Raichu QC [0/3]

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"to sea, or not to sea" ~Melodramatic Sailor

  • Has an extraordinary Speed stat in comparisons to the rest of the tier, allowing it to outspeed many common Pokemon.
  • Immune to its own typing, leaving it a relatively safe switch in to Electric-type Pokemon that outclass it. This also allows Raichu to force Volt Switch users to be more hesitant about using that move, hindering VoltTurn cores. (Weirdly phrased, gonna fix when thinking straight.)
  • Is a potent user of Volt Switch which allows it to keep up offensive momentum.
  • Is weak to priority, hindering its ability to sweep through opposing teams.
  • Has to rely on a boosting item or a set up to be able to clean up games.
  • Has only mediocre attacking stats in comparison to higher tier threats.

Encore + 3 Attacks
name: Encore + Attacks
move 1: Encore
move 2: Thunderbolt / Volt Switch
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Grass Knot
ability: Lightningrod
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid

  • Encore allows for Raichu to prevent certain Pokemon from setting up, such as Barbaracle and Carracosta. It also ensures that Raichu can deal damage to a Pokemon regardless of the scenario.
  • Thunderbolt is a hard hitting STAB move that is designed to truck through opposing Pokemon, though Volt Switch can be used in its place to keep up offensive momentum in situations where Thunderbolt would be more detrimental to carry.
  • Focus Blast is a powerful move that can nail bulky Normal- and Steel- types such as Lickilicky and Bastiodon.
  • Grass Knot allows for Raichu to decimate Ground- and Rock- type Pokemon such as Golem, as well as nail Pokemon such as Barbaracle and Carracosta.

Set Details
  • Raichu packs 252 Special Attack EVs to ensure the hits it delivers have a lasting impact, dealing great damage to many Pokemon that do not resist its movepool entirely.
  • 252 Speed EVs coupled with a Timid nature leaves Raichu nearly never outsped by a large variety of Pokemon, allowing it to keep up offensive pressure on the opposing team.
  • Life Orb also significantly increases the damage output of Raichu, allowing it to tear holes in opposing teams.

Usage Tips
  • It's best to use Encore in optimal situations, such as when a Pokemon is in the midst of setting up. This prevents them from further setting up while allowing for Raichu to fire off a free attack.
  • Asides from preventing set up, Raichu is also used to whittle down opposing Pokemon to make way for another Pokemon to clean through them late game.

Team Options
  • Raichu is quite frail and easily decimated by Ground-type attacks, so having a safe switch in to such attacks is extremely helpful. For a more offensive team designed to keep momentum going, having Ninjask is great as it gives Raichu a safe switch in to Ground-type Attacks while Ninjask can U-turn out back into Raichu to avoid getting nailed by a Flying-type attack.
  • Having a Pokemon to take advantage of an opposing Pokemon being Encored is beneficial. It is preferable to have a Pokemon that sets up while the opposing Pokemon is either unable to do any damage or to only be able to deal pitiful portions of damage. Such Pokemon could be Barbaracle or Carracosta.

Nasty Plot
name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Substitute / Encore
move 3: Nasty Plot
move 4: Grass Knot / Focus Blast
ability: Lightningrod
item: Leftovers / Life Orb
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid

  • Thunderbolt is the most powerful 100% accurate STAB move Raichu gets, allowing it to deal massive amounts of damage to opposing Pokemon once it sets up Nasty Plots.
  • Substitute is to allow for easier setting up for Raichu, as well as avoiding priority moves, Raichu is lacking in physical Defense.
  • Encore allows for Raichu to incapacitate Pokemon that attempt to set up while making it easier for Raichu to set up.
  • Nasty Plot is the main purpose of this set, boosting Raichu's already high 90 base Special Attack to extraordinary levels, allowing it to break through a good deal of Pokemon.
  • Grass Knot is a move better suited for dealing with Pokemon such as Golem that would otherwise wall Raichu.
  • Alternatively, Focus Blast can be used to nail defensive Normal-types such as Lickilicky, having over a 50% chance of OHKOing after a single Nasty Plot as well as still covering Pokemon such as Golem, which is always OHKOed before Raichu can set up.

