ORAS OU Rain Team

OU Rain Team

I was a fan of rain since Gen III so I wanted to make a team based off of abusing the rain mechanic.

Nature: Adamant
Ability: Infiltrator
EV's: 252 Att/252 Spd/6 HP
Item: Focus Sash
-U Turn
-Cross Poison
-Rain Dance

Crobat goes in first because of its large natural speed. On top of that max speed EV's will usually let it gets taunt off first even with the adamant nature. After taunt it uses rain dance and it U-Turn out. Focus Sash will prevent it from completely getting slaughtered immediately and let Crobat finish its job. Infiltrator in case an annoying substitute or reflect occurs.


Nature: Adamant
Ability: Torrent
EV's: 252 Att/252 Spd/6 HP
Item: Swamperite
-Ice Punch

My team's physical sweeper. Kind of self explanatory what I am going for here. Protect for safe mega evolution. On the next turn swift swim activates and my Swampert will outspeed almost everything. Ice punch for coverage against dragons and grass. Waterfall stab+rain. Earthquake for electric types.


Nature: Modest
Ability: Swift Swim
EV's: 252 Sp.Att/252 Spd/6 HP
Item: Choice Specs
-Hydro Pump
-Draco Meteor
-Ice Beam
-Flash Cannon

My special sweeper for this team. Draco Meteor will hit hard and Hydro Pump will hit even harder with choice specs + rain. Flash Cannon for coverage in case any fairy types decide to pop up. Ice beam coverage for other dragon types and grass which is a big threat to half my team.


Nature: Bold
Ability: Drizzle
EV's 252 HP/252 Def/6 Spd
Item: Damp Rock
-Ice Beam

Going for a physical wall Politoed here. Damp rock allows me to switch it in and out and get 8 turns of rain which is great. Scald is for enemy physical sweepers and in the rain Politoed without any EV's can still hit pretty hard. If I run into an enemy wall I use toxic and use protect and try to stall as long as possible hoping the toxic gets them low enough so I could switch back to another pokemon to finish the wall off.


Nature: Calm
Ability: Hydration
EV's: 252 HP/252 Sp.Def/6 Spd
Item: Leftovers
- Rest
-Rain Dance
-Sludge Bomb
-Dragon Pulse

Special wall Goodra. Hydration with Rest and the rain will be frustrating to deal with.Leftovers for that constant healing if I don't need to use rest. Sludge Bomb for fairy types while dragon pulse for almost everything else. Goodra has a decent Sp.Att even without any EV's in it so why not.


Nature: Adamant
Ability: Technician
EV's 252 Att/252 HP/6 Sp. Def
Item: Choice Band
-Bullet Punch
-Night Slash/Iron Head

Extra physical attacker on my team in case Swampert goes down. Also Scizor is good against grass types and fairies. His biggest weakness of fire is mitigated by the rain. On top of that he has really good defense so he can tank a hit or two when it comes to physical attacks.
Main post has been edited. Criticisms, thoughts etc. all welcome.
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Hi there, cool team! :D

I'm not sure which tier you want to play, as usually weather teams are for doubles. I'm going to assume you mean singles though, and if you do then this goes in the ORAS OU Teams forum, not the other teams section. It's fine though; I'll just get onto the rate :)

Ugh, not a Crobat expert, but I would definitely suggest Jolly > Adamant to let you outspeed more things and make Crobat blindingly fast, outspeeding most of the unboosted metagame.

For Kingdra, I would suggest Choice Specs > Life Orb. This lets Kingdra hit considerably harder, as it is also under the rain. Draco Meteor > Dragon Pulse, for even more damage, as Kingdra is more of a hit-and-run mon anyways. Scald & Hydro Pump > Surf & Rain Dance, as the first gives you that nifty burn change, and the latter gives you lots more power and is extremely powerful especially with specs and rain backing it up. While dual water STAB may seem weird at first, its actually pretty great, as one hits decently hard and the other is literally a cannon, but at the risk of accuracy. I don't think you need Rain Dance on a sweeper, as three rain setters are plenty enough for one team.

Definitely something like Leftovers > Mental Herb, as I don't see why you need that. Also, I don't see why you need 24 Speed EVs on both Politoed and Goodra. If it's there to creep something, then it's fine. If it's not there to do anything really, then 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD > your Politoed spread on Politoed and 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD on Goodra as well. Goodra also has a freaking huge movepool, so using something else over Sludge Bomb could also benefit you more. Right now I don't know what to suggest, though.

I honestly cannot say that regular Manectric is viable, in any way, shape, or form. Thinking along the lines of Scizor is correct, and I would suggest something like that for your team. You currently have a slight special bias, so Scizor should also help patch that up. But no to choice scarf. Choice Scarf Scizor is pretty much as terrible as regular Manectric. Choice Banded Scizor looks good right now for your team. I'll leave the set down below.

Just as a side note, you may want to expand your descriptions a bit, as they're a bit short at the moment. Your thread might get locked because of it, so I'd say that you should definitely make it a bit longer and more detailed if I were you. Three lines of description is how much you're supposed to have.

Anyways, not a weather expert, but hope I helped nonetheless! :D
Jolly Nature > Adamant Nature
Choice Specs > Life Orb; Draco Meteor > Dragon Pulse; Scald > Surf; Hydro Pump > Rain Dance
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD > 240 HP / 252 Def / 24 Spd
Leftovers > Mental Herb; 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD > 240 HP / 252 Sp.Def / 24 Spd
See set below

Kingdra @ Choice Specs
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Scald
- Hydro Pump
- Draco Meteor
- Ice Beam


Scizor @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Superpower
- Knock Off
Ok. I really like your idea for Kingdra with the Draco Meteor instead of Dragon Pulse and choice specs. I didn't know it can learn it by Move tutor. I will start working on the scizor soon because I had a gut feeling that I was too special attack focused. I will check on the speed stuff for Goodra and Politoed because I could of sworn there was a reason I gave them that speed. Thanks for the help :D

P.S How do you add those little animations for the Kingdra and Scizor and stuff?
Can a mod move this to the OU section? Also I can't edit the title for the thread :(.