Real Life Applications of Pokemon

The massive shooting nearby has got me thinking: would it be different if Pokémon were real? Sure, without Pokéballs, it's probably be too inconvenient anyways. It'd be like always carrying a gun, or walking an attack dog everywhere you go.
But the idea of a random Pokémon putting an end to a shooter, while controversial, does beg the question? Would it probably result in random Rattatas and Bidoofs getting shot along with their masters? Or getting electrocuted, charbroiled, or turned into wet hamburger before the police arrived?
I think I'd feel far safer if I had my favorite Rotom following me around.

Ending this on a more pleasant note: everyday I'm working at Publix, I wish I had a Rotom-Fan or Rotom-Fridge to follow me out into the hot sun, either to give me a nice, constant breeze, or keep my favorite drinks within constant reach. And maybe a Psychic type to float me where I need to go, so I can give my feet a break every now and then. I know that is still a reiteration of my post 3 spots up, but...yeah.

Though I guess there would be possible consequences. I'd imagine trainers or owners who have the right Pokémon (such as Machop for lifting packages. Bet my boss would find that sort of help real appealing for the back stock and unloading room!) might have a far better chance to get hired (actually, I imagine trainers might find work far easier to find), while those who have Pokémon who like to get into all sorts of mischief might find themselves in trouble, even in a laid back place like where I work!
Something tells me if Danger: High-Voltage were real, he'd definitely try possessing the various machines in the store if he got bored (he is mischievous after all, according to the summary), and people getting surprised or startled would get real old, real fast. It's be even worse if one of the patrons got hurt due to one of his pranks. That would be an unusual way to get fired: can't control your pets at work.
The massive shooting nearby has got me thinking: would it be different if Pokémon were real? Sure, without Pokéballs, it's probably be too inconvenient anyways. It'd be like always carrying a gun, or walking an attack dog everywhere you go.
But the idea of a random Pokémon putting an end to a shooter, while controversial, does beg the question? Would it probably result in random Rattatas and Bidoofs getting shot along with their masters? Or getting electrocuted, charbroiled, or turned into wet hamburger before the police arrived?
I think I'd feel far safer if I had my favorite Rotom following me around.

Ending this on a more pleasant note: everyday I'm working at Publix, I wish I had a Rotom-Fan or Rotom-Fridge to follow me out into the hot sun, either to give me a nice, constant breeze, or keep my favorite drinks within constant reach. And maybe a Psychic type to float me where I need to go, so I can give my feet a break every now and then. I know that is still a reiteration of my post 3 spots up, but...yeah.

Though I guess there would be possible consequences. I'd imagine trainers or owners who have the right Pokémon (such as Machop for lifting packages. Bet my boss would find that sort of help real appealing for the back stock and unloading room!) might have a far better chance to get hired (actually, I imagine trainers might find work far easier to find), while those who have Pokémon who like to get into all sorts of mischief might find themselves in trouble, even in a laid back place like where I work!
Something tells me if Danger: High-Voltage were real, he'd definitely try possessing the various machines in the store if he got bored (he is mischievous after all, according to the summary), and people getting surprised or startled would get real old, real fast. It's be even worse if one of the patrons got hurt due to one of his pranks. That would be an unusual way to get fired: can't control your pets at work.
Pokemon control would be the new gun control. You would get some folks insisting that the only stop to a bad guy with a Pokemon is a good guy with a Pokemon. You would get some people who would want all Pokemon banned, some others who would want restrictions/bans on more powerful ones, and so on.
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I'm not sure if this counts as mini modding, and I'm really sorry if it does, but discussions like gun control and the like seem a bit... Ah... controversial and on a different plane than what we'd normally discuss. Again, sorry, and I don't mean to shut anyone down or censor or mini-mod but this just doesn't quite seem to be a good discussion topic
I'm not sure if this counts as mini modding, and I'm really sorry if it does, but discussions like gun control and the like seem a bit... Ah... controversial and on a different plane than what we'd normally discuss. Again, sorry, and I don't mean to shut anyone down or censor or mini-mod but this just doesn't quite seem to be a good discussion topic
I would say something like this, but then again, this kind of discussion is LITERALLY the plot of Pokemon Black and White - cause Pokemon control then kill naive son and rule region. I feel like that's the extent to which should be discussed.
Yeah, I figured it'd be controversial. But lets face it, body guarding might inevitably end up taking a good portion of use by citizens if Pokémon and Pokéballs were real.

