Still got a day left but opponent's not responded yet, will write a followup to themHosted by paysa and Chains of Markov. Approved by Rands Slam Circuit hosts
Logo by eva
Welcome to the Gen 8 Open! This tournament is your chance to showcase your skills in Generation 8 Random Battles in a single elimination best-of-3 series.
This tournament is the last open tour of our ongoing Rands Slam Circuit. Stay tuned after this tour for news about playoffs!
To see the current standings see the standings spreadsheet!
The winner of the Gen 8 Open will receive the Room Prize Winner rank in the Random Battles room for a month, be inducted into the Randbats Hall of Fame, and be awarded points for the Rands Slam. The winner of the Slam Playoffs Round will get a custom avatar and a Smogon banner for a full year!
How does the tour work?
It’s simple:
1. Contact your opponent on their Smogon wall and decide on a time to battle.
2. Battle each other in the [Gen 8] Random Battle format.
3. The first player to 2 wins (3 from quarter finals onward) advances to the next round.
Please note:
1. All scheduling attempts MUST be done publicly on Smogon Walls. No other proof of communication will count for act calls regarding scheduling attempts.
2. You MUST post replays of your wins. We strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with the Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines, if you haven’t already.
If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the tour hosts Chains of Markov or myself here on Smogon.
When spectating Rands Slam battles, do not ghost. Ask yourself, “Would my comment reveal information that hasn’t already been explicitly revealed in this battle?” Examples of ghosting include commenting on how an unexpectedly fast Pokemon must be holding a Choice Scarf, speculating that the match will be decided by a 50/50, etc.
Zygarde12 vs BLACKopzada
UiPokehero69 vs leyleyxrz
35Q71N vs yakarimseni
MasterPokeCJ vs sihlehatesall
Moik333 vs louchan
Locomite vs blast95
Leland Tyler Wayne vs Crayscent
PokeChess vs Havens
Porchi vs ExtraRice
KillerShadow06 vs cosmicjester
dmbros vs redmogg
Unstoppable1 vs Daniel Ramos
JustOut459 vs LoSconosciuto
Medeia vs RiloBR
Pokémaniac13 vs DevilRat1616
Slikkles vs dcx
JoeMamaZaWardo vs OfficialLaysChips
tarotparrot vs drowsy69
haxlolo vs ajhockeystar
Lebediah vs neycwang
crow crumbs vs Honey SweeTTootH
Infinite Misery vs Rowlet69420
Seo. vs Seeko
Tsoc vs Brian4129
Alive Toaster vs rhaeegar
Critsomnia vs Xenderr
qvinton vs Egg-savor
AllHailDudunsparce vs kaminazalil
Nick Universale vs MinionOfPlebos
Ninja Mob vs EliteSardaarJi
SnipyNoob vs KiriTheCowboy
grp vs hammy3581
Ascended Alive vs joao00786
Career Ended vs Drookez
NotThatArya vs thiago030315
TheBookPrincess vs blueninjagamerboi
darthannapolis vs Nlbig
Nick vs Fant'sy Beast
srvoltmike vs MichaelderBeste2
Happy_Pants vs Crisclink
Charwillusher vs Iceberg77
3bood121 vs mbpiquecr7
bellenguer2 vs Shougen
MEBBAR vs PoseidonWrath
Labryinth996 vs Dayer3X23
Hacker1787 vs snorlax142857
Will I Am vs TacCat
RetawMelon vs CHEESETHE
NiaSunshower vs Mirbro
IcyPenguin2 vs rammus20xx
Amaranth vs marieon
FauxApokolips vs Ducky1231
Sylveon used calm mind vs Xavnax_
ilmas149 vs Martinique Jason
Rafael_Wolf vs Nexico
blce vs sprasle
Booth4837 vs John Dozo
TNTDestroyer vs swinubfan44
Nabbdjur vs Tracty
Crispy_Crust vs wssi
Yaoyao168 vs Betathunder
Michielleus vs Horus@199
Atami vs Impeckable
Gloriousplays vs Lilsniff
Phili090 vs KeenSaysGM
Dewgonglover121 vs Fabiocrak
AshHenderson vs Quoise
Wigglytuff vs Rasmuth
Tav72 vs Panty&Stockings
nd_ vs Firekeeper
Paxerion vs Taka75
Don Moves vs MasterJ007
mdill97 vs Logo-Switch!
