Other Tiers RBY 7U Hub

Gangsta Spongebob

"Mama I'm a Criminal" - Badass Smoking Caterpillar
is a Site Content Manageris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Metagame Resource Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributor

Art by The Faz


Welcome to the RBY 7U Hub, Viability Rankings and Discussion Thread! With the first tournament concluded, we can now look at the results, replays, stats and teams and continue to push the tier forward. Expect our first viability rankings in the next few weeks, sometime in September.

7U Resource Hub (Google Doc, includes introduction to the tier, legal pokemon, speed tiers, analyses, and more)
7U Real Calc (Calculator import containing realistic sets for viable Pokemon including nondamaging moves)
7U Attacks Calc (Calculator import including only attacks for quickly checking damage from various attacks in the tier)

If you would like to contribute a resource or help to expand the analyses presented in the Resource Hub doc, please message me.

Note: Confuse Ray is banned

Viability Rankings 2022

2022 7u VR.png



S: Meowth
A+: Charmeleon, Tentacool, Golbat, Ivysaur
A: Rhyhorn, Clefairy, Voltorb, Hitmonchan
B+: Farfetch'd, Beedrill, Shellder
B: Gloom, Kabuto
C+: Pidgeotto, Geodude, Cubone, Rattata
C: Goldeen
D+: Grimer, Doduo
D: Venonat, Nidorino, Jigglypuff, Koffing, Nidorina

VR Submitters: ArcticBreeze, BeatsBlack, Cdijk16, chuva de perereca, ClairDeLuna, Da Pizza Man, The Faz, Gangsta Spongebob, Gastlies, InfernoDragon, julian113, juoean, Melbelle, phoopes, Torchic

3 others qualified but did not submit (5Dots, Lily, tylerfitz8). Qualification was based entirely on winning 3 non-activity sets in the recent 7U Tournament; please take this VR with a grain of salt until more meta development and tournaments take place.

Above VR based on the Vapicuno method; for raw submission data see here. Note this is the raw rankings without outlier compensation or anything so it won't reflect the "official" VR perfectly.

Sample Teams - Not updated for the Confuse Ray Ban!

Challenge Command
Here is the challenge command you can use to play 7U on Pokemon Showdown!
/challenge gen1pu @@@ -All Pokemon, +LC, +Beedrill, +Charmeleon, +Clefairy, +Ditto, +Farfetch'd, +Gloom, +Golbat, +Hitmonchan, +Ivysaur, +Kakuna, +Metapod, +Nidorina, +Nidorino, +Pidgeotto, -Abra, -Diglett, -Dratini, -Drowzee, -Exeggcute, -Gastly, -Horsea, -Omanyte, -Pikachu, -Poliwag, -Ponyta, -Sandshrew, -Seel, -Slowpoke, -Staryu, -Confuse Ray

Legality List
Here is a complete list of legal Pokemon at their highest legal evolution for the tier (lower evolutions are of course also legal). You can also see it here on the resource hub doc.

With that out of the way, let the discussion begin on 7U! I will be following up with replays/stats/etc. from the recent tour in some reserved posts below as well as a couple topics to get us started off.
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:y/meowth:First 7U Tournament Usage Stats and Leads :y/tentacool:

:y/tentacool: Overall Usage and Winrate :y/meowth:
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool          |  473 |  93.11% |  49.47% |
| 2    | Meowth             |  471 |  92.72% |  47.13% |
| 3    | Charmeleon         |  458 |  90.16% |  48.91% |
| 4    | Ivysaur            |  449 |  88.39% |  50.11% |
| 5    | Rhyhorn            |  258 |  50.79% |  49.61% |
| 6    | Golbat             |  215 |  42.32% |  50.23% |
| 7    | Voltorb            |  185 |  36.42% |  38.38% |
| 8    | Hitmonchan         |  111 |  21.85% |  54.95% |
| 9    | Shellder           |   84 |  16.54% |  47.62% |
| 10   | Beedrill           |   71 |  13.98% |  40.85% |
| 11   | Clefairy           |   70 |  13.78% |  52.86% |
| 12   | Gloom              |   20 |   3.94% |  50.00% |
| 12   | Cubone             |   20 |   3.94% |  45.00% |
| 14   | Farfetch’d         |   19 |   3.74% |  63.16% |
| 15   | Kabuto             |   17 |   3.35% |  52.94% |
| 16   | Rattata            |    5 |   0.98% |  80.00% |
| 17   | Doduo              |    4 |   0.79% |  50.00% |
| 18   | Nidorino           |    3 |   0.59% |  33.33% |
| 18   | Weepinbell         |    3 |   0.59% |  33.33% |
| 20   | Koffing            |    2 |   0.39% | 100.00% |
| 20   | Pidgeotto          |    2 |   0.39% |   0.00% |
| 22   | Psyduck            |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 22   | Goldeen            |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CHUVA DE PERERECA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CHUVA DE PERERECA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JUOEAN.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ARCT!C.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JUOEAN.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from PHOOPES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from PHOOPES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GASTALIES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ICE YAZU.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CHUVA DE PERERECA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JUOEAN.
  • Missing 3 Pokemon from JUOEAN.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CLAIRDELUNA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CLAIRDELUNA.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from PHOOPES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ICE YAZU.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from PHOOPES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CURE★PERSONA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from DRUNKEN SAILER.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GASTALIES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from INFERNODRAGON18.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from MELANIE RBY.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ARCT!C.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from DA PIZZA MAN.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from AL-MY69.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from LILY.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GASTALIES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GASTALIES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from SHING'N STREETS.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CLAIRDELUNA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CLAIRDELUNA.
  • Missing 3 Pokemon from ICE YAZU.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ICE YAZU.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CURE★PERSONA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from INFERNODRAGON18.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from TURKITTY.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from NT71DY XBOSSARUX.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from NICK773501.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from SACREDPIE.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from NULTIPRISE.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from DA PIZZA MAN.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from YBW.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from PHOOPES.
  • Missing 3 Pokemon from PHOOPES.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from GANGSTA SPONGEBOB.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GASTALIES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GASTALIES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from TYLERFITZ8.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from JULIAN113.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from VENOBRINE.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from SHADOW GALLADE YT.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JUOEAN.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ARCT!C.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GANGSTA SPONGEBOB.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GANGSTA SPONGEBOB.
  • Missing 3 Pokemon from THE FAZ 31.
  • Missing 4 Pokemon from 5DOTS.
  • Missing 3 Pokemon from THE FAZ 31.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from DRUNKENSAILER.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from XBOSSARUX.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ZUNJ 1DOTS.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from ZUNJ 1DOTS.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from MELANIE RBY.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from MELANIE RBY.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from FAULTSON‽.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from FAULTSON‽.
  • Missing 5 Pokemon from ZEKARUM.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from NICK773501.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from VTMAGNO.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from THE FAZ 31.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GANGSTA SPONGEBOB.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from GANGSTA SPONGEBOB.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JULIAN113.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from FLAMINGROK.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from FLAMINGROK.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from AL-MY69.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from VTMAGNO.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JULIAN113.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from SACREDPIE.