Set Details
  • Leftovers allow for more residual recovery which is beneficial due to the self inflicted Substitute damage, however one can opt for a Life Orb to utilize Raichu as a mid- to late-game sweeper.
  • 252 Speed EVs allow for Raichu to be one of the fastest Pokemon in the tier with a Timid nature.
  • 252 Special Attack EVs allow for Raichu to tear through teams once it has began setting up Nasty Plot.

Usage Tips
  • Raichu is best used as a mid- to late-game sweeper or cleaner, as it requires having the opposing walls being whittled down before it can be truly effective.
  • Raichu requires some outside assistance in whittling down both walls and priority users as it has subpar Defenses, leaving it susceptible to all priority attacks, save Vacuum Wave.
  • Only switch Raichu in when safely, such as on a slow Volt Switch or U-turn, and attempt to set up a Substitute as early as possible.
  • Alternatively, taking advantage of Choice locked Pokemon can allow for Raichu to get up a Substitute and proceed to set up, so take note of when a Pokemon is Choice locked into a move resisted by Raichu. Such Pokemon that are easily taken advantage of by Raichu are Choice Scarf Rotom-F, as it is easy to switch into on a previously chosen Thunderbolt or anticipated Volt Switch.

Team Options
  • Raichu appreciates a relatively safe switch-in to Ground-type attacks, so most Flying-type Pokemon or Pokemon with Levitate are nice teammates to Raichu.
  • Seeing as Raichu either has little passive recovery or none, hazards can be quite detrimental to it. Having a Rapid Spin or Defog user greatly benefits the cleaning capabilities of Raichu. Mantine works great in this role, being able to switch in on Ground-type attacks easily, remove hazards, and proceed to switch back into Raichu if it needs to avoid an Electric-type attack. However, if you must opt for a Rapid Spinner as to not remove your own hazards, Avalugg is the only truly viable user. The only downside is that they both share a weakness to the same type and Raichu can offer no support for Avalugg.
  • While having hazards on your side of the field is detrimental to Raichu, having Stealth Rocks and other hazards on the opponents side is greatly beneficial, whittling down special walls to the point where Raichu can finish them off after a few Nasty Plots.

All-out Attacker
name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Thunderbolt / Thunder
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Hidden Power Ice
ability: Lightningrod
item: Choice Specs / Life Orb
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid

  • Thunderbolt is a powerful STAB move with perfect accuracy, though Thunder has additional power at the expense of 30% accuracy. The main preference that goes behind this moveslot is dependent on the power for accuracy exchange you want.
  • Volt Switch is a great STAB move that allows for Raichu to keep up offensive momentum.
  • Focus Blast is a great move that allows Raichu to nail Steel-, Rock-, and Normal-types for immense damage, namely Bastiodon and Lickilicky. Focus Blast can also help Raichu deal with Rotom-F and Piloswine, which otherwise wall it with ease.
  • Grass Knot allows for Raichu to deal with Golem relatively easily, alongside other heavier Ground-type Pokemon such as Whiscash.

Set Details
  • Having 252 EVs in Speed helps Raichu utilize its absurdly high Speed stat, leaving it nearly unrivaled in terms of being one of the faster Pokemon in the tier. Having a Timid nature only further boosts this already absurd Speed stat.
  • 252 EVs in Special Attack alongside Choice Specs allow for Raichu to hit hard and leave lasting marks in opposing Pokemon. Alternatively, a Life Orb can be run as it still allows Raichu to hit hard without being locked into a move.
  • Lightningrod is essentially the only viable ability for Raichu, as it grants Raichu an immunity alongside a chance to boost Special Attack, something that can be devastating for a Choice locked Pokemon.

Usage Tips
  • Raichu is easy to play around once it is locked into a move, so plan accordingly before acting rash with move choice. Don't use Electric-type moves when Pokemon such as Camerupt or Golem are around, and avoid using Focus Blast when Ghost-types such as Drifblim and Gourgeist are around.
  • Raichu is easily revenge killed by priority attacks, so attempt to remove priority attacking Pokemon before using Raichu as a form of wallbreaker.
  • Attempt to whittle special walls down before sending in Raichu, as even with Choice Specs, Raichu isn't the hardest hitting Pokemon in the tier, and requires certain assistance to be of much use.