SableyePog vs diyser84
emforbes vs manishkumarlal
Portrait or Ruin vs Zcarlett
Indi01 vs ChickenMcDouble
mmaaxxkk vs soTsoT
Lady Writer vs yonmd
lastchancegiven vs skyshakerX
drifttrick vs NinjaMeerkat
CrimsonMoon vs livid washed
DHUVANESH vs Le Dieunnotor
adfluffy vs Westberg123
retnas11 vs aura1000
Twia2 vs Vitoran
Mudkaii vs babymariofan563
YBW vs Beau6
Nesk95 vs MonkeyDConnor
des121 vs Beemo666
rizzmaster4161 vs Spenceair
chuito vs Drifting
R1C3M4N vs Sus_dedication
Zebracheetah vs Perry
Kirbo111 vs uppermountain
legi vs *ImY0sh1
Gyarikkuho vs davidelbello
Mannuraj vs Awawkee
Himurabt vs the13thguy
McBlhyxer vs bhkg
Goro Yagami vs OneInAGundred
Zoyotte vs Faisal49
SANKE CARP vs klstank
Dan959 vs Nicerobot
meamPearl vs Opam5
Chains of Markov vs Celever
Nuage vs Memoriazero
p5 vioz vs velvet
Dragonillis vs Enzonana.
Ivar57 vs chiefbeef1234
Jayman vs ata44
relaxray vs na-kanon69
Aariceus vs rizen1
Anthonyy23 vs AR Rakibul
MultiAmmiratore vs KrispyKnight954
dimewrk vs vindingmachine
Poyo006 vs lefromagebleu
Soumil_pro55 vs Hasuinna
JJ09LIE vs Piapia
TheBoyWithTheBugz vs MorpekoSolos
bug hunter 4 vs Gutman661
venomous 2.0 vs WEU.naraLiko
Wiesellord vs Steel24809
npc...hi vs ChairmanBush
Cilantro38 vs Haruno
fds1234 vs satvik123
ThePoisonSteel vs GabeGS
Swaay vs jou.
nemoauditur vs I love Bagon
Ev_Evan vs Lemons2355
tobby_nh0 vs Hubriz
Spance vs IStan97SVG
Mxuncusmoo vs pokeboy_l
Sparzza vs Cestario
RTM vs renveilbrides
eva vs Tji69
Skirmish vs Irene
14peter vs ShayyminSkyy
Tytheguy004 vs Rhik
dot pearl vs Magmar54
Nemosse vs Kinetic
Sylveesnom vs Found it to
sunsets vs Qui-Gon the Flygon
DarkPine vs Xavier Foster
King Griffin vs VigilanteVigoroth
mistupedy vs glowbrogang
Miss Novelist vs Tiny Spaceship
Lake Effect vs PrinceOfAllTacos
MysteSSBU vs The_OG_Braniac
ZaidenClips vs testetestando
SalvaBidoof vs Starshine.