:y/tentacool: Overall Leads :y/charmeleon:
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |  245 |  48.23% |  55.51% |
| 2    | Charmeleon              |   94 |  18.50% |  43.62% |
| 3    | Voltorb                 |   52 |  10.24% |  44.23% |
| 4    | Golbat                  |   30 |   5.91% |  50.00% |
| 5    | Ivysaur                 |   26 |   5.12% |  42.31% |
| 6    | Meowth                  |   19 |   3.74% |  31.58% |
| 7    | Clefairy                |   16 |   3.15% |  43.75% |
| 8    | Hitmonchan              |    7 |   1.38% |  57.14% |
| 9    | Beedrill                |    6 |   1.18% |  83.33% |
| 10   | Rattata                 |    5 |   0.98% |  80.00% |
| 11   | Pidgeotto               |    2 |   0.39% |   0.00% |
| 11   | Kabuto                  |    2 |   0.39% |   0.00% |
| 13   | Gloom                   |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 13   | Rhyhorn                 |    1 |   0.20% | 100.00% |
| 13   | Shellder                |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |
| 13   | Farfetch’d              |    1 |   0.20% |   0.00% |

Moves and Teammates, Combos
Moves and Teammates (Overall)
Moves and Teammates (Top 16)
Moves and Teammates (Top 8)

Combos (Overall)
Combos (Top 16)
Combos (Top 8)

Top 16 and Top 8 Usage and Leads:
Top 16 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Meowth             |  107 |  93.86% |  47.66% |
| 2    | Charmeleon         |  106 |  92.98% |  50.00% |
| 2    | Tentacool          |  106 |  92.98% |  47.17% |
| 4    | Ivysaur            |   93 |  81.58% |  48.39% |
| 5    | Golbat             |   64 |  56.14% |  43.75% |
| 6    | Clefairy           |   43 |  37.72% |  55.81% |
| 7    | Rhyhorn            |   39 |  34.21% |  51.28% |
| 8    | Voltorb            |   33 |  28.95% |  42.42% |
| 9    | Hitmonchan         |   20 |  17.54% |  70.00% |
| 10   | Shellder           |   14 |  12.28% |  64.29% |
| 11   | Farfetch’d         |   11 |   9.65% |  63.64% |
| 12   | Gloom              |   10 |   8.77% |  60.00% |
| 13   | Beedrill           |    6 |   5.26% |  33.33% |
| 14   | Cubone             |    4 |   3.51% |  25.00% |
| 15   | Kabuto             |    3 |   2.63% |  33.33% |
| 16   | Koffing            |    2 |   1.75% | 100.00% |
| 16   | Doduo              |    2 |   1.75% |  50.00% |
| 18   | Pidgeotto          |    1 |   0.88% |   0.00% |
| 18   | Rattata            |    1 |   0.88% |   0.00% |
| 18   | Nidorino           |    1 |   0.88% |   0.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GANGSTA SPONGEBOB.
  • Missing 3 Pokemon from THE FAZ 31.
  • Missing 4 Pokemon from 5DOTS.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ARCT!C.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JUOEAN.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from PHOOPES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from PHOOPES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GANGSTA SPONGEBOB.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ARCT!C.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JUOEAN.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CHUVA DE PERERECA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CHUVA DE PERERECA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JUOEAN.

Top 16 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |   68 |  59.65% |  54.41% |
| 2    | Voltorb                 |   12 |  10.53% |  33.33% |
| 3    | Charmeleon              |   10 |   8.77% |  60.00% |
| 4    | Golbat                  |    9 |   7.89% |  44.44% |
| 5    | Clefairy                |    5 |   4.39% |  40.00% |
| 6    | Ivysaur                 |    3 |   2.63% |  33.33% |
| 7    | Meowth                  |    2 |   1.75% |  50.00% |
| 8    | Rhyhorn                 |    1 |   0.88% | 100.00% |
| 8    | Gloom                   |    1 |   0.88% | 100.00% |
| 8    | Beedrill                |    1 |   0.88% |   0.00% |
| 8    | Pidgeotto               |    1 |   0.88% |   0.00% |
| 8    | Rattata                 |    1 |   0.88% |   0.00% |
Top 8 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Charmeleon         |   53 |  98.15% |  50.94% |
| 1    | Tentacool          |   53 |  98.15% |  49.06% |
| 3    | Meowth             |   51 |  94.44% |  47.06% |
| 4    | Ivysaur            |   42 |  77.78% |  47.62% |
| 5    | Golbat             |   33 |  61.11% |  48.48% |
| 6    | Clefairy           |   28 |  51.85% |  53.57% |
| 7    | Voltorb            |   16 |  29.63% |  43.75% |
| 8    | Rhyhorn            |   11 |  20.37% |  45.45% |
| 9    | Hitmonchan         |   10 |  18.52% |  60.00% |
| 10   | Shellder           |    6 |  11.11% |  50.00% |
| 10   | Gloom              |    6 |  11.11% |  50.00% |
| 10   | Farfetch’d         |    6 |  11.11% |  50.00% |
| 13   | Kabuto             |    1 |   1.85% | 100.00% |
| 13   | Beedrill           |    1 |   1.85% | 100.00% |
| 13   | Koffing            |    1 |   1.85% | 100.00% |
| 13   | Nidorino           |    1 |   1.85% |   0.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ARCT!C.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JUOEAN.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CHUVA DE PERERECA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CHUVA DE PERERECA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JUOEAN.

Top 8 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |   38 |  70.37% |  47.37% |
| 2    | Golbat                  |    6 |  11.11% |  66.67% |
| 3    | Voltorb                 |    5 |   9.26% |  40.00% |
| 4    | Charmeleon              |    4 |   7.41% |  75.00% |
| 5    | Clefairy                |    1 |   1.85% |   0.00% |

Lead Matchup Data:
+ ---------- + ---------- + ----- + ----------- + ----------- +

| Lead 1     | Lead 2     | Games | Lead1 Win%  | Lead 2 Win% |

+ ---------- + ---------- + ----- + ----------- + ----------- +

| Tentacool  | Tentacool  |  55   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Charmeleon |  46   |    67.39%   |   32.61%    |
| Tentacool  | Voltorb    |  26   |    61.54%   |   38.46%    |
| Golbat     | Tentacool  |  19   |    53.00%   |   47.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Ivysaur    |  13   |    76.92%   |   23.08%    |
| Charmeleon | Voltorb    |  12   |    58.33%   |   41.67%    |
| Tentacool  | Meowth     |  11   |    54.55%   |   45.45%    |
| Tentacool  | Clefairy   |   8   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Charmeleon |   6   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Ivysaur    |   6   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Meowth     |   5   |    80.00%   |   20.00%    |
| Hitmonchan | Tentacool  |   4   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Golbat     | Charmeleon |   4   |    75.00%   |   25.00%    |
| Voltorb    | Golbat     |   4   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Clefairy   |   3   |    66.67%   |   33.33%    |
| Voltorb    | Voltorb    |   3   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Voltorb    | Clefairy   |   2   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Beedrill   |   2   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Rattata    |   2   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Pidgeotto  |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Kabuto     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Rhyhorn    | Tentacool  |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Ivysaur    | Voltorb    |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Voltorb    | Meowth     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Beedrill   | Clefairy   |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Ivysaur    | Golbat     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Clefairy   | Golbat     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Beedrill   | Charmeleon |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Kabuto     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Gloom      | Charmeleon |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Shellder   |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Ivysaur    | Meowth     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Ivysaur    | Hitmonchan |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Rattata    | Ivysaur    |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Clefairy   | Meowth     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Ivysaur    | Hitmonchan |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Beedrill   | Hitmonchan |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Beedrill   | Golbat     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Farfetch'd |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Pidgeotto  |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Rattata    | Charmeleon |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Rattata    | Ivysaur    |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
+ ---------- + ---------- + ----- + ----------- + ----------- +