Team Options
  • Raichu truly appreciates having a Ground-type attack switch in, due to its mediocre physical Defense and inability to take a decently strong Earthquake. In that respect, Mantine and Pelipper can play a defensive assisting role, being able to potentially burn faster Pokemon or those with access to priority. If you want to pair Raichu with a more offensive Pokemon that appreciates an Electric-type move switch in, Life Orb Swanna can help keep up an offensive core alongside Raichu.
  • A physically attacking Pokemon that appreciates having opposing walls whittled down, such as Barbaracle or Sneasel work nicely with Raichu, being able to cover each others walls. However, they all share a same Ground-type weakness, which can pose an issue.
  • Forming a more offensive core, having other U-turn and Volt Switch users help keep up momentum for your team while whittling down opposing Pokemon. Pokemon such as Scyther and Rotom-F, respectively, aide in this core with both being fast Pokemon that can dish damage out in conjunction with Raichu.
  • Having hazards aides in wearing down opposing Pokemon, something especially beneficial in a VoltTurn core as it limits switching on the opposing team. Quilladin and Roselia are both competent Spikes stackers that can also function as defensive walls for Raichu to Volt Switch in to. Quilladin is a more solid Spikes setter, as it can provide Raichu with a Ground-type resist.

Other Options
  • Raichu has an Attack stat equal to its Special Attack stat, giving it the option of running a fully physical set, consisting of moves such as Volt Tackle, Brick Break, Body Slam, Extreme Speed, Iron Tail, and Knock Off.
  • In place of a Choice item, you can bluff it by using an Expert Belt, amplifying the amount of damage you can deal since Raichu has a vast movepool.
  • Raichu can run a mixed Choice Scarf set with Volt Tackle, Volt Switch, Knock Off, and Grass Knot to catch opponents off guard, as well as deal heavy damage.
  • Raichu also has access to Surf to help it deal with Camerupt easily, which can be beneficial in instances.

Checks & Counters
**Priority**: Raichu is extremely frail on the physical side, leaving it susceptible to all priority moves asides from Vacuum Wave. This is extremely detrimental as many Pokemon carry some form of priority.

**Bulky Grass-types**: Bulky Pokemon such as Roselia and Gourgeist can easily wall Raichu and proceed to whittle it down to the point where it is either disposed of by the aforementioned Pokemon, or whittled down to the point where it is easily revenge killed. Other Pokemon such as Calm Mind Serperior are able to set up in its face and eat up any of the hits with ease.

**Bulky Ground-types**: Supposing Raichu doesn't have Nasty Plot, Golem is able to live every hit Raichu throws at it, save Focus Blast, and retaliate immensely with a STAB Earthquake. Not only that, but Golem has Sucker Punch which always 2HKOes Raichu, while Raichu cannot break through Golem's Sturdy with hazards or prior damage. Other Pokemon that can essentially do the same are Marowak and Camerupt. Both are able to easily live any hit from Raichu and proceed to retaliate with a powerful STAB attack to OHKO it.

