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  • I can give you a clone of my Walking Wake for free if you'd want.
    Getting online now
    Didn't know if you had Iron Valiant. I figured you probably did, but at the very least, it would be a surprise better than some random Poke. Thank you so much! I really appreciate the trade! Also, I see that he already has EV training, which is great!!!
    Heh, I already have all in-game dexes done, but I appreciate the ball it's on.
    Your DItto is sent!
    I see that! Thank you again! I'm sure I'll be getting much use out of it!
    I love all the exclamation marks in the election thread

    You're a very passinate dude
    Sorry if I went overboard! Yeah, I'm very passionate when it comes to politics!
    I apologize for the behavior of my fellow moderator. Your posts were somewhat off-topic and I believe the deletion was justified, but whether we share your beliefs or not should not matter in whether you get to post them or not. You should not have to worry about posts being deleted or you receiving an infraction for stating criticism towards vaccinations as long as they remain on-topic.
    I'm sorry that you had to apologize for him (and I don't think you should have had to apologize for vonFiedler's rude behavior. He should have done that himself, but I think he either didn't see it as rude, or thought I being being rude pain in the ass intentionally, for whatever reason), but I'm grateful for the gesture.

    I won't disagree with my posts getting off topic, and the deletion itself wasn't unjustified, and again, I apologize for that. It was never my intention to be a pain in the ass!

    And I'll try to avoid being laissez faire when it comes to letting things go off topic, especially that I now know how seriously it is treated.
    Frankly, I think it's rude and disrespectful on a forum that is probably half autist to spout this bullshit. "You shouldn't need to choose between autism and death" cause they're both just such fucking tragedies amirite?

    You were already in the wrong for derailing the thread hard AS YOU DO, repeatedly bringing it back up should be grounds for an infraction but I'll let it go if you will.
    (continued due to character limit)
    Look, we're getting nowhere with this, and our relationship is just becoming more antagonistic, so I think it is best for me to respect your opinion, and you to respect mine, and just let it go once and for all.

    As for derailing the thread: did I start it? No. But did I have a role in it? Yes, I definitely won't deny that.

    I suggested three times that we just start a new thread rather than continuing to drag the current thread off topic.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing I should have taken charge and started a new thread for each subject, rather than continuing to derail the thread at hand. Especially since things kept on getting out of hand every time someone brought up a new argument point, and I felt a natural need to explain and defend my stance, and the same way I tried to defend my stance when you called it total bull.

    I hope you'll at least understand that, even though it was the wrong thing to do.

    Did I always want to get in the last word? Again, yes. Guilty as charged.

    And for that, all of that, I apologize, and will do better in the future to not let things get out of control.
    (continued due to character limit)
    All I ask for in return is to not call things bullshit when I've taken some time to actually research them, because that is quite frankly hurtful, and comes off as arrogant, which I'm sure is unintentional, and to be fair, I probably came off as arrogant (and perhaps ignorant) to you all well. Nobody is infallible.

    And finally, I hope you won't stay mad at me. I'd prefer a friendly relationship, even though our opinions might strongly differ.
    Edit: I'm guessing it was the last teasing comment (which was supposed to be the comment that was supposed to end the subject. Then again, so was my response to you which you deleted) that might have had a role in getting you pissed off at me.

    It was done partially because being a friendly teaser is a defense mechanism of mine for coping with people who strongly disagree with me, tease me, call me names, or throw curse words my way.

    I just wanted to apologize if doing so in this case was part of the reason you got so mad at me.

    I booted back up my computer after shutting it down just to make sure that the air was cleared on that account!
    I get what you're saying. I dont feel the need to prove anything , though. I certainly don't see people flocking with proof to disprove it.
    OLD GREGG (im back baby)
    OLD GREGG (im back baby)
    Agenda 21 gives countries Stalin-like control over its populations food.
    What, you mean like giving Monsanto the power to purchase/take over all the remaining organic food production we have access to buy, and force us to eat either GMO poison or starve, while the elites only have access to healthy organics?

    Then again, I guess I'd have to look up what control Stalin had over food production in the first place to fully understand.
    Edit: you must mean triggering a martial law event, and then nationalizing all food sources. Maybe this is also why some people see communism or socialism as a threat, rather than as potentially beneficial. And it does indeed show the WRONG way to implement it by the furthest extreme!