I'll leave it up to the moderators.
If you ask me about the real life applications that players can get in this series, it sums up in one word: Cultures.

How so? Not all pokemon in the entire franchise are designed for a specific group of interests. Some may stick with the cute and adorable pokemon being treated like pets in Pokemon Amie. Other love being with the forgotten pokemon that almost never gets any love. Others love having reliable pokemon for certain goals (just like Smogon, viable battle mons).

For a few, they turn it to a hobby or business of interests:
a. Rappers and Musicians (think of remixing Pokemon Music from GlitchCity and Pokemon Rappers like Shofu)
b. Pokemon Merchandise Makers (Pokemon related Plushies and T-shirt Designers)
c. Video Makers (The Poketubers and Lets Players can make unviable competitive Pokemon into Superstars)
d. Artists (Pokemon Fanart) and Fanfic Writers (example, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Victory Fire is one of the recent iconic PMD Fan comics as of recent)
e. GTS Traders (trades shiny Pokemon or breed Competitive Viable Pokemon, or simply get a mon for Dex completion)
f. Sport Battlers (Like Smogon and the Other Metagames Format)

There is no culture that is always right. Importantly, some cultures with superiority complex could use the inspiration of this franchise as a way of saying that they must respect all forms of beliefs whether they agree or disagree with something while knowing that not everything is equal.
Again, trying to think of things. I studied things and I saw that corals can be used as natural source of hydroxyapatite and stuffs for bone graft.

Now, Corsola is able to grow off her broken branch in one night. This makes me think they are very abundant source of natural biomaterial. Bone graft technology and therapeutic orthopaedics would easily advance with this little coral critter.
Seeing how it goes with Slowpoke Tail though, this will be heavily regulated by Pokemon Legislative Group. I wonder if medical community will clash with Pokemon legislatives.

Now what other things can be natural biomaterial source (without hurting them much)?
... can we possibly also use Slowpoke Tail as xenograft material?
I had also once posted helping Pokemon in medical setting such as Luxray? in medical imaging and happiness-related 'mon for patient's mental state and quality of life. And other things like Cresselia~~ suggesting help for mute people with telepathic Psychics.
Yup, imagine the potentials in medicine and biomedics. This actually makes me excited and wish they're real.
I am legitimately suprised noone has used the joke in an animation of the trainer smoking somethin g like a Vileplume head or Roserade hand
Because that's stupid, and it's dumb.

It's also a really narrow-minded and overly difficult route. Why train up and mutilate a fully-evolved Pokemon when you can just borrow the Shellder thing from a Slowbro for a few moments? If the brief flash pain isn't a good idea, just extracting whatever it pumps into the Slowpoke would work as well.

Speaking of drugs, it's been noted elsewhere that Weedle, with its acute sense of smell, could be used similarly to a drug-sniffing dog. In other words, the police could use Weedles to leave you weedless. That was a terrible pun and also stolen I am sorry

On a darker note, various mind-controllers, such as Aegislash, could very well be used to set up and enforce totalitarian regimes. Good thing trainers in the game continuity seem immune to mind control, heh.

On the topic of Ghost-types, Rotom are potential ways to break through digital security, but what I think is neglected is their potential use as, well, digital security. After all, it's pretty hard to hack a ghost (citation needed), and a Rotom in a machine is stronger than a Rotom outside of one.
Because that's stupid, and it's dumb.

