Tournaments RBYPL V - Admin Decisions

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shit the world
is a Social Media Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Dedicated Tournament Host
Other post had too many messages so moving decisions here:
Links to the original post's decisions:
Format discussion

This post decisions:
Auction Time

Retains and Manager Self-buys:

Mighty Magmars
have retained / self-bought the following players:
Serpi for 27k
Melbelle for 10k
royzin for 13k

Remaining credits: 27k + 10k + 13k - 130k = 80k

Pampu Primeapes have retained / self-bought the following players:
Manager self-buys:
BeeOrSomething for 15k

gastlies for 16k

Remaining credits: 15k + 16k - 130k = 99k

Glacial Articunos have retained / self-bought the following players:
Manager self-buys:
Sabelette for 15k

Isza for 16k

Remaining credits: 15k + 16k - 130k = 99k

Carapinga Caterpies have retained / self-bought the following player:
Manager self-buys:
Kenix for 15k

RaiZen1704 for 15.5k
King Billu for 10k

Remaining credits: 15k + 15.5k + 10k - 130k = 89.5k

Washed Wartortleshave retained / self-bought the following players:
Manager self-buys:
Sceptross and nicole7735 for 40k

NotVeryCake for 11.5k

Remaining credits: 40k + 11.5k - 130k = 78.5k

Current Team Size / Auction Credits
Pampu Primeapes: 99k / 2 players
Glacial Articunos: 99k / 2 players
Mighty Magmars: 80k / 3 players
Carapinga Caterpies: 89.5k / 3 players
Ding Dang Dewgongs: 106.5k / 2 players
Washed Wartortles: 78.5k / 3 players
Last edited:
Re: Bo5

For UU, NU, and PU, default format is Best of 5. However, if both sides agree before the first game is played, and it is clearly stated in chat at the start of game 1, a gentleman's agreement may be made for Best of 3. Other formats remain unchanged.
Re: Schedule

The Schedule for RBYPL V Regular Season is below:

Week 1:
:articuno: Glacial Articunos vs Mighty Magmars :magmar:
:dewgong: Ding Dang Dewgongs vs Pampu Primeapes :primeape:
:wartortle: Washed Wartortles vs Carapinga Caterpies :caterpie:

Week 2:
:articuno: Glacial Articunos vs Pampu Primeapes :primeape:
:dewgong: Ding Dang Dewgongs vs Washed Wartortles :wartortle:
:magmar: Mighty Magmars vs Carapinga Caterpies :caterpie:

Week 3:
:articuno: Glacial Articunos vs Carapinga Caterpies :caterpie:
:magmar: Mighty Magmars vs Ding Dang Dewgongs :dewgong:
:primeape: Pampu Primeapes vs Washed Wartortles :wartortle:

Week 4:
:articuno: Glacial Articunos vs Washed Wartortles :wartortle:
:dewgong: Ding Dang Dewgongs vs Carapinga Caterpies :caterpie:
:magmar: Mighty Magmars vs Pampu Primeapes :primeape:

Week 5:
:articuno: Glacial Articunos vs Ding Dang Dewgongs :dewgong:
:magmar: Mighty Magmars vs Washed Wartortles :wartortle:
:primeape: Pampu Primeapes vs Carapinga Caterpies :caterpie:


Auction Results
Re: Melbelle
A few days ago, Melbelle left the Mighty Magmars's teamcord without notice and has, to our knowledge, cut off contact from the rest of the team. After few days with zero contact, her managers have elected to sell her back and pick PKMN Master™ as a replacement for the remainder of RBYPL V

Melbelle will be barred from joining RBYPL VI and will be infracted for unsportsmanlike conduct

Re: Stage 2 schedule
This is the schedule for stage two of RBYPL V:

Week 6:
:dewgong: Ding Dang Dewgongs vs Glacial Articunos :articuno:
:magmar: Mighty Magmars vs Pampu Primeapes :primeape:

Week 7:
:dewgong: Ding Dang Dewgongs vs Mighty Magmars :magmar:
:primeape: Pampu Primeapes vs Glacial Articunos :articuno:

Week 8:
:dewgong: Ding Dang Dewgongs vs Pampu Primeapes :primeape:
:articuno: Glacial Articunos vs Mighty Magmars :magmar:
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