Project RarelyUsed Teambuilding Competition (round 18: Staraptor) submissions open until Augist 12thth)

:sv/Brute Bonnet: Week 5: Brute Bonnet :sv/Brute Bonnet:

Brute Bonnet has achieved the dubious feat of being the first paradox pokemon to fall below UU. Nightmare Amoongus isn't exactly area zero's great disappointment though, as it has some unique traits that make it interesting to build with. It has access to the ever-annoying Spore and much of Amoongus's movepool such as clear smog and synthesis. On top of that though, Brute Bonnet has a large attack stat and access to some strong moves like sucker punch and close combat. Brute bonnet is completely new to the tier, and so there is only unexplored potential. How will you make the best use of brute bonnet? Perhaps you will build it as a bulky answer to Krookodile and Arboliva or a potent wallbreaker that is unbothered by Slowbro's existence. Find a creative set for the mushroom and the best teammates to compliment it and share your team here.

Teambuilding criteria:
Your team submission must be legal in SV RU as of the april tier shifts and toxtricity's ban and have Brute Bonnet on it.

Submission deadline: Teams should be submitted by 11:59 PM (GMT-4) on Friday, April 7th, voting will then go until 11:59 PM (GMT-4) on Sunday, April 9th.
:brute-bonnet: :flamigo: :coalossal: :vaporeon: :krookodile: :gardevoir:

Was a bit short on time this week so sorry the team is not as thought over as the other times. My brain just went: CC is broken, CC x2 is really broken? So yeah, epack brute bonnet with scarf migo and my trusty specs garde teleport. The rest is just a pretty good defensive core I've been using recently, coal and vap are nice together and being able to keep coal alive by wish passing can go a long way in some match-ups. And finally Krook Tera Fairy is just nice to round it all up. Really good pivoting pressure and solid defense.

first match with the team:

:sv/indeedee: Week 5: Indeedee :sv/indeedee:
The neglected drop from last week is Indeedee. It's not a paradox pokemon, it doesn't have a move like Spore or the BST of an ultra beast but it does have a lot of unique traits going for it. It's very comparable to Gardevoir with its moves, best fit for running a choice scarf or specs set with moves like trick and healing wish to support the team, but while Gardevoir has better attack and typing, indeedee stands out with its amazing speed tier and unique ability in psychic surge. Find the best way to fit Indeedee on a team and share the result here.

Teambuilding criteria:
Your team submission must be legal in SV RU and have Indeedee on it. Indeedee-m is the focus of this, but if you find a team where Indeedee-f is better then I would love to hear why.

Submission deadline: Teams should be submitted by 11:59 PM (GMT-4) on Friday, April 14th, voting will then go until 11:59 PM (GMT-4) on Sunday, April 16th.
:Indeedee: :Weavile: :Copperajah: :Mudsdale: :Sylveon: :Tatsugiri:
:Indeedee: and :Weavile: form a solid offensive combo especially with a backbone like spdef :Mudsdale: , adding a fairy for obvious reasons (:Flamigo:) and AV :Copperajah: as an extra for fortress against special
attacks like :Gardevoir: :Oricorio-Sensu: :Oricorio-Pom-Pom: and we'll it's a steel type. :Tatsugiri: is a great spinner especially with Indeedee weakening special walls with its strong stabs. Another great fact is that deedee doesn't lose stab before teraing (????) And yeah, that's it.
Hope you like it.
:indeedee: :oricorio-sensu: :flamigo: :kilowattrel: :slowbro: :frosmoth:

This is a pretty dishonest Boots Spam Volt-Turn team with the main goal to have :indeedee: clean up at the end with it's fast terrain boosted Psychic or Hyper Voice or to Encore a sweep stopper such as :mudsdale: into an unfavorable move or Healing Wish and pass into :frosmoth: or :oricorio-sensu: to Quiver Dance and win :frosmoth: has defog to get rid of hazards and screens and :flamigo: has Taunt to cripple :crocalor: you could change the Tera type on :Oricorio-Sensu: to Fighting if you're afraid of :Weavile: but with Dark you still beat it (provided that hurricane can hit) and still deal with :Slowbro:

That's pretty much all, :Slowbro: is just the glue, it needs no explanation, I hope all your hurricanes hit! <3
:indeedee: :oricorio-pom-pom: :primeape: :revavroom: :dachsbun: :coalossal:

So what came up when I played Indeedee was that it's really efficient at weakening spedef walls that thinks they can switch on a psyshock. So I thought about abusing that by pairing it with qd pompom which can very easily clean during mid or late game. To simplify pompom's work even more I went for stack hazards reva + coal and roar dachsbun which is a very solid defensive core. Then to take advantage of people wanting to defog I've added primeape which is a bit slept on atm because he's kinda overshadowed by migo I feel like, but it can clean alongside pompom very easily or at least apply so much pressure that the opponents often waste their tera on it which again is extremely good for pompom.
Hope you like it.
:indeedee: :drifblim: :primeape: :mudsdale: :tatsugiri: :klefki:
Wanted to make a team with Drifblim (it sucks) but this is the best I could do. Meap is really good against bulkier teams that can deal with Drifblim and Drifblim hopefully sweeps offensive teams. Indeedee itself isn't anything to remarkable but it's speed tier is great with comparable strength to Gardevoir.
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