It's also a really narrow-minded and overly difficult route. Why train up and mutilate a fully-evolved Pokemon when you can just borrow the Shellder thing from a Slowbro for a few moments? If the brief flash pain isn't a good idea, just extracting whatever it pumps into the Slowpoke would work as well.

Speaking of drugs, it's been noted elsewhere that Weedle, with its acute sense of smell, could be used similarly to a drug-sniffing dog. In other words, the police could use Weedles to leave you weedless. That was a terrible pun and also stolen I am sorry

On a darker note, various mind-controllers, such as Aegislash, could very well be used to set up and enforce totalitarian regimes. Good thing trainers in the game continuity seem immune to mind control, heh.

On the topic of Ghost-types, Rotom are potential ways to break through digital security, but what I think is neglected is their potential use as, well, digital security. After all, it's pretty hard to hack a ghost (citation needed), and a Rotom in a machine is stronger than a Rotom outside of one.
Yeah I know it was dumb. It was just a random inside joke I came up when talking to my friends about Pokemon.
Because that's stupid, and it's dumb.

It's also a really narrow-minded and overly difficult route. Why train up and mutilate a fully-evolved Pokemon when you can just borrow the Shellder thing from a Slowbro for a few moments? If the brief flash pain isn't a good idea, just extracting whatever it pumps into the Slowpoke would work as well.

Speaking of drugs, it's been noted elsewhere that Weedle, with its acute sense of smell, could be used similarly to a drug-sniffing dog. In other words, the police could use Weedles to leave you weedless. That was a terrible pun and also stolen I am sorry

On a darker note, various mind-controllers, such as Aegislash, could very well be used to set up and enforce totalitarian regimes. Good thing trainers in the game continuity seem immune to mind control, heh.

On the topic of Ghost-types, Rotom are potential ways to break through digital security, but what I think is neglected is their potential use as, well, digital security. After all, it's pretty hard to hack a ghost (citation needed), and a Rotom in a machine is stronger than a Rotom outside of one.
Rotom can probably work like living program in a computer like say, Tron or Rockman/Megaman.exe. It is probably possible in a large supercomputer that a Rotom fights another one of a hacker.

This made me think, if Rotom is adapted to possess computers and other smart devices, they can help programmers a lot. Although a special platform or driver software is probably needed for communicating with it in human language. RotomDex is probably first successful advancement in this "Rotom in smart device."

About dictators, can't think aside that their regime won't be affiliated with the official Pokemon legislator body and would probably even be in war with it with the whole "nation" of official regions for reasons like abuse. That is probably thing of the past by now.
Yeah I know it was dumb. It was just a random inside joke I came up when talking to my friends about Pokemon.
Regardless, Shellder toxin seems like it would probably be the only real "new" recreational drug.

A Torterra, what with the fertile soil on its back and all, could be used as mobile farmland or such. Granted, given the likely inefficiency of such compared to just having a shitload of farmland, the most likely reason to would be if you were growing something illegal. Like drugs.
Rotom can probably work like living program in a computer like say, Tron or Rockman/Megaman.exe. It is probably possible in a large supercomputer that a Rotom fights another one of a hacker.

This made me think, if Rotom is adapted to possess computers and other smart devices, they can help programmers a lot. Although a special platform or driver software is probably needed for communicating with it in human language. RotomDex is probably first successful advancement in this "Rotom in smart device."

About dictators, can't think aside that their regime won't be affiliated with the official Pokemon legislator body and would probably even be in war with it with the whole "nation" of official regions for reasons like abuse. That is probably thing of the past by now.
Well, the main reason I would see for a Rotom is to stop unauthorized entry into the system in the first place. Since you can only pack one Rotom into a device (most likely?), but a multitude of Porygon (most likely), I'd say the defenses inside the system would consist of Porygon and Porygon-2 (a Porygon-Z would probably too unpredictable, but may also work). Also, probably some traditional security systems, because multi-layered defenses are always good., being a hacker in the Pokemon universe sounds fucking scary with the potential for a Rotom and/or some Porygon being in a system and attacking you directly.