| Lead 1     | Lead 2     | Games | Lead1 Win%  | Lead 2 Win% |

+ ---------- + ---------- + ----- + ----------- + ----------- +

| Tentacool  | Tentacool  |  18   |   50.00%    |   50.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Voltorb    |  10   |   80.00%    |   20.00%    |
| Golbat     | Tentacool  |   7   |   57.14%    |   42.86%    |
| Charmeleon | Tentacool  |   4   |   75.00%    |   25.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Clefairy   |   4   |   75.00%    |   25.00%    |
| Voltorb    | Charmeleon |   2   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Ivysaur    |   2   |   50.00%    |   50.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Meowth     |   2   |   50.00%    |   50.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Golbat     |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Rhyhorn    | Tentacool  |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Clefairy   | Golbat     |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Gloom      | Charmeleon |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Ivysaur    |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Beedrill   |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Pidgeotto  |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Rattata    |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
+ ---------- + ---------- + ----- + ----------- + ----------- +

| Lead 1     | Lead 2     | Games | Lead1 Win%  | Lead 2 Win% |

+ ---------- + ---------- + ----- + ----------- + ----------- +

| Tentacool  | Tentacool  |  12   |   50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Golbat     | Tentacool  |   6   |   50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Voltorb    |   4   |   75.00%   |   25.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Tentacool  |   3   |  100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Clefairy   |   1   |  100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Voltorb    | Charmeleon |   1   |  100.00%   |    0.00%    |

By-Round Usage and Leads:
Winners Round 1 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool          |   62 |  93.94% |  51.61% |
| 2    | Meowth             |   60 |  90.91% |  48.33% |
| 2    | Charmeleon         |   60 |  90.91% |  46.67% |
| 4    | Ivysaur            |   56 |  84.85% |  51.79% |
| 5    | Rhyhorn            |   43 |  65.15% |  53.49% |
| 6    | Voltorb            |   33 |  50.00% |  39.39% |
| 7    | Golbat             |   20 |  30.30% |  40.00% |
| 8    | Hitmonchan         |   14 |  21.21% |  50.00% |
| 9    | Beedrill           |   11 |  16.67% |  36.36% |
| 10   | Shellder           |    8 |  12.12% |  62.50% |
| 11   | Clefairy           |    3 |   4.55% |  33.33% |
| 11   | Weepinbell         |    3 |   4.55% |  33.33% |
| 13   | Gloom              |    2 |   3.03% |   0.00% |
| 14   | Cubone             |    1 |   1.52% | 100.00% |
| 14   | Psyduck            |    1 |   1.52% |   0.00% |
| 14   | Kabuto             |    1 |   1.52% |   0.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from SACREDPIE.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from NULTIPRISE.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from DA PIZZA MAN.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from YBW.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from PHOOPES.
  • Missing 3 Pokemon from PHOOPES.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from GANGSTA SPONGEBOB.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GASTALIES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GASTALIES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from TYLERFITZ8.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from JULIAN113.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from VENOBRINE.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from SHADOW GALLADE YT.

Winners Round 1 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |   26 |  39.39% |  65.38% |
| 2    | Charmeleon              |   22 |  33.33% |  50.00% |
| 3    | Voltorb                 |    7 |  10.61% |  42.86% |
| 4    | Ivysaur                 |    4 |   6.06% |  25.00% |
| 4    | Meowth                  |    4 |   6.06% |   0.00% |
| 6    | Clefairy                |    2 |   3.03% |  50.00% |
| 7    | Golbat                  |    1 |   1.52% |   0.00% |
Winners Round 2 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool          |   88 |  95.65% |  52.27% |
| 2    | Meowth             |   86 |  93.48% |  47.67% |
| 3    | Ivysaur            |   85 |  92.39% |  49.41% |
| 4    | Charmeleon         |   81 |  88.04% |  48.15% |
| 5    | Rhyhorn            |   55 |  59.78% |  54.55% |
| 6    | Voltorb            |   38 |  41.30% |  34.21% |
| 7    | Golbat             |   29 |  31.52% |  51.72% |
| 8    | Shellder           |   20 |  21.74% |  35.00% |
| 9    | Hitmonchan         |   18 |  19.57% |  66.67% |
| 10   | Beedrill           |   16 |  17.39% |  37.50% |
| 11   | Clefairy           |    6 |   6.52% |  33.33% |
| 12   | Farfetch’d         |    4 |   4.35% |  75.00% |
| 12   | Kabuto             |    4 |   4.35% |  25.00% |
| 14   | Cubone             |    3 |   3.26% |  33.33% |
| 15   | Doduo              |    1 |   1.09% | 100.00% |
| 15   | Gloom              |    1 |   1.09% | 100.00% |
| 15   | Nidorino           |    1 |   1.09% | 100.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from AL-MY69.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from LILY.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GASTALIES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GASTALIES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from SHING'N STREETS.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CLAIRDELUNA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CLAIRDELUNA.
  • Missing 3 Pokemon from ICE YAZU.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ICE YAZU.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CURE★PERSONA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from INFERNODRAGON18.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from TURKITTY.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from NT71DY XBOSSARUX.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from NICK773501.

Winners Round 2 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |   49 |  53.26% |  55.10% |
| 2    | Charmeleon              |   18 |  19.57% |  55.56% |
| 3    | Voltorb                 |    9 |   9.78% |  33.33% |
| 4    | Ivysaur                 |    7 |   7.61% |  28.57% |
| 5    | Meowth                  |    2 |   2.17% | 100.00% |
| 5    | Clefairy                |    2 |   2.17% |  50.00% |
| 5    | Kabuto                  |    2 |   2.17% |   0.00% |
| 5    | Golbat                  |    2 |   2.17% |   0.00% |
| 9    | Hitmonchan              |    1 |   1.09% | 100.00% |
Losers Round 1 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Meowth             |   19 |  95.00% |  47.37% |
| 2    | Charmeleon         |   18 |  90.00% |  50.00% |
| 3    | Tentacool          |   17 |  85.00% |  52.94% |
| 3    | Ivysaur            |   17 |  85.00% |  52.94% |
| 5    | Rhyhorn            |   14 |  70.00% |  35.71% |
| 6    | Hitmonchan         |    9 |  45.00% |  66.67% |
| 7    | Golbat             |    8 |  40.00% |  50.00% |
| 8    | Voltorb            |    6 |  30.00% |  33.33% |
| 9    | Shellder           |    4 |  20.00% |  25.00% |
| 10   | Gloom              |    3 |  15.00% |  33.33% |
| 11   | Rattata            |    2 |  10.00% | 100.00% |
| 12   | Beedrill           |    1 |   5.00% | 100.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JULIAN113.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from SACREDPIE.

Losers Round 1 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |    8 |  40.00% |  50.00% |
| 2    | Meowth                  |    4 |  20.00% |  50.00% |
| 3    | Charmeleon              |    3 |  15.00% |  33.33% |
| 4    | Rattata                 |    2 |  10.00% | 100.00% |
| 4    | Ivysaur                 |    2 |  10.00% |  50.00% |
| 6    | Voltorb                 |    1 |   5.00% |   0.00% |
Losers Round 2 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Meowth             |   28 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 2    | Ivysaur            |   24 |  85.71% |  58.33% |
| 3    | Charmeleon         |   23 |  82.14% |  52.17% |
| 3    | Tentacool          |   23 |  82.14% |  47.83% |
| 5    | Rhyhorn            |   14 |  50.00% |  28.57% |
| 6    | Voltorb            |   13 |  46.43% |  53.85% |
| 7    | Shellder           |   11 |  39.29% |  36.36% |
| 8    | Hitmonchan         |    9 |  32.14% |  33.33% |
| 9    | Beedrill           |    8 |  28.57% |  25.00% |
| 10   | Golbat             |    6 |  21.43% |  83.33% |
| 11   | Rattata            |    2 |   7.14% | 100.00% |
| 12   | Kabuto             |    1 |   3.57% | 100.00% |
| 12   | Clefairy           |    1 |   3.57% |   0.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from FLAMINGROK.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from FLAMINGROK.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from AL-MY69.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from VTMAGNO.

