhances this problem greatly, as it usually needs to rely on Landorus-T revenge killing it with Explosion if it manages to setup. Coil / CB sets are a bit easier to offensively check, although Zygarde's annoying bulk still makes it a pain to properly take down even with the powerful breakers the team has. Although, Zygarde does not usually find an easy time setting up versus any of the teammembers however without threatening to be heavily worn down, so thats a good sign, Still ban this mon plz.


Being faster then all the team unboosted alongside having coverage that can break through every mon makes Naganadel a bit difficult to face without any of the mons having any prior boosts, as no priority usually leaves Naganadel to sweep if not properly taken accounted for, however Magearna can usually stomach an unboosted Fire Blast if screens are up.


Tapu Fini can still be quite annoying if Magearna is weakened as the rest of the team can get heavily annoyed by it especially if it manages to setup one or two Calm Mind boosts. Regenerator / Grassy Surge variants are a bit easier to take on due to their relative limited sustainability, although Knock Off spamming can still be a pain as well.


Similar to Naganadel, Noivern's great Speed and tremendous power stiffens the matchup the team has with it, where Magearna is needed to be kept relatively at high health in order to properly account for it. Other teammembers such as Mega Gyarados and Zygarde can manage to stomach a hit with a Light Screen up, although they still do not appreciate being heavily worn down by Boomburst.


Opposing setup sweepers, especially those that boost their speed, can be quite annoying to any Hyper Offensive team as the team structure often lacks the right amount of bulk to properly account for the power they can garner. Although, the use of Screens support can help mitigate this somewhat although it still can be quite annoying if things snowball too quickly.

Tapu Koko @ Light Clay
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Taunt
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- U-turn

Landorus-Therian @ Focus Sash
Ability: Aerilate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance
- Explosion

Gyarados-Mega @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Taunt

Zygarde @ Dragonium Z
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Thousand Arrows
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Draco Meteor

Volcarona @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Fire Blast
- Bug Buzz
- Psychic

Magearna @ Leftovers
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Pain Split
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam


vs/ Stall
vs/ opposing HO
vs/ Weavile Balance

Chloe: Thanks for drafting me even though I didn't pull through as much as I wanted to. Still one of the closest people I talk to on this site since ur such a cool and cute user. Ur voice is still good no matter what you / others say owo.

aki0s: Sick dude and my current co-manager for the Registeels. Really fun making vids with you even though I always used to pull a fast one on you and kept delaying our recording times. Also a solid BH player that I appreciate watching your matches.

Jrdn: The AAA goat himself, great user and amazing player in general tbf. Hopefully you pull through in Snake and I can't wait till we wreck everyone else in a potential WCOP :00 Go Canada bitches.

GL Volkner: Friendly person and generally someone that I gravitate towards in terms of likelyhood. Grtz on ur undefeated record in OMPL btw even though you told me you would go 0-3 lol. Ur better then you think my man.

ScarfWynaut: Interesting person to say the least, ur humor gets to me all the time. Good player even though you usually dont get the chance to showcase ur talents. Im still better then you in Smash though.

Uselesscrab: You must hate me for always annoying you over OM analyses lol, thank you for managing that though. Besides that, charismatic user who always makes me crack up with them snarky comments, ur also very nice too :)

aesf: Great teammate throughout OMPL and actually contributed greatly to this build. Generlly pretty chill dude too.

allstarapology: My ZU fren. Really chill person to talk to even though we dont get a chance to often. Keep rising bro.

MAMP: Another chill dude with a sexy voice, why do I always get so jealous lol. JK tho ur cute. #MEMPTHECHEMP

Chazm: Sorry I kept busting for MnM rates but ur the guy I trust the most in terms of innovation for that meta. It was also fun posting a vid together too even though ur voice kinda just is 10x better then mine.

Quantum Tesseract: Smart and good, this user has it all and I wish I was him smh.

The rest of the OM / ZU community as a whole for sticking up with my shenanigans. Im not done yet tho


Thanks for reading this RMT! The team can definitely be improved on with some slight tweaks (such as potentially bettering the Fini matchup), although I still believe its at a pretty solid spot at the current moment. Like I mentioned, I wish I could have used this team through OMPL but I was not comfortable with the build at that current time to use it in a high level match. Hyper Offense is definitely a fun style to use in the current meta, and hopefully new innovations will become more prevalent after the potential Zygarde ban since the meta is kinda chockeholded by it atm imo. Thanks to everyone who has been supporting me after joining the website. Even though its only really been about 2 years since I made my account, I still feel I managed to create a tight bond with many users and hopefully create some more ;)

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