22SavageHut vs Phonytail
hexjob vs thunderfury07
Upbeatcamp vs amateur author
lihj vs Joghert
Petros vs paysa
Aanaga1 vs Vaporeonds
memedose46 vs Devious flamigo
baltap310 vs mets3569
XYZ15 vs ur fam
Gekas vs Rukyy
Yonis_ vs Back4Good
jchiha1 vs monkeydjt
Valteyek vs MrSoup
Beuto vs Shadowboiiiii
cjwwkwkqk9 vs Mizfit
pokeblade101 vs Hennas
O1V7O2X9O vs iceh0ck
RudeLiees vs ZXMF
teresbahji vs Jordy004
jyusaan vs Theia
thegreataldinii vs Morden555
Tajani vs Shiny_Raptorch
Adixy vs Pilomoths
The Raging Blizzard vs NAMAN07
Lrogue vs Busterbaxter
imfinallyalone vs Bigwubben
TolGohan vs Staraptor
Tuthur vs Rezero tan
Van-kun vs Tox in DbMaj
Fluore vs peap
practor 007 vs NegativeNuke
terrencebalonei vs flameingpigey2
zick_zack vs ixcesnate
MAMS_22 vs Jag Bluecat
impart1ality vs ruktrs
Ugheighele vs Yerus
rylibes64 vs Lechen
JangMoo-Moo vs Elgino
sarubii vs RedS_18
Hades_049 vs Usflon
feen vs Psycho782
chpas vs A Welcome Guest
lkapkd1 vs pmfg10
abra xdd vs Silver Jay#2240
Canned Furs vs Firelord212
Hoen_champ vs gorex
Huston vs Trade
maxhooij vs Dayyy
crassidens vs zaeoy
ExguardiaN vs chif
Juytre vs Xocov
Giornfwi vs bodi
sleid vs Scizor Boladão
Prosaic vs PIKAinUS
tkcannihilator vs Blessed
ghiggin vs Bastien_
chuggachuggachooo vs ako-zai
lilianmesmo vs i like using ditto
Wubben vs Nashrock
Aquapkm vs Master Chief
Arpitraj0 vs Chilli Juice
Nasheed111 vs Gex Entertaiment
Feitan Faisal vs thatonenoob12345
Haarper vs Hairoll
FretWL1 vs SlowCat
Ryus0ken vs AmoghOp
RoFnA vs Blazene
MarcusRagz vs Dr x Stealth
Far Zenith vs Bezrukiy_noob
Realblazing vs SOM/05
Joffacake vs escringe
EarlSweetScent vs Discover more
Xfjdht vs kush2004
Killware vs Stories
rudra21 vs Estuardo19
Crazycatseye vs HarryOtter69
AmShaegar vs bigguac
Scizornite vs Notchapple
ad_kelaiya vs GoatedGaming33
Ghostilex vs Guizs
killeralien101 vs Anicredible
Seyhura vs boris69
bnm vs Failbor
Josephkj vs flazeda9
gomdol2 vs Luchik
Prqk vs Bye 2
cicepece11 vs Bye 3
Manan999 vs Bye 4
Limesaytr vs Bye 5
moomlight vs Bye 6
JuanPkMaster vs Bye 7
ZephyzWorld vs Bye 8
Reapingblazer vs Bye 9
ShyGlzz vs Bye 10
Bonky7 vs Bye 11
lolopero vs Bye 12
SixClutch6 vs HaunterBoy28
UwU1v1 vs Bye 14
Penguinsupporter vs Bye 15
Kindyy vs Bye 16
AsakuraRedX vs Bye 17
The deadline for matches is Sunday, August 25th, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. GMT -5. Good luck, and have fun![/user]
if possible, please play another game of gen8 specifically, otherwise the win won't stand - alternatively, if your opponent has no intention of playing, then get them to confirm for you that they are indeed forfeitingWon, opponent instaforfeited both games (one was accidentally a gen 9 game)
Wrote this to confirm and he responded with "Ok"
View attachment 662427
I believe it's pretty clear-cut already but I'll try to get it out of themif possible, please play another game of gen8 specifically, otherwise the win won't stand - alternatively, if your opponent has no intention of playing, then get them to confirm for you that they are indeed forfeiting
could you provide proof of this? i don't see anything on your wall or postings that indicates thisopp forfeited
That person was online thoClaiming act WinView attachment 662453
I asked to call and waited for a long time, as he didn't call or send a message returning, I'm getting activityThat person was online tho
sorry, i just saw the replays and you're good, you don't need to do anything else!I believe it's pretty clear-cut already but I'll try to get it out of them
Apparently can't delete DMs so the message'll be there but good to knowsorry, i just saw the replays and you're good, you don't need to do anything else!
if they haven't responded to your attempts at scheduling and/or have missed your scheduled time to battle, you can call for an activity winMy opponent never responded on the time/day we agreed to battle, do I need to battle a sub for R1?
thanks to u as well, win all of itI advance to the next round, ty for the fun games Bagon g1 g2 g3