Losers Round 2 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |   11 |  39.29% |  36.36% |
| 2    | Voltorb                 |    3 |  10.71% | 100.00% |
| 2    | Ivysaur                 |    3 |  10.71% |  66.67% |
| 2    | Charmeleon              |    3 |  10.71% |  33.33% |
| 5    | Rattata                 |    2 |   7.14% | 100.00% |
| 5    | Golbat                  |    2 |   7.14% |  50.00% |
| 5    | Hitmonchan              |    2 |   7.14% |   0.00% |
| 8    | Beedrill                |    1 |   3.57% | 100.00% |
| 8    | Meowth                  |    1 |   3.57% |   0.00% |
Winners Round 3 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Meowth             |   61 |  95.31% |  47.54% |
| 2    | Tentacool          |   60 |  93.75% |  48.33% |
| 2    | Charmeleon         |   60 |  93.75% |  48.33% |
| 4    | Ivysaur            |   58 |  90.62% |  51.72% |
| 5    | Rhyhorn            |   36 |  56.25% |  50.00% |
| 6    | Golbat             |   28 |  43.75% |  60.71% |
| 7    | Voltorb            |   20 |  31.25% |  35.00% |
| 8    | Hitmonchan         |   17 |  26.56% |  47.06% |
| 9    | Shellder           |   14 |  21.88% |  57.14% |
| 10   | Beedrill           |    7 |  10.94% |  28.57% |
| 11   | Clefairy           |    6 |   9.38% |  83.33% |
| 11   | Cubone             |    6 |   9.38% |  16.67% |
| 13   | Farfetch’d         |    1 |   1.56% | 100.00% |
| 13   | Kabuto             |    1 |   1.56% |   0.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ICE YAZU.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from PHOOPES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CURE★PERSONA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from DRUNKEN SAILER.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GASTALIES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from INFERNODRAGON18.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from MELANIE RBY.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ARCT!C.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from DA PIZZA MAN.

Winners Round 3 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |   32 |  50.00% |  59.38% |
| 2    | Charmeleon              |   15 |  23.44% |  26.67% |
| 3    | Voltorb                 |    5 |   7.81% |  60.00% |
| 3    | Meowth                  |    5 |   7.81% |  20.00% |
| 5    | Clefairy                |    3 |   4.69% |  66.67% |
| 6    | Golbat                  |    2 |   3.12% | 100.00% |
| 7    | Hitmonchan              |    1 |   1.56% | 100.00% |
| 7    | Shellder                |    1 |   1.56% |   0.00% |
Losers Round 3 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool          |   32 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 1    | Ivysaur            |   32 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 3    | Meowth             |   29 |  90.62% |  44.83% |
| 4    | Charmeleon         |   26 |  81.25% |  46.15% |
| 5    | Rhyhorn            |   16 |  50.00% |  62.50% |
| 5    | Golbat             |   16 |  50.00% |  50.00% |
| 7    | Voltorb            |   14 |  43.75% |  28.57% |
| 8    | Hitmonchan         |    5 |  15.62% |  60.00% |
| 8    | Beedrill           |    5 |  15.62% |  40.00% |
| 10   | Shellder           |    4 |  12.50% |  50.00% |
| 11   | Cubone             |    3 |   9.38% |  66.67% |
| 12   | Clefairy           |    2 |   6.25% | 100.00% |
| 12   | Farfetch’d         |    2 |   6.25% |   0.00% |
| 14   | Kabuto             |    1 |   3.12% | 100.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from THE FAZ 31.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GANGSTA SPONGEBOB.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from GANGSTA SPONGEBOB.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JULIAN113.

Losers Round 3 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |   14 |  43.75% |  71.43% |
| 2    | Charmeleon              |    7 |  21.88% |  14.29% |
| 3    | Ivysaur                 |    6 |  18.75% |  50.00% |
| 4    | Golbat                  |    2 |   6.25% |  50.00% |
| 5    | Voltorb                 |    1 |   3.12% | 100.00% |
| 5    | Meowth                  |    1 |   3.12% |   0.00% |
| 5    | Farfetch’d              |    1 |   3.12% |   0.00% |
Losers Round 4 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool          |   27 |  96.43% |  48.15% |
| 2    | Ivysaur            |   26 |  92.86% |  46.15% |
| 3    | Meowth             |   25 |  89.29% |  44.00% |
| 4    | Charmeleon         |   24 |  85.71% |  50.00% |
| 5    | Rhyhorn            |   13 |  46.43% |  46.15% |
| 6    | Golbat             |   12 |  42.86% |  50.00% |
| 7    | Voltorb            |   10 |  35.71% |  20.00% |
| 8    | Beedrill           |    7 |  25.00% |  57.14% |
| 9    | Hitmonchan         |    4 |  14.29% |  50.00% |
| 10   | Kabuto             |    3 |  10.71% | 100.00% |
| 11   | Cubone             |    2 |   7.14% | 100.00% |
| 12   | Doduo              |    1 |   3.57% |   0.00% |
| 12   | Goldeen            |    1 |   3.57% |   0.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from MELANIE RBY.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from MELANIE RBY.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from FAULTSON‽.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from FAULTSON‽.
  • Missing 5 Pokemon from ZEKARUM.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from NICK773501.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from VTMAGNO.

Losers Round 4 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |   11 |  39.29% |  45.45% |
| 2    | Charmeleon              |    8 |  28.57% |  37.50% |
| 3    | Golbat                  |    3 |  10.71% | 100.00% |
| 3    | Voltorb                 |    3 |  10.71% |   0.00% |
| 5    | Beedrill                |    2 |   7.14% | 100.00% |
| 6    | Hitmonchan              |    1 |   3.57% | 100.00% |
Winners Round 4 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool          |   31 |  96.88% |  48.39% |
| 2    | Ivysaur            |   30 |  93.75% |  50.00% |
| 3    | Charmeleon         |   29 |  90.62% |  48.28% |
| 4    | Meowth             |   27 |  84.38% |  40.74% |
| 5    | Golbat             |   19 |  59.38% |  52.63% |
| 6    | Rhyhorn            |   13 |  40.62% |  38.46% |
| 7    | Voltorb            |    8 |  25.00% |  62.50% |
| 7    | Hitmonchan         |    8 |  25.00% |  50.00% |
| 9    | Clefairy           |    5 |  15.62% |  20.00% |
| 10   | Beedrill           |    3 |   9.38% |  66.67% |
| 11   | Shellder           |    2 |   6.25% |  50.00% |
| 11   | Gloom              |    2 |   6.25% |  50.00% |
| 13   | Farfetch’d         |    1 |   3.12% | 100.00% |
| 13   | Kabuto             |    1 |   3.12% |   0.00% |
| 13   | Pidgeotto          |    1 |   3.12% |   0.00% |
| 13   | Nidorino           |    1 |   3.12% |   0.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GASTALIES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ICE YAZU.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CHUVA DE PERERECA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JUOEAN.
  • Missing 3 Pokemon from JUOEAN.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CLAIRDELUNA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CLAIRDELUNA.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from PHOOPES.

