Tournament Random Battles Team Tournament VII - Commencement Thread


is a Top Artistis a Community Leaderis a Community Contributoris a member of the Battle Simulator Staffis a Dedicated Tournament Host
Random Battle Lead
RBTT VII commencement banner.png

logo by me :)

Here it is, your RBTT VII Commencement Thread!

Enjoy posting memes, power rankings, predictions, and other RBTT VII-related chatter. Remember that even here, amongst all the sh*tposting, all Smogon rules apply. Have fun!​
As always, thanks to the incredible spriting team! Credits below. :)
Team Chi-Yu

F (Freediver) by kyledove, edits by Clementine
M (Fisherman) by kyledove, edits by Clementine
Chi-Yu resize by Clementine

Team Darkrai

F (Zinna) by Gnomowladny, recolor & edits by deetah
M (Shadow Triad) recolor by deetah

Team Giratina-O

F (Agatha) by kyledove, edits by sharpclaw
M (Volo) by Brumirage, resize & edits by sharpclaw

Team Hoopa

F (Medium) edits by Irpachuza
M (Burglar) edits by Irpachuza
Hoopa by conyjams, edits by Irpachuza

Team Ogerpon-H

F (Juliana) by kyledove
M (Kiawe) by kyledove, edits by Clementine
Ogerpon by kingofthe-x-roads, edits by Clementine

Team Rayquaza

F (Irida) by Brumirage, recolor by sharpclaw
M (Ball Guy) by Brumirage, recolor by sharpclaw
Rayquaza edits by sharpclaw

Team Suicune

F (Cynthia) by kyledove, recolor by sharpclaw
M (Adaman) by Brumirage, recolor by deetah

Team Zekrom

F (Clair) recolor by sharpclaw and kyledove
M (Brycen) resize by Clementine
Zekrom resize by Clementine
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All these avatars are extremely well made, well done Clementine kyledove deetah Brumirage sharpclaw

I do have some personal favorites so I had to make a tier list

Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-21 um 18.36.04.png

The ogerpon avatars are by far the best imo, and I like that one has the mask and one hasn't

Please pick me team ogerpon:wo:


  • Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-21 um 18.29.07.png
    Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-21 um 18.29.07.png
    65.3 KB · Views: 75
Good morning everyone, I'm a manager for Team Ogerpon for this edition of RBTT!
Even if we're both quite familiar with the general playerbase, Dark Pulse and I would love to read your introductions on Discord! My Discord is claquettesgucci, Pulse's is pulse_ks.

Tell us about your ladder peaks, tournament results and experience with rands and teamtours in general :]

I will NOT be playing tryout games, but I will read everything anyone might want to share.

Have a nice one, and GO OGERS!

Good morning everyone, I'm a manager for Team Ogerpon for this edition of RBTT!
Even if we're both quite familiar with the general playerbase, Dark Pulse and I would love to read your introductions on Discord! My Discord is claquettesgucci, Pulse's is pulse_ks.

Tell us about your ladder peaks, tournament results and experience with rands and teamtours in general :]

I will NOT be playing tryout games, but I will read everything anyone might want to share.

Have a nice one, and GO OGERS!

View attachment 582329
oh this art is CUTE
Gm guys, I want to be in a winner team with amazing people all around. That's why I decided as a player to hold tryouts for other players? Why? Once I'm drafted I hopefully get an invite to the server immediately (appeal to the managers who draft me) and then I can convince them to pick you up. All of this just works if managers agree with my approach obviously.

I'm looking forward to the tryouts :D
You can either just DM me if you see me online on PS (MichaelderBeste2) or you shoot me a Discord DM (michaelderbeste)