Set Up
Colres does not have much chance of rolling a mon who can deal with rocks, so bringing z-rock to see if we can set double rocks.
Reshiram is here to bbq genesect.
Hydreigon is here to beat up ghosts.
Spinda is here due to being generally strong.
Battle Start
Hmm. This looks pretty annoying.
I hadn't really understood how much ghosts screw with spinda.
Turns off counter, super power, fake out, + gollurk ignores spinda's accuracy game.
Good knowledge for the future about spinda's strengths and weaknesses.
Golurk is a bit of a problem. They are another pseudo fighting mon which makes them depressingly good vs hydreigon if they just spam dynamic punch. They are also good into spinda and Reshiram.
rotom is fairly whatever, hydreigon would be good into them, spinda and reshiram are fine.
Genesect, I very very much want geneset to meet up with reshiram. Failing that spinda is probably fine due to genesect not being a ghost.
I want
hydreigon vs gollurk
Spinda vs Rotom
Reshiram vs genesect (enough to counter swap into it no questions asked)
If I can trade out spinda or hydreigon for gollurk somehow that would be great, just get this guy out of here.
Round 1
Well, here is the gollurk.
Spinda with safety goggles. Does this do anything? it forces gollurk to actually play the acc game but I am 6 stat points down and still can't fake out. Does not seem ideal. I can't thief the weak pol without triggering it :/.
Hydreigon with safety goggles.
Has some potential. How many subs do i have? In theory I could do something like "if gollurk is to use a fighting attack use fly." "if gollurk is to use knock off use fly"
Worried that this looks quite fragile.
knock off, smack down, even if it works I don't see why it brings me advantage.
I could consider using a defensive item on hydreigon + roost? If my second order is good enough using roost to transition to second order could be good. There is one issue though which is hydreigon really wants to trade out for the gollurk. I need to get gollurk to 29 life, then reshiram threatens the 1 shot (choice specs).
Maybe if they are slightly higher I can still threaten 1 shot using a combo? or just z-force fire is 32 damage.
I could just commit to stealth rock plan with z-rock NOTE THAT HE CAN MAGIC BOUNCE THIS. Even though rotom has defog they take 24 to clear it and spend an action. how can I complain about that. especially when I have the potential to nix the defog with spinda disable or reshiram imprison.
I think I like the stealth rock plan, it seems the inherently most powerful line.
I would also love to get 3 hits on gollurk with hydreigon.
Even if I die if I hit 3 times for 21 damage that puts gollurk in critical damage range for reshiram.
hitting twice and making gollurk stand on rocks for re-entry would also be acceptable
Change of plans. I can't safely do the double rock line.I take 69 damage from dynamic punches, then deal 22 to myself from confusion and 8 from weak pol.paying a tech for extra rocks in order to die without doing 3 attacks is unacceptable, so I guess I am back to using safety goggles?probably a less hard counter version where I am fine with knock off but might still have a sub for fighting attack (not in combination?) and I am faster.
Round 2
Well, the good news is I found an order set that withstood the test of golurk just nuking me.
The mixed news is Novax ordered a move he didn't know and also I believe ordered fly without realising I could hit him while he is evasive due to no guard. A little bit awkward for battle integrity but I will take it. I think even if he did know the moves he ordered the state would be "fine", we could double ko with me first ordering in return for choosing the matchup, so broaldy we just play a 2 vs 2 with stealth rocks in play on both sides and I have removed the mon that scared me most.
I think I am likely to be drain punched a few times. Note to myself that hydro pump does more damage than dark pulse due to permanent rain, so that is quite likely to come up in order to hit break points if Novax heals.
Ok Novax swapped up his orders and swapped to rotom focus sash.
I prefered the previous version that let me remove golurk from the equation, sad. I have a premonition of this super potion being used during a focus sashed round, maybe I should be doing that to people more.
On the flip side til rotom wash has incredible typing, but not ghost typing, so spinda is live. Honestly "no one can hit se" is pretty good for spinda so they can stack up contrary.
I don't see a good reason to stay on hyderigon. What would I even do while in play? Focus sash is double sided here where it makes hydreigon useless but also gives me an easy entry on spinda where their life cannot really be punished.
Also it makes the round very very heavily around stealth rock/defog since attacks are muted. If the round is entirely determined on one move I would rather have first order so I can write something like "if defog this step and no other step this round, use protect."
Round 3
That went very well. Stopped the defog and gained more from the focus sash than rotom did, forcing some speculative accuracy status moves that I can maybe psy shift later.
rotom volt swapped to lock me in vs gollurk, but honestly I am happy to take the spinda second order here even vs gollurk so I can use my free tech. I only need to do 20 or so damage to make reshiram threaten the 1 shot so my objectives are pretty easy.
Novax covered the teeter dance but I still had access to dynamic or dizzy punch in combo, sing in combo, psycho shift giving him my para. A lot of options.
I used sing + fake tears into 2 shadow balls, but I do wonder if it should only have been 1 shadow ball since I was swapping into reshiram. I guess taking the 20 damage is safer vs counter swap though. Spinda is running out of en so they are kind of looking to trade hp from here on out.
Round 4
As discussed we are here to set up the reshiram with choice specs free first order.
It is a bit annoying if novax stays since with choice specs I can't really cover protect endure and super potion.
I was looking at something like "if protect then tail wind" "if super potion(rotom) then light screen" but I am not entirely thrilled if he just protects ~ potion ~ protect to ruin reshirams turn order, take 30 en and get a heal for 40, even if I end up with some buffs. Sad that reshiram does not get nasty plot/calm mind.
Instead novax countered swapped to rotom with lucky egg. Awkwardly I had not actually calced the lucky egg so I had to do a combo for +1 damage to get the 1 shot, but seems better than eating para + confusion. Even though I am spending my tech and novax still has all of his it is starting to get awkward for him to actually use it efficiently before the battle ends.
Round 5
Ok this time I am fighting the gollurk as I expected but it is a lot easier for a couple of reasons.
I can chill now which is actual value into the double protect.
He has no one to potion because rotom is gone. Comfy choice specs round.
Round 6 onwards
Ok I am going to try not to skip any actions, but reshiram should really beat genesect up 1 vs 1 due to faster speed and silly typing match up, and I have 2 more mon as back up if this somehow does not happen, so just going to order stuff.
Concluding Throughts
I am really happy with how my team performed. I was a bit scared at the start, but turns out rotom isn't a ghost which unlocked spinda.
Rocks is really good. I think people underestimate how hard it can be to clear rocks vs a determined opponent.
Hydreigon had the toughest job since no one wanted to fight gollurk, but they managed to set up rocks without going down 1 billion life so good performance.
Spinda had fun abusing their ability, fake out and free second order comboes. They are my mvp. Forcing rotom to swap out was huge, as was neutralizing gollurk afterwards.
Reshiram gets all the glory from ko'ing things but really they were just coasting on the set up from my other mon who set up colres's team to be knocked down like bowling pins.
I have no idea who gets z-moves. Can spinda use any of them with free tech?