**Offensive Pokemon**: Faster or Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Scyther and Haunter can outspeed Raichu and deal massive amounts of damage to it, if not OHKO it. Alternatively, bulky Pokemon such as Piloswine can tank a hit from Raichu and retaliate accordingly.
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Focus Blast should be slashed alongside Sub on the Nasty Plot set (corresponding to Life Orb, like how Sub matches Leftovers): being able to bypass Lickilicky is a huge boon for any special attacker in the tier.
R.I.P.chu. But ya, I mustered all the things I knew/figured out and I suppose this is ready for QC or some shit. (Fuck Ash bruh.)
Alright, a few things.
Golem in c&c should just be merged with bulky ground types (it's not the only one lol)
In all seriousness, the last section about the anime really shouldn't be there.
Also, no need to put damage calcs in the analysis. If anything, just say the pokemon can avoid and OHKO or 2hko from X attack.
Body slam should be removed from the physical set mention in OO, really not worth it.
Not qc, just some input.
Alright, a few things.
Golem in c&c should just be merged with bulky ground types (it's not the only one lol)
In all seriousness, the last section about the anime really shouldn't be there.
Also, no need to put damage calcs in the analysis. If anything, just say the pokemon can avoid and OHKO or 2hko from X attack.
Body slam should be removed from the physical set mention in OO, really not worth it.
Not qc, just some input.
Bruh, the anime and calcs are jokes. I'm removing them once I begin my write up. Believe it or not, I'm not stupid, but I do like to have a joke here and there. So ya. ._.
Bruh, the anime and calcs are jokes. I'm removing them once I begin my write up. Believe it or not, I'm not stupid, but I do like to have a joke here and there. So ya. ._.
I know you're not stupid :P
I just don't think they should be there in the first place if you're going to delete them eventually.
What does HP Ice even hit? I guess it hits Torterra, but that's not really that common. I'd much rather use Grass Knot. While its coverage does overlap a bit with Focus Blast in things like Golem, the coverage against ground-types is generally better. Also, put Surf in OO for Camerupt. Also you really don't need to mention defog support on a mon neutral to SR lol, especially in PU since there are fewer good hazard removers than in other tiers.
W-wait, Grass Knot is a special move? The hell did that happen? I coulda swore it was physical. Had I known it was special oriented I would use that over HP Ice. Also Defog is pretty vital on the SubNP set in my opinion, as Raichu will be whittling itself down via Sub and setting up, hazards just add to that. No need to reference it in the Specs set though, you got me there. Edited to the best I could. Magnemite
W-wait, Grass Knot is a special move? The hell did that happen? I coulda swore it was physical. Had I known it was special oriented I would use that over HP Ice. Also Defog is pretty vital on the SubNP set in my opinion, as Raichu will be whittling itself down via Sub and setting up, hazards just add to that. No need to reference it in the Specs set though, you got me there. Edited to the best I could. Magnemite
Grass Knot is a special move but it is a contact special move, meaning you can get poisoned from poison touch and stuff like that.
Bulky Grass-types should be in C&C, especially if Hidden Power Ice gets slashed after Grass Knot. Roselia and Gourgeist can easily take Electric + Grass + Fighting coverage, while Gogoat, Meganium, and Calm Mind Serperior can shrug off Raichu's attacks.

Forgot to mention that Focus Blast hits Piloswine and Rotom-F, which resist Electric + Ice coverage.
- I learned almost nothing from your Overview that I couldn't already see from looking at its stats and movepool.
- I would keep points 1 and 4, but the rest will need to be removed. There are far more useful points you can place here (hint: one thing would be to mention what makes it one of the best Electric-types in the tier, alongside Rotom-F)
- For point 1, explain why the great Speed stat is important, namely the fact that it allows Raichu to sweep late game, use its utility moves effectively, as well as revenge kill most of the tier with a Scarf.

No to Modest on any of the sets. Timid only, with Modest being mentioned in Set Details at best (you will need to show some calcs to convince me to even allow it to stay in Set Details btw). It's Speed tier is too important to pass up, especially since it defines its Speed tier (alongside Tauros). Missing out on stuff like Scyther, Dodrio, Kadbra, Simipour, Frogadier, etc. is just too big an opportunity cost.

Rename set 1 to Encore + 3 Attacks
Rename set 2 to Substitute + Nasty Plot
Rename set 3 to Choice Specs
everything in <name:> should be the same as the SET NAME
SpAtk needs to be changed to SpA

For SubNP, Focus Blast should be slashed after Grass Knot, or else don't call it that.

Usage Tips can be expanded a bit more, as can Team Options. Beedrill? Really?