Winners Round 4 Usage

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |   16 |  50.00% |  50.00% |
| 2    | Golbat                  |    5 |  15.62% |  40.00% |
| 3    | Voltorb                 |    4 |  12.50% |  75.00% |
| 4    | Charmeleon              |    3 |   9.38% |  66.67% |
| 5    | Clefairy                |    2 |   6.25% |   0.00% |
| 6    | Hitmonchan              |    1 |   3.12% | 100.00% |
| 6    | Pidgeotto               |    1 |   3.12% |   0.00% |
Losers Round 5 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Charmeleon         |   31 |  96.88% |  51.61% |
| 2    | Meowth             |   29 |  90.62% |  48.28% |
| 3    | Ivysaur            |   28 |  87.50% |  46.43% |
| 4    | Tentacool          |   27 |  84.38% |  48.15% |
| 5    | Rhyhorn            |   15 |  46.88% |  46.67% |
| 6    | Golbat             |   13 |  40.62% |  53.85% |
| 7    | Voltorb            |   10 |  31.25% |  40.00% |
| 8    | Beedrill           |    7 |  21.88% |  57.14% |
| 8    | Shellder           |    7 |  21.88% |  42.86% |
| 8    | Hitmonchan         |    7 |  21.88% |  28.57% |
| 11   | Clefairy           |    4 |  12.50% |  50.00% |
| 12   | Kabuto             |    2 |   6.25% | 100.00% |
| 12   | Gloom              |    2 |   6.25% |  50.00% |
| 14   | Cubone             |    1 |   3.12% | 100.00% |
  • Missing 3 Pokemon from THE FAZ 31.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from DRUNKENSAILER.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from XBOSSARUX.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ZUNJ 1DOTS.
  • Missing 2 Pokemon from ZUNJ 1DOTS.

Losers Round 5 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |   10 |  31.25% |  50.00% |
| 2    | Voltorb                 |    7 |  21.88% |  42.86% |
| 3    | Charmeleon              |    5 |  15.62% |  40.00% |
| 4    | Golbat                  |    4 |  12.50% |  50.00% |
| 5    | Beedrill                |    2 |   6.25% | 100.00% |
| 5    | Clefairy                |    2 |   6.25% |  50.00% |
| 7    | Ivysaur                 |    1 |   3.12% | 100.00% |
| 7    | Hitmonchan              |    1 |   3.12% |   0.00% |
Losers Round 6 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Meowth             |   16 |  88.89% |  50.00% |
| 1    | Tentacool          |   16 |  88.89% |  43.75% |
| 3    | Charmeleon         |   15 |  83.33% |  53.33% |
| 4    | Ivysaur            |   14 |  77.78% |  57.14% |
| 5    | Rhyhorn            |    8 |  44.44% |  62.50% |
| 6    | Golbat             |    7 |  38.89% |  28.57% |
| 7    | Hitmonchan         |    5 |  27.78% |  60.00% |
| 8    | Voltorb            |    4 |  22.22% |  25.00% |
| 9    | Shellder           |    3 |  16.67% | 100.00% |
| 9    | Beedrill           |    3 |  16.67% |  33.33% |
| 11   | Clefairy           |    2 |  11.11% |  50.00% |
| 11   | Kabuto             |    2 |  11.11% |   0.00% |
| 11   | Cubone             |    2 |  11.11% |   0.00% |
| 14   | Gloom              |    1 |   5.56% | 100.00% |
| 14   | Farfetch’d         |    1 |   5.56% | 100.00% |
| 14   | Doduo              |    1 |   5.56% |   0.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GANGSTA SPONGEBOB.
  • Missing 3 Pokemon from THE FAZ 31.
  • Missing 4 Pokemon from 5DOTS.

Losers Round 6 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |    9 |  50.00% |  66.67% |
| 2    | Clefairy                |    2 |  11.11% |  50.00% |
| 2    | Voltorb                 |    2 |  11.11% |   0.00% |
| 4    | Rhyhorn                 |    1 |   5.56% | 100.00% |
| 4    | Ivysaur                 |    1 |   5.56% | 100.00% |
| 4    | Beedrill                |    1 |   5.56% |   0.00% |
| 4    | Golbat                  |    1 |   5.56% |   0.00% |
| 4    | Charmeleon              |    1 |   5.56% |   0.00% |
Winners Round 5 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool          |   19 |  95.00% |  47.37% |
| 1    | Meowth             |   19 |  95.00% |  47.37% |
| 1    | Charmeleon         |   19 |  95.00% |  47.37% |
| 4    | Ivysaur            |   17 |  85.00% |  41.18% |
| 5    | Rhyhorn            |    9 |  45.00% |  44.44% |
| 5    | Golbat             |    9 |  45.00% |  33.33% |
| 7    | Voltorb            |    7 |  35.00% |  42.86% |
| 8    | Clefairy           |    5 |  25.00% | 100.00% |
| 9    | Hitmonchan         |    2 |  10.00% | 100.00% |
| 9    | Cubone             |    2 |  10.00% |  50.00% |
| 9    | Shellder           |    2 |  10.00% |  50.00% |
| 12   | Gloom              |    1 |   5.00% | 100.00% |
| 12   | Doduo              |    1 |   5.00% | 100.00% |
| 12   | Koffing            |    1 |   5.00% | 100.00% |
| 12   | Pidgeotto          |    1 |   5.00% |   0.00% |
| 12   | Rattata            |    1 |   5.00% |   0.00% |
| 12   | Beedrill           |    1 |   5.00% |   0.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ARCT!C.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JUOEAN.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from PHOOPES.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from PHOOPES.

Winners Round 5 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |   11 |  55.00% |  54.55% |
| 2    | Voltorb                 |    3 |  15.00% |  33.33% |
| 3    | Charmeleon              |    2 |  10.00% |  50.00% |
| 4    | Meowth                  |    1 |   5.00% | 100.00% |
| 4    | Gloom                   |    1 |   5.00% | 100.00% |
| 4    | Pidgeotto               |    1 |   5.00% |   0.00% |
| 4    | Rattata                 |    1 |   5.00% |   0.00% |
Losers Round 7 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Meowth             |   21 |  95.45% |  47.62% |
| 2    | Ivysaur            |   20 |  90.91% |  50.00% |
| 3    | Charmeleon         |   19 |  86.36% |  47.37% |
| 4    | Tentacool          |   18 |  81.82% |  44.44% |
| 5    | Golbat             |   15 |  68.18% |  46.67% |
| 6    | Rhyhorn            |   11 |  50.00% |  54.55% |
| 7    | Clefairy           |    8 |  36.36% |  37.50% |
| 8    | Voltorb            |    6 |  27.27% |  50.00% |
| 9    | Farfetch’d         |    4 |  18.18% |  75.00% |
| 10   | Hitmonchan         |    3 |  13.64% | 100.00% |
| 10   | Shellder           |    3 |  13.64% |  66.67% |
| 12   | Gloom              |    2 |   9.09% |  50.00% |
| 13   | Beedrill           |    1 |   4.55% |   0.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from GANGSTA SPONGEBOB.

