Ragnarokalex's Drowning Emporium! Now able to Clone! Update 2/19, added several shiny mons!

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k, Itll be a little bit still, I'm finishing up my current breeding project right now, and then I will get started on the HP Ice Rotom, and unfortunately I don't really know how long that will take me.

Wow, that trade thread man. Me and my roommate are in awe of the selection lol. So there are tons of things we are interested in, so I figured I would start off by asking if you were ok with trading one of your legendaries for the flawless Female Oshawott.

So long as it is Water absorb with the egg moves that spread will work just fine. If you are free later tonight, I will shoot you a message when I'm done working on the few things I am so we can trade.

I do have a couple Charizardite Y's left, and it would depend on the mons you had up for trade. If I am really interested in something I could do it for a single mon, however if it's just regular stock that I don't have a direct need for I would probably need 2 of them.
Sure why not, it's really not a sweat for me to clone. What would you like? However, I'm running out of time for today, and I need to sleep for school tomorrow with a bunch of tests, we can probably trade tomorrow, just tell me what you want through PM. Yea, my trade thread is kind of huge. xD, it's been growing, however most of them are breedable upon request, it's not like I have the time to keep everything in stock. xD
Timid - Own Tempo/Technician
Egg Moves: Spore, Baton Pass, Aqua Ring, Stockpile

CMT for this? You can have multiples. If there is nothing you want in there tell me I have a few more, and I don't mind throwing in items.
Sure why not, it's really not a sweat for me to clone. What would you like? However, I'm running out of time for today, and I need to sleep for school tomorrow with a bunch of tests, we can probably trade tomorrow, just tell me what you want through PM. Yea, my trade thread is kind of huge. xD, it's been growing, however most of them are breedable upon request, it's not like I have the time to keep everything in stock. xD

Well a Latios was what I was really eyeing, one of those would help my team out immensely.

Would a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Naive Chimchar with Iron Fist, Thunderpunch, Fire Punch, Fake Out, Helping Hand do?

Sorry, I actually got one of those yesterday and just haven't had the time to work it into my breeding schedule

Hey, can you CMT for a Choice Specs, and a Weakness Policy.

A male Druddigon and a tailow would be good for me. That ok with you?

Timid - Own Tempo/Technician
Egg Moves: Spore, Baton Pass, Aqua Ring, Stockpile

CMT for this? You can have multiples. If there is nothing you want in there tell me I have a few more, and I don't mind throwing in items.

Im sorry, but after reviewing your thread, there isn't anything that interests me for such a project :(. Let me know in the future if you update your list of available mons and I will have no problem checking again.
Out of curiosity, are any of these in unique pokeballs (not pokeballs):

eevee, litwick, rotom, oshawott, togepi, poliwag, heracross, staryu, smeargle, venipede, squirtle, growlithe, mareep, furfrou, dratini, mawile, larvitar,adamant ralts?
Out of curiosity, are any of these in unique pokeballs (not pokeballs):

eevee, litwick, rotom, oshawott, togepi, poliwag, heracross, staryu, smeargle, venipede, squirtle, growlithe, mareep, furfrou, dratini, mawile, larvitar,adamant ralts?
umm, ill go through and check my mons and let you know, keep an eye on the OP and I will edit them into that, Im at work so it probably wont be done until a little bit later tonight.

Actually can I get a Male Totodile?
yea thatd be fine
That's fine , sounds good to me. All of them look good, balls will just help me decide better.

........um, yeah.
CMT for smeargle w/ spore, stealth rock, sticky web, and magic coat

So the mons in red at the top of your thread are 5IV and available for trade right? If so what egg moves does skarmory have? I might be interested in a skarmory and a koffing for it depending on that.
If I can nickname it...please check my thread for it and please post there too thanks :D

Timid - Natural Cure
Egg Moves:
lol Egg moves
(Trades for these will take a while to do, they're not fun to breed)

If you find some things can interes you another pokemon (maybe 2) in your thread that can interest me here there are :D
Hope you'll find somenthing :D

So the mons in red at the top of your thread are 5IV and available for trade right? If so what egg moves does skarmory have? I might be interested in a skarmory and a koffing for it depending on that.
yeah, they are 5 IV. Skarmory has whirlwind and brave bird while koffing has toxic spikes and pain split. Skarmory is impish and koffing is bold
CMT for an Oshawott

Would you trade a Beldum for it?

If I can nickname it...please check my thread for it and please post there too thanks :D

Timid - Natural Cure
Egg Moves:
lol Egg moves
(Trades for these will take a while to do, they're not fun to breed)

If you find some things can interes you another pokemon (maybe 2) in your thread that can interest me here there are :D
Hope you'll find somenthing :D


Yea I can nickname anything in my shop! I would love to trade for a chespin and an absol, however the one you have listed is 6 IV, and I would only need a 5 IV one (Missing Sp.Att). So you don't need to work that hard for it. You have some very interesting well bred mons, if theres anything else I have that you might be interested in, let me know cause I would be very interested in doing more trades with you! One last thing, If you would like, I wouldn't be opposed to sticking a BP Item on the staryu to sweeten the deal a little bit. Just let me know if you would like anything!

yeah, they are 5 IV. Skarmory has whirlwind and brave bird while koffing has toxic spikes and pain split. Skarmory is impish and koffing is bold

K, in that case I would be interested in a Koffing and Klefki for the smeargle.

You able to trade today tc?

Sorry I didnt get ahold of ya, I spent all day at work covering for someone that was sick, unfortunately I am also working a double tomorrow, so I probably wont be able to trade until Sunday night.
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