This analysis actually needs a lot of polishing to get a first qc check from any member of the QC team. Looking at some of the stuff, I'm a bit hesitant to let you continue this. So for now, ditch the jokes in the Overview and C&C, they take up space in an already long skeleton and you can always have a joke before the Overview anyway. Instead, focus on improving the quality of this analysis so that QC doesn't have to ask you to add and remove so many points slayerx725232
>Beedrill. I coulda swore I put (or was going to put) Carracosta there, but apparently I have a bad attention span on that one. Anyways WhiteDMist, added/removed/changed the things that had to be added/removed/changed and all that, unless I somehow misread that blurb up there. Anything else I fucked up on, feel free to let me know and all that jazz.
Not QC, just my thoughts.
I'd definitely remove thunder from the specs set, as there is absolutely no reason to use it over thunderbolt, unless it's on a rain team, but rain really isn't viable in pu. Also, you should remove that damage calc from c&c, it's really just fluff.
- Since Scarf isn't a set, you can remove the mention of revenge killing with Choice Scarf and just say that it outspeeds a large portion of the tier.
- It checks Electric-types and deters them from using Volt Switch haphazardly. I have no idea what you mean about them outclassing Raichu.
- The only negative you have is that it is weak to priority. Raichu has some more flaws that need to be explained. You also don't really describe its role in general.
- Raichu's power is good but not great, it needs a boosting item or Nasty Plot/Lightningrod boost to really clean.

Substitute + Nasty Plot
- Rename the set Nasty Plot imo. Why?
- Because Encore should be slashed with Substitute. Both moves are great for helping Raichu set up a Nasty Plot. I'd almost argue that Encore is better since Raichu is so frail.

Update the Usage Tips for all the sets.

I'm iffy about the Specs set, and maybe would like Life Orb slashed with it for an all-out-attacker set instead. Still, I would rather say that it should be OO, but I'll let QC discuss. Tbh, if I'm going to choice lock myself, I would rather be Scarf to outspeed Jolly +2 Barbarable instead, as at least that is a good utility. Does Specs give you KOs that Life Orb doesn't?

Checks & Counters
- Grass-types should be listed first, then Ground-types.
- There's no point in listing Ground-types twice. The last point should be changed to Offensive Pokemon, with faster ones being noted first, and then bulkier ones that can take a hit and retaliate back.
I think you should also mention that it faces competition from Zebstrika, as it has better Speed that allows it to outspeed Sneasel at max (Unlike Raichu) and has good coverage in Overheat. Though, Raichu's niche lies in Encore, Nasty Plot and better coverage.
Implement WdM's changes as well.

I dont think both encore should get its own moveset, as it is very similar to the 3rd one, and encore isnt meta changing
Mention low bulk, which makes it easier to revenge kill + harder to set up. Also it isnt weak to priority, it just has low bulk meaning prio does a lot, making it easy to revenge kill
Say that it requires a lot of boosts to break through walls as well

Encore + 3 Attacks
Merge this with the attacking set; slash encore with volt switch. Specs also should be slashed, but say that encore + specs = bad.
You can also add stuff from the previous sections UT/TO

Encore needs changing; if you prevent baracle/costa from setting up your dead say. Change to set up pokes, like mrmime, and walls, like licki
Mention surf here, it allows it to beat camerupt whilst doing heavy damage to other rock and grounds

Usage Tips
You havent mentioned much apart from encore here. Say it shouldnt switchin/spam tbolt or coverage/etc

Team Options
Remove the mention of ninjask; it is awful and its only niche is BP. Reword it to something like 'Grass types, such as x, beat ground types'. (grass check grounds much more easily)
Also mention pokes that beat grass-types, that wall this

Nasty Plot
Logically, nasty plot should be the first move on the list
Also put focus blast as first slash, as w/ grass knot it loses to dragons and grass's

Mention other examples of what grass types hit, golem is also bopped by focus blast
Mention focus blasts shaky accuracy

Usage Tips
Split the second line. Also mention faster pokes with priority, and that sub can stop them

Team Options
Most flying types dont switch into ground types (golem nails them all, marowak hits them hard
Mention specific KOs hazards achieve
Mention ways of beating grasses, as they have good bulk (usually), and roselia and gourgeist resist both coverage

All-out Attacker
Ive mentioned about this prior

Other Options
Mention espeed is ilegal with lightnin rod
Mention ebelt bluffs a choice

Checks & Counters
**Priority**: It still dislikes taking vaccuum wave (and users are very rare). Mention specific examples of priority and the users

**Bulky Ground-types**: Mention Camerupt as the prime example; every set has focus blast/grass knot, so can only check if sturdy is intact

**Offensive Pokemon**: Change this to faster pokemon. If you want to mention pilo, mention it in ground types

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