Losers Round 7 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |   10 |  45.45% |  70.00% |
| 2    | Charmeleon              |    3 |  13.64% |  66.67% |
| 3    | Clefairy                |    2 |   9.09% |  50.00% |
| 3    | Voltorb                 |    2 |   9.09% |  50.00% |
| 3    | Ivysaur                 |    2 |   9.09% |   0.00% |
| 3    | Golbat                  |    2 |   9.09% |   0.00% |
| 7    | Meowth                  |    1 |   4.55% |   0.00% |
Losers Round 8 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool          |    8 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 1    | Meowth             |    8 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 3    | Charmeleon         |    7 |  87.50% |  57.14% |
| 3    | Ivysaur            |    7 |  87.50% |  42.86% |
| 5    | Golbat             |    4 |  50.00% |  75.00% |
| 5    | Rhyhorn            |    4 |  50.00% |  25.00% |
| 7    | Clefairy           |    3 |  37.50% |  66.67% |
| 7    | Voltorb            |    3 |  37.50% |  33.33% |
| 9    | Hitmonchan         |    2 |  25.00% |  50.00% |
| 9    | Shellder           |    2 |  25.00% |  50.00% |

Losers Round 8 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |    7 |  87.50% |  57.14% |
| 2    | Clefairy                |    1 |  12.50% |   0.00% |
Winners Round 6 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool          |    8 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 1    | Charmeleon         |    8 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 1    | Meowth             |    8 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 4    | Ivysaur            |    6 |  75.00% |  66.67% |
| 4    | Golbat             |    6 |  75.00% |  66.67% |
| 6    | Clefairy           |    4 |  50.00% |  75.00% |
| 7    | Shellder           |    2 |  25.00% |  50.00% |
| 7    | Gloom              |    2 |  25.00% |   0.00% |
| 7    | Rhyhorn            |    2 |  25.00% |   0.00% |
| 10   | Farfetch’d         |    1 |  12.50% |   0.00% |
| 10   | Voltorb            |    1 |  12.50% |   0.00% |

Winners Round 6 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |    7 |  87.50% |  42.86% |
| 2    | Golbat                  |    1 |  12.50% | 100.00% |
Losers Round 9 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Charmeleon         |    8 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 1    | Tentacool          |    8 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 3    | Meowth             |    7 |  87.50% |  42.86% |
| 4    | Golbat             |    6 |  75.00% |  33.33% |
| 4    | Ivysaur            |    6 |  75.00% |  33.33% |
| 6    | Rhyhorn            |    3 |  37.50% | 100.00% |
| 6    | Voltorb            |    3 |  37.50% |  33.33% |
| 8    | Hitmonchan         |    2 |  25.00% | 100.00% |
| 8    | Clefairy           |    2 |  25.00% |  50.00% |
| 10   | Gloom              |    1 |  12.50% | 100.00% |
| 10   | Shellder           |    1 |  12.50% |   0.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from ARCT!C.

Losers Round 9 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |    5 |  62.50% |  40.00% |
| 2    | Charmeleon              |    1 |  12.50% | 100.00% |
| 2    | Golbat                  |    1 |  12.50% | 100.00% |
| 2    | Voltorb                 |    1 |  12.50% |   0.00% |
Losers Round 10 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Meowth             |    6 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 1    | Charmeleon         |    6 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 3    | Tentacool          |    5 |  83.33% |  40.00% |
| 4    | Ivysaur            |    4 |  66.67% |  50.00% |
| 5    | Golbat             |    3 |  50.00% |  66.67% |
| 5    | Hitmonchan         |    3 |  50.00% |  66.67% |
| 7    | Rhyhorn            |    2 |  33.33% |  50.00% |
| 7    | Voltorb            |    2 |  33.33% |   0.00% |
| 9    | Clefairy           |    1 |  16.67% | 100.00% |
| 9    | Shellder           |    1 |  16.67% | 100.00% |
| 9    | Farfetch’d         |    1 |  16.67% | 100.00% |
| 9    | Nidorino           |    1 |  16.67% |   0.00% |
| 9    | Gloom              |    1 |  16.67% |   0.00% |

Losers Round 10 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |    3 |  50.00% |  33.33% |
| 2    | Golbat                  |    2 |  33.33% |  50.00% |
| 3    | Charmeleon              |    1 |  16.67% | 100.00% |
Winners Round 7 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool          |    6 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 1    | Clefairy           |    6 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 1    | Meowth             |    6 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 1    | Charmeleon         |    6 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 5    | Ivysaur            |    5 |  83.33% |  40.00% |
| 6    | Golbat             |    4 |  66.67% |  25.00% |
| 7    | Voltorb            |    1 |  16.67% | 100.00% |
| 7    | Kabuto             |    1 |  16.67% | 100.00% |
| 7    | Gloom              |    1 |  16.67% | 100.00% |

Winners Round 7 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |    4 |  66.67% |  50.00% |
| 2    | Voltorb                 |    1 |  16.67% | 100.00% |
| 2    | Charmeleon              |    1 |  16.67% |   0.00% |
Losers Round 11 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Charmeleon         |   10 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 1    | Tentacool          |   10 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 1    | Meowth             |   10 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 4    | Ivysaur            |    9 |  90.00% |  55.56% |
| 5    | Clefairy           |    6 |  60.00% |  50.00% |
| 6    | Golbat             |    5 |  50.00% |  40.00% |
| 7    | Hitmonchan         |    3 |  30.00% |  33.33% |
| 7    | Farfetch’d         |    3 |  30.00% |  33.33% |
| 9    | Voltorb            |    2 |  20.00% |  50.00% |
| 10   | Beedrill           |    1 |  10.00% | 100.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JUOEAN.

Losers Round 11 Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |    7 |  70.00% |  42.86% |
| 2    | Charmeleon              |    1 |  10.00% | 100.00% |
| 2    | Golbat                  |    1 |  10.00% | 100.00% |
| 2    | Voltorb                 |    1 |  10.00% |   0.00% |
Grand Finals Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool          |    8 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 1    | Charmeleon         |    8 | 100.00% |  50.00% |
| 3    | Meowth             |    6 |  75.00% |  33.33% |
| 3    | Clefairy           |    6 |  75.00% |  33.33% |
| 5    | Golbat             |    5 |  62.50% |  40.00% |
| 5    | Ivysaur            |    5 |  62.50% |  40.00% |
| 7    | Voltorb            |    4 |  50.00% |  75.00% |
| 8    | Farfetch’d         |    1 |  12.50% | 100.00% |
| 8    | Gloom              |    1 |  12.50% | 100.00% |
| 8    | Koffing            |    1 |  12.50% | 100.00% |
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CHUVA DE PERERECA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from CHUVA DE PERERECA.
  • Missing 1 Pokemon from JUOEAN.

Grand Finals Leads

+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads                   | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Tentacool               |    5 |  62.50% |  60.00% |
| 2    | Voltorb                 |    2 |  25.00% |  50.00% |
| 3    | Golbat                  |    1 |  12.50% |   0.00% |
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:y/charmeleon: First 7U Tournament Replays :y/golbat:

5Dots vs czim

Nultiprise vs SacredPie

Da Pizza Man vs Celebiii

YBW vs Latvian

phoopes vs PenglinHeHe

InfernoDragon vs torterraxx

Cdijk16 vs omarsgarciav

BT89 vs txitxas

Pinecoishot vs Eve

Gangsta Spongebob vs SpectralThief

Gastlies vs CrapAtRBY

tylerfitz8 vs julian113

shadow gallade yt vs Bushmaster

Snak vs Nateboomer21
ArcticBreeze vs YBW

Megachiroptera vs Useless Uses

Da Pizza Man vs al-my

Lily vs Mercupty

Gastlies vs Fluore

Shing’n Streets vs Nultiprise

tylerfitz8 vs The Faz

Huargensy vs imbetterthanuhahaha

ClairDeLuna vs Ajjc

Ice Yazu vs martinvtran

Torchic vs Dhdux

5Dots vs Comedier

phoopes vs Ka1xo

chuva de perereca vs Aaronboyer

InfernoDragon vs FlamingRok

Jake Moran vs BT89

Mr.Bossaru vs Snak

Gangsta Spongebob vs nicole7735

Cdijk16 vs VTMagno

Melanie uwu vs jonfilch

Zekarum vs Adrianinhoii
Ice Yazu vs Shing’n Streets

stunner047 vs Huargensy

ClairDeLuna vs Zekarum

phoopes vs Gangsta Spongebob

Torchic vs Cdijk16

chuva de perereca vs BeatsBlack

juoean vs Megachiroptera

Akarui~Kurayami vs Mr.Bossaru

Gastlies vs uhBella

tylerfitz8 vs Jake Moran

InfernoDragon vs Melanie uwu

ArcticBreeze vs Josepharas1

Da Pizza Man vs shadow gallade yt
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Couple early thoughts on my mind after that excellent tour, this will be scattered but I'm hoping to invite discussion:
  1. I think we're gonna see some really interesting developments post-VR, a lot of stuff was being explored later in the tour that had promise. We shall see.
  2. Rattata and Pidgeotto are dead imo, I thought they had promise but I think they're actually just not good. Pidge loses too hard if it doesn't get the right lead matchup (Tent) and still dies a lot even if it gets it, and Rat gets murdered by Char and OHKOd by Tent if Pump hits.
  3. Farfetch'd is godlike and will continue rising, same for Clef. Clef is definitely 6th best and I think unfortunately that won't be reflected in the first VR since a few people ranked everything halfway into the tour and likely will not update their thoughts. Fetch'd has a very strong case for top 10, maybe 11, and I think ranking it over Beedrill is very reasonable - it just hits like a truck and you can basically sacrifice the whole rest of your team just to get chip for it and it will close out the game in a way Beedrill can't. I think Fetch'd single handedly makes Ivysaur less viable because Ivy just invites it in after sleep.
  4. Confuse Ray is unfun and a coin flip fiesta. I'm personally down to suspect it if there's wide agreement; I'd also be down to test the 6U D tiers (Dratini, Sandshrew, Diglett, Omanyte) at some point but think they'd just end up being centralizing.
  5. Tent is not the only viable lead but wow is it hard to lead anything else. Golbat feels like the only other thing that has good enough matchups across the board and can't be just switched out on with ease.
Also - for eligible VR submitters, send it by September 4 to have it counted for the preliminary VR!
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Howdy, folks! Tetsu here, down in the Lower Tiers... Sorry, I had to. XD

Anyway, my thoughts so far from the matches I've reacted to (up to Match 11 currently) are Sleep alternatives. Powerful as the statues is, using only Ivy seem to be a bit lacking. Maybe Clef and Gloom team ups? Another this Goldeen as a lead. I got in a discussion with Beedrill Man and he made a sound case.
Howdy, folks! Tetsu here, down in the Lower Tiers... Sorry, I had to. XD

Anyway, my thoughts so far from the matches I've reacted to (up to Match 11 currently) are Sleep alternatives. Powerful as the statues is, using only Ivy seem to be a bit lacking. Maybe Clef and Gloom team ups? Another this Goldeen as a lead. I got in a discussion with Beedrill Man and he made a sound case.

I don’t think Goldeen has the stats to do anything as a lead, especially vs Tentacool, plus it invites Ivy in for basically free. The niche for it imo is a late sweeper that isn’t walled by Rhyhorn and has Agility, but it’s held back by needing everything to be severely chipped before it can sweep.

Sleep-wise, Sing Clef might end up becoming the new meta especially with both Rhyhorn and Voltorb dropping off in usage and Voltorbs tending to boom on Ivy anyway, leaving Ivy with a lot less to actually do in games; personally I think Gloom is gonna fall off, I put a lot of effort into finding good ways to use it but it just feels too weak without Razor Leaf and Body Slam. That said it’s not like Ivy is bad, it still threatens OHKOs on half the metagame with Razor Leaf in addition to sleep and Body Slam paralysis. I think this will be one of the more interesting developments we’ll see, optimizing sleep more and showing that Ivy isn’t necessary.

Also, VR and lead matchup stats soon + the rest of the tour stats - just need to get through a little more IRL work first!
VR is live! I also went out of my way to compile lead matchup data across the tour; here's the winrate of each lead vs every other lead (game wins, not "who won the lead matchup") sorted into overall, top 16 only, and top 8 only. This was painstaking lol so enjoy.

+ ---------- + ---------- + ----- + ----------- + ----------- +

| Lead 1     | Lead 2     | Games | Lead1 Win%  | Lead 2 Win% |

+ ---------- + ---------- + ----- + ----------- + ----------- +

| Tentacool  | Tentacool  |  55   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Charmeleon |  46   |    67.39%   |   32.61%    |
| Tentacool  | Voltorb    |  26   |    61.54%   |   38.46%    |
| Golbat     | Tentacool  |  19   |    53.00%   |   47.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Ivysaur    |  13   |    76.92%   |   23.08%    |
| Charmeleon | Voltorb    |  12   |    58.33%   |   41.67%    |
| Tentacool  | Meowth     |  11   |    54.55%   |   45.45%    |
| Tentacool  | Clefairy   |   8   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Charmeleon |   6   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Ivysaur    |   6   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Meowth     |   5   |    80.00%   |   20.00%    |
| Hitmonchan | Tentacool  |   4   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Golbat     | Charmeleon |   4   |    75.00%   |   25.00%    |
| Voltorb    | Golbat     |   4   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Clefairy   |   3   |    66.67%   |   33.33%    |
| Voltorb    | Voltorb    |   3   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Voltorb    | Clefairy   |   2   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Beedrill   |   2   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Rattata    |   2   |    50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Pidgeotto  |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Kabuto     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Rhyhorn    | Tentacool  |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Ivysaur    | Voltorb    |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Voltorb    | Meowth     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Beedrill   | Clefairy   |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Ivysaur    | Golbat     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Clefairy   | Golbat     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Beedrill   | Charmeleon |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Kabuto     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Gloom      | Charmeleon |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Shellder   |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Ivysaur    | Meowth     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Ivysaur    | Hitmonchan |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Rattata    | Ivysaur    |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Clefairy   | Meowth     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Ivysaur    | Hitmonchan |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Beedrill   | Hitmonchan |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Beedrill   | Golbat     |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Farfetch'd |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Pidgeotto  |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Rattata    | Charmeleon |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Rattata    | Ivysaur    |   1   |   100.00%   |    0.00%    |

+ ---------- + ---------- + ----- + ----------- + ----------- +

| Lead 1     | Lead 2     | Games | Lead1 Win%  | Lead 2 Win% |

+ ---------- + ---------- + ----- + ----------- + ----------- +

| Tentacool  | Tentacool  |  18   |   50.00%    |   50.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Voltorb    |  10   |   80.00%    |   20.00%    |
| Golbat     | Tentacool  |   7   |   57.14%    |   42.86%    |
| Charmeleon | Tentacool  |   4   |   75.00%    |   25.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Clefairy   |   4   |   75.00%    |   25.00%    |
| Voltorb    | Charmeleon |   2   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Ivysaur    |   2   |   50.00%    |   50.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Meowth     |   2   |   50.00%    |   50.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Golbat     |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Rhyhorn    | Tentacool  |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Clefairy   | Golbat     |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Gloom      | Charmeleon |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Ivysaur    |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Beedrill   |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Pidgeotto  |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Rattata    |   1   |  100.00%    |    0.00%    |

