*puff puff puff*
Piercing Giga Drain +5 (Hariyama), Triple Speed Spore (Mienshao)
Phase 1, Round 2


HP: 108/110, EN: 90/100, Stats: 9/5/3/5/50, Typing: Fighting, Abilities: Thick Fat / Guts
Role: Protector, Vocation: Duelist, Status: Quickness

My Little Ponyta

HP: 85/85, EN: 90/100, Stats: 7/5/6/6/210, Typing: Psychic / Fairy, Abilities: Run Away / Pastel Veil
Role: Supporter, Vocation: Thief, Status: OK


HP: 85/85, EN: 94/100, Stats: 14/5/7/5/52, Typing: Fighting, Abilities: Inner Focus / Regenerator
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: Blackguard, Status: +3 Atk (8 turns), +3 Def (8 turns), Paralyzed (3)
Field: OK
Battlefield: Clear
Spore Proliferation

The Spectacular Spore-verlord
HP: 172/250, Stats: 6/5/6/6/30, Typing: Grass / Poison, Abilities: Effect Spore
Traits: Boss, Unfainting, Status: OK
Field: Clear

The Spectacular Spore-verlord
HP: 172/250, Stats: 6/5/6/6/30, Typing: Grass / Poison, Abilities: Effect Spore
Traits: Boss, Unfainting, Status: OK
Field: Clear

Hariyama used Helping Hand on Mienshao! (-12 EN)
Hariyama helped Mienshao with the power of friendship! (Helping Hand)

Rapidash used Misty Terrain! (-10 EN)
The battlefield was covered with mist! (Misty Terrain, 5 rounds)
(Mienshao's Paralysis wore off)

Amoonguss used Spore on Mienshao!
Mienshao was protected by a veil of mist!

Mienshao used Blaze Kick on Amoonguss! (-7 EN)
Miss (10, d10): 4 (No), Crit (1, d24): 18 (No), Burn (1, d10): 9 (No)
((9 + (14 - 5) + 9)*1.5 + (3 - 0)*4)*3 => 158

Amoonguss used Giga Drain on Hariyama!
Crit (1, d24): 18 (No)
(8 + 3 + (6 - 5))*1 = 12
Amoonguss drained HP! (+5 HP)
Amoonguss was hurt by Duelist! (-5 HP)

Hariyama was empowered by Rapidash's pony power! (+10 HP)


HP: 106/110, EN: 78/100, Stats: 9/5/3/5/50, Typing: Fighting, Abilities: Thick Fat / Guts
Role: Protector, Vocation: Duelist, Status: Quickness

My Little Ponyta

HP: 85/85, EN: 80/100, Stats: 7/5/6/6/210, Typing: Psychic / Fairy, Abilities: Run Away / Pastel Veil
Role: Supporter, Vocation: Thief, Status: OK


HP: 85/85, EN: 87/100, Stats: 14/5/7/5/52, Typing: Fighting, Abilities: Inner Focus / Regenerator
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: Blackguard, Status: +3 Atk (7 turns), +3 Def (7 turns)
Field: OK
Battlefield: Misty Terrain (4 rounds)
Spore Proliferation

The Spectacular Spore-verlord
HP: 14/250, Stats: 6/5/6/6/30, Typing: Grass / Poison, Abilities: Effect Spore
Traits: Boss, Unfainting, Status: OK
Field: Clear

The Spectacular Spore-verlord
HP: 14/250, Stats: 6/5/6/6/30, Typing: Grass / Poison, Abilities: Effect Spore
Traits: Boss, Unfainting, Status: OK
Field: Clear

*puff puff puff*
Amoonguss awaits your next move...
HeliosAflame to order
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