Rate this noob? :3

I'm kind of new to competitive battling and i need help on my team. I have 1/2 my team chosen, but would like some suggestions! I need to know 3 things:

•How good these 3 are.

•which other 3 pokemon i should add to my team.

•what kind of team this is (if you understand what i'm saying, if not then don't worry because it's not too important).

The team so far:

-Brave Bird
-Sunny Day

Venasaur (W/venasaurite)
-Poison Powder
-Solar Beam
-Leech Seed

Gengar (No Gengarite, but if you suggest i should get it i will)
-Shadow Ball

I'm open to suggestions, and any feedback would be much appreciated! Thanks a bunch! If there are any other details you need, just say!

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Post complete teams
Have three line descriptions apiece.
This is an OU team.

Fix and I'll rate later