+ ---------- + ---------- + ----- + ----------- + ----------- +

| Lead 1     | Lead 2     | Games | Lead1 Win%  | Lead 2 Win% |

+ ---------- + ---------- + ----- + ----------- + ----------- +

| Tentacool  | Tentacool  |  12   |   50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Golbat     | Tentacool  |   6   |   50.00%   |   50.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Voltorb    |   4   |   75.00%   |   25.00%    |
| Charmeleon | Tentacool  |   3   |  100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Tentacool  | Clefairy   |   1   |  100.00%   |    0.00%    |
| Voltorb    | Charmeleon |   1   |  100.00%   |    0.00%    |
And finally, usage, leads, combos, and moves/teammates are complete for the tour! Usage and leads are by-round as well as top 16 and top 8, while I did combos and moves/teammates for full tour, top 16, and top 8. Next up resource hub updates - if you would like to help with resources such as mini analyses or sample teams let me know! I will be adding a Clef analysis by Gangsta Spongebob soon and writing more of my own.
TBH omanyte is probably too overcentralizing but dratini with agiliwrap ban is kinda mid, shrew is just rhyhorn 2, and diglett is a nice revenge killer that doesnt hit hard enough to be broken

Sandshrew isnt weak to Fighting or Ground, isnt 4x Bubblebeam weak (so always a 3hko for Meowth), and is faster, so it 1v1s Rhyhorn and Meowth and has a generally slightly better matchup spread vs a lot of things in exchange for a worse matchup into Charmeleon, mainly (which Rhyhorn is already not great at checking).

Omanyte is definitely meta breaking, the others I'm cool with testing in smaller tours if we can get a mini-circuit or be part of a RBY Lowtiers Circuit (stay tuned for me continuing to lobby for that). Ideally I'd like 7U to get a couple small Swiss tours and a big tour like the first one each year, and the Swiss tours could be a spot to try things like a Cray ban or testing the 6U D-tiers.

Also, still updating the analyses! Thanks to Gangsta Spongebob for writing a bunch recently.
Alright, it has to be asked: What is up with the B+ mons, Beedrill, Farfetch and Shellder?

The way I see it they're the ones that need discussion the most - everything above them is unarguably good and viable, everything below is, for the most part, jank. Not terrible mons per se, but mons with big flaws and really hard to pull off in a competitive scenario.
With that in mind the B+ mons stand out as being particularly worthy of discussion - I don't believe Beedrill to be viable at all and think Shellder is a great mon while I've seen people swear by the bee.

I'll start with my favorite, Shellder.
Shellder should be played like an elite assasin: Find your targets, kill them, then leave.
A really really big part of 7U is threat assessment: Which enemies are top priority to kill, which can be picked last and who will kill who. Unlike a mon like Meowth or Golbat who can be assigned to kill anyone Shellder has very specific targets: Rhyhorn and Charmeleon. Sometimes Blizz can also hit a Golbat or Ivy switching in for good damage, which is nice, but Shell can't stay in.
And of course, after taking out the targets or wearing them down Shell can let out Explosion to finish something off. Shell can go 1-for-1 by killing Charmeleon but go 1-for-2 when using Explosion then following it up by Meowth. In a meta as fast and trade-oriented as 7U being able to go 1-for-2 like this is huuuuge and game winning. Shellder's power increases even further if they have Rhyhorn, potentially going 3-for-1.

What do you all think?
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Just a couple notes before I reply to the above post:
1. I meant to rename the ranks to more accurately reflect community opinion; that's now been done and ultimately since we aren't making an 8U the rank names are aesthetic, but this might be a bit less misleading for newer players. The labels on one graph are a bit off as a result but they're ultimately also aesthetic, and the important thing is the divisions between ranks, not the label on it.
2. Added art by The Faz! It's quite cool, thanks for making it!

Now onto the actual post: The big issue with Shellder to me is because so many things 3HKO it or come very close (1-2 wraps away from it), its so hard to get it in more than one time to absorb a hit, which means the boom becomes really predictable. To me the use for Shellder comes when the opponent loses something positionally if they play around boom, but this requires that you're basically already ahead and have a solid grasp of the position (for example, forcing out a setup sweeper is good, but how often will you get that chance?).

As for the bee and the bird, I see them as doing the same thing - you get them in on something that can't ruin them, boost once, go to town. Farfetch'd is incredibly simple - you get it in on Ivysaur/Gloom/whatever weakened mon in an endgame, click Agility, and that's usually the entirety of it. Beedrill has more interesting and nuanced positional play since it has coverage and since it lacks the raw damage to afford to just click Agility, so I usually go 3 attacks + Swords Dance and look to remove Charmeleon/Hitmonchan and weaken other potential checks before Bee cleans up. Sometimes I use Bee midgame as a pivot to bait in something like Char for a double, or use it just to trade hits and weaken things, but honestly I think Beedrill is just not very good in great part due to how weak it is unboosted. Farfetch'd just needs Rhyhorn removed then post-sleep its a terror that inherently will always trade well, Beedrill needs power but also needs speed control to work. Beedrill is surely better than the mons in lower VR ranks but I don't think that says much.
Okay so like

Charmeleon Fire Blast vs. Ivysaur: 231-272 (71.5 - 84.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Charmeleon Flamethrower vs. Ivysaur: 185-218 (57.2 - 67.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Charmeleon Slash vs. Ivysaur on a critical hit: 99-117 (30.6 - 36.2%) -- 53.6% chance to 3HKO

Why are we running Slash / Fblast / Counter / Fire Spin in Charmeleon? Fire Spin does basically nothing, is never clicked and 30% of the time loses you the game on the spot when you try to click it. It's only useful on very, very specific endgames where you need to pivot but can't do so safely but in my experience that doesn't happen nearly as often as a Charmeleon having to face against an Ivy.

And even then it has a 30% chance to miss!!!

I feel like switching Fire Spin for Flamethrower is a much better moveset. This means that when you face against Ivy you guarantee the 2HKO; with FBlast you had a 15% chance of missing and it becoming a 3HKO (FBlast into Slash always 2HKOs btw, you're only worried about missing the first attack). Since FBlast 2HKOs I've seen a lot of healthy Ivys vs a Charm try to Sleep Powder or Body Slam for status since they're guaranteed to survive a hit, in order to roll the dice and status a important attacker, Charm.

Havinhg this interaction be consistent for the Charm player seems VERY nice; am I missing some insane Fire Spin tech? In endgame positions vs Rhyhorn FBlasting often works just as well and vs Tenta you can Slash and have Meowth or Golbat clean up. Fire Spin genuinely feels terrible to click every time, even when it suceeds; am I missing something here, or is this just better?
Big news - sample teams have been added to the original post and the resource document, and analyses for every single VR ranked mon except Venonat are done (that one's a WIP, done soon)! Check out the new resources, there's 14 sample teams that should all be pretty usable in the current meta though a few are a little more matchup-heavy or risky.
What about Magnemite?

It only has one weakness, ground, which is only two mons.
It has Thunder Wave, a pretty solid status move, it has pretty good defensive stats
It may be slow but I still think it could be solid
Walled by any ground as well as by either grass = most games it’s free entry for sleep, and lack of boom and low speed mean it doesn’t have the Orb niche of outspeeding and paralyzing big threats then exploding later. It’s a D rank at best IMO and that seems generous.
Does Charmeleon lead really deserve to have sample teams?

Yes? It still beats every other lead or goes even while Tentacool has a lot more to fear from Hitmonchan or Voltorb or even Golbat. Tent has good switch-ins to all of these but Charmeleon switching out to Tent if against opposing Tent is also fine.