    I'm reading this right now:

    This must be the closest thing to what Agenda 21 would look like if successfully implemented. But it would make armed insurrection inevitable.

    I'd almost feel sorry for any police or soldiers sent in to enforce it, especially in the South. Red necks are especially crazy!
    Are you literally liking all of my posts in the Sun/Moon thread? I'm not complaining, just curious. lol
    Nelson Tangela
    Nelson Tangela
    Thank you. xD
    You're welcome, and NP. :)
    I think it's also probably more noticeable, since I'm having to catch up on all of the Sun and Moon posts en mass.
    Probably makes it look like I'm liking every post you've typed for the last few days! XD
    Happy belated birthday!
    Thank you very much! And I don't mind that it's belated, I really appreciate the gesture! :)
    happy birthday
    Thanks you. I really appreciate it you taking the time to come here and type this. :)
    "preferably, there will be a non-conspiracy source of research to support the notion"

    Why? Why is this preferable? Why are you looking for confirmation for something you have no reason to think has any? Looking specifically for something's confirmation is the height of logical error.
    You say you're not a conspiracy theorist, but that's almost all you ever talk about, and I'm certain people aren't taking you seriously as a result. This is only personal advice, but I really think you shouldn't pepper your posts in serious threads with this stuff.
    What I mean is that there will be some form of research or journalistic source to indicate validity, or some form of bread crumbs to follow, because if there is something I've learned about conspiracy theories, it's that it is like a puzzle, with clues and indications they might be more than just theories.

    And I think conspiracy theorists get such a bad rap.
    And if you think I try to distance myself from conspiracy theories unless I have evidence on hand, then you're right.

    I don't want to come off as nuts, or worse: biased (I guess the fact I consider being biased worse than being crazy probably speaks somewhat about my character, hahaha).

    But yes, I don't disconsider conspiracy theories. Guilty as charged.
    You can already tell me to because Fire Emblem Fates is only released here next month and Transformers are almost always held back till months later compared to the US
    It was meant more in jest, but whatever. And I meant IF Bacon Bird and Big Blue Bambi aren't released in the U.S.
    Well, sorta in jest, anyways.
    I see Gilvader haha nice :D
    Glad someone else here is familiar with Zoids! :D
    Yessir! Not being able to buy them anymore really did a number on me, I'm still trying to recover from the withdrawals >_<"
    Yeah, I can't get them very often anymore either. I get one occasionally, but it can be a depressingly costly hobby.
    yo I really like your locations thread n.n
    Thanks! I'm really glad you like it. :)
    You may want to check our private room on PS once, /join Kyoru. We're basically developing a game, and I always enjoy reading OI and getting ideas. Your thread specifically is really nice for imagining how you could get stuff, what is endangered, what is where etc. and has actually inspired me. (btw I can imagine a large Lapras population living in a large secluded mountainou slake.
    I've thought a similar line of thought for Mega Ditto! Just give it an ability that when it Transforms, the base stats of the target are treated as if they were 20 higher (so a Mega Ditto Transforming into Mew, for example,would have the BST of 48/120/120/120/120/120).
    Give me a holler whenever you're on, I really wanna get this done before you go so just hit me up
    no prob man you are a lifesaver

    also yeah I just happened to get a female first so yeah
    And all the proper IVs too. You didn't have to do that; I was planning on breeding what you traded me.

    But a keeper is a is keeper, and I'll raise her like I hatched her myself. Excellent choice of Egg Moves as well. I couldn't've bred a better one myself.
    haha the egg moves and ability and all that were from my friend I just bred it for IVs

    also wow I should keep that in mind for the future lol. I just assumed since the Aron was 5IV I should give 5IV too
    Just a word of advice, I seriously would not bother listing *anything* from wonder trade in your trading thread. People want to know the exact OT from where something has come from, so not only will you not get any offers, it also makes you look a little bit suss
    Yeah, I think I'll do that. I have a tendency to obey forum policies, even those I don't necessarily agree with 100%. I do always want to contribute in a positive manner, after all.

    That includes not listing shinies that are most certainly hacked.
    Ready to trade whenever you are man.
    Yeah, okay. Sorry I didn't see your message yesterday.
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